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  • #173505
    Hugo Ashmore

    Please don’t post duplicate questions, once is sufficient.


    @jaxdestroyer This looks EXACTLY how I was hoping. I’ll look over the code you sent me tonight, and I’ll let you know if I have any questions. Thanks so much, you just saved me a ton of time figuring this out myself.


    I have Actually done this on my own site that I am developing. I at first Used Buddypress Facebook, Buddypress Googleplus and Buddypress Twitter and they work well enough but I wanted to be able to add some other sites as well as use my own icons. So I figured out what they did and updated it for my needs.
    Here is what I came up with. The following code will go into your themes functions.php.

    //Social Media Icons based on the profile user info
    function member_social_extend(){
    		$dmember_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;
    		$fb_info = xprofile_get_field_data('facebook', $dmember_id);
    		$google_info = xprofile_get_field_data('googleplus', $dmember_id);
    		$twitch_info = xprofile_get_field_data('twitch', $dmember_id);
    		$twitter_info = xprofile_get_field_data('twitter', $dmember_id);
    		echo '<div class="member-social">';
    			echo 'My Social: ';
    		if ($fb_info) {
    		<span class="fb-info"><a href="<?php echo $fb_info; ?>"  title="My Facebook" target="_blank"><img src="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/themes/your_theme_name_here/images/facebook.png" /></a></span>
    		if ($google_info) {
    		<span class="google-info"><a href="<?php echo $google_info; ?>" title="My Googleplus" target="_blank"><img src="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/themes/your_theme_name_here/images/google-plus.png" /></a></span>
    		if ($twitch_info) {
    		<span class="twitch-info"><a href="<?php echo $twitch_info; ?>" title="My Twitch" target="_blank"><img src="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/themes/your_theme_name_here/images/twitch.png" /></a></span>
    		if ($twitter_info) {
    		<span class="twitter-info"><a href="<?php echo $twitter_info; ?>" title="My Twitter" target="_blank" class="twitter-follow-button""><img src="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/themes/your_theme_name_here/images/twitter.png" /></a></span>
    	echo '</div>';
    add_filter( 'bp_before_member_header_meta', 'member_social_extend' ); ?>

    I will explain the code to you so that you can use it for more than just these 4 sites.
    First the Variables

    $dmember_id = $bp->displayed_user->id;
    $fb_info = xprofile_get_field_data('facebook', $dmember_id);

    $dmember_id grabs the currently displayed user id.
    $fb_info gets the data that was placed the facebook text box I created in extended users profiles.
    The same goes for $google_info, $twitch_info, and $twitter_info all you need to do is change 2 simple things.
    $your_variablename_here = xprofile_get_field_data('your_textbox_field_name_here', $dmember_id);

    That textbox field name can be anything you want it to be as long as it is the same as the extended profile field name. For each different site you will need to do that line.

    echo '<div class="member-social">'; All this does is start a div with a class of member-social so you can box all the different icons in one place.

    The below code is optional but may be important if you want to prefix the icons with something.

    			echo 'My Social: ';

    This asks if any of the variables have data in them. If so then prefix the icons with “My Social: ” if not then show nothing. You will need to add your new variables each seperated with the horizontal bars as shown. So that it will show as long as any of them have one field filled in.

    if ($fb_info) {
    		<span class="fb-info"><a href="<?php echo $fb_info; ?>"  title="My Facebook" target="_blank"><img src="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/themes/your_theme_name_here/images/facebook.png" /></a></span>

    This asks if $fb_info has any data then show the icon.

    The Below code can differ based on your preference.
    <span class="fb-info"><a href="<?php echo $fb_info; ?>" title="My Facebook" target="_blank"><img src="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/themes/your_theme_name/images/facebook.png" /></a></span>
    I wrapped each icon in its own span HTML tag. Then create the link.
    <a href="<?php echo $fb_info; ?>" title="My Facebook" target="_blank"><img src="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/themes/your_theme_name/images/facebook.png" /></a>
    In this example I am linking to with the $fb_info data. Here is where the preference comes in if you want them to just put their whole social profile link in the profile field then all it needs to look like is
    <a href="<?php echo $fb_info; ?>" title="My Facebook" target="_blank"><img src="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/themes/your_theme_name/images/facebook.png" /></a>
    the title=”put_hover_text_here” is what you want to show when hovering over the link the target= “_blank” makes the link open in a new tab.

