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Search Results for 'notification user id'

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  • Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Set your users to the Contributor role, not Editor. Contributors can write drafts, but can’t publish.

    I also want these people to receive notifications every time a new post is published.

    If you specifically mean notifications inside BuddyPress, I’m not aware of any plugins that do this. You’ll have to write something yourself. If you mean notifications more generally, consider using the Jetpack plugin — users can subscribe to your site, and receive email updates when a post is published.

    Regardless of what type of notification you meant, you’ll probably have to write some custom code to get it to send a message to your users when e.g. you promote them to Editor.



    this is a code I use personally, but requires you to edit the bp-groups-actions.php, sorry i do not know how to write function.

    open buddypress/bp-groups/bp-groups-actions.php

    around line 150

    After this line:
    `do_action( ‘groups_group_create_complete’, $bp->groups->new_group_id );`

    Add this code:
    $name= bp_core_get_username(bp_loggedin_user_id());
    $groupname = bp_get_new_group_name(bp_get_new_group_id());
    $groupurl = bp_get_group_permalink( $bp->groups->current_group );
    $subject = “$name created new group $groupname”;
    $body = “$name created new group $groupname, visit $groupurl”;
    mail($to, $subject, $body);

    That’s it, when a user hit the Finish create group button this code will send to the email stated address with the newly created group link. use at your own risk. Hope someone better can create a theme function or a plugin for this.

    This is needed to keep track of newly created groups to alert you if spammers are creating groups to spam.

    Hope it helps.


    I did find this one: Tagged User Notification It seems to be working so far.

    black key

    // the problem with your code:
    $bp->bp_like->slug = ‘bp_like’;
    function bp_like_setup_globals() {
    global $bp, $current_blog;
    $bp->bp_like=new stdClass();
    $bp->bp_like->id = ‘bp-like’;
    $bp->bp_like->slug = ‘bp_like’;
    $bp->bp_like->notification_callback = ‘bp_like_format_notifications’;
    $bp->active_components[$bp->bp_like->slug] = $bp->bp_like->id;
    do_action( ‘bp_like_setup_globals’ );
    add_action( ‘bp_setup_globals’, ‘bp_like_setup_globals’ );

    function bp_like_format_notifications( $action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items,$format=’string’) {
    global $bp;
    $activity = new BP_Activity_Activity( $activity_id );
    $link=ac_notifier_activity_get_permalink2( $activity_id );

    //si c’est le posteur d’origine, dites que vous êtes, d’autre dire de% s après
    $text=sprintf(__(“%s’s”), bp_core_get_user_displayname ($activity->user_id));//quelqu’un
    $also=” also”;

    //if ( (int)$total_items > 1 ) {
    // $users=ac_notifier_find_involved_persons($activity_id);
    $total_user= $count=count($users);//montrent de nombreux utilisateurs uniques ont commenté
    $users=array_slice($users, $count-2);//simplement indiquer le nom de deux affiches, le repos doit être aussi et ‘n’ autre a également commenté
    $glue=”, “;
    else if($total_user==2)
    $glue=” xxxxxxxxx “;//si il ya 2 utilisateurs uniques, disons x et y commenté

    foreach((array)$users as $user_id)
    $user_names[]=bp_core_get_user_displayname ($user_id);

    $commenting_users=join ($glue, $user_names);

    $text=$commenting_users.” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx “.$count.” xxxxxxxxx”.$also.” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on “.$text. ” post”;//peut-on changer la poste à quelque chose de significatif en fonction de l’élément d’activité?
    $text=$commenting_users.$also .” xxxxxxxxxxxx on “.$text. ” post”;

    return apply_filters( ‘bp_activity_multiple_new_likes_notification’, ‘‘ . $text . ‘‘);
    return array(‘link’=>$link,
    return false;



    In reply to: Notification Alert

    Tammie Lister

    Whilst I’ve not used it may be useful for this – not sure if updated. I’d say you want to show as a number on top of a png background right? Writing to a png is a whole another story 🙂


    Too bad about the release timing, but good work David.

