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Search Results for 'profile fields'

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  • #111944

    here’s my workaround for this problem

    as no buddypress gurus EVER botherd to give a feedback on this, and left everyone here in the dark for more than 1 year


    the above still sucks of course (or rather the whole registration process for buddypress sucks!), anyway, the above code will unfortunatelly NOT validate the fields! So it would be possible for a user to register without filling those fields in …

    Yeah, you tell me how happy I was as I realized that!
    1 more day lost with this s*, but eventually found a workaround (I am sure it’s not the perfect solution, but at least it’s SOMETHING!)

    So in order to have the required fields really checked, please add this to your header:


    $(document).ready(function() {

    where signup_form is the id of your form (

    ). If your form has an other id please remember to change accordingly.

    Now go to each form field in your form and add this class:

    ` class=”” `

    ` <input type="text" name="” id=”” value=”” class=””/> `

    And VERY important, around line 150, see that you have added this piece of code (basically replacing / expanding that `<input type="hidden" name="signup_profile_field_ids" id="signup_profile_field_ids" value="” />`)


    <input type="hidden" name="signup_profile_field_ids" id="signup_profile_field_ids" value="” />`

    So that was it, now it should work. Unlike the buddypress gurus out there, I didn’t want to leave any of you in “half darkness”, so I came back to post the solution I found.

    I hope it will help you, even though it’s just a workaround, and I am 100% sure there must be a much more elegant solution than this.

    But as I said, as the buddypress gurus could not care less about poor users who struggle to get that bpress working as it should, a “second best” solution is always better than NO solution!


    Hi I also am interested in this type of development, country – state using drop-down lists still have not found anything about agardeseria any help that can be done about it.
    thanks beforehand


    Hi I also am interested in this type of development, country – state using drop-down lists still have not found anything about agardeseria any help that can be done about it.
    thanks beforehand


    I’m importing a Ning site with about 800 users/members. I have a number of custom (about 20) profile fields and photos that members have uploaded to their profiles. Additionally, some of the members have added their own content. The problem is, however, that the importer is acting like it works…the data appears to be in the BuddyPress system but it does not reflect on the following:

    1) BuddyPress members are able to login, but they can’t access any content that is marked “private” through the “private community” plug-in. The error that they receive is that they must login to view the content, but they already ARE logged in.

    2) None of the user/members custom profile fields, photos (e.g. profile photos) or user/member content displays.

    I will happily pay someone (e.g. someone who is a BuddyPress programmer who understands the bugs I’m referencing) to troubleshoot this…please get in touch with me. Thanks!


    I´m looking for the same kind of thing as Natasha but just different environment (university).
    Has anybody gone further on a real case (solution) and any piece of code that might be picked up as a starter.
    Thanks a lot.



    Hi everybody. Has anypne made any advance on this? I´d love to make something as the example that Rlwpub2 presents but for a university, so the first set of options would be teacher / student and then particular profile options for each of them.
    Thanks in advance for any help you may supply.


    please do that !! –:) with some explanation or some possibility how to get the content below that Tab or sub Tab (text , images ) the best should be some self creating custom fields form on the EDIT subnav page ( and the content on the publishes part – the similar process how profile EDIT and PUBLIC subnav Tabs works .


    I installed a plugin called confirm registration which is outdated, but works well in WordPress 3.1.2
    and what it does holds new users account in pending until an administrator approves it.

    Well when you go in to approve the users you can only see the email and username. I want to
    be able to see the group(s) that they are trying to join as well.

    To show the username: php echo display_name ?>
    To show the email : php echo user_email ?>

    To show the groups they are in: ???
    To show the role (membership type): ????


    hmm … I am afraid that plugin does smth. else, namely automatically registering a new user to a group, but what we meant here were the registration fields from xprofile.

    Actually, I figured out a way to have them displayed, although there’s a lot of css fun you’ll have afterwords :-)

    In register.php you should look for this

    and replace with this

    This will display all the fields, but you’ll still miss the Title of each group.

