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  • #54275

    Thanks Tore. You really helped.

    Just like you, I searched all over the BP Forum for my questions but found no answer for all of them.

    Thanks for your advice though.. :)

    BTW, Do you run a WPMU+BP site? If yes, can you provide the link to your site so that I can check it out as an example?


    Hi again!

    Read this:

    “I’ve used a WordPress theme for my blog with the default BuddyPress member theme”

    Over at:

    You’ll have to edit things and if you’re not comfortable with that you’ll probably need more help than you can get here. :/

    I don’t know your level of knowledge. Search around the forums and read up on the topics you need. I haven’t had answers to all my questions here in the BP-forums. You’ll have to search for some of them on your own.


    hey, sorry guys – i’ve been swamped with my wedding and other personal stuff, so big apologies to these unanswered questions and a big ‘thank you’ to DJPaul who stepped in.

    so for all of you who want to have the organized, aligned, 3-column homepage a la BP 1.0 style, all you have to do is delete the “layout” folder from the AvenueK9 theme folder (it’s located in avenuek9 >> _inc >> css). it’ll take care of all the widget and alignment issues that have been mentioned here and elsewhere.

    also, the slim container issue can be fixed real easily by adding this line “padding: 20px;” to your #container. it’ll be flush with the nav bar and the footer.

    if any of you want to have an image logo rather than the h1 text, go ahead and change “display: block;” to “display: none;” in the “#header h1#logo a” element. then, drop in your image tag and play around with “padding-top:” values for “#header”

    i’m still running BP 1.0 on my, since i haven’t had any time for the upgrade yet, but once life settles down a bit, you can be sure to hear about further improvements to this theme!

    also, i’m much faster at responding to messages, so if it’s urgent, you can try that instead.


    In the same vein, it might be a good idea to create a theme designers forum, if for no reason other than to hold all of the theme-related questions. Putting more emphasis on buddypress theme development might also spur release of new 1.1 designs.

    Jeff Sayre

    No, it is not redundant? It is just an unrelated site. It is Nicola’s personal site. The content is different. You are free to sign up at if you need to ask support questions about any of the plugins hosted there.


    great idea !

    everybody know something about design and usability – collaboratively we will be more efficient and have a better output than everybody is cooking his own soup.

    No need to bother Andy & Team with Theme-questions….. they should clearly focus on code-hacking ;-)


    In reply to: Trouble Upgrading?

    Jeff Sayre

    @Colorful tones

    You seem to be having a few issues getting BP installed and working properly. Please start a new thread so we can better help you. When doing so, answer these questions in the first post of that new thread.

    With regards to this issue:

    Has anybody else noticed that this site is not working too? When I log in and go to any of the links in the top admin bar they all re-direct me to the front page.

    Although you do not technically have a space in your username, you have a dash, this thread may provide some insight. Did you sign up using a space between “Colorful” and “tones”?


    Thanks DJ

    Reinstalled bbpress once again and it seems to respond now.

    Still can’t get the Profile Field questions to show up for new users.

    I think I’m missing something small.


    Privacy component is planned for 1.2. It’s better to ask questions on the privacy component topic than here.


    If you think it’s wpmu problem, then this isn’t the place to ask questions… :)


    In reply to: BuddyPress v 1.1


    I did answer the questions, i event posted the details in the previous post.

    MU 2.5.4

    BP 1.1

    I do not know what else to do,

    Buddpress 1.0 works fine with no issues, have the issue with buddpress 1.1

    I am willing to provide FTP access so you can see that some else needs to be done because it can not be done with the steps provided by you or in the readme file.

    why do i feel like i am the only having this issue , yet if i look around there are others who are facing difficulties installing BP 1.1

    I woudl like to see you do this and make it work as you noted without having to do any additional steps, do not be suprise if you reach the same results i did with a working homepage and broken inner pages.


    In reply to: BuddyPress v 1.1

    Jeff Sayre


    Let’s please keep this discussion to the public forums and not in private messaging. You will get better results with multiple people looking at this thread.

    Okay, one more time, please answer these questions.


    Thanks for this Simon. I have 2 questions though:

    1. Do I just have to add this code at in the bp-groups.php or do I have to edit the whole file? If I have to edit it, in what particular part of the file should I put the code?