    David Hunt

    Well, after being driven almost bonkers, I have solved this — and found what I think is a bug in BuddyPress 1.6.1.

    I went with @shanebpx’s great suggestion of using a get_var query:

    $content_id = $args['id'];
    global $wpdb;
    $content = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT content FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."bp_activity WHERE id = %d;", $content_id ) );
    $message .= wpautop($content);

    However, I was baffled by the fact that $content kept coming up empty. Until I finally took a look at how BuddyPress was calling do_action( 'bp_before_activity_delete', $args ); in /bp-activity/bp-activity-functions.php:

    if ( !$activity_ids_deleted = BP_Activity_Activity::delete( $args ) )
    return false;

    // Check if the user's latest update has been deleted
    if ( empty( $args['user_id'] ) )
    $user_id = $bp->loggedin_user->id;
    $user_id = $args['user_id'];

    do_action( 'bp_before_activity_delete', $args );

    Yup, it’s apparently doing the bp_before_activity_delete action after BP_Activity_Activity::delete!

    I have edited my copy of /bp-activity/bp-activity-functions.php to put the do_action before the deletion.

    do_action( 'bp_before_activity_delete', $args );
    if ( !$activity_ids_deleted = BP_Activity_Activity::delete( $args ) )
    return false;

    // Check if the user's latest update has been deleted
    if ( empty( $args['user_id'] ) )
    $user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id();
    $user_id = $args['user_id'];

    and at last, my email function works!

    Now, how do I go about submitting this as a bug…?


    Yeah, those fields will be empty unless the values are passed by whatever is calling the function that has the do_action ‘bp_before_activity_delete’

    Iffy, but try adding this to the top of your function:
    global $activities_template;

    and then revert to:
    $message .= bp_get_activity_content_body();

    There is definitely some BP way to get the activity content… sometimes it takes some real searching.

    And since the activity id is being passed, there is always the custom query approach.
    If you don’t know how to do that, take a look at $wpdb and get_var

    The query will something like this:
    $content_id = $args[‘id’];
    $content = $wpdb->get_var( “SELECT content FROM wp_bp_activity WHERE id = $content_id” );

    David Hunt

    I guess the delete button only passes user_id and id to $args…

    David Hunt

    @shanebpx: Thanks for that suggestion — it’s beautifully simple. Unfortunately, it appear as though $args['content'] is empty? (But there’s definitely content in the test activity I am deleting!)

    For debugging, I tried $message .= print_r($args, true);, which gave:

    [id] => 31
    [action] =>
    [content] =>
    [component] =>
    [type] =>
    [primary_link] =>
    [user_id] => 52
    [item_id] =>
    [secondary_item_id] =>
    [date_recorded] =>
    [hide_sitewide] =>

    I admit I’m a little bewildered as to why all those values appear empty.

    Andrew Tibbetts

    Okaaay, the plugin IS working. Does anyone know why an entry in wp_bp_notifications would not be showing up in notifications?

    entry in wp_bp_notifications:

    id user_id item_id secondary_item_id component_name component_action date_notified is_new

    196 4 209 0 pc_notifier new_post_comment_209 2012-12-07 17:08:16 1

    User id#3 is creating the comment and user id#4 is not receiving the notification in the top bar. Anyone know why?