    To get that displayed, you can do this:

    Look for

    and just above it place this: `


    That should do the trick.

    It’s a dirty hack from a no-programmer, so please do not criticize. As anyone can notice, no programmer / developer ever cared to offer any help with this.
    Actually very annoying that no one frm the development team ever thought about it, leave alone giving a hand here …

    Hope you’ll find the trick useful though


    Anyone managed to come up with a solution to this?
    It’s a bit lack of logic to allow fields to be set as required in the backend but never show them to the user when registering … what kind of required fields are they than?

    Thank you!


    I have the same problem – latest BP / WP (3.1.2) versions installed. Fact is that in the buddypress “Profile Field Setup” you are allowed to create different groups of fields and set for each field if it’s required or not.
    BUT, all fields other than those from the 1st group are NOT considered in the registration process!
    The email is apparently sent once the user completed only the 1 step, and it just stops after asking the user to upload a photo.

    So basically, the extra group fields (no matter how “required” they might be) are fully IGNOFRED in the registration process!

    Anyone please help?
    This is a buggy

    Thank you!

    Paul Wong-Gibbs
    Hugo Ashmore

    It should have been handled by something like stripslashes when redisplaying. The backslash is an escape character to prevent the ‘ being seen as part of the script syntax and tripping things up or entering characters into the DB that could be mischievous.

    You don’t say what versions of things you are running but if latest you might want to enter a bug ticket on the trac system using your BP login credentials.



    I have a custom select box profile field and one of the values has a (‘) in it.

    I.E. “besoin d’aide”

    Now it displays in the drop down select box as: “besoin d’aide”

    How can I hide that backslash?



    Hello shanebp,
    This worked out great!
    Thank you very much for the info.


    I need this xprofile fields import for dropdown menu too, I have many fields to import with big list of options , but this solution above looks like less work by editing it in buddypress one by one –:) , does someone knows better and a little bit more painless ?


    Hi , I have the same problem with checkboxes like in the post on the first page , I get weird stuff , I am using on member-header.php this simple code :


    for normal entry it works but datepicker data and checkboxes data are giving me nonsenses . Can anybody help me to find a code to get normal value from checkboxes ? dirty code above I don’t see anymore – old post –:( thanks !

    Ed N.

    During a recent project, I needed to get certain User Profile Data to be used. This was used outside any loops and not on the Profile page. Hopefully this will help others seeking the same information.

    To obtain the default data (such as User ID, User Login, ect) use the following:
    `global $bp;
    $the_user_id = $bp->loggedin_user->userdata->ID;
    $the_user_login = $bp->loggedin_user->userdata->user_login;`

    Userdata values include:
    user_pass (this is encrypted MD5 Hash)

    To get field data from extended profile fields for the current logged in user, use the following:
    `$the_first_name = bp_get_profile_field_data(‘field=First Name&user_id=’.bp_loggedin_user_id());
    /* Change field name to the one you added to the profile, or if you know the field’s #, you can use that instead. */

    I do hope this helps someone else. It drove me nuts trying to track down the info, but after piecing bits of information together, I was able to get this figured out.
    Have fun!


    Is it impossible then to get rid of this links? :s


    I am new at BP and on this forum and I was not able to find an answer to my question. Maybe it exist already, if so I apologize. Should I mention that I’m a poor developer ?
    I have 500 (already) registered users on my blog, and I just installed BP and BP custom profiles .
    I noticed that the BP community is empty, and will only increase when the user logs in. So it would be good that the (already registered) user be obliged to fill his/her BP profile, so to enlarge the community.
    The redirect-to-profile plugin does this, but for each login.
    I would like that the redirection occurs ONLY IF (but as long as) the BP profile is not saved (for instance, that some required fields are empty). And when the profile is saved, there will be no redirection any-more. At least, a warning “your profile is not complete” would be appreciable.
    Thank you for help and advice.

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