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  • Fiush

    @andy277 your questions are so confusing.
    I don’t think any one can understand what exactly you want to achieve.please be clear on the topic.

    Hugo Ashmore

    Then you’ll want to 😉 Please read the codex guides we wrote them to help explain these sorts of requirements.

    Have a read and pop back if further questions arise after reading the guides.


    It’d be a lot easier to answer your questions if you were explicit about the functions you’re using, for example: bp_group_list_admins()

    Since it’s called in a template, overload the template and make a call to your own version of that function that sets ‘type’ to whatever you want.


    @whiskyharry – you are going to have to direct these questions to the premium theme author – people at bp dot org will not help you with this issue – (99.99 % sure on this)


    @natmba1 – you do not need a wordpress dot COM account to run buddypress – and I am not sure that you can run BP there – not the last time I checked.

    What I suggest is getting your own web hosting account – for 10 or 20$ per month you can run your own (shared) hosting – and put wordpress and buddypress and any other plugins you like into it.

    Some places like (and similar hosting companies) – make it pretty simple to setup a wordpress hosting account and then you can add plugins and themes through the backend admin dashboard.

    You will likely end up with an account at wordpress dot ORG – to ask questions about plugins and stuff – but the dot ORG is the free open community and the dot COM is more the commercial thing kind of like wix.. which I am sure you have seen places like that are very limited – running your own system has many more options – but with that comes a bit more learning and responsibility 😉


    In reply to: Where to install


    @shanebp: There wasn’t anything rude in my response. If anything, Henry’s didn’t address my question as I stated it,. Instead, he rephrase it, which could be considered inconsiderate.

    Had I wanted to ask the question he moved my question to, I would have asked it. I didn’t. So I moved what I could have considered a rude move on his part, back to my original concern. As for your response, … “It depends”; it is not an answer. Consider the context here: We are in a BuddyPress forum que. If you haven’t figure it out yet, I am querying to how better install BuddyPress, on a domain or a subdomain. It is obvious that it has to be on a WordPress installation. (Everyone who doesn’t know that, hold up your hand….. Just as a thought, no one. Oh, there is one.)

    Now, I could have interjected my own thoughts into the original question, but by not doing so I was hoping to illicit candid input, as compared to a general and useless response such as, “It depends”. So. Since you seem to have more to add, depending on something…, let me clarify for you:

    One of the sites we created and run for a client has WordPress as the platform. We are considering adding BuddyPress to it to extend the accumulated audience. We have concerns regarding security, cpu and memory load, plugin conflicts,possibly running a separate user registration and permission scheme (possibly) and all the other common issues inherent with WP; as well as the size of the site already, which is a bit over 3Gb in size. It runs an events system, with about 400 locations and in excess of 23,000 daily events. It is on a VPS with 2 cores, 32Gb RAM, using multiple dedicated IPs, much of what is in WHM, and numerous firewalls and other security systems.

    As you maybe are able to see, how BuddyPress is installed would make a difference. But now that I have clouded your considerations with information I would have preferred to reserve until later in any possible conversation, we’ll see what bias is in any response you may have, hopefully beyond a mind-dulling, “It depends”.

    Now, on to Henry’s response:
    You left out the option of WP on both the primary and the sub-domains; which is the case. Again, if my primary question had to do with BUDDY PRESS, not to gain opinions about WP on a subdomain vs on a primary domain, which is the case; I would expect responses regarding that. Had your topic been my topic, I wouldn’t have posted my question in a BuddyPress que, simply becuase your question says nothing about BP.

    And I’m sure that question has been addressed many times already. Who cares??? IT WASN’T, AND ISN’T MY QUESTION! Why do you have this habit of trying to rephrase or move another’s original question? Must be a power struggle issue.

    Never mind. I’ll seek the opinions elsewhere, from other forums that actually want to address questions as stated, and don’t act like gatekeepers.

    Good grief!



    From my limited information / understanding (as user not a dev)
    “peeps that create BP” – abandoned the project long ago.

    The forums here and the bp site are mostly ignored and have many problems.

    There is no funding for BP anymore – and has not been for a long time.