    2. The code in will be used as a plugin right? and I will upload it in the plugins folder and activate it?

    Thanks in advance for your response!


    In reply to: Confirmation Email.


    That function is provided by wpmu, not buddypress. Please post your questions on wpmu forum.

    Mike Pratt

    @bobblegom I am BP all the way but shouldn’t you compare Google Trends on “drupal” vs “buddypress” not “drupal social” ?

    @candydate I just see the release of 2.7, 2.8 all the way to 2.8.4, all of @donncha’s hard work and the aforementioned community buzz and conclude that the wp community is not moving slowly.

    I run a BP community of USMA alumni and not only is it stable but they generally love it. I am more of a hack than true coder and I have had no issues. It is def a serious professional grade tool. The ease of customization alone (I have many friends who run Drupal sites and it’s always fun to hear them defend the arcane way Drupal does things.

    WP and BP have a lot of growth ahead and they are by no means perfect but the openness and willingness to change and grow is evident (just see any IRC chat with all the developers)

    Happy to answer more specific questions on resource requirements and what you were not able to learn from your dummy site.

    Mike Pratt

    “low development activity on WP MU in general” – the WPMU folks have been on fire lately, not sure what slow dev universe you speak of. I second Jeff’s comments.

    As for some of the features you speak of, a simple cruise through Andy’s would answer those questions. Compared to the mind-numbing admin work required for Drupal and Joomla, BP is a joy. Of course, if you don’t want to do any work under the hood, go with Ning and have your entire experience dictated to you.


    In reply to: My blogs Menu Problem


    I thought someone else reported this problem, and you were also reporting your problem there. I’m not sure if another of this is needed. But when you post questions, you SHOULD always include your server setup, like buddypress version, wpmu version, plugins in use.


    In reply to: Users privacy…

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Please search the forums before asking questions, you’d have found your answer. I suggest you read

    Jeff Sayre

    Okay, a few questions to start:

    • From your description, it is not clear how you’ve attempted to debug your setup. When trying to figure out an issue with BuddyPress, it is best to distill your environment down to the lowest common denominator. This means switching to the default BP theme and deactivating all plugins except BP. It is not clear if you did this completely or just partially. In other words, you need to fully test your BP install without any 3rd-party addons. If it works in that state, then you can safely assume it is an issue with a custom theme, another plugin, or both. So, did you reset BP to its lowest common denominator?
    • What errors are you seeing in your server’s log files?
    • Could you please provide details about this setup:

      I have Buddypress installed in a subfolder with another wordpress installation in the root…

    Andy Peatling

    We have a domain policy. If you follow it then I’m happy to link and reference your site from, if not, then I can’t.

    #53127 exists also. These are basically just people willing to contribute and translate the BuddyPress core for people with native languages other than English.

    It’s really a fine line to try and walk, but unless the site is dedicated to only furthering the BuddyPress platform, it’s best not to use it in the domain name.

    Even the BuddyPress test site is and doesn’t use BuddyPress in the name.

    Example: If you made a website, even not for profit, and it had Sony in the name, and you didn’t have written permission from Sony, it wouldn’t be long before you’d get a letter in the mail from their lawyers asking to change it.

    Jan M.

    You should use the search-function in the forum before asking… We already solved this issue here:

    That should work for you

    Jeff Sayre

    Okay, let’s go back to the basics. Just so that we have all the initial information required, please answer these questions.


    Thanks. Excuse the non-coder questions, but should bp_profile_group_tabs() ?> be added (it’s not in bp-sn-parent) and in which profile php file?

    I notice bp_profile_group_tabs() is in profiles/edit.php. This chunk of code caught my eye as being perfect for the main profile page (as opposed to the edit screen):

    <?php get_header() ?>

    <div class=”content-header”>

    <ul class=”content-header-nav”>

    <?php bp_profile_group_tabs(); ?>


    Could that be added to the main profile php file?


    @Burkie: snaps is an interesting forum. I’m building something similar for journalists. A couple questions:

    1. How did you display profile field groups beyond “base” ? I never see those displayed, except when logged-in as admin or by the profile-owner.

    2. What do you use to create a portfolio link to photos? I have a number of photographers and offering a portfolio would be a popular feature.

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