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Search Results for 'private'

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  • Renato Alves

    BuddyPress has a API that you can use:

    You can hook at the WooCommerce actions when sending the emails and send your private messages.

    Hope that helps! 🙂

    Hendra Setiawan

    Is there any way to integrate Private Message with WooCommerce emails notification?
    Basically, I want to put every single WooCommerce notification email into user inbox.
    For example, when they’re purchase an item, they will get an email from the website. I want they also get the copy into their inbox (in BuddyPress Private Message).

    Is it possible to do?

    I tried to find the solution on the internet but still stuck.



    When a teacher comment on a student activity. The student doesn’t get any message or notification link to read the comment! It will be great if the student and teacher can have private comments based on activities.
    Is there is anyway to do this?



    Nice , Thanks. Actually i d like to change messaging logic a little bit. In case of writing to user a private message i d like not to create a new message thread object, but to search instead for existing message thread between me and the user. If there is one, send my message to that thread and open existing dialog. I ve researched send function and i came to conclusion ,that i must change the function.
    I believe that wont hurt the logic.I m alomost sure. What d say other participants about my idea?


    I created a private (so reserved to members) Group with Buddypress and added a bbpress Forum inside it, as allowed during the creation of the group.

    Problem: if I make a post in that forum, the post goes also into my activity stream and everybody can see it from my profile, everybody can see it even if not a member of that private Group!

    Any idea?


    Have you tried: ?

    You can also get it from PhiloPress.


    WP 4.7.5
    BuddyPress 2.8.2

    On my top-level menu, I have added the BuddyPress logged-in menu items. Logged-in users using those items (Profile, Settings, etc.) on the homepage are brought to my main administrator account’s member page (it thinks the main admin is the logged in user). However, if the user selects the menu item from any other page, it brings them to the correct member page (their own).

    *EDIT – Added information* Once I navigate to the correct member page, it works as it should on the homepage. */EDIT*

    I don’t know how to decipher the programming, but does it have something to do with this: ?

    In my specific setup, I’m using BuddyPress to manage a users own userdomain, with no need to view or inspect any other users.

    I have tried clearing the cache and using new browsers, but the behavior is the same.

    Not sure if there is a private response option, but I can include the domain there if needed.


    Is there in Buddypress to delete Activity stream, or other elements (notifications, old private messages?).

    Do you think is it an operation to do, for example once a year? Or is it useless? Is there someone who does this procedure to keep the database “clean”, once a year or so?

    Which is the safest way to do this?

    Scott G.

    BuddyPress is a PHENOMENAL application! Basically I want to create a a private network for certain niche, so they can communicate and share (this niche is missing something like this), but I also want to allow paid subscribers to be able to access network information: profiles, location, experience, etc. for certain, paid subscription periods (week/month) which would allow them to connect with and message individuals who are members of this niche community.

    Is this possible? How hard would it be to implement? To privatize the entire network, and add/remove network accessibility from other “members.”

    Thank you,

    Scott G.


    There is a plugin called BP Simple Private that allows you to restrict access to all Buddypress pages to logged in users only. Then, if people try to visit Buddypress pages after you install the plugin, they will get redirected to the home page.

    But if I’m understanding you wrong – and you want to have a separate site just for your buddypress groups, then I will recommend setting up WordPress Multisite.

    And if I’m understanding you right – which bells and whistles do you want to disable? I’ve disabled a few things with CSS & PHP hacks – but like what do you want to see gone?


    I have a site now which has BuddyPress with 70+ groups and a lot of other areas that don’t have anything to do with BuddyPress. Because the website is growing, I am wanting to split the website and have a website with just the BuddyPress groups.

    My now website is all private and I use a plugin for that which works wonderfully but there are a lot of bells and whistles that I don’t need for the new BuddyPress site.

    Is there a lite plugin where you have to be logged in to see all the information? If not logged in, you will be directed back to the Home Page.



    I’m about to develop an intranet in BuddyPress for a community housing. Each member of the community belongs to one family(group).

    Besides normal features like groups, forums, private messaging etc. members of the community should be able to see a monthly calendar of common dinings in the community house. For each day a member can “book”/”attend” a meal for himself and other members of his family. The payment is done backwards on a monthly basis for the whole family’s total meal bookings.

    Is the above possible in BuddyPress and which plugins, hacks and hooks should I look at?