    Andrew Tibbetts

    Ok, I think I’ve narrowed it down to this function in the plugin. I know that the function that it is hooking into works. Anyone know why this would fail?

    function pc_notifier_notify($activity_id) {
    global $bp;

    $activity = new BP_Activity_Activity($activity_id);
    $comment = get_comment($activity->secondary_item_id);
    $users = pc_notifier_find_involved_persons($comment->comment_post_ID);
    $link = get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID);

    if($activity->hide_sitewide) return;

    if(!in_array($activity->user_id, $users)&&($bp->loggedin_user->id!=$activity->user_id)) array_push ($users, $activity->user_id);

    foreach((array)$users as $user_id){
    bp_core_add_notification( $activity_id, $user_id, $bp->pc_notifier->id, 'new_post_comment_'.$activity_id );

    add_action("bp_blogs_comment_recorded","pc_notifier_notify",10,1); // hook to bp_blogs_comment_recorded for adding notification

    Andrew Tibbetts

    Actually, this function is working—it is creating activity items based on blog posts and comments. I found out that it’s my custom plugin that is supposed to hook into this custom post or comment action to create a notification. Here is the plugin. I know no one will even try to tackle this but I have to post this because it’s my only option and I one for due diligence…

    * Plugin Name:BuddyPress Post Comment Notifier
    * Description: Mod of Brajesh Singh's BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier to work for Blog Post Comments

    // we are not much concerned with the slug, it is not visible

    //register a dummy notifier component, I don't want to do it, but bp has no other mechanism for passing the notification data to function, so we need the format_notification_function
    function pc_notifier_setup_globals() {
    global $bp, $current_blog;
    $bp->pc_notifier=new stdClass();
    $bp->pc_notifier->id = 'pc_notifier';//I asume others are not going to use this is
    $bp->pc_notifier->slug = BP_COMMENT_NOTIFIER_SLUG;
    $bp->pc_notifier->notification_callback = 'pc_notifier_format_notifications';//show the notification
    /* Register this in the active components array */
    $bp->active_components[$bp->pc_notifier->slug] = $bp->pc_notifier->id;

    do_action( 'pc_notifier_setup_globals' );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_globals', 'pc_notifier_setup_globals' );

    * storing notification for users
    * notify all the users who have commented, or who was the original poster of the update, when someone comments
    * hook to bp_blogs_comment_recorded action
    function pc_notifier_notify($activity_id) {
    global $bp;

    $activity = new BP_Activity_Activity($activity_id);
    $comment = get_comment($activity->secondary_item_id);
    $users = pc_notifier_find_involved_persons($comment->comment_post_ID);
    $link = get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID);

    if($activity->hide_sitewide) return;

    if(!in_array($activity->user_id, $users)&&($bp->loggedin_user->id!=$activity->user_id)) array_push ($users, $activity->user_id);

    foreach((array)$users as $user_id){
    bp_core_add_notification( $activity_id, $user_id, $bp->pc_notifier->id, 'new_post_comment_'.$activity_id );

    add_action("bp_blogs_comment_recorded","pc_notifier_notify",10,1); // hook to bp_blogs_comment_recorded for adding notification

    /** our notification format function which shows notification to user
    * @global $bp
    * @param $action
    * @param $activity_id
    * @param $secondary_item_id
    * @param $total_items
    * @return
    * @since 1.0.2
    * @desc format and show the notification to the user
    function pc_notifier_format_notifications( $action, $activity_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items, $format='string' ) {

    global $bp;
    $glue = '';
    $user_names = array();
    $activity = new BP_Activity_Activity( $activity_id );
    $comment = get_comment($activity->secondary_item_id);
    $link = get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID);
    $comment_post = get_post($comment->comment_post_ID);

    if ( $activity->user_id == $bp->loggedin_user->id ) $text = __("your post");
    else $text = sprintf(__("%s"), $comment_post->post_title);

    $pc_action = 'new_post_comment_'.$activity_id;

    if ( $action == $pc_action ) {

    $users = pc_notifier_find_involved_persons($comment->comment_post_ID);