    <img src="<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-content/themes/your_theme_name_here/images/facebook.png" />
    This is where you placed the image of the icon. Currently this will point to the images folder of your theme and the image name of facebook.png as long as you updated the theme name.

    	echo '</div>';
    add_filter( 'bp_before_member_header_meta', 'member_social_extend' ); ?>

    this closes the if statement and closes the div that I made earlier. Then adds the function to the buddypress profile.

    here is an image of the results:
    social Results

    The Twitch icon I made myself but the others are free here along with many more social sites. I used the 32px images.

    If you have any questions or need some extra explanation of this or want to add these social icons to the group header,or even add them to a users authorbox(this will require you to change your themes code) just PM Me or reply. I hope this helps anyone else looking to do something similar Note this will only send people to their respective social media profiles not allow them to follow or friend straight from your site.


    In reply to: Pagina registrazione?


    Please use English or at least use google translate or babelfish so we know what you’re talking about!

    “Could you help me create a registration form?”

    I believe you can also use membership plugins like S2 (free and premium) or membership (premium) from wpmu to customize the register.php

    David Jay

    I was able to get this (create a link to the post author’s BP profile) to work using Boones suggestion here

    To get it to work in the sidebar (running Genesis and the Content Aware Sidebar plugin) I had to use the code below to pull the author id outside the loop. I am strictly an amateur but this may be where folks are having trouble adding a link in sidebars, plugins or widgets?

    If you are like me, and not a coder, below is the exact code I used:

    $temp_post = get_post($post_id);
    $user_id = $temp_post->post_author;
    $author_bp_profile = bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id );
    ?><a href="<?php echo $author_bp_profile;?>">View the author's profile</a>

    In reply to: PHP Errors


    Hi @keiser-media @celticdancer,

    The usual answer in this case is: these notice are only notice. A kind of weather report: all hear and read about, but who cares ?

    If you see the notice on a production site, deactiveate the debug define in wp-config.

    Don’t be afraid by “strict standards” messages. It’s probably because you use PHP 5.4.x or higher. These versions are a little bugy actually. And most shared server are yet under 5.3.x

    More here

    PS: i encounter the same problem (php 5.4.12) 😀


    Even though the first question deals with bbPress the answer is it depends on what you mean by capabilities. You can can assign user roles like keymaster, moderator, participant, spectator, or blocked.
    Yes, private messages can be sent and received. If you only want messages to be sent between a member and the admin that would require use of a plugin, or some custom code but it can be done!
    Hope that answers your questions!


    In reply to: 'Survey' Project


    I would like to create a section where people can sign in and answer questions and add their image and then have people see their answers.

    Sure. Use BuddyPress Extended Profile Fields to highlight the best of your community
    Make sure that Extended Profiles is checked in wp-admin Settings > BuddyPress > Components

    At the top of the sections would be a running total…total years lost to illness

    Check out and then customize the plugin to include the running total years lost to illness or use/rename birthday field


    @zane 1a.) There is a reply link in every topic post if you’re using default bbPress forums in your installation.

    e.g.1. In this topic you started, when you hover a post a line shows up on the bottom right corner of each post with different links including the “Reply” link which will bring you to the reply form at the bottom.

    e.g.2. In this screenshot of a default forum topic layout you’ll see the “Reply” link along with other links are shown at the top of every post in that page.

    Please check with your theme author why you’re not seeing the Reply link in your theme.


    Hey Mercime,

    1a. Forum. It is not very intuitive to scroll to the bottom to make a new post.
    1b. – Love this theme 🙂

    2. Thanks! I knew I saw this somewhere. I even checked there (doh!). Worked like a charm. Thanks!



    1) Reply button on what page exactly? Forum post or blog post? What theme are you using?

    2) Group Forum posts do appear in that Group’s Activity Stream. If you want to disable forum/blog post commenting in the Activity Stream to prevent confusion and to have all the forum/blog post comments in one location, then go to Settings > BuddyPress > Settings – Activity Settings, and make sure that Blog & Forum Comments are not enabled (not checked).


    I have the same question as Ben.

    I know we shouldn’t modify core files. I know there are .po and .mo files for translations. But creating an entire .mo file for only one ( 1 ) more translation is overkill ( since poedit doesn’t let you just “add” an entry to an existing .po file ). ( )

    I have a third-party theme, and I’ve copied the buddypress folder in it. In members/ there is an “activate.php” file where I changed some text.

