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  • #162836

    here’s a untested function. Would perhaps output the member name and the Class he belongs

    function bpfr_member_class($myinfo) {
    global $bp;

    $user_id = bp_get_member_user_id();

    $membername = xprofile_get_field_data( ‘Name’, $user_id );
    $data = xprofile_get_field_data( ‘Class’, $user_id );

    if( $data )
    $myinfo = ‘<div class=”myinfo”>’. $membername.’ CLASS: ‘. $data .'</div>’;

    return $myinfo;

    I’m a newbie to php (me also) – this is not an excuse especially when you’re going to code on the fly without reading documentation and forum topics.

    What you doing wrong πŸ˜‰
    – You’re coding directly into your theme
    – You don’t read the answers you receive and you don’t answer the questions.


    Thanks Fee … I will certainly look into writing something for newbies like myself (although maybe by the time I get to understand BP then I’ll have forgotten how I feel right now !)

    If I’m being too much of a pain with my stupid questions, please ignore me! But otherwise, I’m very grateful for you spending your valuable time helping me out.

    So .. Following your latest suggestions, I’m making some progress.

    Things I don’t understand are:

    1) On the main home page, I now see four menu items .. My own menu, Members, Activities and Groups. The first should be a link to my ‘Group Forum’ and I’ve set the URL to http://localhost:8888/forums/forum/Group Forum (I’m using MAMP on the iMac) .. but I get URL Not Found.

    2) (and this may be connected to 1) … When I edit my forum page from wp-admin, I get a message at the top saying that I need to update my permalinks to something other than the default for BP to work. What should I set this to ?

    3) For the other three menu items (Members, Activities, Groups), if I click on all of these I just get put into the WP page editor. What do I do next please ?

    I’m sure that sometime in the near future I will suddenly see the light and understand all of this. At the moment it seems like a bit of a steep learning curve.



    Depends on if it requires a little wordpress and bp customization but you can try here:

    BP Jobs Board

    Just remember BP is a wordpress plugin and it requires wordpress to work. Good luck!


    Thanks @bphelp, I am looking to hire someone that does specifically BuddyPress customization. Wouldn’t that be more likely to be here?

    Be specific in what your requirements are. List your budget, and as much info you can.


    Check this out. It MAY be of some help to you. It certainlyy was useful to me. Works in wp 3.5.1 bp 1.6,or bp 1.7

    Please follow the discussion into the chat – It does work flawlessly – just at the time i was slow on the uptake!


    Wow thanks @karmatosed this sounds really cool.

    Hugo Ashmore

    @mehrwash this is almost a 4 year old thread and no longer relevant. Please ask questions in a new topic.


    @chouf1 thank you for your response!

    I tried the WP-FB-AutoConnect plugin and now I’ve got a better idea of how things work. If someone registers with their FB account (lets say John Smith), it will automatically generate the username John_Smith. And if another person registers with the same name, the username will be John_Smith2.

    I didn’t have time to test it thoroughly, so I have 2 more questions:
    1. I saw that in most occasions it shows the Name along with the username. That’s acceptable. Are there any occasions that shows only the username? That would be ugly!

    2. Would the users be able to search for one another with their regular names (like FB) and not with their usernames?

    Hugo Ashmore

    @praveshraheja Please don’t open 2 year old threads and ask unrelated questions in them. Start new threads for your issues, and you have threads running so please avoid multiple postings of issues.
    Closing this thread.

    Hugo Ashmore

    @boiy You may ask, but please start a new thread for new questions.


    Thanks @chouf1

    : @bphelp has posted a link to a plugin. Please create a new topic should you have any questions.

    Closing this topic.

    Andres Felipe

    Hi @chouf1 and thanks for your extensive and clear reply, to answer your questions:

    1. Site URL link
    2. Single WP but considering Multisite in near future
    3. PHP version 5.2.17
    4. Yes they provide me gettext with php

    About your suggestions:

    1. I’m using WP 3.5.1
    2. Checked the language folder and there were all the files You say except the, I added it, clear chache, made a new activity update and nothing happens.
    3. Actually the theme has .mo and .po files and I checked them and where ok, no strange translation or mistakes.
    4. I’ll try the wp-include folder option and update this topic again.

    Really, really, thanks for all your time!

    Hugo Ashmore

    Think maybe you ought to address questions about the bbPress plugin to the bbpress forums, you’ll likely get a more informed response there.