    With that being said – I was amazed to see some really awesome peeps doing a lot of work and smart discussions about so many code issues when recently visiting the bp trac system – so there is a lot going on behind the scenes. All those guys deserve a big bonus, but I am not sure if anyone is getting paid from Auttomattic for working on bp anymore.

    There are several people who are monetizing a bit with paid plugins and “bp jobs”, I understand the need to get paid, and I get that there are only so many (maybe a dozen?) – Bp dev people, so providing free support in the forums here is not top of the priority list – and really many of the forums questions are not so much tech issues, but “how to” and “can I..” – which would be more easily answered by a quick bing search..

    Anyhow I wish I knew more about how the activity thing chose what to pull in, and how to mod it- there are some neat newish things that BP has added to help filter the activity thing, once in a while someone will chime in with how to do it – but I have not seen any real documentation on it – another job that should be filled, yet will likely not be the top of the unpaid priority list anytime soon.

    I wish wordpress would pull BP from showing up as one of the top plugins in the wp-repo and the wp dashboard- I think it is getting too many people to install it or check it out that have not business jumping into this rabbit hole, or asking about it! – lol

    Let me know if any of that works our for ya, or if you find the magic “this is what bp pulls” – I am working on a plugin that converts gifs to html5 video for one of my sites, and as to where I don’t mind if those are pulled into the activity – it would be a mess if they all auto-played – so may need to do some work arounds to keep something else there in their place and a “click to see post” kind of thing like were originally talking about.


    Is there a way to connect my lessons to BuddyPRess?

    Probably, but there are too variables in your questions:
    – what does ‘connect’ my lessons mean?
    – what is a gamification plugin?
    – how are you dripping?

    btw – Those questions are rhetorical.

    Unless somebody here has the same theme / plugin setup as you ( doubtful ), your chances of getting answers are slim to none.

    Unless you are a developer, you’ll probably need to hire one to create the experience you desire.
    And it sounds like a fairly large job.
    You can post job listings here.


    I’ve replied several times and it won;t go through, but a test that jsut said test did, so I’m going to try to break up my reply–that way at least some parts might go through.


    Thanks for responding–you are asking the right questions it seems, because those are all things I’ve had to review.

    I created a new page with the title ‘home’ and then went into settings–> reading and selected ‘home’ to be my static front page–though in menu I call it ‘Welcome’ because I have a main home page for all my sites. I did not create a page called ‘blog’ because my blog is at a separate WP isntall; this install is meant for zippy courses.

    and when you click on members it goes to home?

    No, it does the opposite. When I try and go to the front page which is at dotcom/members, it takes me to the Members page–but does not redirect the actual url to the members page which has /members to that address.

    I followed the config instructions and had forgotten to turn on registration before installing BP, so I did that and then manually created a register and activation page and pointed the register and activation functions to them. I tested them in a browser where I was not logged in and they work.

    Henry Wright

    Try asking specific questions relating to exactly what you’re trying to do.



    I see how you are using groups – so it does appear that links to them are easily discoverable from your public facing pages.

    If you do a view source and look at your code for each of your groups, you will notice that the page title is exactly the same for all of your groups ( <title>Activities – Freaky Rivet</title> ) – and there is no meta name description =

    Two major issues for the big G.

    Which version of buddypress are you using?

    This problem concerns me so much that I have kept one of my sites with an older version of buddypress ( ) with the cobbled custom code I was able to get from wpmudev ( ) – the cobbled code may work the newer version of bp – but things are quite confusing with how wp has changed up some of the title thing, and bp has it’s way of things and there are possible conflicts with priority or something..

    The discussion on this trac ticket( ) says things have been “fixed” – I do appreciate the devs working on it a bit – but I have a feeling the fix is more of a “make it work in a semi-okay way with a couple of setups” – not much as far as giving users real control over the titles and descriptions.

    I am guessing people will point to theme designers to hook this up, and they will point to “we use wordpress’s suggested way of title-ing (wp the title or whatever) – and so it’s wp/bp issue, and descriptions should be handled my an seo plugin – but given that bp’s pages are pseudo pages without any taxonomy registered, it appears that yoast and others have so desire to work with it.

    This is my current understanding, and may be not 100% accurate – what I gather after posting many questions and issues relating to this in various places.