    But the “Check Your Email To Activate Your Account!” is not in activate.php, nor register.php, nor anywhere else.

    So, the question is simple: where is located the string “Check Your Email To Activate Your Account!” ?

    ( Let me guess something else: there is no translation in the official translation files for this specific string, maybe, because it just isn’t in the registration php files ? )

    I think that’s what Ben wanted too.


    I wrote this while I was tired last night, you should cleanse the input on line 15 with:
    $input = htmlspecialchars($_POST['input']);

    That should prevent SQL injections by converting quotes and other special characters into their HTML values… See here for more details.

    Any questions, feel free to ask, I’ll keep an eye on this thread for ya.


    By “easy”, I meant “There must be simple functions for posting things to the database; but I don’t know them”. I often see people answering to questions with pages and pages of code from outer space, so I thought my little question would be a very simple one….

    Well.. Let’s make my question “less general”.

    I want to get rid of the bottom tabs of the member profile page. Still, I want the members to be able to edit their profile. I want to style that directly in the member-header.php page.

    I want that kind of thing:

    if ( bp_is_my_profile() )
      echo "Hi there, since it's your profile, you can edit the value of field number 46";
      echo '<form id="formtochangefield46" name="updatefield46" onSubmit=" " action=" "  method="post" >
      <div>New value</p></div>
      <div><input type="text" id="updatefield46" name="field46" size="20" style="width:150px;"   maxlength="150" value="">
      <div><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></div>
    $embed = wp_oembed_get( xprofile_get_field_data('46'), array( ‘width’ => 400 ) );
    echo $embed;

    I guess there must already exist wp functions to… call the database and update a field from a form’s submitted values… I mean, how does one creates a custom register page ? It must be the same functions after all…

    I hope my question is more precise… And sorry for my english, I don’t really speak it.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Those two questions aren’t really relevant here. A quick Google search will suggest object caching solutions for WordPress: is one of them, if your web host is using APC. You’ll have to ask them to find this out.


    In reply to: Email Activation


    Can you receive an activation mail if you deactivate BuddyPress? Where are you hosted? Have you checked out possible solutions at ?


    Hi @mercime
    Thanks. – i just downloaded the db via phpmyadmin

    We are running a BP default child theme – would i simply remove it from the theme files?

    How about the link to ‘read more’ for a forum post showing up in the activity stream. Is that also done in the theme files – as opposed to settings?

    Best regards


    @fideldonson no problem

    Backup all tables in site’s database and you’re fine. But also check if there’s a bp-custom.php file in wp-content/plugins/ in server, and back that up if there’s one.

    You can remove the status update box in different ways. It just depends on whether you’re using a WordPress theme or BP Default child theme.


    I came across the topic of someone asking about 123flashchat by TOPCMM and felt I should share with you what my experience is so that others don’t get caught.

    Anyone considering any of TOPCMM software should spend a lot of time asking questions. I lost $1300.00 plus thousands of dollars in advertising, hardware and other software because TOPCMM was never able to make this software work right.

    After only a few months of owning it, I started begging for a refund which never came. When they found my review, they said in public that they were happy to offer me a refund but in email, the keep telling me it’s not possible and that will not happen.

    Support is almost nonexistent and they will make you nearly crazy with delays. No matter what ticket type you use, low priority or critical, you still will receive the same support no matter what. You might get lucky and someone will respond in a day, maybe two and often, a week. By then, you will have lost many customers and money if you are advertising as I was.

    They also take countless holidays and leave you hanging during those and only sales is on staff during weekends. Their forums are useless and they never give any real answers other than ‘give us your login details and we’ll fix it’. This means you’ll never learn about your server and will always be dependent on them, just how they like it.

    From what I can tell, they are on their knees after abusing countless customers and their future is unsure. Be very careful!

    I could go on and on and would be happy to share more horrors if anyone is considering this software. Just PM me.

    Good luck… now… on to more positive things


    Ah, sorry about that. I misread your question.

    This StackOverflow answer is perfect for your needs:

    You basically need to use Javascript to do something like this, else your shadow will always show up.

    You can put that Javascript either in <script> tags in your template’s header.php or put it in a file and enqueue it in your functions.php

    Basically, change #my_fixable_table_header in the javascript to your own id, which would be #header #searchbar and change the myHeader.addClass(‘fixed’) to something like myHeader.addClass(‘scroll-shadow’)

    Add a class to your CSS called .scroll-shadow (which you’re now adding a class for based on your scrolling) and put your box-shadow in there. Make sure to remove it otherwise from your #header #searchbar.

