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Search Results for 'private'

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  • learningstack

    I am trying to test the BuddyPress restful APIs with the activity function. The endpoint is:


    When I join a private group, and post an activity for myself (with subscriber role), I cannot see my own post(s). I can still see my post when I login to WordPress website, so I think it is something to do with the API.

    Nevertheless, if it is a public group that I post, I can see my own posts. For administrator role, I can see all posts through the API.

    Does anyone have the similar experience?


    I just installed buddy press on my website. Everything seems pretty great right out of the box. Except that they groups are totally borked.

    When I go to view a group, there is no status update box. Making the groups entirely pointless.

    Things I did:
    – I looked into the code, and they aren’t hidden.
    – checked the settings
    – went into trouble shooting mode, still not showing up

    FYI, private messaging works just fine.

    This is what I see:

    groups display


    I would to create a hybrid group, one that combines the settings of a public, private, and hidden group. This a semi-public or semi-private group.

    I would the group to be invite only via (optionally by request too), I would like group activity to display group member activity, but I would like all group content to be visible to all users.

    I found an existing thread but it has no response after 7 years.

    Is this possible?


    Topic: Private Chat

    in group forum Requests & Feedback

    Hello Team!
    How get private chat addons?


    Topic: Enable Buttons

    in group forum Requests & Feedback

    Hello Team!
    I would like to activate the buttons (like – share – private message – public message) on each profile without being logged in and when the user wants to write he will be redirected to the registration or login page. From Forums: #post-16015


    Topic: private account

    in group forum Installing BuddyPress

    right now buddypress only allows to make private account option with friends only. is there a way i can make private account working with followers


    Please help.
    I need to send different notifications depending on the member type.



    We are making private groups without possibility of request membership. I remove the “request membership” button. But don’t can remove the “request-membership tab“ in the menu of the private group if you not are a member.
    I try this without success:

    function my_remove_em_nav() {
    global $bp;
    bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'request-membership' );
    add_action( 'bp_init', 'my_remove_em_nav' );

    Someone knows how can we do this.


    I am using the Gwagi theme to make a social website. I am testing on the friendship connection function and found that the add friend button is missing and only have private message button.I have diable the private message function and the button will be disappeared. So I think the buddypress plugin in is functioning.

    Could you have any suggestion for checking the friend connection function?

    I like to provide my web site URL for your investigation:



    I’m using Buddypress together with BBpress. I’ve an issue and I’m hoping someone can help me with it.

    When I (or someone else) create a new Buddypress-group on my website, I always choose to make a new group-forum. These forums have no ‘sub/child-forums’ by default. If you want there to be ‘sub/child-forums’ you should make them all by hand. I’ve around 60 groups (and counting), so you understand it’s a LOT of work if you want all the group-forums to have the same (same names, different private forums) sub-forums. Plus, I want my moderators to have the possibility to create groups (with a standard forum) and I can’t be there all the time to immidiatly make the sub-forums (including the right subtext and forum-image).

    So, is there an option to make some ‘default sub forums’ (with image and subtext) that ALWAYS automatically ‘ll be created when you make a new group with forum? So for example: the default forums are ‘pregnancy’, ‘birthdays’ and ‘animals’. I make a new group called ‘Group 1’ and I choose ‘Yes, I want to create a forum for this group’. Then I open the brand new group-forum, and hooray! It has 3 brandnew subforums: ‘pregnancy’, ‘birthdays’ and ‘animals’. Only viewable for the group-members.

    After that, I create a second group, called ‘Group 2’ and I choose ‘Yes, I want to create a forum for this group’. Then I open the brand new group-forum, and hooray again! It had 3 brandnew subforums (so, not the same forums you see in the group 1 forum), only viewable for group 2-members.

    Can someone help me with this? 🙂



    My site is It is using the WPLMS plugin, which leverages BuddyPress for the login and user management.

    After I updated the site with an SSL cert and domain, the login developed an issue where even though I have logged in with the correct user name and password, and the login cookie has been successfully created, the page does not update with the logged in user, and will not let you into the restricted content areas. Only after clicking around and trying many times will the site suddenly see the cookie and show you as logged in.

