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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • #250801

    Hi I’ve a got an other problem. The activation mail comes as plain textl.
    HTML Email is not send.
    All Emails are in English a german translation is only possible when i change the text manualy.

    Befor the update i had a [bp-custom.php] and it worked.


    In reply to: translation email

    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    IF your translation file is up to date (have you re-downloaded the files to check?), those strings should be getting translated.

    Otherwise, another option is to edit the email template. Copy buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/assets/emails/single-bp-email.php into your theme and make whatever changes you want.


    In reply to: Language email


    Ahh oke Paul.
    Thanks for the info, will wait for the updated translation. πŸ™‚

    Thank you!


    In reply to: Language email

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    @danbp The email subject and email body content are both intended to be translatable via .po/.mo.

    The Dutch translation of BuddyPress has not been updated for v2.5. Look here: — “Dutch” + “Stable” = 90%.

    For example – the email in your screenshots – you can see the text is untranslated at the bottom of this screen of the translation tool:

    Once a language’s translation is 100% complete for the “Stable” version, a Language Pack is automatically built, and your WordPress will then prompt you to download it on its normal “Updates” screen.

    Once THIS happen, THEN you can run the repair tool, and you’ll have Dutch emails. πŸ™‚

    You can see the latest available translation packs for all languages here:


    In reply to: Language email


    Hi @xxsemmiexx,

    the new email feature comes in with a pre-built list of emails. These emails are defaults one for any possible situation in BuddyPress. It’s more or less the same as you have on your profile > settings > messages, where you have the email situation and a checkbox.

    The translatable part of these emails, shipped with xx_XX.po/mo, is the mail subject.
    When you click on the subject from within the email list, you’ll get the email editor.

    At this stage and if the mo file is correctly made, you see the list in your language.

    Now, let’s see the mail content. Click on Edit.

    As title you have the subject (which is translated) and the body (which is not).
    That’s intended so. It’s fake content in english and let you see how to use the tokens inside the email body – or subject.

    This is also usefull if you want to add some custom email.

    That said, after updating a translation, the modification doesn’t show up automagically in the list. To see it, you have to run the email repair tool.

    Hope it is clear and helpfull for you.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    I’ll try to test this type of email before the weekend. Can you paste me the translated text you’ve entered into the email title and email content for this type of email? Please put it on and then link to it here.

    If all the other emails are working, it’s most likely that some custom text in the email is getting detected by your ISP’s email filters (etc) and blocking the email.

    I will put your translation into my email of this type, and test it, and see if it works for me.


    In reply to: translation email

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    In reply to: translation email

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    @lanvalencia The Spanish translation still needs to be completed for BuddyPress 2.5. The new phrases for the emails have not been translated:

    Maybe you can help @_dorsvenabili get those done πŸ˜€

    After the translation is updated, and after WordPress downloads the updated language pack (the .mo and .po files), go to wp-admin > Tools > BuddyPress and run the “Reinstall emails” tool.


    This will reinstall the emails in Spanish for you.

    Thank you for using BuddyPress!




    unfortunately this forum is for support with BuddyPress itself, when there are added plugins it can make it impossible for someone to test.

    Did you read through translation docs?



    you need to use bbpress.po translation file, even if your site is in default english language.
    Or if you only want to modify one word, you can use this snippet from inside your child-theme’s functions.php (will also work in bp-custom.php)

    function bruce_change_name( $translated, $original_text, $domain ) {
    	if ( 'bbpress' !== $domain )  
    	return $translated; 
    	switch ( $original_text ) {
    		case 'Forums':  // original word
    		return 'Four Rhum'; // your custom word
    		return $translated;
    add_filter( 'gettext', 'bruce_change_name', 10, 3 );

    WP reference:



    try this snippet (add it to bp-custom.php or child theme’s functions.php):

    function garfrey_widget_title( $title ) {
    if ( $title == "Members") {
    $title = __('Members Translation') ; // foreign char. here
    return $title;
    add_filter ( 'widget_title' , 'garfrey_widget_title', 21 );



    In reply to: Private Pages Glitch?


