Search Results for 'notification user id'
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March 10, 2010 at 2:02 pm #67554
In reply to: Notify when someone @mentions you
rich! @ etiviti
ParticipantThis is more of a teaser than an explanation
ah yes, i tend to post in quick theory
I don’t know if it would work but essentially;
you would need to write your own action function that hooks on
that mimics the logic ofbp_activity_at_message_notification
(where it looks for an username match in the content – then on the match issue the notification. have to figure out a way to delete the notification though)function bp_core_add_notification( $item_id, $user_id, $component_name, $component_action, $secondary_item_id = false, $date_notified = false ) {
(located in bp-core-notifications.php)I wouldn’t know what the proper component name/type in this case would be
i did submit a trac ticket enhancement for this though
February 26, 2010 at 2:30 pm #65711In reply to: 1.2 plug-ins list
Michael Berra
ParticipantJust a little WARNING:
Do NOT use
“External Group Blogs” together with
“Group activity stream subscription”
They don’t like each other.
Your users will be spammed with dozens of Emails a couple times a day.
I think this is why the notifications plugin just picks up everything and the “external groups” fetches articles a couple times. Averytime stuff gets fetched, notifications for all the items (not just the new ones) gets sended out. So far my guess.
I wrote the plugin-creators about it. hopefully they find a solution.
BUT the plugins for themselves are GREAT!!!
February 25, 2010 at 8:43 pm #65589In reply to: User notification when new reply etc
D Cartwright
ParticipantSounds very interesting
I would have no problem with you getting involved in improving it. I’ll drop you a message on namoo as it’s easier to keep track of things there (for me, at least) and we can discuss things further. I’m ultra busy tonight though, so it’ll probably be sometime over the weekend
February 25, 2010 at 7:05 pm #65580In reply to: User notification when new reply etc
ParticipantVery interesting thread. Myself, I’m very interested in helping further develop the group to email functionality. Having notifications in the buddybar would be a bonus.
My question is, does anyone have an idea when email notifications will be in core? I thought it was planned for 1.3, but lots is planned for 1.3 and I see the roadmap does not include email notifications.
If it’s not planned for a while, then I’d like to help further refine the group activity stream subscription plugin. I need digest support as well I think I can improve the usability a bit. (@aekeron) any thoughts on any of this?
February 24, 2010 at 3:29 pm #65311In reply to: User notification when new reply etc
ParticipantOk, obviously there are the possibilitiy of information overflow, but that does not mean you shouldn´t have the option of turning notifications on. In Cartwrights plugin you can choose what you want the users to be notified of. For some bbpress installations, being notified of e.g. forum replies to a topic you started, is feasible – for larger ones they may not be.
Let´s take facebook as an example:
You don´t get notified of every wallpost in a group. Why not? Because you would have 200 new notifications every day if you are a member of a popular group.
But you do get notified if a friends comments on your wall, or if someone comments on a post that you also commented on. This keeps the conversation going and is a good way of keeping up with things you find interesting etc.
Apparantly, notifcations in the buddybar can be done with a plugin, since Andy has made it possible for plugins to plug in to the notifications area. In light of this information I am not advocating this having to be in core. If it where to be in core, I can understand only wanting the notifications to be “citical only”. But as a plugin I don´t see a problem with having the option to allow notifications of comment replies, forum replies etc. An option regarding forum replies could be to have a “do not notify me of furter updates” link if you are not interested in the forumpost anymore.
There is always a fine line with giving people enough info and too much info, but I suggest that it should be up to each admin to decide what works best for his community.
Any more thoughts?
February 24, 2010 at 2:56 pm #65298In reply to: User notification when new reply etc
Mike Pratt
Participant@finni3 I must agree with @D Cartwright and @Michael here. CInsider the los of utility if your notifications menu all of a suden gives word of every forum posting of every topic you were involved in? Imagine if you posted once and then left for awhile and saw that you had 214 forum replies? What would you do with that?
In general, I think it’s safe to keep screen notifications to those items that post heads ups infrequently but when they do , it’s very important (hence the real need for the heads up) ex a Private Message, Friend Request. Another criterion would be the kind of action required (in the case of a forum reply, the only required action is to read it (not critical, obviously)
February 24, 2010 at 1:02 pm #65278In reply to: User notification when new reply etc
Michael Berra
ParticipantYes – i think a mail is enough for groups… (digests will be awesome!