    This screen shot shows that the cookie exists, but the site does not show a user logged in:

    screen shot of cookie issue

    I have been through extensive troubleshooting of the site. My database, config files and site files all use the fully qualified URL; my host (GoDaddy) is configured with the certificate and URL. I have added the site URLs to the wp_config file as suggested by dozens of tutorials. What would cause the site to create the cookie but then ignore it? This happens regardless of browser, and with and without Incognito or private browsing. As I understand it, the site uses BuddyPress to log in, and then hands that login off to WordPress. The WordPress login (available if you choose reset password) also has the same problem.

    Any suggestion is appreciated.


    I try to setup a private group for allowing only members to post and share experience for the group. However, it is not really protected in a way that even unlogin users or logged in users without joining the group can still see the group activities and postings. Is there any way to protect the group?


    Hi, thanks for replying. I’m not as interested as having content or a private community. I am interested in not indexing all links generated by buddypress, such as mypage / members / juan
    I consider that these links do not generate any value for my site.
    With that code can I achieve this?

    Varun Dubey

    @danielafer use private community plugin or BP lock , it will help to keep your community private for logged in users.
    If you do not want the private community approaches you can also use no-index.

    function no_index_for_buddypress() {
        if ( is_buddyPress() ) {
            echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">';
        } else {
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'no_index_for_buddypress' );
    Participant is a private members site, only accessible for Registered Users.

    However, when one of the groups is selected, when logged in as as a Register User’ the user is taken to the Home page rather than the group.

    If logged in as Admin, the Group displays correctly.

    I cannot see where the Group access controll is managed in Buddy Press.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!




    Thanks. I’m not using the Friends module, and I’m not finding an issue with the private messaging returning results. It’s just the full range of profile fields being searched, I think, that’s causing the problem with too broad a search result.

    I am happy to write some custom code. Has anyone got some pointers on where to start?



    For private messages, auto-complete only shows your friends.
    To access everyone, put this in your theme/functions.php or in plugins/bp-custom.php
    define( 'BP_MESSAGES_AUTOCOMPLETE_ALL', true );

    To customize the options provided by autocomplete, you would need to write some custom code.


    Hello, it has been quite a while since I dealt with Buddy Press. But wasn’t there a plugin that could be used to control who can read the post (only me, friends, members)?

    I am already, a little while looking but unfortunately no plugin that performs this function. Would anyone have a tip for me?

    Greetings Watbube


    I have platform “”, I have two main roles “partner” and “subscriber”. I don’t want subscriber to message partner or partner to message subscriber. However subscriber can direct message subscriber. Is there a function that will allow me to do this.


    Theme – Cera
    I am still struggling to figure out how to separate the activity streams. I just want each member to have their own activity stream.
    Let me explain…
    I have an activity stream in each members profile page already but..they all share the same feed.
    I want the activity feeds to be separate.
    If I post in members page A then post in members page B – you will have to go to both members pages to see each post. Example- A post stays in A members page
    Please someone help
    I want to learn how to customize this myself.



    I hope everyone is staying safe. Thanks to everyone for posting helpful answers, I have already go so far considering my lack of coding.

    I want to remove “Add Friend” & “Private Message” on profiles ONLY for logged out users. But keep these buttons for logged in users, can this be done?

    Kind Regards, Chuck.


    Hello, I want to create a private site for professionals to post their own articles:

    – Registered users can post an article with some custom fields (Article title, author, city (from a list), work center (a conditional list depending on the city field and attachment (pdf or mp4).

    – Registered users can see and rate other users articles (1-5 stars) but not their own.

    – ¿Can rating author be visible only for some roles?

    – ¿Can it be limited to a number of posts per user?

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi, I am new to BP. We want to make it possible to upload a file (pdf, doc, jpg, video, anything) right when you post a message so that the file is associated with the message.

    I need to know how to attach a file with the message using the buddypress rest api and have it uploaded with the message.

    What I found so far is using the private messaging, however, I did not see how to attach a file to the message in the examples viewing the following url:

    Please help.

    Thank you.


    When on the Members page of a Group, there is a search field. This allows you to search for members but it seems to only search username or Last Name.

    Is it possible to search based on First Name as well?

    WP v5.4.1
    BP v6.0.0
    The site is private so I don’t imagine providing the URL will help.

    Thanks in advance.

Viewing 25 results - 276 through 300 (of 3,868 total)
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