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  • #260672

    In reply to: MemberType Tutorials?


    One resource I can suggest is my own site that I’ve been setting up for the last month, it tries to focus on using BuddyPress an at the moment covers some of the basics and reviews a lot of the plugins. Does not answer your specific questions right now though –


    hi @davehakkens,

    You use a standalone bbPress. Normally you have to ask on bbPress forum for such questions.

    Add this to bp-custom.php or child theme functions.php and give a try.

    i tested it with group forums only, so i couldn’t test all the filters.
    You might to find/experiment others.

    It’s a working example who fires the country value. But you’ll certainly have to complete it to get the flag image.

    function country_flag() {
    $user_id = bbp_get_reply_author_id();
    $country = xprofile_get_field_data( 'country', $user_id );
    	echo '<div class="country">'. $country .'</div>';
    add_filter( 'bbp_theme_after_reply_author_details', 'country_flag' );
    //add_filter( 'bbp_theme_before_topic_author', 'country_flag' );

    In reply to: how to add new members


    Thanks for all the feedback. Sorry it seems confusing.

    I just want to add my community moderators and admins before the site goes life. I know how to promote users.

    I just want them activated. I created them in the WP User area. But they are not in the Buddypress member list (frontend).

    So, I logged into the site using their credentials. I am assuming that is how you “activate” their account.

    The reason I guess is seems confusing, is there is no actual “activate” button, link or anything like that.

    In anycase, I think I am doing it right. I create the users and then “activate” them by logging into the site using their credentials.

    Just so you know (and to avoid a bunch more questions) the site is being produced on a localhost. So I cannot have them set up their own accounts. But I want them on the site when it goes live, so I am doing it for them.


    In reply to: how to add new members


    How do I add a new member to buddypress from the backend of WP?
    They are the forum moderators and group admins.
    So, how do I โ€œactivateโ€ them?

    What should be understood from your questions ?

    Adding a new user from backend and/or promote it as mod or group admin ?
    Adding a new user is not related to BuddyPress, but to WordPress.

    To promote users as mod or admin or add new user to a group from back-end
    dashboard > groups > select the group > edit > anything to do that is at the bottom of the screen.

    Boone Gorges

    Hi @danbp – Sorry to hear that you’re having issues with the Group Type functionality. Your posts contain a couple different comments and questions, which I’ll try to address separately.

    First: An orderby=group_type parameter sounds like an interesting enhancement idea. It’d possibly be even more interesting if we could “group” results by type, but our group loops aren’t easily set up for that.

    Group type data is stored in the WP taxonomy tables. This decision was made because groups are in are many-to-many correspondence with types: a group can have multiple types, and a type can have multiple groups. But it does make it difficult to sort by type, both technically and conceptually. Technically, WP itself doesn’t natively allow sorting by taxonomy term for posts. Conceptually, if a group belongs to more than one type – say, ‘aaa’ and ‘zzz’ – it’s not clear where in the alphabetical order it should go.

    That said, if you really wanted to sort by type, you could do it by filtering the group query SQL, and joining against the term_relationships and term_taxonomy table. The query would have to look something like this:

    SELECT ... JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships tr ON (tr.object_id = JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy tt ON (tt.term_taxonomy_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id) WHERE ... tt.taxonomy = 'bp_group_type' ... ORDER BY

    > And when you click for example on All Groups (the default group directory page) you remain on /groups/groupname/type/typename/. Bad UX !

    For 2.7, we’re disabling AJAX for these queries, because of these UX concerns. Thanks for reporting the issue.

    > My feeling about group type, is that it is implemented to be used inside of group create step first and in a single group as second. In brief, itโ€™s an information for single groups.

    As I see it, the issue here is that you’re trying to combine grouping-by-type with the groups loop. Your use case is valid, but I don’t think it’s the only, or even the primary, use of group types. Just having the ability to filter by group type ( is very useful for many implementations.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts – it’s really helpful as we continue to improve the group types feature.



    I’ve seen old posts about this but I don’t think these questions have been asked lately ๐Ÿ™‚ If they have I’m very sorry !

    I have a WP Multi-site 4.6.2 with a BP 2.6.2.
    Every multi-site is in a different language and on a different subdirectory :

    • in english
    • in French
    • in Spanish
    • etc.

    I saw on other posts on this forum that Buddypress is common to all multi-sites. I guess that means that when a user registers on one of the multi-sites he can use his account on all the other websites of the Multi-site installation, right ? Meaning :
    One user that registers on as an author can also post content on and on, is that right ? (I hope it’s not because it would get messy quickly ^^โพ

    Also, more important : when a user is browsing (so the French version of the website) when he clicks on “My Profile” it seems to automatically redirect him to the domain in English (, meaning it takes him out of the French Website to put him onto the English one. Of course this is not something I want as then the user gets totally lost because of that. I tried adding /fr to the url (like but it gives a 404 error.

    Is there a way to correct this ?

