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Search Results for 'translation'

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  • #183193

    Thank you @shanebp!

    You’re right, I found this strange _x. But it didn’t make the translation work for me.

    I got this bp-custom.php:

    define( ‘BPLANG’, ‘pt-br’ );
    if ( file_exists( WP_LANG_DIR . ‘/buddypress-‘ . BPLANG . ‘.mo’ ) ) {
    load_textdomain( ‘buddypress’, WP_LANG_DIR . ‘/buddypress-‘ . BPLANG . ‘.mo’ );
    //echo “FOUND IT!!”;

    I’m pretty sure that this fil is being read and that the language file is being found because of the flag that I put: “FOUND IT!!”. In fact everything is being translated but the titles! No title got the proper translation, like: (Sitewide Activity) (Members) (Groups)

    Each one of these expressions is translated in the .po and .mo, acording to Loco Translate.

    Already deleted the pages and re-created it but nothing.

    I’m still trying, if I find a solution I’ll post it here.

    Thanks for the help!


    Yes, I did search before asking, but this 2 string are so hard to match in the search results.

    The problem is not the strings, but the translation of them. And this is most probably a theme issue or a wrong path to BP’s translation.
    You can check this point by activating one of WP’s default template. If it’s translated, you know the culprit.

    It might just be that the theme author needs to update the theme to be compatible with the latest WP and BP versions. As we have no access to the premium theme, best place to ask is the theme’s support forums or contact theme author.

    If you’re comfortable with code, here’s a workaround. Be aware that this does not solve the problem, but only ignore it.


    WP version ?
    BP version ?
    Theme name ?
    Used Plugins ?

    Did you search on this forum before asking ?

    Morgan Kay

    I just figured out how to do this the other day and wrote a blog post about it:

    Using BuddyPress Language Files to Customize Headers and Messages

    I hope that helps!


    In reply to: Translation problem


    Hi 3×7 !

    since 2.0 BP is loading automatic translation; This means that if you had a previous version installed, with a correct translation, that the new one is now active.

    Check in the wp/content/languages/ directorythe /plugins/ folder who maybe contain files and it’s possible that you have also buddypress-xx_XX in the /languages/

    Open the po file and take a look to header. Normally you will see the version number.

    If you use a custom po/mo for your BP, put these files in the wp/content/languages/plugins/

    See also in your theme and avoid to use from /buddypress/bp-languages/ (as a reminder)

    More details about translation, here and here.

    BP translation for all languages are now on If you’re a translator or if you want to contribute, i encourage you to participate on this projet. 😉


    In reply to: Language of Item-Nav


    Of course you can change these tab labels.
    Read here and here for general information.

    It’s possible that the problem comes from your theme or a plugin. You have to debug…:evil:
    First thing to check is the content of your language folder.
    Normally files are in wp-content/languages/
    See also if you have a “plugin” folder in “languages”. Maybe you have a second in it. In this case, it is this file who has priority over the other. If you have a custom translation, you have to place it in this folder anyway.

    Second thing to check are the theme/(possible)plugin translation vs. BP translation.

    FYI, since BP 2.0, WP/BP/bbP translations are automatically updated from Translate WordPress (Glotpress), but you have to ensure that you have the correct version. Simply open the .po file with a text editor like notepad++ and read the header content.

    If the above debuging process have no result, here’s a good solution by Alex ( @viper007bond) to “force” a translation or customizing an existing.
    Successfully tested on BP 2.01 ! 😉


    see if you have a folder named “plugins” in the wp-content/languages/ directory. If yes, you can put the buddypress po/mo there. This folder content has priority over “languages” content.

    FYI, the file who make translation possible is not the po, but the mo file !


    This string doesn’t exit in WP, BP or bbP:
    ERROR: The username or password you entered is incorrect. Lost your password ? Do you use a custom login plugin ?

    All po/mo used for a WP/BP install are located in wp-content/languages.

    Can you test the translation by activating Twenty thirteen and have you tested without any plugin except BP ?

    What theme do you use and site URL please !


    ola !
    I have no idea, but some paths…

    First, if you altered the user.php, it’s the wrong way, because it’s a core file. Translation modification should only be done in the po/mo file

    Secondly, you have a special character (tilde) in the word contraseña. Would probably be more secure that you use the HTML entity for this.

    Don’t know what you did before the errors screen, but you have to go back to a previous stage, without errors. Deactivate all plugins, except BP. Remove the WP translations files from the languages folder, and try to enter your install in english…

    Please read more about BuddyPress language here.


    Thanks for your quick reply, danhp; I founded it and modified the text; however, the issue is much bigger now; after changing the text “Lost your Password” by ¿Has perdido tu contraseña?” (which is the spanish translation), I can´t log in. The system returns several error messages like this:
    “Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘wp_validate_logged_in_cookie’ was given in /home2/esaguado/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 192”
    I have replaced the hole file by the local one, which hadn´t been modified, but the result is the same: It is not possible to log in.
    I´m lost, do you have any idea on how to solve this BIG PROBLEM?


    In reply to: Translation Issue

    Renato Alves

    I’m aware that BP 2.0 have some bugs related to translation. Are you using a version before 2.0?


    In reply to: Translation Issue

    In the buddypress.pot file, the translations that aren’t working are between lines…


    and between…



    hi !