    Hello Brajesh Singh and Engine44

    I am a newcomer to buddypress and I think I had similar problems as Engine44.
    Frankly I could imagine that there are more people who have this
    problem but eventually don’t even realize it as a problem.
    In particular I can’t imagine that all that bp networks which
    are used by schools want to have kids discuss in public. So it might
    be a severe problem. But as said I am a newcomer so I might easily be

    The following concerns mostly the member and activity pages (I hope they are called
    this way, this is a direct translation from german), which are either set
    public -or if set private can’t be found anymore (which seems to kill more or less all major bp functions, like you can’t see profile etc.) I haven’t looked into groups yet.

    I asked a person for help who is pretty proficient in solving general programming
    problems but who is not a programmer and in particular not a PHP programmer. So eat with
    utmost caution.

    He came up with the following hack:
    The activity and member pages need to be public in order to assign them
    on the bp page. (I think this is the default upon installation)
    Then set the pages to private.

    go to buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php
    and then in function bp_core_get_directory_pages() {…


    $page_names = $wpdb->get_results( β€žSELECT ID, post_name, post_parent, post_title FROM {$posts_table_name} WHERE ID IN ({$page_ids_sql}) AND post_statues = ‘publish’ ” );


    // temporary hack
    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    $page_names = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT ID, post_name, post_parent, post_title FROM {$posts_table_name} WHERE ID IN ({$page_ids_sql}) ” );
    } else {
    $page_names = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT ID, post_name, post_parent, post_title FROM {$posts_table_name} WHERE ID IN ({$page_ids_sql}) AND post_statues = ‘publish’ ” );
    // was:
    // $page_names = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT ID, post_name, post_parent, post_title FROM {$posts_table_name} WHERE ID IN ({$page_ids_sql}) AND post_statues = ‘publish’ ” );
    // /temporary hack


    Translated to 100% doesn’t mean updated to 100%. Have you verified any of your translation with the .pot file ?

    Normally, an update (plugin, theme,..) is shipped with his most recent pot file. Open the .po file with poEdit and run an update from pot.

    With poEdit you can also check the file and the line number containing the word you’re not able to translate. With this information, control the file content and verify that the string is correctly formatted for i18n. Sometimes, a localization is omitted, or in case of buttons, the error can be in a js file… You have to investigate attentively. I can’t help you more, sorry. πŸ˜‰



    check your theme translation or menu settings and eventually your plugins (if you use some).

    On your members page source code, there is a long phrase in english inside a div which is not from BuddyPress:
    You can browse all activities here. Use menu below if you want to browse only specific activities like […]

    The theme was published in 2013, it could be possible that it is not updated for latest BP version…


    In reply to: Pages Not Working?


    Another follow-up: it turns out this is because of a plugin I was using – Multilanguage by BestWebSoft… I would really love to keep using this plugin (I’ve been hunting for translation plugins for over a month and this is the only one I’ve found that actually does what I need it to do translation-wise)

    Is there any way to make the plugin BuddyPress-Compatible?


    Try downloading the following:

    Rename the files to buddypress-de_DE.po and respectively.

    Then, move the files to /wp-content/languages/plugins/.

    Since the translation is not 100% complete, you might see some English strings.

    Let me know if that works for you.


    Thanks for your answer. I’ll try to help there.
    Since my project is pretty urgent, is it possible to fetch the actual translation for the moment?


    I think the German translation is not fully 100% translated, which is preventing WordPress from fetching the latest German translation for BuddyPress.

    If you are able to help translate the remaining strings, please visit:

    Also, read the following guide to find out how to contribute towards the translation: (GlotPress)


    Are you using BuddyPress Multilingual as well?

    My guess is that BuddyPress has newer translation strings in v2.4.0 and you’ll need to update the BuddyPress-specific strings on your WPML install to reflect that.

    Read their “Translating profile fields” tutorial:

    BuddyPress Multilingual

    They also have a support forum here:

    It might be that their plugin will need to be updated.

    If it ends up that this is indeed a BuddyPress problem, please let us know.