    Thank you very much !


    As already said: it’s constructed.
    The site url is defined in WP general settings and stored in wp_options table
    The user name is stored in wp_users table
    For the other questions about DB, read:

    BuddyPress Database Diagram

    WordPress database schema


    I have moved my site from Ning to Wp/Buddypress with a bbpress integration a few weeks ago. I was able to import a lot of content except the forum topics/responses.

    What I did was this:
    – used the export tool from Ning
    – used the import tool to import ning to Buddypress
    All my members (not that many, around 34 at that time) and their profiles, usernames, etc were transferred. All blogposts from Ning were imported as well.
    It was easy for members to activate their account on my new Wp/Buddypress site.

    The only down thing was that I had to manually copy topics and responses from the forum since I was unable to import this due to an error in the json file. I tried to repair that file but with no succes.

    I hope this helps, should you have any questions please let me know. Like you I browsed many old topics and was unable to find any recent topics, so I just started out with trail and error to do it all myself.



    So just to be clear, my registration form does not ask for real name. It asks for username, email address, password, and then it proceeds to the extended profile questions. But it does NOT ask for “Display Name,” it just copies whatever the user typed for username into the “Display Name” field. A friend of mine created the function, and I am not extremely PHP literate, but this is working on my site.

    I’m a little embarrassed, because I don’t know exactly where in the code is this function that my buddy created for me, so I will have to give you the URL to my register.php file, and then you can view it in it’s entirety. (Code view with your browser.)

    Click here to see my register.php


    In reply to: Online Status


    @danbp I use the widgets “BuddyPress Friends” and “BuddyPress Members”. I use 1 sidebar. The theme supports 2. I have no specific sidebar. Have I answered all the questions?



    you’re on the BuddyPress support forum where we can’t help for third party plugins.
    If you have questions related to bbPress (if you use this plugin), you have to ask on their support.

    For BuddyPress for Sensei plugin or WC Sensei, you can check the doc and/or ask on the plugin support too.


    Hello posting this question again, hopefully all is well and I’m informative as much as I can be.

    WP 4.6.1
    bbpress 2.5.10
    buddypress 2.6.2
    rtmedia 4.1.6

    WP installed as directory in root, no sub-directory
    Tested with no plugins other then the ones listed above.
    Custom theme SweetDate
    No core files changed other than a landing page changed in wp-config.php
    which was this:

     * Change BuddyPress default Members landing tab.
    define('BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT', 'profile' );

    I use bluehost version that has an installed WP

    I’ve inquired this issue with the SweetDate Theme support forum and they told me to ask
    about it here.

    My site is not live yet.

    I hope that these two questions are at the right place.

    I just have 2 concerns:

    1. When creating a Group there is the option to post texts, pics, etc. If it is a long post and then it is submitted, the post comes with a ‘Read More’. When I click on it it opens up to a new page. From there if I hit the back button the post is gone. If I remove the Read More using:

    .activity-read-more {
        display: none !important;

    then the text field is limited to about 30 words. Is there a way to remove the Read More and just have it as an open regular forum where there isn’t a need to expand or have it go to another page?
    I’ve shared images labeled GroupPost 1to4

    2. The other concern I have is in regards to uploading a Cover Photo for the User Group. If I post an intro text and it winds up being lengthy, the text expands the image. That seems odd. Wondered if this is how it is or on my end. Is there a way to have the text separate and not laid out on the Cover Photo? Would rather have the Cover Photo as a stand alone.
    I’ve added an image COVER-TEXT


    I realize the photos are a little small.


    In reply to: Who’s Online Widget


    Well I appreciate your quick responses over my questions but I have to find a way because its my client requirements.

    Could you help me in these items please?

    1. how to get the total number of current online users?
    2. I need to add auto refresh on the current online users list
    3. how to get the last activity date of each current online user?

    Thanks again,


    In reply to: Who’s Online Widget


    I have no real idea for this. You have to code that as nothing ready to use exist. Similar question here.
    Note also that BP pages are dynamic, so what ever you can built won’t, imo never, be exact.

    Ie. user A is on a profile activity and another is on members directory. What would you get ? At best, only the /members/ page… that is a bit vague, no ? And who cares, outside evtl. you ?

    Note also that the nav history is browser territory, and that each client has different settings, even deactivated history, so you can’t really trust user’s history…

    My recommandation would be: don’t loose your time trying to do this. BP let members know about there activities, focus on this and encourage it, instead of tracking there navigation. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Hi pressers , accept my apologies if this has been discussed already .

    I am about buying a premium buddypress theme, and i have a few questions i will appreciate if someone out there points me to the right direction .

    My target is to have buddypress plugin installed with a few target users. Also i plan to add a “Job Board” plugin and possibly an instant messenger plugin to the same theme.Not very sure how this is going to play out . Anyway

    1. Can I do this ?
    2. What is the disadvantages with such setup ?
    3. Will buddypress happily integrate with other theme as mentioned above ?

