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  • #246639
    Henry Wright


    Thanks for the feedback. I’m assuming this is feedback regarding the BuddyPress forum, rather than the BuddyPress software. In your own forum, you can change the location of the new topic form by modifying your theme. See the Theme Compatibility article for more info. Any questions you may have feel free to ask on their support forum:


    In reply to: Karmas and Credits


    Yes i understand what you want to do, but you’re on a BuddyPress help forum. Your questions are not related to BuddyPress but to myCred. For such custom usage, please user the myCred help support.


    Ok i figured out part question 1 and 2. Basically i copied create.php in my theme and customized the text as needed. Now the remaining questions are

    1)Add additional tab or fields to existing tab for the group.
    2) I want to enforce each group having a forum is there a way i can remove the section?



    Gee, guys, thanks for not helping at all.

    The name of the element is exactly what I am trying to figure out. If my registration form looks like thisL

    [] MALE
    [] FEMALE

    I am trying to change words MALE and FEMALE to lowercase. I went through ALL CSS files in my theme, and tried replacing text-transform: uppercase with text-transform: none but it did not help at all!

    So more specifically, my questions are:

    1) what exactly controls the lowercase/uppercase of profile field answer options. Something like this:
    #buddypress .standard-form #basic-details-section – but what the hell exactly and how

    2) where to find it

    Thank you!


    Hey, sorry I’m new to Buddypress too and I can’t help you. But I’m also interested in your questions. Had you got any answer for you question? If it is yes, I want to know how you solved these problem. If it’s not, let’s find it out together.


    Yes I am sorry for the hijack. It didn’t seem like anyone was answering.

    I googled and read everything was present and I did not find the answers to my questions. I would like to put the registration into a popup. But there is nothing mentioned about that.

    If it is too complicated for a pop-up I would be happy to settle with a formatted page. Currently my page is showing 2 uneven columns and there is a check box to subscribe to newsletter squeezed in between the 2 columns. The check box is coming from another plugin mailpoet. I am using the enfold theme.

    Any advise would be helpful. I would really like to use your plugin but, I don’t want to spend days coding.


    hopefully I’m not asking too many questions… You do, but with a guitar, so i don’t be too afraid (i have 3 near me)

    If you use rtmedia, there is no reason to use mediapress as both do more or less, the same thing. And vice versa.

    I don’t use rtmedia so i don’t know how it works and display content in BP.
    What is the tab with bio, info ? Do you mean the original WP profile page ? Are you speaking about the admin profile page ?

    Embeding a wp content is not very difficult. Search the forum for embed post on profile. I answered one of this question a few days back with a complete solution.


    DanBP> You have no idea how much you helped me! This has been an on going project for a while now. I used to use a different CMS prior for the industry, but it was horrible. Now I’m switching to Buddypress & Glad I Did ..

    One Last Question.

    Is there anyway to embed RTMEDIA or MediaPress in the TAB where Info, Bio is?

    How would I add a HTML/PHP code for one of those so it would show up on the page?

    Thanks again in advanced! hopefully I’m not asking too many questions…


    Questions specific to another plugin are best asked of the plugin creators.
    Try or


    Hi @julia_b sure… Its let me know if you have any questions about it!

    One thing that I have found is that with so many features it can be confusing for the users. I have only been live for about a month now and have made several UI adjustments and will continue to do so.


    Hello everybody.

    I’m creating a SN with Buddypress and I have a problem with some questions.

    This SN must accept some different types of users that will get access to features of some other plugins.

    For example, a member of the type Person only have access to basic buddypress settings and pages to add to your profile. A gallery, the wall, the profile, etc, and each of this are accessible to other members according to the visibility defined by the user.
    In other case, a member of the type Shop must have access to e-commerce plugins to create his shop page in his profile. There will be listings, prices, ratings. A different set of pages. In this case, all accessible to all user by default. But different pages than the ones of a Person type member.
    If there are a Hotel type, the same applyes. Access to a booking plugin to add this option, pages for prices to each room, etc.
    The profile and page options will be different for each user type.
    That’s the issue I’m having. Couldn’t find any plugin to help with this. Does anyone know any hint to help me with this?



    Doubt there is a plugin this specific. I’m not sure the specifics but are you saying anyone can review a woo product if they are not logged in?

    BuddyPress doesn’t have a specific method for logging in its the same login as WP.

    You might try this



    I have som other questions about adding activities and notifications.


    How is these params used by the bp_activity_add function? What are they used for?



    About bp_notifications_add_notification params.

    How is the item_id used?
    How is the secondary_item_id used?

    Thanks in advance!


    @ch1n3s3b0y Hi there, im gonna chime in on this as im starting to believe that buddypress can most definately scale vary well (even though its not been proven yet to scale to say a million users+ i think its quite possible), as henry may remember from previous threads i have commented in i have decided to look into the ultimate server configurations to try and find the best way to actually move forward into my own buddypress build.

    This has meant concentrating and learning about lots of different server configurations for the past couple of years in-between my other projects.

    Do you think Buddypress can support hundreds of thousands, if not millions of users?

    Lets just switch this notion right on its head, rather than ask yourself if buddypress can scale to a millon users start asking yourself if your server setup and configuration can scale to a million concurrent users instead.

    The key to success on a buddypress active and busy site becomes more of a server and administration task rather than how you have buddypress setup on a basic server config (before long you will bottleneck somewhere if you do not setup for expansion).

    I know it seems daunting to think about all of this rather than install it build it and launch it and expect it to scale! But to me doing something half hearted isnt the way forward with a serious build on any project. If you prepare and understand the potential problems before you have that killer network built with 100s of thousand of concurrent users its much better to be prepared than to sit back and go NOW WHAT! when you finally grind to a halt and noone can use your site anymore and you dont know how to fix and expand it. Proactive is the way forward.

