Search Results for 'questions'
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April 19, 2009 at 10:37 pm #43007
In reply to: My Account Links not showing
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantSome initial questions:
- Which versions of WPMU and BuddyPress are you running?
- Have you enabled all of BuddyPress’ components?
- Where did you install the suite of BuddyPress components?
- Are you using custom themes of the standard themes that came with BuddyPress?
April 19, 2009 at 10:11 pm #43006Jeff Sayre
ParticipantWPMU 2.7 and the latest TRUNK of bbPress
I assume you mean BuddyPress, and not bbPress. If so, then here are a few questions:
- What do you mean by “latest TRUNK”? Did you actually download the BP trunk from trac as a zip or use SVN? Or, did you obtain BuddyPress from the big, orange Download button that can be found on the top of any BP page?
- What version of BuddyPress are you using?
- Where exactly did you place the BuddyPress folder?
- You are using WPMU 2.7 and not WPMU 2.7.1-beta1 or -beta2, correct?
April 18, 2009 at 1:23 pm #42905In reply to: Latest WPMU Rev & latest BP Rev not working
Jeff Sayre
Okay, a few more questions:
- Are there any errors being reported in the error logs? If so, what are they?
- Are you using the default BuddyPress themes with no changes at all?
- Did you use the new WPMU config file, or a config file from an older version?
- Is buddyPress-home theme installed in /wp-content/themes/ ?
- Is buddyPress-member theme installed in /wp-content/bp-themes/ instead of /wp-content/member-themes/ ?
- Did WPMU work fine before BuddyPress was installed and activated?
- Do you have any WPMU plugins other than BuddyPress installed? If so, have you tried deactivating them to see if that makes a difference?
April 17, 2009 at 4:41 pm #42844In reply to: 404 everywhere
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantMore questions?
- By latest WPMU, do you mean latest public release?
- Have you customized the theme in any way?
- Have you tried disabling all but the BuddyPress plugins?
- Where exactly do you have the BuddyPress plugins installed?
- Have you tried re-uploading from scratch?
April 17, 2009 at 1:58 am #42811Burt Adsit
ParticipantOh. of course.
EDIT: I said that with just a knee jerk reaction. Kind of a ‘not invented here’ thing. Now that I’ve had time to think why, I realize it’s because we do need to control it. In case nobody has noticed, we’re have the opportunity to *not* follow the rules for technical support and software development. The nature of buddypress, it’s social nature, gives us the opportunity to invent something truly different and useful.
Don’t ask me yet what that is yet but signs of it are beginning to appear.
Complaints about the group forums not being live yet. They aren’t just complaints. They seem to be us, struggling to accomplish something in a certain manner and knowing that the tools are dangling before us.
We’re discussing code collaboration, commenting, sharing solutions to user problems and questions. Solving things in front of people. How best to accomplish that with code paste bins.
Suggestions and approval of a ‘technical blog’ that will show people, by example, how to do things.
It’s like we’re all suffering some vague malaise and we sense where to find the remedy.
April 16, 2009 at 3:33 pm #42763In reply to: Why is BuddyPress stripping my object or embed tags?
ParticipantSorry, Burtadsit, but can you break this down a bit more for the truly moronic like me? I’m having the same problem and I have installed vipers-video-quicktags which is nicely displaying all the various video icons in my visual editor. It is working correctly, but when the post is saved the code disappears as above. Now you say it’s a security hole. I don’t want to open up something bad, but I do want to easily add video to my posts. I don’t want to do anything with the forums.
Is this the entire code I put in a bp-custom.php file?:
function my_allowed_tags($allowedtags){
$allowedtags[’embed’] = array();
return $allowedtags;
add_filter( ‘edit_allowedtags’, ‘my_allowed_tags’ );
I’m confused as why you mentioned bp-forums.
And again, I really don’t want to open up something bad. What are the implications of adding this?
Thanks in advance. I know I ask pretty dumb questions.
