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  • #254397

    No dan, i’m not using the child theme, should i?

    This problem also happens in others translations arround my site, not only in “subir”.
    Badly to me, i have not other template that supports buddypress, but i will try to find one and install it to check that. Thanks for your awesome support.

    EDIT: I just changed the template and the translations works fine. So the problem is the template. What do you think i should do to fix it?


    Unable to reproduce. It’s working for me. Here’s what i see on my test site.

    translation to spanish

    What i did:
    – set site language to español de argentina
    – downloaded venezuela’s version of po/mo
    – renammed both file to buddypress-es_AR (
    – added the file to this directory wp-content/languages/plugins/

    That worked without changing header information, as ID is still “stable”. Sorry, my fault.

    Perhaps try to change the theme to see if something get different. Apparently there are some missing tabs aside “subir”. Compare pictures.

    Do you use a child-theme where you changed a profile template ?


    There are some items that i manually translate in poEdit and the results are fine in my web, but there are others that are well translated in the poEdit, but i can’t see the changes in the web.

    For example: As you can see in photo 1, the translation is done. Then i save changes and import as usually, and when i go to my web, the translation is not available as you can see in photo 2. What could be the problem here? Thank you.


    In PoEdit > Catalog > Property.

    Or open the po with a text editor and check the header. Looks like this:
    (that’s the header of the Glotpress version for fr_FR)

    # Translation of Stable (latest release) in French (France)
    # This file is distributed under the same license as the Stable (latest release) package.
    msgid ""
    msgstr ""
    "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-24 17:53:59+0000\n"
    "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
    "X-Generator: GlotPress/2.1.0-alpha\n"
    "Project-Id-Version: Stable (latest release)\n"

    Important things are:
    "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-24 17:53:59+0000\n"
    "Project-Id-Version: Stable (latest release)\n"

    Id can be text or numeric (ie. stable or 2.5.2).


    It doesn’t pop up anything.

    By the way, there are some pending translations but when i look for them in the poEdit with Ctrl+F, some of they appear, and i can translate them, but some of them doesn’t appear. How can i translate those pending words?



    Site language is the reference. Go to Settings > General and choose your site language.

    If you use es_AR, you should use
    If you use es_ES, you should use
    and so on…

    At each update, language files are also updated. This means that if you use bp-es_VE and the site is declared as using es_AR, your bp file will be updated to es_AR and BP will use this one instead bp-es_VE.

    It would be better you use same language for site and plugins. What you can do, is to rename es_VE to buddypress-es_AR.po/mo. You need also to modify accordingly the header information in the po file. To do that you need to use poEdit to compile it to mo and get the correct header in it.

    Note also that BP translation should be installed in wp-content/languages/plugins/


    Great, thank you both.

    I’ve done all of this:

    Languages and Translations

    I’ve created the wp-content>languages>buddypress folder and pasted there the and .po.

    Now, how can i activate that buddypress languaje from the adminCP.

    Note: My wordpress is in es_AR and the buddypress languaje i found is es_VE.
    They are pretty much the same language, but the es_AR BP translation is about 5% in the contrib. page so i opted for download the es_VE.

    Thank you.


    In reply to: Menu translation

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Hi @paulrooms

    The Italian translation of BuddyPress is up to date:

    For the menu items (at least what I think you mean), you’ll need to go into wp-admin > Pages > Edit, and just rename/translate the pages yourself.


    I have activated BuddyPress and, since my site is Italian, everything is translated into Italian except for the menu items. How can I get them translated as well? The Italian BP support site says there’s an Italian translation of BP but there’s no place it can be downloaded from.
    Any suggestion? Thank you!


    In reply to: Removing page title


    try the language file.. check the buddypress codex for translation

    Henry Wright

    @lekins101 great stuff 🙂

    Hi @pattiearnold

    If you need help with translations, please feel free to open a new topic with any questions you have.


    Thanks… I wanted the translations to happen all over the website apart from wordpress… I just used the Real-Time Find and Replace Plugin from the repository.



    I’m trying to figure out how I can create a translation of the BuddyPress profile page. Is there an easy way to do this? I’m not a programmer, so please go easy on me. 🙂

    Thank you!

    WordPress 4.5
    BuddyPress 2.5.2
    bbPress 2.5.8
    Polylang 1.8.5


    regrets dan…am very much confused now…will try to test/check few things and update…..

    currently in my setup only this works for me:



    other options are not working for me…might have messed up somewhere at my side….

    and that path has been mentioned here

    Languages and Translations

    bbPress in Your Language

    Thanks once again for your time.


    The po file is the working copy, it’s not the translation. The only file you need is the compiled .mo format file.

    1) i’m not aware of this behave and i doubt you can get this to work.
    2) yes
    3) yes
    4) you understood wrong. I said the inverse.

    To resume the situation:
    WP stays in english and you want BP in a different language. This is not possible with the automatic translation system.

    Maybe you have to use some multilanguage plugin ?