    BP nb_NO translation is here:
    For further question, take contact here:
    or in your language here:


    Please write in english on this forum ! 😉

    Normally you can download pt_br.po/mo files from

    Have also look here:

    Maybe read here too:

    Or see what you can find here


    hi @pascalh,
    your issue maybe related to your theme or a custom function you use.

    The original “notifications” string is in bp-notifications/bp-notifications-loader.php:109
    Check the po file first
    If you made a custom function to get the menu, check that function.

    Be aware that the words “notifications”, “friends” and “groups” are coming with a count and that this counter is included in the translation within a html span tag. This is technically the point who made such translation not showing in some case. Because gettext is not very compleasant with html tags… So the problem can also be the strictness of the php version on use on your server.

    You can test this by writing your translation without using the span tag. (meldingen %d for example). If this ok, you’ll be fixed.


    don’t care so much what’s in the URL… the clients/members for this particular site are teachers from all over the world, many of whom wouldn’t know what i was talking about if i used the term “url” … at this point i just want the TEXT wherever they see it to be “photo” instead of “avatar”…

    thanks @nat0n, i’ll check those files… we are using a translation plugin, so hopefully if i change the english, the rest will follow suit… is there even a non-english translation for “avatar”?? ;P


    You could edit the .po/.mo files and do a custom translation there, I’ve done so on a Swedish site, should work for English sites too, using the right locale.

    But +1 for replacing once and for all what many people think is an animated 3D movie title, with something that is a bit more descriptive 😉


    In reply to: testing translations


    Hi @jf_trumpet,

    the plugin you’re speaking about is intented for load your BuddyPress with translations provided by

    This means that if you’re site is in swedish, the plugin will automatically upload the swedish BP translation. Or similar if you’re site is in italian.

    If you need some multilingual settings you have to use another plugin, like WPML for example.

    More about BuddyPress translation and internalization here.

    Normally you declare the site language from within the wp-config.php file.
    For ex. define (‘WPLANG’, ‘it-IT’);
    If you just want to test ONE other language, simply change this define to another language.

    Be also aware that you can only define one language in wp-config.


    In reply to: >> French PO


    hi @aniclip

    it’s not a bug, you just try to translate something that doesn’t exist in the original file !
    The exact string is Notify group members of these changes via email

    If you’re using BP 1.9 the string to translate looks like this in the po file:

    5912 #: bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/groups/single/admin.php:26
    5913 #: bp-themes/bp-default/groups/single/admin.php:26
    5914 msgid “Notify group members of these changes via email”
    5915 msgstr “Signaler par mail les changements aux membres du groupe”

    If you need the fr_FR translations, you can find them here:

    And in the future, also here:

    And of course, any information about translating BP in french is on the french BuddyPress site:


    Hi @jayjaym,

    Remove “buddypress” tag from wp-content/themes/platfrom/style.css

    Tags: buddypress, rtl-language-support, editor-style, theme-options, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, flexible-width, custom-menu, fixed-width, threaded-comments, custom-background, custom-header, custom-colors, custom-menu, photoblogging, translation-ready, white, silver, light, blue, green, yellow

    let us now if it’s work !


    In reply to: Buddypress in Spanish?



    WordPress and BuddyPress are set up to work in different languages provided the alternative language files are available and installed.

    There is a difference between running a site purely in another language, vs. having an existing site be able to switch between languages.

    If the site will be purely in Spanish that’s straightforward, you have to just load the WordPress and BuddyPress Spanish language files. If you want to switch that’s more complicated and you will want to use a plug-in to achieve that.

    If you are switching between languages, there’s the question of the WordPress & BuddyPress text (the buttons, things like “user1 posted an update 10 minutes ago” etc., and then there is your content, your words and the page, the menus etc.

    You’ve got a bit of reading to do to learn more about this.

    Start with

    For BuddyPress you can use this plug-in to make sure it loads the latest Spanish language files:

    There are a bunch of plugins for maintaining a bilingual site that all work in different ways. Try WPML or qTranslate to get you started (although you may find they do not fully support BuddyPress, you’ll have to try them or contact the developers to see.)

    TL:DR; is it’s very straightforward for standalone sites in a different language, but pretty complex for multi-lingual sites that you can switch between languages.


    In reply to: Translation problem


    Hi, thank you for your reply!

    Yes poEdit generate the file correctly. I´ve also tried the plugin localization. I don´t use any Umlaut or sz. I use my own language-file because I use other terms for groups etc.

    buddypress plural:
    Viewing member %1$s to %2$s (of %3$s active members)

    german translation:
    Mitglieder %1$s bis %2$s (von insgesamt %3$s aktiven Mitgliedern)


    With 1.8.1 I created a new page called “Clubs” and pointed the Buddypress Groups page to it so that the URL and breadcrumb now appear as “Clubs”. So this problem is now solved.
    I would like to know the best way to change the word “Group” to “Clubs” on the rest of my site (Member Profile Tab etc). I see some very old threads that suggest using a language translation file but wanted to ask for the latest recommendations.


    While we are on the subject of Notifications, I was just wonder how you could translate notifications when you are looking at the profile, I have been searching through all code using notepad++ but i cant find it

    Translation help


    In reply to: Translation BP


    Managed to fix the Base translation, only need to translate the notifcations and I am finally done

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