February 19, 2010 at 1:20 am #64064dlittle800
Participant@jfigura – thanks for the tip about avoiding WPMU DEV templates, lol.
Re: too many quirky things in BP – I’ve found that a software program is ‘nothing but’ a bunch of quirky things. But it sure would be great if some brilliant programmer could create a plugin to solve this issue – I would certainly DONATE!
@Peter – you are definitely right about the trend to store sign-up email password notifications – In fact, I have a folder in my Gmail labelled ‘passwords’ full of logins including the one for Buddypress and WPMU! (I’d be resetting my password everyday if I didn’t)
@Mike – I would be willing to live with the current BP password situation because I sometimes forget (or delete) my own passwords and need to reset them and never even bother creating a password I can remember.
Where I’m at now, is trying to figure out how the frig to change the message from WPMU so I can eliminate the password that does not work (it actually sends the correct username).
I tried changing the text in the WPMU Admin panel, but this seems to have no effect at all – So I’m posting at the WPMU forum trying to find out which file to change.
Any ideas would be welcome : )
February 18, 2010 at 6:38 pm #64010D Cartwright
ParticipantHi Paul,
The full code is in this (small) plugin here:
The url is created with the following code:
class Group_Activity_Subscription extends BP_Group_Extension {
function group_activity_subscription() {
global $bp;
$this->name = 'Notifications';
$this->slug = 'notifications';
// Only enable the notifications nav item if the user is a member of the group
if ( groups_is_user_member( $bp->loggedin_user->id , $bp->groups->current_group->id ) ) {
$this->enable_nav_item = true;
} else {
$this->enable_nav_item = false;
$this->nav_item_position = 91;
$this->enable_create_step = false;
$this->enable_edit_item = false;
add_action ( 'wp_print_styles' , array( &$this , 'add_settings_stylesheet' ) );
}February 17, 2010 at 8:45 pm #63809In reply to: Lots of new features (Direction / Guidance)
Ashish Kumar (Ashfame)
But that plugin only emails the stream notification. I want the option to email users as a standalone feature or may be I can adapt from that plugin.
Will have to check it now. Thanks!
February 12, 2010 at 8:19 pm #63200In reply to: facebook connect doesnt insert user information
Participantyep! so far it works pretty darn well.. For certain social networks it imports photos and basic info.. I’ve integrated it with my custom login widget and so far I haven’t seen any major problems besides not storing the user his email, which makes receiving updates/notifications through email impossible… I need to think of a way to solve that problem..
February 8, 2010 at 10:19 am #62694In reply to: Plugin Release: Group Activity Email Notifications
D Cartwright
ParticipantHi there. Thanks for the feedback
1. That is correct, yes. I have a few plans to streamline this a bit/make it more user-friendly.
2. Something I’ve missed. I’ll add support for removing elements
3. “added something new to the group” is just what I chose as a general catch-all in the case of the plugin running into an activity type that it doesn’t recognise. Will make this more obvious and customisable.
4. That should indeed mean no delay. I’ll double-check this and update the wording.
5. Good point again. I originally made this with hardcoded support for my groupwiki plugin. I’ll get rid of this.
6. It isn’t at the moment but this is also on the list of things that i want to get in there asap. I’ll let you know as soon as I can get it sorted (shouldn’t be too hard as there isn’t *that* much text in there)
Thanks again. I’ll check out your site later today
February 8, 2010 at 7:31 am #62685In reply to: Plugin Release: Group Activity Email Notifications
Michael Berra
ParticipantI say it again: GREAT plugin – thanks alot!!!
A couple suggestions/questions:
1. Do I get it right: I can set the default in the backend, but eyery user (not the group admin) sets/changes the notification for themselves?
2. Forum-Notification: I don’t want forums activated on my site, but I cannot get it off (no CSS classes for display:none). It is also not dynamically I guess, for I disabled forums in the backend, but still shows forum-notifications… Any solution to this?
3. What exactly means “added something new to the group”? Is that comments? Is that another plugin like gallery, group-documents etc?
