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  • #119943
    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    1. Please would you clarify what comments you were referring to? The activity stream? If so, we’ve done that in BuddyPress 1.5, due out real soon. Try it out —


    In reply to: Profile rating system


    I’m glad to help! I’m sure some of my ideas are not the cleanest way to solve the problems, but they seem to work. And as it seems difficult to get answers to questions here sometimes, I try to help where I can.

    Let me know how things go after you get a chance to try them out. Ps. the code I pointed to in that link, if it is not clear- I used it to create an ‘if’ statement.


    Andrew Tegenkamp

    @jad117, I hope this helps, and please let me know with another mention if not.

    Basically the first step is to create a blank file called bp-custom.php and save it as /wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php. You can learn more about this file at and what it does and all.

    Then, in that file (or in your theme’s functions.php file) you can paste certain bits of PHP code that have become known as hacks or tricks in order to make BuddyPress act a little differently. One such trick is to move around the tabs and redirect people so that group links like would actually redirect to instead of showing as it does now.

    The code I gave earlier does this and like myself, some others after me have offered various improvements or changes, so I’d try them each out and see what works best for your setup. You can only have one function of each name at a time or you’ll get an error. You can also visit for how the author of that post does this “trick” and see some comments there as well, as that is a site devoted to finding just the right trick to get BuddyPress to do exactly what you want!

    I hope that helps, and as I said, if not, write back at me, and I’ll try to answer any questions you have!



    @modemlooper, maybe it’s there as a placeholder for future functionality? ;-) IMHO at the moment, providing a “template” option across all Pages (incl. Component pages), is somewhat misleading.

    So given your last post, are you saying that I could hide the sidebar through code in my child’s style.css? If so, how would I do that? If not, which files and how should I do it? I can figure out how to change the width on the “content”, so that shouldn’t be an issue. Sorry about asking so many questions. I am still pretty new to this. Thanks.

    FYI: I’m running BP 1.5 Beta 3

    Boone Gorges

    Just to be clear, the notification function is a callback – you shouldn’t be calling it directly. Use bp_core_add_notification(). See bp-groups-notifications.php for an example of how it works.


    Ok; this DOES print the callback, thanks for the explanation !
    Still; I don’t get my notifications….
    function bp_query_subscribe_format_notifications( $action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items, $format = ‘string’ ) {
    Do not die… :)
    I have notifications in my sql table; and the function IS included :( :( :(

    Boone Gorges

    The reason why you’re not seeing the callback when you print is because the component class isn’t fully initialized at the time when you’re adding yourself to $bp. Try this:

    `function bp_query_subscribe_init(){
    global $bp;

    if ( !isset( $bp->query_subscribe ) ){
    $bp->query_subscribe = new BP_Query_Subscribe();
    add_action( ‘bp_loaded’, ‘bp_query_subscribe_init’ );

    function bp_query_test() {
    global $bp;
    var_dump( $bp->query_subscribe );
    add_action( ‘bp_init’, ‘bp_query_test’, 999 );`

    As for includes, you will need to do your own manual include() for now. Don’t use BP_Component::includes().


    Like this ?
    Still have a problem for the format notifications function.. Thanks !
    `function bp_query_subscribe_init(){
    global $bp;
    if ( !isset( $bp->query_subscribe ) ){
    $bp->query_subscribe = new BP_Query_Subscribe();



    Boone Gorges

    1) No, you don’t have to use BP_Component, but if you can, you probably should. It’s so much easier than trying to figure out which hooks to use. If you don’t need a particular method for your plugin (because it doesn’t have any navigation elements, for instance), just don’t include that method.

    2) There seems to be a bug in the way the includes() method works for plugins. For the moment, I recommend that you include your files manually.

    3) You need to call the $bp global before instantiating your class.
    `global $bp;
    $bp->query_subscribe = new BP_Query_Subscribe();`

    THX 1138

    Actually I stumbled across this question while spending several hours last night looking for the answer on the infamous Group Avatar step error message, after seeing there were as many different answers as there were questions, and not finding the solution (and doing what each answer suggested), I decided not to fight it. I don’t know if your question stems from this type of error or simply you’ve come to realize the group is created after the first step (as you said), but rather than using php or a core hack,etc, etc, I just removed the upload buttons and text of the avatar step using CSS, essentially users who create the group will consider it a default avatar, not get thrown off by an error message and click through the process; they then do any editing afterwords. Editing the avatar after the fact doesn’t throw any errors as it does when creating the group.
    In my case, I know it’s a child theme problem and having a static home page, even though I followed the buddypress docs to a t. Didn’t want to give up the home page for the buddypress default, so that was my solution. it’s fairly painless and works.


    Yes, they are all public. This is the option that is marked:
    (x) “I would like my blog to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Bing, Technorati) and archivers”.

