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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • #90054

    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam

    Hugo Ashmore

    You’re quite correct it does still exist which I find very odd as I seem to have a recollection of comments that said it would be / was removed.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    I have the latest version of buddypress and I had to delete the register.php from bbpress, as is suggested above. This reduced my spam signups from around ten a day to none.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    I had lot of problems to stop spamblogs from signing up than I have installed Buddypress Humanity plugin and its been a month and i have not got a single spamblog signup as this plugin lets you set your own question and answer.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam

    Hugo Ashmore

    Thought the stray registration file had been dealt with.

    As well as rename the register slug, rename the footer links as they are searched out in their default form. I also added a rule to htaccess that checked the referer page and if it wasn’t the site chucked the request to somewhere else (do need to make that somewhere interesting) also blocked any CURL requests for the register page, finally made the decision that blogs could not be created during sign up, once registered members could create blogs and this made a difference.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam

    Roger Coathup

    @tedmann – there was a register file kicking around in the bbPress forum files, and I think that was the back door into the BuddyPress system. I don’t know if that issue has been addressed in the latest BuddyPress / bbPress releases.

    We stopped spam registrations almost completely on Hello Eco Living by removing the register file in the bbPress installation, and changing the url of the BuddyPress registration page.


    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam

    Ted Mann

    Here’s what I don’t understand: All our recent Spam registrations are completely bypassing the BP registration form. I’ve got a tricky Humanity plugin question on there, as well as several required fields. But when I look at the accounts the spammers are creating, they have none of those fields filled out.

    Is there some kind of backdoor registration option in BP or WPMU? How are they getting in?!


    In reply to: More Core Committers?


    I’m for anything speeding up the process… BuddyPress is on the verge of taking off and “taking over”. I check the trac daily to see where we are in the process and help as much as I can… mainly because I NEED to get some of these seemingly basic fixes accomplished. The guys you’ve mentioned above are very SHARP, but there are time/money & commitments/constraints involved…

    I firmly believe that once the 1.2.6 patch is released the BuddyPress platform will have shaken off it “childhood” stage and be primed to be THE major contender in the field of Social Media Platforms. Once “we”/”They” knock out 1.2.6 (and fix the issues with searching the BuddyPress Site and Site Spammers) the sky is the limit and people are going to begin to look at the fledgling “ugly duckling” of WordPress as the SWAN that it is.

    BuddyPress is on the tarmac waiting to fly… it won’t be long now…

    Hugo Ashmore

    ? There is still the same ability to mark as spam either from Super Admin -> Users or Super Admin -> Sites. Under Users you will have to use bulk actions dropdown as the buttons appear to have been removed allowing to mark as spammer.

    You may need to clarify the issues you are having with the admin panel.


    Did you pass parameters into the messages_new_message() function?

    All the parameters can be found in the /plugins/buddypress/bp-messages.php file like Boone stated.

    Private messages are disabled on this website at the moment due to spam. However, on a regular install, simply navigate to the “My Account” menu in the BuddyPress admin bar (located at the top) and navigate to “Messages”.

    Hugo Ashmore

    It’s great you have written a plugin to help combat this vile practise of spamming, and the community thanks you for that.

    However dragging up four old posts and posting to each the same reference to your plugin would generally be considred to be… Can you fill the blanks in? ;)

    You have the group created, shout about the plugin there. Resurrecting old posts is somewhat annoying for the listings.

    Adam Nowak

    Try out my plugin, to help combat spam blogs:

    Adam Nowak

    Try out my plugin, to help combat spam blogs:


    In reply to: Spam Blogs

    Adam Nowak

    Try out my plugin, to help combat spam blogs:


    In reply to: Spam

    Adam Nowak

    Try out my plugin, to help combat spam blogs:

    Hugo Ashmore

    It’s spam Paul.

    Beck B

    I had two users apparently never get the activation email. (One is me, so I know it didn’t go through, but the other attempt belongs to someone I don’t know. They MIGHT have simply never opened the email.) My first attempt used a hotmail ( address. The other person’s is a personal domain.

    I thought I was having a problem with ALL activation emails, but when I tried a new user registration with a gmail address, it worked. I suppose I should test new user creation with some more email addresses and providers.

    In any case, if you don’t have tons & tons of new users, one thing you can do while “we” figure this out is to check the Users list under the WordPress settings (from wp-admin), as even unactivated users will show up there. Then visit any problem user in buddypress by manually typing in the address for their profile page (you know, something like Then in the admin bar, you’ll find an option along the lines of “Admin Options->Mark user as not a spammer”. That’s probably not the exact text.

    Beck B

    Curious. I was convinced I had a similar problem, as I noticed one user marked spammer and then created my own test user but never received the activation email. HOWEVER, I just tried again using a gmail address instead of hotmail, and I got the activation email just fine. Suppose I’ll keep messing with this and check back in…..

    I’m trying to use/test the Welcome Pack in particular, so….we’ll see.

    Philo Hagen

    And don’t forget to tell your users to check their spam folder when their email didn’t arrive.


    In reply to: Facebook Login?

    Philo Hagen

    @zaimejs check the spam folder. Buddypress confirmations emails routinely end up in the spam folder for a lot of mail servers.

    In related / unrelated news, I’ve had a problem recently where an individual member’s avatar has started showing up everywhere, like in place of each and every group avatar for example. It’s happened a few times and tonight I traced it to the Facebook Login plugin and once I disabled that everything returned to normal.


    In reply to: Spammer Error


    Go to your wp_users table and set user_status to 0.


    There is a new plugin called BP Plugin called humanity, check it. I also require the TOS to be checked (also a plugin). We’ve had little to no Spammers so far… knock on wood.


    Ugh I’m having this same problem. Everyday I get at least one or two ‘fake profiles’ where they answer questions with ‘johoabjdvbajsldhfs’. I have the CAPTCHA plugin installed and it’s done nothing so far. Each ‘user’ also creates a blog, one was about world of warcraft and the others have been about cars. It’s HIGHLY annoying to have to sift through and mark each of these users as spammers.

    Gabriel Fowler

    One thought: use plugin: BP Disable Activation, to remove the step of email activation altogether. You should still be able to get users’ emails when they sign up. I use SI CAPTCHA at registration to filter spam. My site is still in development, no users, so I can’t speak to these issues for you. Just a though as I said. Good luck.


    In reply to: Buddypress Hosting

    Hugo Ashmore

    Word of caution I have already dropped a note to the bluehost affiliate manager about your last 12 spam posts on this forum, I wouldn’t advise you make any further ones!

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