    Hi, i was thinking of using the plugin bb media for the users to upload numerous photos to their profiles. As i think with buddypress and bb press the profile only allows one main photo.
    Ultimately I would like the users to have a main photo and then their own private photo gallery which other users can see all their profile and gallery photos


    I would like to make it possible for users who purchase one of these services to have access to private pages that can manage what I purchased. It is up to you to place personalized content on your private page. We especially need that users need to send us additional information about the service composition using contact form.We are building a website: , there is such a demand, how should we do?


    In reply to: Need custom login page


    BP Simple Private



    I’m completely new to this. I’ve built a buddypress site for a theatre show that will have 30 users interacting through messaging on the site during the performance.
    I’m using a Level 1 linux hosting plan through GoDaddy.
    A few days ago, I tested using the site with 8 people logging in at the same time and there was a system overload. My current plan allows 512mb of RAM which I gather is too little. I can increase RAM to 2gb. But I see everyone advising the use of a VPN. I cant afford a VPN and wanted to know if I can get the job done upgrading to 2gb on shared hosting.

    There will never be more than 35 users because it’s a closed site only being used for a performance, but they will all be online at one go. It is only used for the private messaging function because characters on stage send private messages to audience members during the show.

    If VPN is a must, I dont mind asking the producer for more money but I dont need the VPN for an entire year, as the show will only happen in spurts. Ideally I would like monthly flexibility as a 12 month plan is absolutely out of budget. I understand I should have fully investigated before heading down this route, but now that I’m in it and have to make it work – does anyone have any advice?


    Have you tried: BP Simple Private ?


    Can I create private groups in which the contents are public for the whole world?



    I’m using Buddypress with BBPress & ActiveMember360. AM360 protects the forum, that works great.

    However, I want to filter in the activity stream for users that do not have the rights to access the forum and that does not work.

    Here is a global view of my system :

    It’s a membership website where you can’t access anything if you are not a member. Login is mandatory.

    I have 2 kind of membership :

    1. One for the whole site and community access
    2. One that does not allow access to the whole community protected parts but grants access to a specific course.

    The course is associated to a group and a group forum.

    The standard membership forums are not part of a group.

    Members of 1 can see the sitewide activity but not the course group & forums activity : that works well.

    However, member of 2 can see sitewide activity even if I set the forums to private or hidden, which seems logical since they are not part of a group and such Buddypress doesnt know it shouldn’t show them (If I got the documentation / posts here right).

    I would like however to find a way to filter the activity stream.

    I’m trying to play with bp_parse_args but for it to work I have to check for each bbp_create_topic (or reply) activity if the user has access to it, and if not, to not display it.

    I’m getting crasy with that and I wondered if any of you could point me to the right direction.

    I’ve tried to assign the n°1 membership to a Buddypress group and assign it a forum. I made that forum a parent one, and all others below, set to hidden or private. But it does not work.

    Any hints, help, directions ?

    Is what I want to do even possible ?

    Thanks a lot for your time,


    To prevent non-members from viewing the members directory you can use this plugin:
    BP Simple Private


    In reply to: Ephemeral Messages


    You could probably run a cronjob to remove various activity items and private message threads if they’re older than a certain interval.

    Of course, this would need to be custom-developed.


    In reply to: Ephemeral Messages

    Henry Wright

    Private messaging in BuddyPress is persistent (saved to the db). There is also “flash” messages but these are stored as a cookie and are removed after the page request.


    I’ve seen my question, sort of, posted before with no resolution. I’m setting up a site for a karate class business and we are using Buddypress for each location. I’m using Gravity Forms for the registration and I’m trying to find out if there is a way to automatically enroll the registrant into a specific group based on the location they choose. I’ve seen plugins that will work using the native Buddypress registration but we are using Gravity Forms because there is payment involved and it’s a multi-part form. Before I use my second option, I’d like to know if there is some filter or action that would allow addition to a specific group during the registration process. Also, these are private groups because they will contain children’s information.



    In reply to: BuddyPress Groups


    The widget’s ajax call does not check to see who is viewing it.
    So only public groups will appear; hidden & private groups will not appear even though you are a member.
    You could write your own widget that uses the logged-in member’s id.
    Use the group widget code as a reference:


    Hi there,

    i don’t understand the following:

    i created a BP Group,
    i’m a Member of this Group.

    (i am logged in the website.)

    if it is a public group i see it in the BP Group Widget.
    if it is a private group or a secret group i don’t see it in the BP Group Widget.

    In my opinion, i should see it always.

    what is wrong?


Viewing 25 results - 776 through 800 (of 3,865 total)
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