    Today I discovered another blogpost not showing:

    But comments to his blogpost is showing in the activity stream:

    I’ve also discovered that timezone settings are wrong in a lot of the blogs. I have told the blogs admins to set them properly, and now I will wait and see if that solves this mystery (might be that BuddyPress checks time in a certain way to decide to show stuff in the activity stream or not).

    btw, thanks for asking. I felt alone in here. Good to know someone reads my questions :-)


    3 Great Questions:

    “The other integration point I’d be interested in is a member profile. bbpress has their own profile page but I’d prefer to integrate this into the Buddypress profile. Is this possible?”

    “Does “BuddyPress integration” mean that bbPress now provides an API for buddyPress but buddyPress is not using it yet?”

    “The other integration point I’d be interested in is a member profile. bbpress has their own profile page but I’d prefer to integrate this into the Buddypress profile. Is this possible?”

    I would also like to know the answer to please


    Still lots of questions around the combination of WP, BP, BBP plugin after I changed to BuddyPress Widget Theme 1.2.7

    I don’t get the interaction between the 3 parts, especially the role of bbpress
    a) /wp-content/plugins contains
    b) /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums contains a complete folder

    b) Is obviously part of the BuddyPress plugin folder. So is it obsolete to install the BBP plugin?

    Ran a bbpress installation through BuddyPress settings in the WP admin panel. Everything referred to as “Forums” shows Group Forums only in the frontend.

    Don’t find a way to show a forums directory with the (BBP) forums I setup in WP-Admin.
    When previewing forums from admin panel/forums list, I get single forum pages with header but without topics.

    I am confused >;o// hope, I didn’t confuse YOU too much…



    BuddyPress Media is now fully compatible with BuddyPress 1.5. We have a beta version available at the link below, and we’ll issue a release to production next week (once our test team are finished with it).

    When listing us on the compatible plugins page, please list us as “BuddyPress Media”, and link to this URL: “”. BP-Album will *cease to exist* after BuddyPress 1.5 is released (it will turn into BuddyPress Media).



    On behalf of the Buddypress Media team, congratulations on your new release. We’ve spent the past three days going through your code, and we’re just *astonished* at the improvements in structure, efficiency, and documentation!

    This could be worth cake;)

    We’ll be dropping by your dev chat this Wednesday to bombard you with questions and talk about what we can do to help get other key plugins working with 1.5 as quickly as possible.

    See you there!


    Andrea Rennick

    ” that multisite thing
    after i installed it took away the ability to even add plugins or update my theame “
    No, it didn’t. It moved them to network admin. Multisite is what you need for extra blogs – this works even without buddypress.

    Buddypress does not just add a theme – it does add the functionality that you;re looking for. please reads the docs.

    The forums have to be enabled in the backend.

    We are answering your questions – don;t post multiple time,s ,read the directions, ask when you do not understand instead of undoing things we told you that you need.


    In reply to: bbPress


    Sometimes questions don’t get answered immediately.


    Sorry about the double post! like i said…site was goin a little crazy on me last night
    Thanks so much mercime i really appreciate it and cant wait to show the site once it’s done

    2 quick questions…
    Should I assume that full width pages are a no go? :D lol
    and will the changes finally show once all the pages have been edited?

    Boone Gorges

    What @mercime means is that several of your questions are dependent on the theme you’ve purchased, ‘executive’. is not the official WordPress site, but is a private company that sells themes and plugins. It’s not possible for people on this free forum to provide support for a theme that is sold privately; you should go to for that.

    General BuddyPress questions are welcome here, though. For instance,
    `Furthermore I don’t seem to have a members directory in my dashboard.`
    BuddyPress does not add a members directory to your Dashboard. You can find a members list at Dashboard > Users (or Dashboard >Network Admin > Users on Multisite)


    I don’t understand, I’m having questions about the buddypress plugin and it’s functionalities not about wordpress.

    Andrea Rennick

    Those are general multisite questions. ;)

    “- Where is the code? Is it replicated, or pulled from a single location?”

    One codebase. pulled from one spot.

    “- Should I be worried about the load?”

    by just turning on multisite? no.

    “Can I keep it from loading on select sites?”
    that admin bar? yes.

    “- Can my messing about with BuddyPress somehow affect my other sites?”

    depends. edit the files directly and whitescreen something and maybe it will show up everywhere. ;) generally, no.

    you read my blog now, right? :D


    In reply to: HELP! Will pay! Help!

    Tammie Lister

    I’m not 100% sure which plugin you mean I assume the WPMU DEV Membership Lite one? If so there is probably going to be a better method of knowing more by going to the forums and creating a post. You may also find your questions answered here:


    Awesome, thank you! I will look into this.

    I may come back for a few questions


    hey just FYI, this solved my problem and is horribly obvious lol – goto settings -> general -> enable “anyone can register”


    Sorry, that is not enough to create a theme which you will need to run WordPress/BuddyPress. You can choose from among the free themes in the WP repo at

    If you have any trouble with WP installation or themes, please post your questions at


    thanks Paul, I had to write that these are two separate questions.
    First one is still opened.

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