    I am currently testing my buddypress install on one of my servers with nginx and HHVM (hip hop virtual machine) that was created by and is used by facebook instead of standard php, this speeds up the PHP execution speed PHP code is translated into C++ compiled into a binary and run as an executable to really speed up the way php works, therefore making everying load much much much much faster! I have only just started messing around with HHVM and will keep you updated. is anyone else actually running HHVM? if so please do share with me your finding, to me this seems the way forward with any buddypress installed website.

    Also as i have stated before once i have decided on my final server configurations and im 100 percent happy with exactly how my setups work with wordpress/buddypress to scale to massive amounts of users i will create a post and guide on how i have it all set up, but still will take me more time yet. and also as stated before if anyone else does want to give there 2 cents on it feel free because on these forums there is not much talk about actual configs that people are using, even though i do realize this is server tech department, i also believe it is a valid issue for buddypress because instead of questions about scalability there could also be a few answers which is my ultimate goal. 😉


    – Is it possible as admin to change their username in the back office?

    No, WordPress does not allow it. Usernames must be unique.

    – Why the dot/period or special characters are allow in the username during the registration? and how i can block this?

    There are various methods to restrict the characters allowed in a username when registering. Here’s one example:


    @proforma_jec – given that wpmudev’s stuff (most of it anyway) is premium / paid things – you are likely to get little help with their stuff here at bp dot org.. the good thing for you is that wpmudev peeps are usually pretty quick to answer questions there, and generally come up with good solutions quickly as well. I’d suggest you ask about this via their support forums.


    You are correct on all three of your questions.

    I tried switching themes and am still seeing the same issue.

    I’m actually using BuddyPress in conjunction with WPMUDev’s Membership 2 Pro plugin, so it’s an issue with how those two are functioning together. I’ve posted on WPMUDev’s forums but can’t seem to find an answer there either, so I tried posting here hoping one side would know what the problem may be.


    >they now see their profile fields displayed 2 times.

    Rhetorical questions:
    As 2 sets or double entries?
    Does the issue remain if you remove the 3rd shortcode?

    It should be easy to narrow it down by following the clues given when you explore those questions.


    Why you start new thread for exact same question as before you?!
    ( )

    maybe delve into searching the forums..

    similar questions and answers 4 days ago -

    or point your optimize press to search the forums and codex here and find the fix if you can’t figure it out.

    I don’t think you will find a lot of help here with a premium theme and it’s specific issues. Especially since there has been no new information provided.



    I have the buttons displaying fine in entry.php..thanks for that info however.
    To answer your questions milestones and momentum buttons really only need to act like the “spam” button, which when clicked, writes a “1” to the is_spam row in bp_activity table. So, I’ve created is_momentum and is_milestone rows in my db, and just need the logic on how I can get those buttons we have created to act like the “spam” button EXCEPT writing to a new row in table. ANd how to name the “php bp_activity_unfavorite_link” part of the button. That’s all.

    Hope that’s more clear now.



    …euh…read through the code, find some dev comments and try to get further… ?

    I tried to answer to your question: only looking to basically take the favorites button and modify the function. Both files contain functions related to “favorite”.

    Though it would be more clear to all of us if you explain precisely what you’re trying to achive ? Instead of trying to explain (awkwardly) what you imagine may work, give details about what you try to do and code you used to do that.

    You say you create a function you want to add to favorite button. But this button should not favorite something, but either mimic is_span, but without using is_span !!!

    Sounds like if you asked for how to make beer, but without water to get a milk flavour.

    Please, make explicit questions !

    Providing Support at the BuddyPress Forums


    I’m trying and trying and can’t find any lead on that.

    The codex is complex and I cannot understand the child theme concept. Is it a child theme of the bp or a child theme of the theme I use (explicit)? If it is of the theme I use how can i make it to incorporate buddypress?

    To add to the problems, alt-tab is a website that receives 1000+ visits/day and I cannot put it in maintenance mode in order to work on my leisure.

    I hate to ask you that, and I know you have better things to do rather than answering questions, but can you please take me by the hand and lead me to solving this problem as I am unable to solve it on my own. Especially in a live environment.

    When I firebug the “Members” title in the page I get the following:

    I am at a loss here…


    No need to be rude. I’m trying to help you by asking questions, that’s all.

    As you use a third party plugin, i suggest you to deactivate it or even, to remove it completely and to test WP+BP only. Don’t know the plugin you mention, but one thing is sure, something is going wrong. On a standart install, handling pending members is generally not a problem.

    WP was updated 48 hours ago to 4.3 and is working flawless with BP2.3.2.1. (i have 6 BP site running on different configuration, without issues). If your issue appeared after this update, it is possible that a plugin is now no more able to work correctly with this new release.

    FYI, BRO is compatible up to: 4.2.4 and was last updated: 2015-7-21. Pretty recent, but who knows where the error comes from ? Have you asked for that issue on the plugin support ? No…

    If you thing it is an issue with BuddyPress, report the bug, describe the way to reproduce by opening a ticket on BuddyPress Trac, the only place where you can expect a fix. If BP devs agree with the issue.

    More about BP bugs on Codex.


    Please use the code button when you publish code !

    First, you can’t use a function name twice. (setup_globals)
    Second, it’s more easier to do after reading the correct documentation:


    And to find some answers once you have this information:

    The dev discussion around the new notification system:

    And the appropriate filter bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user which let non BP component hook into notification:


    also the following link MAY be of some help

    Please follow the discussion into the chat – just at the time i was very slow on the uptake!


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