4. Member must be registered for option: When I type 0 in the field, that would mean no delay, right?
5. “You can also specify a minimum gap in time between updates regarding group wiki page edits.” This sentence does not make sense to all the users who haven’t wikis installed. It’s hardcoded. Any solution to get rid of it?
6. Last but not least: Is it translatable??? I really would love to do that for german (at least try it as my first
) – could you provide a POT-File?
Thanks for all the work. This is REALLY IMPORTANT for us and well/simple made!
Ps: This is my test-install-site: – there I am testing your plugin
February 5, 2010 at 2:39 pm #62475In reply to: Plugin Release: Group Activity Email Notifications
Boone Gorges
KeymasterD – I was getting errors when I tried using the plugin the latest 1.2. Had to do with call to undeclared function get_group_member_ids in order to populate $user_ids. I commented it out and put in the following instead:
$thegroup = BP_Groups_Member::get_all_for_group( $group->id, false, false, false, true );
$user_ids = array();
foreach ( $thegroup['members'] as $member ) {
$user_ids[] = $member->user_id;
}and it seems to be working now. Am I missing something?
February 5, 2010 at 2:23 pm #62474Mike Pratt
Participant@snark didn’t realize you are single user WP so no activation email
February 5, 2010 at 5:06 am #62451Mike Pratt
Participant@snark You forgot to mention the Activation email. Is your new user not receiving one? I just did a test registration and immediately received an email. While I agree with @Peter that plain text isn’t so bad but I also think it’s not so necessary to send the password the person literally just chose. The always have the Forgot Password link if they forgo it seconds after the fact. No real need as I see it to add a filter.
February 5, 2010 at 3:15 am #62444r-a-y
KeymasterHere’s the rationale behind disabling the welcome email as quoted in bp-core-activation.php:
* Since the user now chooses their password, sending it over clear-text to an email address is no longer necessary. It’s also a terrible idea security wise.
I’m going to sway a little to Peter’s side and say that BP should leave this option to the site admins. I actually think there should be more options for the administrator on a fresh install.
February 5, 2010 at 3:03 am #62443peterverkooijen
Participant1) By default, an email isn’t sent to the user because the user password is sent via plain text (not a good thing security-wise).
That makes absolutely no sense. If you use the forgot password feature, the password is sent via plain text as well. Why is that OK and sending a password upon registration not?
Most big sites, Facebook, LinkedIn, newspapers, have no problem sending passwords via plain text. Online security is always a balance between security and convenience.
Buddypress is a social network. It’s not a banking website. If you start using credit card payments or paid membership, those scripts usually come with the own security.
Who is going to steal a password to someone’s account on a blog network? Has that ever happened? What would they do with it?
Just my 2 cents. Flame away…
February 5, 2010 at 2:39 am #62440snark
ParticipantStill not working. I did find the filter itself in the file /plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-activation.php:
add_filter( ‘wpmu_welcome_user_notification’, ‘bp_core_disable_welcome_email’ );
I suppose I could just delete that line to remove the filter, but then every time BP is updated it’ll probably get overwritten and I’ll forget all about it. Not sure why your filter hook didn’t work. Any ideas?
Thanks a million for your help — I really appreciate it.
February 4, 2010 at 7:33 pm #62403In reply to: email notification – changing the "from" setting
Participantokay, tried adding our mailserver info and user login and password and changed the port in the file class-pop3.php in wp-includes.
sent a bunch of messages, using different configuration.
nothing solves the default server from line.
looking at the wpmu forum per DJPaul’s recommendation. I had found a plugin there and tried to install it – didn’t work. Looking again.
February 3, 2010 at 11:45 pm #62334In reply to: email notification – changing the "from" setting
ParticipantPerhaps a clue – in looking at WP Mail, it references a file called class-pop3.php. In that file, I see that the $MAILSERVER = ‘ ‘
and the $user and $pass are both ‘ ‘
assuming that the email specified in admin panel of wpmu general->settings is reliable for the email, perhaps I just need to fill in those data.
awaiting word from my hosting service for their opinion.
if it is true, was this an upgrade or installation problem that the system does not query these critical pieces of data? I seem to be the only one with this problem or who cares about it in terms of wanting to change the sender email address.
perhaps something to add to the configuration and installation setup guide?