    Please any sincere response will be useful and appreciated .

    Warmest Regards



    you are on the BuddyPress support.
    bbpress questions should be asked on bbpress support.
    And as you use Loco Translate plugin, and apparently have an issue with it, you have to ask on the LT plugin support.

    To get more about chinese translation, help and much more, please read the Polyglots blog.



    color scheme’s are usually defined by the theme. Positioning elements needs some ID’s or class correctly defined and a medium knowledge for HTML & CSS handling.

    if you create a child theme, you can change a lot of things related to BuddyPress, including CSS.

    Read through the theme guidelines on BP Codex to get a general overview and check also the documentation of your theme.

    Unfortunately, you use a premium theme and, as we have no access to his code, we can’t assist you more for it. Any questions related to it should be asked on your theme support.

    But don’t hesitate to search the BuddyPress forum using keywords like css, template and so on…

    Jon Fergus

    This is what I’m looking for: when a user clicks “reply” under an existing reply in a topic, the reply-box will appear directly beneath that reply.

    Here’s an example discussion on our site: [MOD EDIT: deactivated the link as the site show the comment form only to loggedin users]

    When a user clicks “reply” the page reloads and the user is brought to the bottom of the page, where the reply-box is located.

    This is an example of what we want: [MOD EDIT: deactivated the link as the site show the comment form only to loggedin users]

    You’ll see here that when you click reply, the reply-box accordions into place right then and there. No page reload, no scrolling down. Really want that functionality, but not sure where to start.

    Here are two other support questions on this topic, for reference:

    Customizing "Reply To Topic" Area

    Any help with this would be much appreciated!


    Hi @shanebp, thank you for creating an awesome plugin and responding.

    We are so impressed looking up into WC Vendors Map and we are now getting interested to apply WC Vendors Map.
    We see that the store are already embedded into the pop-up window, and when we click on them, the shop and products are shown promptly, which we really like.
    Yet there are still some lingering questions:

    1. Can WC Vendors Map displays the vendor’s current location automatically?
    Our vendors are very mobile, we would love to enable them to update their current location easily.

    2. We are going to display vendors by their roles (category), would WC Vendors Map able to sort which category (vendor roles) are on display?
    This is the main thing that made us choose Geo My Wp (for their Exclude Members add-on).

    3. Can the vendor set the time when they would be showing on the map based on their working hours (whether they are on business or OFF business)?
    We are concerned of the density (over-crowding) of map markers on the map displayed.

    Could you please answer us by the order of the numbers above, we are hoping that WC Vendors Map can be the solution.

    If no, is there any suggestion that you may advise us to accomplished the points above, whether they are plugins or add-ons.

    We are looking forward to hearing from you @shanebp, thank you for your time and advice.



    i can’t understand how to solve this 3 questions. I am not expert, i’m not a programmer and I can’t use code.

    1) Logout: when a user logs out from a private page (message, for example) using the Buddypress-Access-Widget, it says “404 error page not found”. It’s obvious. How can i redirect the logout to the Home Page, solving the problem? Is there a solution without using code?

    2) Lost password: in Buddypress Access Widget you can Log-In and Register. No more. If you put a wrong password, the user is redirect to wp-login and this “loses” my site’s look, because it goes to a WordPress branded page. Is there a solution?


    In reply to: activity primary key



    a mysql error has nothing to do with BuddyPress.
    #1062 – duplicate entry ‘190’
    Normally you re-import datas in empty tables when you restore. In your case it seems that an entry with an ID ‘190’ was already in bp_activities table…

    More details here


    Hi danbp!
    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    Replying your questions:
    – Yes, group creation is allowed for all users
    – Yes, it works in the usermenu

    You can visit my website at and login with the following
    user: aldo
    pwd: aldo

    As you can see if you are in the page you get the button but when you are in the button is missing.

    The same is happening with the Twenty-Sixteen (see HERE)

    If required I can give you admin access.


    Hi. In my project I have an Ajax function that reorganizes the activities.
    Everything is working well except the oembed content, like YouTube videos, that are not embedded as expected.
    I found this post that describe the same situation, but talking about WordPress posts.
    Any suggestion will be appreciate.


    I posted the same issue in stackexchange( Any idea why it’s not working in activity page?



    in group forum Installing BuddyPress

    I run a small community (50 members) for a non-profit organization. I am paying for the service myself as the service is free of charge.

    I am looking at migrating my community to a self-hosted system. I have no technical skills so I need you guys to do all the work ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have a few questions

    1. Will the BuddyPress be able to offer similar features (video player, music player, groups, forums, members’ pages etc)?
    2. Will you be able to import all of the current community’s data?
    3. What is the estimated cost and time factor involved?
    4. Once the work is done will you offer support to deal with initial technical problems?

    NING have recently doubled their charges and I know there are a lot of NING communities wanting to migrate but most community administrators have no technical skills so we are well and truly stuck.

    Thank you in advance for your help


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