    I’d pay someone to code a plugin that gives options for bp meta stuff like the suggestion I posted before, and give it to the community. If I could understand all the bp/wp code and php I’d gladly make it. It seems the BP coders are spread a bit thin, so I have no good options for fixing this issue at the moment.


    Hi and thank you, @djsteveb. In answer to your questions:

    We don’t have a main groups page, only individual ones. Looking at the source of an individual one (e.g., I’ve searched and there’s no ‘robots’ text anywhere in the file.

    Looking at the links you’ve sent, I note that Yoast’s plugin comes up a lot – I have it on my site as well.

    Thank you.


    I have never used kendo, so i can’t help you about how it works, or not, with BuddyPress or with your theme.

    But you can deregister a script or add more scripts into the theme…
    Read here if it inspires you:

    Henry Wright

    Take a look at the BuddyPress Template Hierarchy article. That should answer any questions you have.


    Hi @nmschaller,

    bbPress is a separate plugin and BuddyPress doesn’t manage bbPress. For questions about forum settings, you can use the bbPress support.

    When you use BP groups component, you can add a forum to each of them. In this case only, you have to install bbPress. Of course you can also use bbPress as standalone on a BP install, or use bbPress with WordPress, without BP.

    BP doesn’t use “pages” but templates, and the only pages created during installation are in for internal purpose. The “member” page is used to show the member directory, but also profiles or members activities. This dynamic content is displayed on different templates, depending the context, and using WP’s page system to fire all that via a same page slug (aka internal path).

    your-site/members/some/thing/ where /some/thing/ is using his own template part displayed on “members page”.

    So far i understand you use bbPress and now you want a members directory, and eventually some additionnal fields on user’s profiles. And most of this should be private or “members only”, right ?

    The main problem is that you want some custom behave that need some knowledge (you seem to have), but you cannot edit functions.php Unfortunately, this is the place where to add customisation. And what to tell about bp-custom, which is another crucial cusmisation file.

    You want to drive and have no steering wheel ! Annoying… 😉

    The question is Do you need BuddyPress or can you use another solution ? 🙂

    Depends your project, really. Members directory or extended profiles can be done with separate plugins.

    Read here:

    Or digg into the Codex if you decide to use BuddyPress.

    Henry Wright

    It’s probably worth giving it a shot and then just open a new topic for any specific coding questions you have.

    David Cavins

    Hi @pilha-

    That’s totally weird behavior. It seems like the table in your database has lost its mind. 🙂

    Can you check the structure of the table wp_bp_groups? What I want to know is:

    • Is id set as the primary key?
    • Is id set to auto-increment?

    Since you’ve already emptied records from the database, I suspect you’re familiar with some software for MySQL management like phpMyAdmin. Can you check the questions above?


    hi @aventurine_geode,

    BuddyPress use templates and CSS which are all stored in bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/

    To modify them, you have to create first a child-theme and copy into it any of the files you want to modify, by respecting /path/file structure of the original /buddypress/ folder.

    In brief, wp-content/themes/child-theme/buddypress/file

    Most of your questions are related to CSS. You make these changes in /child-theme/style.css
    To alter the searchbar, but depending of what you exactly want to do, see bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/groups/index.php (similar path for members) or creating a custom function if more in-depth modification. In that case you put this function into bp-custom.php (wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php) or into child-theme’s functions.php

    More details can bee found on Codex

    BuddyPress Theme Development


    In reply to: Sponsored Ads

    Henry Wright

    Hi @mecceo

    Yes. You have 3 options:


    In reply to: Group tab questions

    Hugo Ashmore

    Firstly please don’t type subject lines in all caps, it’s considered rude and to be shouting, it will not get you any of a faster response only remarks like I’m making 😉

    Secondly why link us to your site asking questions about registration when all of your site links re-direct to an off site frame 404 not found page?

    Registration in BP is a simple process with few fields to complete uploading files not one of them, so have you extended your registration process with custom functionality, if so explain that in detail.

    When setting up a new WP/BP site one should check the basics work such as registration before taking the site any further in development terms, if not sure whether your theme could be a factor in issues you should test that the basics work using a standard WP bundled theme i.e twenty fifteen.

    So you need to confirm some simple test, and if issue persists detail your registration process steps and any customizations you have in place if people are to be able to help at all.

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