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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • #87401
    M W

    I am having this problem too! Extremely frustrating…new users are complaining they can’t log in. They are in limbo, marked as spammers because the confirmation email never went out. We noticed if I as an admin delete their account and tell them to re-register, they then get the email and complete the process successfully. (??)


    In reply to: Spam


    For now, contact John James Jacoby.

    Philo Hagen

    Wish it had been as simple on my end. In BP site 1 the admin bar went missing right after upgrading to the latest BP version (footer hook is there, just checked). And on BP site 2 the admin bar is quirky. Some can’t see it, others can, settings stuff works for those who can, but login takes you to an error page. Admin options like mark user as spammer or delete user no longer work. Anybody else having these issues? Thanks.


    Oh yes, that’s right. You should be good then. I was thinking more of removing spammers that did validate, but then did nothing more. Or they did a drive by spamming.

    I’m glad to have a forum like this as well. Honestly, I’d missed the sense of community that you get by being really a part of an open source project like this.


    It’s funny you should say that when it wasn’t until two weeks later (after the original post) that a moderator / support team member (you) chimed in on this, and that was because someone (me) wasn’t very polite (intentionally). So it looks like rudeness, not my normal MO, went a little bit further than politeness (this time), but served its purpose none the less. Thanks for responding.

    Now, to answer your question / statement…

    1.) My hosting environment is linux, not windows.

    2.) My install of wordpress does send emails successfully, until I activate Buddypress (then it breaks).

    3.) The emails aren’t going to SPAM, lol. That was the first thing I checked (on 5 different email accounts).

    Again, thanks for the response.


    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    It’s the kind of support forum where politeness goes a long way. The only issue I’m aware of with BuddyPress page links is that some installs running on IIS need some extra stuff added; that’s vague because I’m not an IIS user, I don’t have access to a machine to dev on, and I don’t know about the typical Microsoft hosting environment.

    If your install of WordPress can send emails successfully, then BuddyPress can too. We can’t be held responsible for what emails are marked as spam by mail servers.

    You have also told us no details about your setup; please see


    Thanks @r-a-y, I should learn to read


    My previous post details that…


    Thanks @r-a-y I have this in my wp-config file to disable the admin bar: define( ‘BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR’, true );

    Is it possible to add a button in the member’s profile page to add them as a spammer?


    What I’m saying is put the xprofile_setup_adminbar_menu() function somewhere in a member template.

    Then you’ll have access to the admin links.

    For BuddyBar for admins, that would also have to be custom-coded.


    @r-a-y I’m not sure I understand? I should be on the member’s profile if I want to mark them as a spammer? Can I use that function to enable the admin bar?

    How do I enable the buddybar for admins only?


    Instead of re-enabling the admin bar every time, why don’t you just use this xprofile_setup_adminbar_menu() somewhere in your theme?
    Make sure you wrap [ul] around the function though.

    Either that, or enable the BuddyBar for admins only.

    Hugo Ashmore

    Yes network mode is MS or MS

    Not sure if there are any plugins to do this, Ray may have a better idea. How comes you are not using the adminbar and could you not simply lift that particular adminbar nav item and set it somewhere else just for admin? shouldn’t be too difficult to accomplish.

    Ideally WP wants to correct what I suspect is a glaring oversight? might be worth checking the WP forums to see if the issue has been raised there.


    @r-a-y I presume network mode is MU? I’m running it on normal / single WP 3.0 without MU enabled.

    @hnla – Is there any plugins available to mark them as spammers or should I re enable the admin bar every time I want to mark a member as a spammer?

    Hugo Ashmore

    Nope doesn’t appear to be the ability to mark a user as spammer in single WP 3.0, love to know why, what’s the difference still a registered user, shouldn’t matter a jot whether blogs are enabled or not. It feels as though WP single is a poor cousin to WP MS


    If you’re using WP in network mode, login to the WP dashboard, navigate to “Super Admin > Users”.
    Check the users you want to mark as spam and under the dropdown menu, select “Mark as Spam” and apply the changes.

    I don’t see this feature when network mode isn’t enabled though (unless I’m not looking in the right place?).


    Hello- I have the same problem, but I am not using twi connect plugin. I am the only admin. How do I reset the database?

    I figured it out. Thanks!!



    In reply to: BuddyPress Spam


    @thelandman maybe build in something like this,

    I read about the plugin in one of my smashing mag books, somewhere.. But they really recommend it. It advises the user to try a different browser if they cant upgrade ie6 due to using windows 2000

    rich! @ etiviti

    quickly glancing over the follower’s plugin code – i don’t see anything that hooks like how the friends component does

    add_action( 'wpmu_delete_user', 'friends_remove_data' );
    add_action( 'delete_user', 'friends_remove_data' );
    add_action( 'make_spam_user', 'friends_remove_data' );

    Hugo Ashmore

    In a word? Yes! Doing so is really the purview of the plugin developer? I would have though it’s a simple check that a member is not equal to whatever the field is that marks someone as a spammer however and not having looked at the plugin it sounds as though a table is built up of follwers but that isn’t rechecked against possible changes to those members, essentially you add a member as a follower and remove a member as a follower but nothing happens in-between.


    @nuprn1, @r-a-y, @hnla – another problem. If you were following a member and they were marked as a spammer by the admin of the site, your following count still displays the same number but when viewing the “following” page it only displays the ones that are not marked as spam. To give you an example. I were following 23 people. I marked one of those as a spammer. It still displays 23 on my following count but when I view the “following” page it displays – “
    Viewing member 1 to 20 (of 22 active members)” Is there anyway that the count following and followers will not take spammers?


    And we apparently just hosted the soccer world cup :P

    k ill stop spamming now


    In reply to: Spammer Error


    any advances?


    Hi Chaps – just to let you all know, you are not alone in this quest.

    We have customers running BP sites who need to ‘re-capture’ ‘lost/unconfirmed’ user registrations (attempts).

    A high proportion of confirmation emails do get filtered into peoples spam buckets, bounced by firewalls and blacklists, overlooked in the inbox, whatever. Its an ongoing part of community/site admin to re-sift this list of unsuccessful registrants and correct anything impeding signup.

    Its pretty apparent neither BP, nor WP ( == WPMU) address this ‘corrections process’ out of the box.

    My perusal of available plugins has yielded some near fits for the job (reporting at least), but nothing yet bang-on (the ‘resend_registration_confirmation_email()’ function), which suprises me.

    Looks like someone will have to lift the hood and write somethething to do it. (I have some plugins in mind to extend for that purpose – will keep you all posted :) )


    I’ve done something similar, however, the user I created I did by using the dashboard feature to create a new user. I could then login as that user. (Wasn’t quite sure what level to give them, mind).

    I wonder if it sent you a confirmation email (you, in the user role, not you in the admin role) & your email system spammed it?

    Have you tried creating one from the admin dash?

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