    Thanks for your time on this..highly appreciated…regarding the points

    1. setting up WordPress to a custom language.

    i am not using wp lang files…so in site/settings/general i keep the default english option on a multisite for french language. is this correct way? i dont want WP in French but only BP in French. Backend WP+BP should remain in english. only frontend should be french.

    2. Note that the language should exist on GlotPress and must be completed to 100%.

    that means lang files which are NOT 100% complete i need to update them manually in future?

    3. the translation will be automatically uploaded to wp-content/languages/plugins/

    yes. i want the latest translation files to be automatically updated. i wont be doing any manual translations as i dont know the languages. so if i want to translate BP and BB then is the following structure correct:


    4. Custom usage

    this has me confused. this line “you can store your custom version in the first directory wp-content/languages/plugins/.”

    custom PO files go to wp-content/languages/plugins/buddypress right? which i wont require as i wont be doing custom trnaslations. is this correct assumption?

    wp-content/languages/plugins/ has the po files which would be auto updated as and when there are updates right?

    Thanks once again


    Common usage

    To get automatically a buddypress translation for your site, you have nothing special to do, except setting up WordPress to a custom language.

    Note that the language should exist on GlotPress and must be completed to 100%.

    In this case, which is default situation, the translation will be automatically uploaded to wp-content/languages/plugins/

    For each new BP version (at least any major releases), you will receive the latest translation available. And the existing po/mo files are then overiden.

    Custom usage

    If you use a custom translation, you have to protect your work from automatic updates which continues to work. To do that, you need to create a buddypress folder in the default location:


    Once this location exist, it receives priority when a new translation is available. From this point, you continue to receive the translation in the new directory and you can store your custom version in the first directory wp-content/languages/plugins/.

    This is how it works actually for BuddyPress. Will perhaps be modified in the future. But no idea when and how.


    dan request your inputs on the following:

    ref thread

    where do and buddypress-fr_FR.po need to be uploaded to?

    1. you said this “po/mo files goes into wp-content/languages/ – when the translation file is in this directory, glotpress will automatically update the file”

    2. you said this in the same thread. “To get the translation, you put the files in

    3. or the path should be /wp-content/languages/plugins/buddypress/

    kindly let me know…am confused on this….



    grâce ce efface 🙂

    would u suggest using google translate plugins instead? google translate plugins translate the whole stuff including menus…or using google translate plugins which do a live fetch of the page translation are heavy on the site or resource intensive? Kindly let me know @danbp

    merci encore une fois pour votre réponse



    Since WP 4.0, you no more need to add the language constant to wp-config.
    Read from here:

    Concerning brazilian portuguese, the WP translation file is named
    Once this file is stored in wp-content/languages/, you select pt_br as site language from dashboard > General > site language. This is slightly different from other languages like german or french, who appear as a name in the list and not as de_DE or fr_FR.

    To get BuddyPress in brazilian, you simply add the to wp-content/languages/plugins/ directory

    Tested as ok on a beta install of WP 4.5RC2 and BP 2.6alpha

    Portuguese Brazilian translations files
    WP Stable 4.4.x pt_BR
    BuddyPress 2.5.x stable pt_BR

    At the botom of these pages, select Machine Object Message Catalog before exporting.

    And to get a plain translation of WordPress dashboard, don’t forget to export (stored as sub-project on the left sidebar of


    I had the same issue with CZ language: I had some strange character in my language file, i started it again from scratch and it worked just fine.

    I found also this: BuddyPress translation packages are only updated if the translation is at 100% translated, if you do not see your language after updating your translations, please consider contributing to the the BuddyPress translation project.


    The BuddyPress translation of my website is not working. I’m using it for the first time, but I followed EVERY tutorial here and outside here as well, and nothing seems to work for me.

    Wordpress Version: 4.4.2
    BuddyPress Version: 2.5.2
    Theme: Thrive

    First I translated with Poedit, then I uploaded the .po and .mo files to /wp-content/languages/buddypress (I didn´t have the BuddyPress folder so I created one as they told me to do in the tutorial here.

    I have both archives named correctly in this folder, as: and buddypress-pt_BR.po. I tried to upload this to wp-content/languages/plugins too and nothing happens.

    wp-config file already has define(‘WPLANG’, ‘pt_BR’);
    And my WordPress settings are set to Portuguese language as well. Also the header of my WordPress site has the <html class=”no-js” lang=”pt-BR”>

    I don´t know what to do anymore…
    Please can someone help me with this?


    In reply to: translation email


    I try to translate Buddypress Emails into german. At the moment all Emails are listed are in English. I try to use the “reinstall emails” tool and always get the english version of the emails.

    On this ticket you mentioned the problem but I can find the solution.

    I set define( ‘WPLANG’, ‘de_DE’ ) in the wp_config and also download the newest translation files from here:

    What can I do to get the german version of the emails?

    Thank you for your help!



    I’m currently running latest wordpress and buddypress version, both in german.
    I realized that some sentences are still in english though.
    For example the text in the registration e-mail:
    “Thanks for registering!
    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link:”

    I checked the german translation .po file and found out that a proper transaltion for that text is actually there. But the german text isn’t shown.

    Best ragards

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