April 15, 2009 at 11:58 pm #42726In reply to: Login redirect coding question
ParticipantThank you so much, Jeff!
For the login redirect, I tried to create the plugin as per Burt’s instructions in that thread, but couldn’t get it to work. Not sure why, but I’ll look at it again.
I’ll look into the rebranding of WPMU.
Good advice on the questions. I sometimes treat WPMU, BP and bbpress as if they are all the same, which they aren’t.
Much obliged.
April 15, 2009 at 11:40 pm #42722In reply to: Login redirect coding question
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantIn wp-login.php, I have found the following line of code (around line 470) ….
I want to redirect the user to their profile page, so I changed it to …
I would highly recommend that you stay away from hacking core WPMU files. You’ll have to make the changes all over again the next time you update WPMU.
This is the way you should do it:
How can I change the wp-login page to include my site\’s logo instead of the WordPress logo? Is this possible?
By the way, you may receive faster responses in the future if you ask WPMU questions on the WPMU forums and ask BuddyPress-specific questions on this forum.
April 15, 2009 at 2:40 am #42675In reply to: Avatar Upload
ParticipantOkay thanks jeff for the help, let me try to answer your questions as precisely as you have laid them out.
first off, I have pre-existing avatars in my blogs.dir, these avatars load fine, the thumbnails and everything else is there. Ive tried just using an empty blogs.dir and it still didnt work. I hit “change avatar” upload and get that error message.
My permissions for the entire blogs.dir are set to 777 so I think that would clear up any permission issues.
Im trying to use various formats for testing so far a png that was 800k and a jpg about the same, I have my limit set to 2500k
I have read lance’s post but unfortunately none of the methods helped.
I am using a customized theme, when I upgraded to the BP trunk as per andys instructions I copied only the functions and header files over for both my home and members theme. Everything is working properly. The BP_core and all plugin files were placed in the plugins/buddypress directory and are functioning fine.
as far as version of PHP, do you mean myadmin client or actual code, which is whatever its written in to begin with, Ive done minimal php editing besides a custom loop on the home page, mainly CSS edits.
I did not check and see if there where no files in the blogs.dir because there are files presently there, I will try again with an empy blogs.dir folder
Is there anything in the DB that controlls where the upload script tries to send the file to? because I went from a local setup to a server set up, maybe the upload button is still using the local domain?
I really need to get this working, any help is truly appreciated
April 15, 2009 at 2:01 am #42674In reply to: Avatar Upload
Jeff Sayre
I can not change or create avatars
I assume you mean that you cannot create avatars at all. If that is the case, then you cannot even get the chance to change your avatar. Is this correct?
The error you mentioned in your OP is found in only two places in BP:
- bp_core_avatar.php –> in the function bp_core_avatar_admin
- bp_xprofile_signup.php –> in the function xprofile_validate_signup_fields
So, either you do not have sufficient permissions in the folder where the avatar is first uploaded, or you’re uploading an avatar that is too big. I will guess that it is the first problem based on the error message.
But, let’s be thorough.
You mentioned that you’re running a very recent BP trunk version and WPMU 2.7.1_beta from branch. We’ll assume that everything is correct with your upgrade and that you’ve also read the thread Lance mentioned and tried any applicable suggestions.
Here, then, are some additional or follow-up questions:
- What is the size of the avatar you’re trying to upload?
- What is the avatar’s format?
- Are you using the standard buddypress-member theme or a customized theme?
- What version of GD is installed?
- What version of PHP are you using?
- Have you checked all the folders in blog.dir and made sure that there are indeed no files?
- Have you checked the permissions of each of the subfolders in blog.dir?
April 12, 2009 at 8:52 pm #42476In reply to: Add fields to wp_users
ParticipantThanks Jeff. Those function reference pages look very useful. I’ll dive back into PHP hell next Saturday…
I’ve been struggling with this crap, including html/css, javascript, etc., since about 2002. I usually want what I think are basic requirements, like in this case a pretty straightforward members table. So far I’ve had most luck stitching together simpler PHP scripts that I could sort of follow.