February 2, 2010 at 2:58 am #62206D Cartwright
ParticipantI was originally going to make use of one of the forum subscription plugins but our students have requested to be “spammed to death” with updates regarding their collaborative group work – much like facebook. Of course, now that they have got their wish they realise that receiving a huge raft of emails regarding your work each day isn’t quite as fun as hearing about what your friends did on facebook…
I’ve posted an update on where I’m at with the plugin and what I’m planning to implement before release this weekend. The link is below but I’ll also cut+paste the content as it’s probably going to get more people reading it if it’s on here rather than my small dev site.
Current bugs fixed. Will be adding the following requested features in the next couple of days with planned release on fri/sat/sun:
1) User’s have to be registered X amount of time for their activites to email people. Warning about this in the notifications screen. Amount of time defaults to 1 week but controllable in wp-admin backend.
2) Mention of the need to check these notification settings in the sidewide notifications area. Perhaps a list of links to the group notification settings for each group the user is a member of too.
3) Default behaviour for the plugin will be for activity updates to be off or at least infrequent. This default behaviour controllable by wp-admin backend.
4) Possibly change all notification settings to be time based as per the current group wiki edit ones
5) Enable group admins + mods to send out a group update that overrides group user settings in regards to not receiving updates. This will be done by ticking a box on the update screen, an extra “what’s new†bit in the group notifications area or a screen in the group admin area.
6) Finish the implementation to allow plugin authors to add their own action type handling
The aims of these changes are:
1) Keep the interface as simple as possible for all the site users
2) Have default behaviour that isn’t too spammy
Possible future updates:
Ability for users to have update ‘digests’ received at a specified time daily. Allowing users to choose the time they receive the update should help spread server load.
February 2, 2010 at 12:42 am #62190D Cartwright
ParticipantThanks, r-a-y,
Basically what r-a-y has said is completely correct. It hooks into the action for recording an activity and then emails everyone in the group with a notification of the activity. The idea of this is that it can catch pretty much anything related to a group – so forums, ‘wire posts’, group joins, wiki edits, etc can all be included. By default it will support the buddypress basic functions + our groupwiki functions but I’m also trying to build in an easy way for people to extend this to support their own plugins with just a small amount of additional code to their plugin file.
Even without building in specific support for a plugin this will grab an activity update for a group and email it out, with a generic description for the activity type rather than something specific.
The feedback I’ve had so far suggests that users want a bit more control over default behviour/settings of the plugin and for a way for group admins/mods to post ‘must have’ alerts. I’m hoping to add this in the next couple of days and get the plugin out by Friday or some point over the weekend.
January 30, 2010 at 3:03 am #62003In reply to: How to categorize Groups ?
ParticipantI think a better situation would be groups of groups.. IE
Superuser Group: Admins, Mods,
Midlevel Group: Testers, lower mods,
User level Group: All users..
I have been working with this concept with my “sitewide ID” idea.. It’s in the works for my image plugin and I bet it could be used from groups as well..
Right now a user or a group can have a album assigned to it by a specific ID number that no two users or groups can have(imagine a phonebook with companies, people, government ETC. They all have numbers but arnt JUST people, or JUST companies).
I thought if I switched the groups from tracking the User ID and switched to the sitewide ID you could potentially have a group IN a group..
Then a check would be made to see if a User was apart of a group that was inturn apart of a group.. (in actuality all users would be added to the root group w/o notification)
January 21, 2010 at 11:31 pm #61332In reply to: Wire Posts in bp 1.2
I just want to agree on the confusion between user- and display names. I don’t think this will ever be crystal clear to a regular user. Like if I was to @ myself on – not knowing about the difference between user- and displaynames – and a totally different name showed up in the message-textfield, I would probably get confused and think something like:
– Is this notification being sent to the intended user?
– Should I rename @nameA to @nameB because @nameB is the name I see in the profile? (When in fact the right answer is @nameA)
– This is too confusing to continue (fallout).
Just trying to imagine how users would react on this feature. Not saying this feature is bad, but I’ve said from the beginning that it should be more user friendly and I probably don’t need to say that the user- and displaynames confusion are bugging a whole lot of users.
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