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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • #146615

    In reply to: Spam users

    John Frusciante

    It looks like WangGuard will do the job. It can detect spam users that has already been registered, it can report them and delete them from the system. It also prevents from registering at least those who has been reported before.

    Roger Coathup

    @rickkumar – I noticed loginradius have been spamming the Internet with fake users / testimonials for their product — so probably good to avoid that one.

    If you are looking for another free solution – you can investigate HybridAuth.  That one’s a PHP library, rather than a plugin, so you’d have to do some coding, but on the positive side would gain a lot more flexibility.

    Roger Coathup

    Yes, they violate guideline 10.

    It’s a shame the guidelines don’t also include ‘spam / misleading marketing’


    In reply to: Spam users

    The best solution I have found to stop spam is forcing users to fill out a CAPTCHA on registration. It’s not ideal, but it’s part of the price of entry for our community.


    In reply to: Spam users

    Ben Hansen

    another plug in that might help you is called ban hammer it allows you to blacklist specific emails or entire domains


    In reply to: Spam users

    Ben Hansen

    @Gregykos believe it or not a lot of those “robots” are actually people.


    In reply to: Spam users

    John Frusciante

    Hugo Im talking about about robots spam users not those spam idiots as you call them. When having a normal WP site noone registers, right after the installation of BP hundreds registered! If theres no specific solution its better to just answer that instead of generealizing your answer…


    In reply to: Spam users

    Hugo Ashmore

    Im surprised the buddypress team did not come with a permanent solution about this major problem ….
    What major problem and why or how could BP sort it if – no offence to BP – more mature apps can’t! If a numpty idiot is paid to post pointless irritating spam on as many sites as they can in day then what can you do other than as suggested manually approve, what would you wish to do? Or are we talking about some other issue?


    In reply to: Spam users


    Ok, I knew this is not a good option. ;)
    This is not a buddypress only problem, it’s global. Even the best platforms around the world suffers from spammers!

    I just forgot to say that, to enable auto activation of users, this plugin is needed: “BP Disable Activation” (just for others who might like that)

    John Frusciante

    @themightymo I have tried that plugin with out any results. I helps for human but not for spambots that register everyday ..


    In reply to: Spam users

    John Frusciante

    @hnla thanks for your reply but Im not asking so we can solve Internets biggest problem, Im asking about a specific problem regarding buddypress.

    @aminima Thanks for your suggestion, but thats not an option. Its an active community and users want to participate when they register. Approving manually it is not an option, unfortunately :(

    Im surprised the buddypress team did not come with a permanent solution about this major problem ….


    In reply to: Spam users


    If you run a small community, and you are able to confirm registrations, you can use the plugin “Confirm User Registration”. by this plugin, users register to your website will be activated automatically, but they cannot post anything untill you confirm their registration. If you guess the registered user might be a spammer, you can delete it before it can harm your website. Most of the time a spammer uses irregullar email addresse, or username.
    Although this is not a sollution, but it can help you prevent spammers do what they want.


    In reply to: Spam users

    Hugo Ashmore

    Spammers register on every single forum or community/blog on the net how do envisage stopping them? It’s simply a pandemic that has to be manually dealt with, there can’t be automated / plugin solutions for everything.


    marking as a spammer won’t delete the account it only puts it in limbo. Why not just delete them from your dashboard. There may be some plugin to help with this but most likely it has not been updated in ages to I can’t validate their usefulness.


    @aaclayton – It sounds like you have/had a plugin or theme conflict of some sort, as SI Captcha should work out of the box. Good to hear you found a plugin that works.


    Hey @themightymo,

    I did try SI Captcha, I was getting a strange PHP error by which the code was never successfully validated (even when entered correctly). I ended up settling on Sweet Captcha, which is a pretty neat idea, but it’s one of those annoying plugins that inserts a ton of sitewide javascript and css rules, so I’m working to hack these out with the exception of the register page.

    I would still be interested in knowing how to filter user registrations though, in addition to whatever Captcha method I use I wouldn’t mind adding a honeypot as a redundant safeguard.


    Which CAPTCHA plugins have you tried that have not worked?

    Have you tried the following:


    You probably found the solution by bow, just thought I should post for future reference. Also had the same issue a few weeks ago and found this:
    Hope it helps you or the next person looking for the solution.

    Maruti Mohanty

    Just checked ,… Whenever i log into my sub sites … i get the following errors in my log file===

    WordPress database error Table ‘wp_multisite.wp_3_bp_user_blogs’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT b.blog_id) FROM wp_3_bp_user_blogs b LEFT JOIN wp_blogs wb ON b.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE wb.public = 1 AND wb.deleted = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.archived = ‘0’ AND user_id = 0 made by require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), do_action(‘init’), call_user_func_array, bp_init, do_action(‘bp_init’), call_user_func_array, bp_setup_nav, do_action(‘bp_setup_nav’), call_user_func_array, BP_Blogs_Component->setup_nav, bp_blogs_total_blogs_for_user, BP_Blogs_Blog::total_blog_count_for_user
    Any idea what is this about?

    BuddyPress requires that users activate their accounts after registering. The activation link is sent via email to the registrant. It is likely that either your php mail configuration is messed up or that the email in question went into the user’s spam folder.

    In any case, you can use this plugin to manage activations:


    In reply to: Spam registrations

    Thankyou very much, I’ll check these up, seems like it could be what we need…

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    :( Baffling.

    We could either lower your version number, so BP would re-run the update (I have no idea if this would have any other consequence), or add the missing column in manually:

    Add a new column to the wp_bp_activity table:

    name: is_spam
    type: tinyint(1)

    Then add a new index key:
    KEY is_spam (is_spam)

    Before you do this, find a way to trigger the SQL error in your log. Then modify the DB table, and then try to trigger the SQL error. Hopefully that’ll be fixed, and then we can see if it affects your activity posting error. Make sure you backup your database first :)


    Thank you. So to know if akismet works, I will have to wait until the first spam is marked by akismet?

    Jackie Chan

    Ok ill give the BP Humanity plugin a go, thanks

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Regarding the WP_DEBUG errors. Have you recently upgraded to BuddyPress 1.6+? There was a schema change, and we added the is_spam column in the wp_bp_activity table, and your error message says that it doesn’t exist.

    Can you look inside your WordPress admin area, and check that you’ve not got some pending update action?

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