The more mature packages, like WordPress, are great for teens/tweens that want to add widgets and play around with templates, but they drop the ball on some basic grown-up business requirements and are much harder to customize unless you\’re a hardcore programmer.
I can’t afford to spend the time to become a programmer. I’d hire a 3rd party developer if I could get a clearer picture of what I need and what’s possible in WP. I did do Google searches and have posted lots of related questions on the WP and WPMU forums.
BTW, an intern from NYU Polytechnic was supposed to work on my project. He was a real PHP programmer, but had never heard of WordPress and seemed to know even less than I did.
April 12, 2009 at 8:16 pm #42474In reply to: Add fields to wp_users
Jeff Sayre
I realize that you are not getting the answers you desire. You must have a sufficient understanding of and comfort level with PHP before you can delve too deeply into hacking your own solutions or coding your own theme templates. Otherwise, you need to use the stock WPMU and BuddyPress install and then customize with any plugins and 3rd-party themes that may be useful.
Since we do not have any idea of your particular coding skills, we are trying to point you in the right direction. Please realize that beyond a certain point, we cannot help you write your own custom code.
We all started at the beginning when it came to coding and then had another learning curve when it came to understanding the inner workings of WordPress and BuddyPress. It can be frustrating along the way but it is indeed possible to accomplish!
Here are a few more tips:
- Since you do seem to be wanting to group all user data within stock WP tables, you should search the WP and WPMU forums and ask your questions there
- Visit these WP Codex pages to help shed more light:
- Google for tips on learning data-driven PHP coding
- Hire a 3rd-party developer who can do the work: hacking files directly or create a plugin that will accomplish what you’re after
Please hang in there and don’t give up hope.
April 10, 2009 at 10:04 pm #42331In reply to: Group bug in the latest version?
John James Jacoby
KeymasterI would say it would be in your best interests to get used to how the new versions of wpmu and buddypress work together, if what you want is to stay on top of the most recent bug fixes, etc…
Upgrading from RC1 is going to open a whole new set of questions though, as it’s not a super easy thing to do.
April 10, 2009 at 6:13 pm #42300In reply to: Several widgets disappear when .mo file installed
ParticipantSome questions….
1) Remove all your bp widgets. (Done that)
2) Open translation.po
(Where is that file located?)
3) Find bp-core/bp-core-widgets.php (it is mentioned many times and write down the line numbers)
(Didn’t find it….) ??
4) Open mu-plugins/bp-core/bp-core-widgets.php
5) Translate manually the lines where the translation file was supposed to do it.
(Can anyone tell me the line numbers?)
6) re-upload mu-plugins/bp-core/bp-core-widgets.php
7) activate widgets that now will be named on your translation language e.g. “welcome” will be “Bienvenido”
send me a beer!
(Ill send you 20 beers if you help me)
Thanks yall!!
April 10, 2009 at 4:30 pm #42296In reply to: Recentally Active
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantOkay, a couple of questions:
1. Which version of BuddyPress are you using?
2. What did you name the file?
3. Where did you place it?
April 10, 2009 at 2:23 pm #42279In reply to: Buddypress Total-Black-Out :(
Jeff Sayre
ParticipantWell, it seems like you have an issue, alright. Let’s go down the list once again:
- You’re working with a current trunk of both WPMU 2.7.1_beta1 (current: r1725) and BuddyPress 1.0_RC2 (current: r1324)
- You’re using an old copy of wp-config.php which you updated as appropriate. In other words, you did not use the wp-config-sample.php that came with WPMU 2.7.1.
- You did a clean install of WPMU 2.7.1_beta1 by deleting everything, except your updated version of wp-config.php, and then uploaded the unzipped Mu files
- You then launched WPMU’s admin screen. That worked with out any problems.