    $total_user = $count = count($users);//how many unique users have commented

    if ( $count > 2 ) {
    $users = array_slice($users, $count-2);//just show name of two poster, rest should be as and 'n' other also commeted
    $count = $count-2;
    $glue=", ";
    else if ( $total_user == 2 ) $glue = " and ";//if there are 2 unique users , say x and y commented

    foreach ( (array)$users as $user_id )
    $user_names[] = bp_core_get_user_displayname($user_id);

    if ( !empty($user_names) )
    $commenting_users = join($glue,$user_names);

    if ( $total_user > 2 )
    $text = $commenting_users." and ".$count." others commented on ".$comment_post->post_title;
    $text = $commenting_users." commented on ".$comment_post->post_title;

    if ( $format == 'string' )
    return apply_filters('bp_activity_multiple_new_comment_notification','comment_ID.'">'.$text.'');
    else {
    $link .= '#comment-'.$comment->comment_ID;
    return array('link'=>$link,'text'=>$text);


    return false;


    * Remove activity for the comments on new_blog_post & new_blog_comment activity item.
    * Since these items do not have a single activity view and are linked to the single post screen, we will do the needed on single post view

    function pc_notifier_remove_notification_for_blog_posts(){
    if( !( is_user_logged_in() && is_singular() ) )

    global $bp,$wpdb;
    $blog_id = (int)$wpdb->blogid;
    $post = wp_get_single_post();
    $activity_id = bp_activity_get_activity_id(
    'user_id' => $post->post_author,
    'component' => $bp->blogs->id,
    'type' => "new_blog_post",
    'item_id' => $blog_id,
    'secondary_item_id' => $post->ID
    //delete the notification for activity comment on new_blog_post
    if( !empty($activity_id) )
    bp_core_delete_notifications_by_item_id( $bp->loggedin_user->id, $activity_id, $bp->pc_notifier->id, 'new_post_comment_'.$activity_id );

    //for replies on blog comments in activity stream
    $comments = pc_notifier_get_all_blog_post_comment_ids($post->ID);//get all the comment ids as array

    //added in v 1.0.3 for better database performance, no more looping to get individual activity ids
    $activities = pc_notifier_get_activity_ids(
    "component" => $bp->blogs->id,

    foreach( (array)$activities as $pc_id )
    bp_core_delete_notifications_by_item_id( $bp->loggedin_user->id, $pc_id, $bp->pc_notifier->id, 'new_post_comment_'.$pc_id );


    * @since v 1.0.2
    * @desc delete notification when an activity is deleted, thanks to @kat_uk for pointing the issue
    * @param pc_ids:we get an arry of activity ids
    function bp_pc_clear_notification_on_activity_delete($pc_ids){
    global $bp;

    foreach ( (array)$pc_ids as $activity_id )
    bp_core_delete_all_notifications_by_type( $activity_id, $bp->pc_notifier->id, 'new_post_comment_'.$activity_id, $secondary_item_id = false );

    /************************************ HELPER FUNCTIONS ********************************************************/

    // find all users who commented on the post
    function pc_notifier_find_involved_persons($comment_post_ID){
    global $bp,$wpdb;

    return $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT(user_id) from {$wpdb->comments} where comment_post_ID=%d and user_id!=%d",$comment_post_ID,$bp->loggedin_user->id));

    // return an array of comment ids for the post
    function pc_notifier_get_all_blog_post_comment_ids($post_id) {
    global $wpdb;

    return $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT comment_ID as id FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_post_ID = %d AND comment_approved = '1' ORDER BY comment_date", $post_id));

    // get activity ids when type, component, secondary_ids, item_id is specified
    function pc_notifier_get_activity_ids($params){
    global $bp,$wpdb;
    $list="(".join(",", $secondary_ids).")";//create a set to use in the query;

    return $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id from {$bp->activity->table_name} where type=%s and component=%s and item_id=%d and secondary_item_id in {$list}",$type,$component,$item_id));


    In reply to: Settings template


    Thanks for reply Paul. And yes, WP won’t check for that and if called twice there will be double headers and footers.