    Hello bphelp,

    Well i thought I got it to work but it is not giving me the functionality that I am looking for.

    So just a couple of questions, If I tell BP to NOT enqueue the parent style sheet in functions.php then how & where do I call the style sheet that I want to use for the whole site?

    Then if I want to call one separate style sheet for a homepage template how would I go about doing that?

    It seems like most of the answers I’ve seen around the web are based on pre BP 1.5 when it didn’t enqueue style sheets because I’ve searched all over the place.

    Thanks in advance!


    In reply to: BuddyCamp Miami, 2013


    @djpaul @bphelp per @dimensionmedia there will be Live Stream of BuddyCamp Miami and it will be free πŸ™‚

    Submit questions to be asked at BCMiami to the panel of BuddyPress Pros by posting at


    @mercime, I understand your point, but I was not only referring to my own questions, I also noticed questions not being answered in other people’s posts. And some are valid questions. it is a habit from Perlmonks, I normally do a search before asking a question. But some questions aren’t necessarily asked before or answered properly before. Thank you for your response but you haven’t answered my question, my question was a voting, grading system like Perlmonks would encourage the community to participate more?

    Do you think the forum is fine as it is and grading system is not required and it is my fault if I cannot find a solution to my problems? πŸ™‚


    @ozgurpolat Thank you for your feedback. I understand where you’re coming from. But comparing Perlmonks and BuddyPress forums is like comparing Apples and Oranges.

    Perlmonks, which supports a Programming Language, has been there for around 20 years while BuddyPress Forums, which supports one WordPress plugin, is going on 4+ years. Not that that’s any excuse, but you can see that the awesome folks at Perlmonks have a 15-year headstart and more people power than BuddyPress forum volunteers πŸ™‚

    As for some questions not being answered in our forums, I will use the link posted by Perlmonk’s sages


    @Chouf1 for someone who is upset I’m complaining – all you really did is complain that I was complaining. I didn’t give any details, because mine were the same as the OP’s. In addition, I was talking about a base install – and the groups/forums issue is the same no matter what the theme.

    I have since found a few tidbits of information that were helpful.

    1. BP ver 1.7 does away with group forums
    2. BP ver 1.7 is in beta 2 and almost ready for release
    3. moving forward forums should be integrated using bbpress (which you have to install separately)
    4. you only get the “create” a group button from the master root /user-groups BP URL
    5. profile BP links like /members/username/groups are different than the master root pages
    6. to manage a group after creation before BP 1.7 you have to actually visit the groups page in question (/user-groups/groupname) and the click “admin” to make changes – there is no master groups editing page
    7. in BP 1.7 there is actually a new “groups” section in the wp-admin sidebar where you can (for the first time) have group management capabilities on the backend (edit / delete)

    I stick by the fact that there is very little documentation on how to use BuddyPress after first install. I have been using WordPress since 2004 and have created and hacked hundreds of plugins and themes. I have written thousands of blog posts and articles / tutorials on WordPress. From that background, having installed BuddyPress I can quite easily say that it’s not intuitive to use, it’s difficult to figure out the integration points, and many things that should be easy are just plain hard.

    WordPress is the #1 CMS in the world because of the low technical point of entry. It’s intuitive, easy to use, easy to install, well documented, and quite easy to hack. It’s usage has eclipsed both Joomla and Drupal because they are not. I think many people think BuddyPress will be as easy to install and use as WordPress itself, and it’s just not (yet).

    I’m definitely figuring out where everything is, and how to get going after first install. I didn’t find much here in these forums or the Codex in that overall regard. Even external blog tutorials are a little sparse on the subject – most information you find is just severely dated.

    Am I willing to contribute to the documentation? Certainly. I’m in the process of writing up my findings now – but I was looking for answers first…and all I was finding were others with similar unanswered questions.


    No, changing the theme will only change the design, not the content.

    Just so I know if I should do this now or wait until no one is coming to the site…

    This depends off your own philosophy i guess.
    Some solve problems when they occur
    Other wait to have many problems, so they can say “i have soooo much problems, pls HEEEEELP !”.
    And other close their eyes and say: ” Who is the problem ?” πŸ™‚

    You can also read this forum. There are many questions like yours with many answers.


    Thank you for your reply Chouf1.

    I have some questions for you.

    I am using Worpress 3.5.1. Are you saying WordPress Admin Bar Imporved is not compatible with my WordPress version?

    Would you please check my pics

    here is the URL

    Thank you for your reply again!

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