- You then went to Site Admin > Upgrade and finished the upgrade
- You logged out of WPMU
- Next, you installed BuddyPress by:
- moving the contents of the unzipped BuddyPress 1.0_RC2 (r1324) to the WPMU plugins directory into a subdirectory called /buddypress/
- moving the /bp-themes/ directory out of the /buddypress/ directory
- placing the various themes in their proper locations
- You then logged back into WPMU and got a blank screen
A few follow up questions:
9. You’ve enabled error reporting as detailed above by John and Burt and after step 8 above, there are absolutely no errors being reported of any kind.
A few thoughts:
- Since this seems to be a test install and you do not have any content that needs saving, I would delete everything once again.
- This also means deleting your MySQL table that you’ve been using for this attempt and starting with a brand new database.
- I would then download the latest trunks of both WPMU and BuddyPress once again–>get rid of the old ones first.
- I would then use the wp-config-sample.php file that comes with the latest WPMU trunk and configure as necessary
- IMPORTANT: I believe when I downloaded the WPMU trunk (r1722) and looked at the wp-config-sample.php file, it had a trailing space after the closing php tag. You need to delete this!
- Now, go through steps 1 through 7 again and let’s hope when you get to step 8 it works!
April 2, 2009 at 3:10 pm #41661In reply to: I want to speak Spotlish
Lance Willett
ParticipantGreat — glad to hear it. Sorry to have missed your previous questions.
where do i upload the .po file to??
Anywhere on the server, it doesn’t matter.
what does this command do exactely
It takes your PO file and creates the MO for you.
did you mean.. â€and added the file there…â€
i have already set up in wp-config.php will this clash with what you have said to doo..
Hmmm… that I don’t know. I don’t use those configuration settings, myself. I would suggest commenting them out and testing your site. If the language file changes are still working, go ahead and delete those lines from your wp-config file.
Overall the language file is a better long-term solution since you can make changes for other labels there as well if they come up in future versions, whereas those custom definitions are only specific to a few labels.
March 29, 2009 at 1:40 am #41261In reply to: Some questions about BP
Burt Adsit
Participant1) bp widgets are available to all blogs. There isn’t a way in bp to restrict blog admins from using whatever widget is available to them.
2) The plugins that are located in /mu-plugins run on all blogs and don’t need activation by the site or blog admins. Plugins located in /plugins need to be activated on a blog by blog basis.
3) The avatars are located in /wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/1/avatars/1 and should not be set to 777 but 755 and the apache user for your server must have write permission in that directory.
*Nothing* that you have control over should have 777 settings on your server. It’s a security hole.
Stupid people are the ones who don’t ask questions and live in ignorance.
March 28, 2009 at 12:06 am #41195In reply to: I want to speak Spotlish
Participant@Lance Willett
Thanks a few questions if you dont mind… my replies below your pont
1. First I opened the POT file, copied it to a .po version, and then made the changes I wanted in a text editor (most with search and replace, but also had to do some new lines by hand).
Yes i have started doing this with poedit and i have now looked at doing this with text editor.. so once i have changed all groups to spots etc ill be ready with the .po and .mo file….
2. I uploaded the .po file to my web server, and ran this from a command line:
where do i upload the .po file to??
msgfmt -o buddypress-spots.po
What directory to i run this command in.. in the bas root one of the site or in /wp-content/
or /wp-content/mu-plugins/
what does this command do exactely
4. Then I went into wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-languages and added the file there.
did you mean.. “and added the file there…”
I too think that this is better long term as if each time i update it will nock out my changed files…
QUESTION the things i have defined…
define( ‘BP_GROUPS_SLUG’, ‘spots’ );
define( ‘BP_MEMBERS_SLUG’, ‘spotters’ );
i have already set up in wp-config.php will this clash with what you have said to doo..
thanks so much
March 27, 2009 at 10:59 am #41137In reply to: I want to speak Spotlish
ParticipantQ1) Latest Buddypress Trunk or MU Trunk … I assume buddypress… i have it running of the latest buddypress svn ?