    What I have found that these settings files (located in `bp-themes/bp-default/members/single/settings/`) are not loaded by the file `members/single/settings.php` and that is maybe why they override the original layout (they have for example their own `get_header, get_footer`, and `get_sidebar`). I found that by commenting the block of code responsible for loading these files in `settings.php` file which is:
    if ( bp_is_current_action( ‘notifications’ ) ) :
    locate_template( array( ‘members/single/settings/notifications.php’ ), true );

    elseif ( bp_is_current_action( ‘delete-account’ ) ) :
    locate_template( array( ‘members/single/settings/delete-account.php’ ), true );

    elseif ( bp_is_current_action( ‘general’ ) ) :
    locate_template( array( ‘members/single/settings/general.php’ ), true );

    else :
    locate_template( array( ‘members/single/plugins.php’ ), true );


    And the file still loading correctly, while doing the same thing in `members/single/profile.php` will break the theme loading.

    I dont have specific need for that, but I am just curious about where these files are loaded from and why they dont follow the same procedure? I have made a custom header for logged-in users `get_heade(‘loggedin’)` and rather than only modifying the `home.php` file header only, I had to modify the header of these four settings files as well `capabilities.php, delete-account.php, general.php, notifications.php`.


    @mercime, thank you for your response. We were getting ready to try your suggestion when this happened:

    As you know, the registration emails going out from our site were working but then weren’t working. See previous email. Since then, we went into something we never before went into: Membership, Communications and created a test Welcome message. We registered as a new user and wouldn’t you know we received the registration activation email as that new user, the test Welcome message for the new user and the admin new user notification email. Then we deactivated the test Welcome message and went through the process again. It worked! We received two emails now (just like before the mysterious site-rendered email disappearance); the registration activation email as that new user and the admin new user notification email. We then completely deleted the test Welcome message so that the Membership, Communications was the same as before we started and again, we received the same two emails. Whatever did we reactivate?

    So, for whatever reason, the emails seem to be working again. However, this is a huge concern to us. This could happen again and we would have no idea why the emails stopped working and why it suddenly reset itself. We have repeatedly read in our research of this matter that WordPress uses PHPMail Sendmail. It has been mentioned more than once that making the emails go SMTP is better and more stable. We are of the belief that this may be the core issue here. Can anyone give input on this and guide us in the right direction? Is there anyone out there that can explain to us what may have happened and is there something we need to hard code so that it doesn’t happen again?

    Many thanks for your help and advice.


    In reply to: 1.7 theme defined


    So from the explanation of both @modemlooper & @mercime the understanding in minimal terms is the following:
    Every BP page I drop into my WP child template will override the core file as it does presently. And in order to create my page I simply drop in shortcodes to develop my page.php, then I apply my CSS to style & design my page. Question – are there already shortcodes in place that I can create a page.php with?

    Please explain what @r-a-y is saying with using user_nicename. Why would someone want to create a template for a specific user?

    and how would you do that without making a huge mess in your template directory?

    Also this would explain how to create different templates for different groups?
    For instance:
    `/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/buddypress/members/single/home-{group ID = 1}.php`

    Is that correct?

    Using these files one could create their own fully templated BP site?:



    /* Ignore these




    In reply to: Hookable Notifications

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Best place for this is — log in with your username and password from this site. If you’ve got a patch, or more specific details on exactly what you want added, attach it to the ticket :)


    Thanks @modemlooper

    I was able to comment out the entire form with /* and */, but the user is still directed to a general settings page (that is now blank except for the title “General Settings”). Granted this is better than having the password and email field, but is there a way for me to bypass that tab and go straight to the notifications?

    Also, I have settings checked in the admin panel because I want the user to be able to change the notification and privacy preferences. Is that correct?

    I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this before, but I could just hide the tab in CSS (like I did previously) and then use a 301 redirect match in my htaccess from settings to settings/notifications. Huh, is that a viable way to achieve this?

