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  • #55215
    Jeff Sayre

    I’m afraid if the developer of that plugin is not responding to your questions, then that may very well indicate that they have stopped supporting the plugin. You should post (if you have not already) on the WPMU forums and see if anyone has information.

    Perhaps someone there may know of an alternative or will adopt the plugin and bring it up to code. Make sure you mention that you want to use this plugin in BuddyPress.


    In reply to: Membership Plugin?


    @ Murphygonzalez

    Did you find out anything?

    I notice that there are several others on this forum asking questions about paid membership. This is what I want to do also. Another solution “may” be WishList plugin but that remains to be seen, have not found definitive confirmation of this works or not with WPMU.


    for bp_is_user_profile(), you can use this…


    global $bp;

    if($bp->current_component == BP_XPROFILE_SLUG) {

    //Your code here



    Found this tip here…


    the other questions are not really that important right now.

    because, man,

    that is much, much sexier

    thanks DJPaul for pointing out it’s sitting right there in $wpdb

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    I haven’t time to dig through answers for your questions, but if you’ve updated or replaced a record, you can get the ID immediately afterwards via $wpdb->insert_id.


    You should never modify the parent theme. When you update buddypress and with it the parent theme all your modifications will be lost.

    A good tutorial source for PHP and WP is And of course the codex here and on As for writing functions, you do that exactly like I referenced in the comment above.


    In reply to: Chat Plugin Problem

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    These are good questions which you need to ask to whoever wrote that plugin.


    Alright, this is starting to congeal. Only thing is, I”m about 80% confident with what you’re saying regarding the creation of actions in the functions.php file and those actions hooking into a do_action call in the parent theme.

    2 questions:

    1) If I create an action in the child functions.php that does not exist in the various templates of the parent theme, is it better practice to fiddle with the template file(s) of the parent theme, adding the do_action call there, or to move the template file to the child theme before making any changes?

    2) Do you or anyone else have any suggestions for references a semi-savvy-newbie might use to gain a more complete understanding of how to write actions in the functions.php file? I assume there’s some fairly complete documentation in the wordpress codex, but perhaps there’s a link or two to some nice tutorial-type blog entries? I probably need to spend some more time with PHP coding anyway :-)

    Thanks everybody.


    Most of the do_actions you find within the default theme don’t have any actions hooked to them. I guess they are mostly there for plugins and for child themes.

    Yep, any template file you copy from the parent theme to the child theme overrides the one in the parent theme. With all these actions, though, you won’t need to do that much. Say you want to add a terms of service checkbox to your register page. So, rather than copying registration/register.php to your child theme and adding the checkbox manually, for example, you could just write a function in your child theme functions.php that hooks into a do_action call at the end of the form and adds a terms of service checkbox for you.

    Makes it really easy updating the parent theme.

    To find out what an action does, if anything, just copy the name of the action and do a search with it in the buddypress plugin folder. That should list you all functions that are hooked to that action (add_action).


    Secondarily, regarding the actions in BuddyPress, what are the effects of leaving out an action that is found in the default theme? Say, for example, leaving out:

    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_search_login_bar' ) ?>

    and then

    <?php do_action( 'bp_after_search_login_bar' ) ?>

    Finally is there some reliable documentation detailing what these actions actually do within the theme/template/plugin?

    Thanks again!


    Thanks so much for the reply, travel-junkie! Very helpful. One question, though:

    You said:

    The best way to start with a theme for BP is to start off with the bp-default theme. Then copy files across from the bp-sn-parent theme if you need to modify a file. If not, then you can leave that file in bp-sn-parent, cause WP will get that automatically for you.

    From what I’ve read about parent/child relationships, the only files that are functional in child themes are style.css and functions.php. Has this changed in 2.8? Am I able to override parent template files by placing a revised template file in my child theme’s directory?


    The best way to start with a theme for BP is to start off with the bp-default theme. Then copy files across from the bp-sn-parent theme if you need to modify a file. If not, then you can leave that file in bp-sn-parent, cause WP will get that automatically for you.

    Of course, you can add all the functions later. The codex here is a great starting point on what functions are available to you. You can also go through the bp-sn-parent theme and have a look what’s in there and move it across, if you don’t want to use a parent/child theme structure.

    You can place div#search-login-bar anywhere you like.

    do_action functions cannot be reversed. They happen at exactly that spot in the template files. There’s so many, though, that you won’t have a problem finding one that suits your needs. Basically, you can write some custom functionality and add that to a certain hook by calling the add_action function. Here’s an example.

    Somewhere in a template you might have this:

    do_action( 'your_action_name' );

    Then in your theme’s functions.php file you could put the following:

    function your_function_name()
    //some stuff happens here
    add_action( 'your_action_name', 'your_function_name' );

    That’s basically it. Sometimes the action passes along a variable with which you can then work.

    Hope this helps you along a bit. The codex at is pretty extensive as well and you’ll find loads of stuff on actions.

    Jeff Sayre


    Your questions are really better asked in a new thread, not in this thread.

    To help you get started, have a look here:

    BuddyPress Codex

    You may have issues accessing that link at this time. It is a known issue that is being investigated. But, once it’s accessible, you will find many resources there to help you get started.

    Jeff Sayre

    Well, I appreciate the sentiment but I do not consider myself the most important. That is why I’m sleeping now. ;)

    To reconfirm what both Paul and John said above, Andy is the only official core BP developer. There are no other official core developers at this time. The rest of us play our various roles, trying to pitch in where we think we’ll have some positive impact.