Q2) where do i put these in my wp-config.php [spotskenya/wp-config.php]
define( ‘BP_GROUPS_SLUG’, ‘spots’ );
define( ‘BP_MEMBERS_SLUG’, ‘spotters’ );
Q3) “Then just edit the other names in the actual template files, there is nothing wrong with that. The template is meant to be edited. “
what is the template files? are they the core things in [spotskenya/wp-content/mu-plugins/] or in the theme????
wont this take ages and be harder to do than the language thing??
Sorry for all the basic simple questions
March 27, 2009 at 6:29 am #41124In reply to: The most stupid question…:-)
Participantgrr i hate to be blocked by silly questions…
i’m into one of my sub blogs (i use subdirectories), for example:
if i put this link in the menu of header.php:
<li><a><?php bp_site_name() ?></a></li>
it always points to need it pointing to so people can reach the main blog from all the sub blogs.
sorry: the forum strips my code: the content of the href is echo $bp->root_domain;
March 25, 2009 at 9:46 pm #40969In reply to: Importing data from existing database to buddypress
ParticipantHey Manoj Kumar
great plugin… couple of questions
no matter how I format the user data, I always get “1 Error” and “processing complete”
username|firstname lastname| => 1 Error
also, I’ve changed the “Full Name” profile field to be “first name” and added an additional field for “last name”… how does that change the format?
like this now?
username|firstname|lstname| ?
thanks for your help
March 25, 2009 at 7:16 pm #40943In reply to: Buddypress theme for bbPress ?
John James Jacoby
KeymasterRemember guys (and I realize this is no excuse) but neither BuddyPress nor bbPress are even 1.0 yet. As soon as function calls and display functions are finalized and tweaked for a stable 1.0 release, you’ll see tons of themes and templates and frameworks.
The opportunity currently exists for anyone with the time and motivation to swoop in and start blasting out themes for both platforms, but they would do it knowing that they may have to go back and redo some things after 1.0 is out.
I think right now everyone is waiting for the ball to drop, because no one wants to do the same work twice. I’d love to release my bbPress theme, but I have 0 time to answer questions about it or support it, and that’s not fair to anyone either.
Make sense?
March 25, 2009 at 6:52 pm #40938In reply to: please help: Choosing a Host
John James Jacoby
KeymasterA lot of this comes down to your budget, so you’re going to get a wide array of answers here.
You’re going to need at least php5, and to do subdomains you’ll need to be able to see if they allow you to add a wildcard for that too.
Currently I use 1and1 for most of what I do, but I have to use subdirectories because they don’t allow for wildcarding like that. I also need to force php5 in my .htaccess files because they default to using php4. Blech…
But, so far nothing has ever crashed, I’ve never lost any data, and their prices are relatively cheap compared to some other shared hosts…
This is one of those questions where everyone is bound to give you a different answer, so be prepared to either get a wide variety of responses, or none at all.
March 24, 2009 at 5:56 pm #40815In reply to: Community voting or decide alone ?
ParticipantHi Nico,
No, not a system to deliver \”stars\” or \”awards\”. A \”simple\” vote office, a place where i could publish one or more questions to the community or a specified group. For exemple, as admin of the group X, i want to know if my members need a collective blog or a meeting place or anything else. Instead asking each one by wire or message, i would ask this very publicly, on profile or on my admin menu or both…
Anyone can give his opinion and everybody can see who agrees or not.
At the end, a final note gives the tendancy or the majority.
So i could then decide if i give a blog to group X or not and nobody could says after, he wasn\’t warned or informed. And also, majority speaks, not only the keymaster.
In fact, something near a poll tool but more advanced and very public, with username near the response.
Make this sense in a \”social network\” ?
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