    Aron Prins

    Hey @shatter_

    Thanks for your reply :D I love the snippit feature, but what I and i guess other users mean is if you could share the code used to build

    I can imagine developers jumping for the notifications up top with the dropdowns and a few other features. Would that be possible to share :)?


    Devilish Concept

    @naijaping i must admit im blown away with your customisations on that link, how have you done it i would love to see some tutorials as ive been failing with buddypress since i installed it

    heres what im trying to change so any help would be awesome

    – Buddypress links ie profile settings etc on my own toolbar
    – 100×100 user avatar on my header which when clicked goes to users profile page
    – Fix spacing problems on buddypress members menu
    – On profile & group pages i would like to add a widget space on the right hand side of the avatar and recent update message
    – I use custom post types i. reviews, videos and articles i would love to add these on the profile page menu so it shows what they have been the author of
    – i would also love to allow each group to have a about page with an option to add thier own facebook,twitter,google+1,YouTube and Email stuff to show up as default icons

    I now its kinda cheeky but any help would be truely amazing, also what plugins do you use with buddypress, im gonna go now an try and add this notifications code :)


    In reply to: BP Test Drive


    You should be able to disable the admin bar for logged-out users in the WP admin area by navigating to “Settings > BuddyPress“, then click on the “Settings” tab.

    If someone really wanted to find out if you were using BuddyPress, then it would be quite simple. I would take steps to try and hide the fact you were using WordPress first, then move down the ladder to BuddyPress later on.

    About notifications without the admin bar, there are some third-party plugins available like: (a widget)

    With BP 1.7, we’ll be adding universal theme compatibility, so we’ll be taking some steps to try and make life without the admin bar a little easier.


    About 3)

    quick and dirty, maybe could been added as feature when user registers and has made comments before

    ‘UPDATE wp_database.wp_comments SET user_id=’User_ID_our_member_got_after_succesfull_registration’ WHERE comment_author_email=”his/”;’

    edit: Is it normal looking at bp_blogs_record_comment() function for a chance to import “properly”?


    @kissandim didn’t get the notification. Just in case you haven’t found the solution yet, just move $profilelink before the $menu, therefore the last three lines should look like this:

    $menu = $profilelink . $menu;
    return $menu;

    @cpinsd if you have more than one custom menu in your theme, find out the ‘theme_location’=>’???’ of that specific wp_nav_menu. For example, the location is mamamia then the code would be

    // Filter wp_nav_menu() to add profile link in a specific custom menu e.g. mamamia
    function mme_nav_menu_profile_link($menu, $args) {
        if( is_user_logged_in() && $args->theme_location == 'mamamia' ){
            $profilelink = '<li><a href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain( '/' ) . '">' . __('My Profile', 'yourtheme') . '</a></li>';
            $menu = $menu . $profilelink;
        return $menu;
    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'mme_nav_menu_profile_links', 10, 2 );

    In reply to: Profile wireframes



    Right. I wasn’t clear. What I meant was that if a running history of “notifications” were stored and available, then it should also be available for viewing. So, would that mean that the yellow notifications dropdown under the avatar becomes its own menu item… I figure that it shouldn’t be incumbent upon the user to determine whether a “notification” is worth remembering and thus, have to make a decision to “remember” that it occurred sometime. If I’m still swimming in muddy water, let me know and I’ll give it another shot.

    I like the layout, specifically, the customized header. It definitely would get more user interaction and ownership of their own profile if provided the opportunity to customize it–could slot a slider in there… It would be pretty sweet.


    In reply to: Profile wireframes

    Tammie Lister

    I’ve had a look at some options bringing in notifications to the profile as was suggested by @djpaul. I have also added a custom header option to really provide personalisation for users. Avatars are good but they don’t ‘make a home’ so much as having that extra level of personality.

    The menu area is longer to show more than anything what a longer navigation would fit – not look this isn’t about design.

    src=”; width=”600″ height=”auto”/>

    And here’s a slight variation:

Viewing 25 results - 526 through 550 (of 771 total)
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