    From those who file bug tickets and offer patches, to those who create new plugins and themes, and to those who answer questions in the forums and IRC, it is truly the contributions of the overall community that make and will continue to make BuddyPress a strong product.


    In reply to: Forums not working

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    I don’t have answers for all your questions, but you can’t access bb-admin for “the built-in forums by buddypress.”


    Thanks for the extra education Jeff! I had no idea akismet would bozo – I’ll need to check my buddypress and bbpress sites for that to see if anyone has been perhaps – I had no idea.

    Please note that I was not singling anyone out, I was just frustrated by some short answers on posts that I was looking for the same answer as some other noob.

    I have been scouring the forums trying to figure everything mu related out for years, since pre-version1.3 – and still get confused. I also think that technically any BP question is an MU question since you need the MU to run BP – LOL

    Thanks for listening, and perhaps with so much crossover between the two, a little sidebar search that shows MU forums posts when we search the BP forums would enlighten some of us as to answers found elsewhere.

    I am anxious to see if the new bp 1.1.1 has features built in to adapt the signup email that is sent to new users, and redirects them to a more social page rather then the WP dashboard, or maybe that is still an MU setting and I need to fiddle over on that side of this. I wonder if the redirect stuff that was written here a while back is no longer needed to get that function. I am afraid to upgrade my BP site, as I can’t find instructions for moving the origial BP that was setup in “mu-plugins”.

    I totally understand the mod thing, I mod a couple other sites myself, and I try to answer questions I find in WP and MU forums if I know the answer, and post details as much as possible. Thanks for your help, and everyone else that contributes to this project! I couldn’t do 1% of what everyone it doing here!

    Jeff Sayre

    As far as being “bozoed” by someone, that someone would be the Akismet algorithm. No person does the bozoing. I have been bozoed twice myself on these forums in the past by Akismet.

    If you think you may have been bozoed, just send a friendly message to a moderator. They will look into it.

    “that’s a wpmu question” – are not very helpful either. In the times it takes to write some crap like that, you could post a link to the wpmu thread about the issue.

    I sometimes do just that. But, there are exceptions.

    If it is a question that has been asked too many times here and a little searching would show that to be the case, I will kindly remind them to search first and then I redirect them to the proper place. If it is a question that will require more time to do the research for them than it does to write the response, I will also kindly redirect them to the proper place.

    And you are correct. None of the moderators get paid. We all volunteer our time and independently decide how best to serve the overall community. Part of the duties of all moderators is to educate new users on how best to get results and on proper forum procedure and etiquette. Pointing people to the proper place to ask questions falls under education.


    In reply to: Facebook Connect


    I get the same message. I have created the API Key and Secret key but still not working properly. I get the same page not found error. I don’t think this is working properly for 1.1. But with that said it is working on the BP demo…

    With regards to the API, have you seen the API setup page? Holy crap, it’s got all kinds of questions for the API and I don’t have a clue what what 90% of them are.


    Everybody is busy trying to live life and make a living. The folks at VOCE that made Tastykitchen indicated they would provide more information to the community.

    Nick Gernert on July 31st, 2009 at 6:13 am

    We’ll be doing some follow-up posts here with more details around how we’re accomplishing some of these things on this and other sites, so stay tuned.

    Nothing yet that I could find, but hey business first.

    What most sites could use is a “librarian.” Someone to take the common questions, forum posts and turn them into a functionality knowledge-base. I don’t expect that here soon, so my forum-searching skills will have to suffice.

    I’m hardheaded and trial and error is how I learned everything so far anyway. What I am looking for is some road markers, not detailed directions. Once I get started, I’ll post what I’m planning and let the community shoot holes in it so I can learn. Heck, I’ve gotta get WPMU running on my home box first.

    Justin Tadlock of Theme Hybrid fame did say that Tastykitchen could be accomplished using Hybrid as the WP-part of the parent theme. My plan is to do that and add the appropriate templates from the BP parent. I’ll build the child from there modifying the CSS and functions.php provided by BP and Hybrid. That ought to create a functioning site. Then I can work on the plugins needed for my project. Since I’m doing a single-blog, directory-structure install of WPMU, I’m hoping to get over that hurdle quickly. Hopefully, before I launch, the merge of WPMU and will be complete and I can complete that “upgrade” and test it before going live.


    socialpreneur – This is a forum for asking questions related to Buddypress and this is related to Buddypress. If you don’t know the answer can you please not respond with those types of responses. A bunch of us are all new to this and not sure and it’s a bit frustrating when someone like you post replies like that. Buddypress and MU work hand in hand and therefore people need to know and that is why they are here. We are asking questions because other people are using Buddypress and they might have the answer or a fix for what we are asking. So, that is why it is the right place to ask the question.

    DJPaul, thank you for posting the link to the post on the “BuddyPress” site.


    In reply to: Vista problems

    Jeff Sayre

    What happens in FireFox?

    If it is the same behavior, then please answer these questions to allow us to help you better.


    I was also “banned”/ got a closed account some time ago. I was new. I created a new account and then kept asking questions that were relevant to me. They’re doing a very good job at the moment even if there are times we’re I’d like more answers/help. It’s for free…


    Lisa – I’m going to upgrade my AvenueK9 theme to be compatible with BP 1.1.1 … it works fine right now, but there are a few style issues I’m going to iron out. The documentation is also a bit scanty, so I’ll be more descriptive in the next release to address some of the common questions I’ve been getting for this =)


    But this is not the right place to ask wpmu questions.


    In reply to: blog page show summery


    1. You should not post wpmu questions to a forum dedicated to buddypress.

    2. You should read wordpress documents, as this is a very basic question.

    3. Google it.

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