    You can check the answer in that link to see a working example to toy around with.

    Hugo Ashmore

    BP isn’t a forum app, you can’t have non registered users, wouldn’t bother to try hacking it to, however comment posting to blog posts or allowing anonymous topics and replies in bbPress can be allowed.



    yeah i suspected as much sadly.

    i know on simplepress forums they get round it by creating a ‘fake’ account for whatever username is typed in as the guest username, i was just hoping somebody had tried to modify it to work on buddypress at some point.

    i dont have anything like the skills to try it lol.

    ill have a coffee and look at the adding hidden text to the status update field again

    Hugo Ashmore

    I’m afraid you’re trying to achieve something not possible, WP might allow anonymous posting of comments but BP is a membership system, you must be a member to be able to add items to something like the activity stream (otherwise it simply won’t know who to attribute data to) , and many such functions in BP are based on a logged in requirement.


    ive pretty much given up on this. been 20 hours straight trying lol

    as for opening up the status comments to all site visitors, it looks like that one is impossible aswell.

    its a shamebecause i think both features would be universally popular.

    ill take a break and maybe try later. take care folks x


    * BuddyPress – Activity Post Form
    * @package Status
    * @since 1.0

    <div id=”whats-new-declare” class=”clearfix”>
    <form action=”<?php bp_activity_post_form_action(); ?>” method=”post” id=”whats-new-form” name=”whats-new-form” role=”complementary”>
    <?php do_action( ‘bp_before_activity_post_form’ ); ?>
    <section id=”whats-new-about”>
    <div id=”whats-new-avatar”>
    <?php bp_loggedin_user_avatar( ‘width=’ . bp_core_avatar_thumb_width() . ‘&height=’ . bp_core_avatar_thumb_height() ); ?>

    <div id=”whats-new-wrapper”>
    <div id=”whats-new-tail”></div>
    <div id=”whats-new-textarea”>
    <textarea name=”whats-new” id=”whats-new” cols=”50″ rows=”10″>topic<?php if ( isset( $_GET[‘r’] ) ) : ?><?php echo esc_attr( $_GET[‘r’] ); ?>topic<?php endif; ?>topic</textarea>

    <section id=”whats-new-content”>
    <div id=”whats-new-options”>

    <div id=”whats-new-submit”>
    <input type=”submit” name=”aw-whats-new-submit” id=”aw-whats-new-submit” value=”<?php _e( ‘Post Update’, ‘status’ ); ?>” class=”submitbutton”/>
    <?php if ( bp_is_active( ‘groups’ ) && !bp_is_my_profile() && !bp_is_group() ) : ?>
    <div id=”whats-new-post-in-box”>
    <?php _e( ‘Post in’, ‘status’ ) ?>:
    <select id=”whats-new-post-in” name=”whats-new-post-in”>
    <option selected=”selected” value=”0″><?php _e( ‘My Profile’, ‘status’ ); ?></option>
    <?php if ( bp_has_groups( ‘user_id=’ . bp_loggedin_user_id() . ‘&type=alphabetical&max=100&per_page=100&populate_extras=0’ ) ) :
    while ( bp_groups() ) : bp_the_group(); ?>
    <option value=”<?php bp_group_id(); ?>”><?php bp_group_name(); ?></option>
    <?php endwhile;
    endif; ?>
    <input type=”hidden” id=”whats-new-post-object” name=”whats-new-post-object” value=”groups” />
    <?php elseif ( bp_is_group_home() ) : ?>
    <input type=”hidden” id=”whats-new-post-object” name=”whats-new-post-object” value=”groups” />
    <input type=”hidden” id=”whats-new-post-in” name=”whats-new-post-in” value=”<?php bp_group_id(); ?>” />
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php do_action( ‘bp_activity_post_form_options’ ); ?>
    </div><!– #whats-new-options –>
    </section><!– #whats-new-content –>
    <?php wp_nonce_field( ‘post_update’, ‘_wpnonce_post_update’ ); ?>
    <?php do_action( ‘bp_after_activity_post_form’ ); ?>

    </form><!– #whats-new-form –>

    thats the right php i think, post-form.php, how could i modify a line or two here for posting my own tags?

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