    Are you sure that the translation exist ? Have you a file ? Where xx_XX is the iso of your language (eg en_US).

    mo is a compiled format and the only file that php need to translate your strings.

    To get such file, you need to use a language compilator like poEdit. Changing strings in only buddypress-xx_XX.po has no effect on the translation. This format is a simple text format intended to be used by the translator.

    And the buddypress.pot (note the final T) is also a text format file which contains the list of all strings you can translate.

    Where do you add your copy and which language do you use ?


    Still need help with this people. Anyone else experienced issues uploading translation exactly as stated in the BP codex?
    Is there any work arounds?

    I really need to update the word friend to business connection and connection across the entire site.


    In reply to: Welcome e-mail


    No I don’t think so.

    The alternative is to change the text by way of creating your own translation of it using Poedit.

    See the following:

    Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs

    The poedit program, used for editing and creating the translation files is available for free here:


    Well as soon as I post it I figure it out.. go figure πŸ™‚

    In case anyone else is confused here’s what I did and I had no clue going into it.

    Use this for a reference on what to name your files and where to put them. (.po and .mo files, trust me I did not even know what these were)

    Download this editor/compiler here: (it’s free!)
    You will need this to create (compile) the .mo file (if you want to know what these files are google it, that’s what I did)

    Use the buddypress link above and go to the “Translating with PoEdit” section, it will walk you through how to open the file with Poedit.
    (This part “This will open a settings dialog and you will be asked to fill in some details such as project name which we’ll skip. Click on β€˜OK’ and you’ll be asked to save your language file.” did not happen for me, it asked me my language and I selected English United States, choose what you desire.)

    Now remember in my case I needed to change a few buddypress page titles.
    Example: I wanted to change the buddypress title “Groups” to “Chat Rooms” –
    While in Poedit with your .po file open, where you need to change it seems to be near the bottom of the file. Scroll down until you see something like this “Site-Wide Activity [component directory title]” (this was the first one for me). These are the buddypress page titles, this is where you can change them.

    Click on the title you want to change, my case Groups, below you will see “Source text” this is where “Groups” is showing. In the text area under that you will see “Translation”, this is where I typed “Chat Rooms”, as this is the title I would like it changed to.

    When finished Save your .po file. Back to Poedit, click File, select “Compile to MO” , save you .mo file as directed in the buddypress link above.
    Follow the rest of the instructions in the link to upload your .po and .mo files.

    I hope this helps out others who are new to buddypress! πŸ™‚


    Tried that too.
    Translations are as they should be, files are in the folder they should be in.

    I guess my next question is, why isn’t this introduced as a plugin settings option?


    Hi, perhaps you omited a dot or another php element. Anyway, below snippet add same fonction to members directory by using the appropriate filter, so you haven’t to touch the template.
    Add it to child theme functions.php or bp-custom.php

    Show user’s role on member directory

    function who_are_you_dir() {
    $user = new WP_User( bp_get_member_user_id() );
    	if ( !empty( $user->roles ) && is_array( $user->roles ) ) {
    		foreach ( $user->roles as $role ) {
    	 * Fetch the user's role. See
    	 * _e('role name', 'text_domain' ) allows use of translation
    	 * else use echo "role name"; 
    		// Output
    			if ( $role == 'administrator') {
    			echo "Administrator";
    			if ( $role == 'subscriber') {
    			echo "Subscriber";
    			if ( $role == 'contributor') {
    			echo "Contributor";
    			if ( $role == 'author') {
    			echo "Author";
    			if ( $role == 'editor') {
    			echo "Editor";
    add_filter ( 'bp_directory_members_item', 'who_are_you_dir' );

    To show user’s role(s) on his profile, you can use this:

    Show user’s role on profile

    function blablabla() {
    $user = new WP_User( bp_displayed_user_id() );
    	if ( !empty( $user->roles ) && is_array( $user->roles ) ) {
    		foreach ( $user->roles as $role )
    			echo $role;
    add_action( 'bp_before_member_header_meta', 'blablabla' );
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