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Search Results for 'Activation 404'

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  • #171183

    Before activating Buddypress I had gone into the general settings in the dashboard and checked the anyone can join option so I wouldn’t think it’s anything to do with that. Both pages were created automatically when the plugin was activated so I’m not sure why I was getting a 404 page not found error…


    In reply to: Flat Portal theme


    Thanks @shanebp 🙂

    It basically works in this way- I have a header file with multiple headers for different page templates or conditions such as is_singular() or is_page.. e.g

    if (is_front_page() || is_404() || is_page_template('public-subpages.php') || is_page_template('public.php') || is_page_template('public-full.php') || is_page_template('gallery-public.php') || is_singular('download') || bp_is_activation_page() || bp_is_register_page()) :
    elseif (bp_is_profile_component() || bp_is_settings_component() ):
    else :

    The pages are all set to private by default and depend on setting them to different page templates if you want them public or a different style.
    The private pages have a header-private that re-directs non-logged in users to the log in page (which is created on theme activation and set to the log in page template)

    So the public page templates have a header-public without any redirect for non-logged in users.

    There are also page templates that go with a header-restrict for restricting pages to editor / admin only with the conditional redirect

    elseif (bp_is_current_component( 'members' ) || is_page_template('archives.php') || is_page_template('full-restrict.php') || is_search() || is_tag() || is_date() ) :

    The different header files have re-directs at the top except for the public one: e.g header-restrict has:
    if(!current_user_can('delete_others_pages')) { wp_redirect( home_url() ); exit; }
    at the top.

    It’s been my pet project for a few years but to be honest you are right I’ve not had much luck promoting it and there are lots of plugins that do similar things and lots of themes, but it’s been interesting non the less 🙂 I use it for my own little project support area and it’s basic but it works.

    Thanks for checking it out.


    Odd they are 500 errors, and not 404’s. You may want to refresh your permalinks, incase something got mucked up in there.


    No redirect, the key is on the url.

    I’ve debugged the /register action.
    I’ve tried to output the _GET var. No way, is empty if i add a parameter in the url.
    These seems to be a global problem in my buddypress.

    But the _POST is set correctly.

    no proxies
    lighttpd/1.4.28 (ssl)
    PHP 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.11 with Suhosin-Patch (cgi-fcgi) (built: Sep 12 2012 18:47:32)

    Can it be my rewrite rule?

    $HTTP["host"] =~ "^www\.xx\.de$" {
    server.document-root = "/var/www/xx/wordpress"
    url.rewrite-once = (
    "^/(.*/)?files/$" => "/index.php",
    "^/(.*/)?files/(.*)" => "/wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2",
    "^(/wp-admin/.*)" => "$1",
    "^/({_0}+/)?(wp-.*)" => "/$2",
    "^/({_0}+/)?(.*\.php)$" => "/$2",
    server.error-handler-404 = "/index.php"

    David Carson

    It’s still not clear to me what happens when the activation link is clicked.

    Does the page load? White screen? 404? I think those details would help diagnose.


    @allentan What debug info does a wp-mail-smtp test email give you.

    Does that email actually leave your host’s servers?

    The functions.php file would be found in the ( child ) theme directory. If it doesn’t exist you can create one.

    Were you logged out when you filled in the registration form?

    I wonder if this even is an email problem as I can’t reach normal buddypress pages such as I get `(HTTP 404 Not Found)`….


    In reply to: Profile page?


    Thanks for your response,

    I have WP 3.3.1/BP 1.5.4
    I’m logging in from a mac, so I believe it’s OS X? I’m using Safari. Does that answer your question appropriately?
    I have the default BP theme
    I have installed s2member, akismet, bbpress, bp, bp pending activations, invite anyone, jetpack, mail from, page tagger, skt nurcaptcha, wiziapp, and wp show id’s
    For permalinks, it’s set to post name. When I tried it as default, it gives a 404 error message when someone tries to get on the site.

    I installed the plugin ‘redirect to profile’ but that one didn’t seem to work. However, I found one called ‘profile as homepage’ and it seems to work when someone has left my site without logging out and then goes back to the site. But it still doesn’t do the trick when a person logs in. I still get the same ‘page not found’ message.


    it seems like a windows permission problem, when doing buddyPress activation
    step2: automatically create page for groups, activity, members


    Well, I discovered that in re-installing the wordpress and activation the network option, I’d forgotten to edit the .httaccess page.
    Sorry for the false alarm


    In reply to: BP Xtra Signup


    Hi guys,

    Great plugin – some very critical registration form elements!

    I’m having some trouble with the mailchimp integration. When I enable it via the bp-xtra admin page, I get a 404 error after users submit the registration form, and no address is added to my Mailchimp list. The user still gets the activation email, but the 404 is kind of ugly :)

    I’ve set up the plugin properly: added my API key and the ID for the group… but 404 page remains unless I disable the mailchimp checkbox.

    Anyone have this problem? Or any idea how to fix it?

    Thanks in advance,

    rich! @ etiviti

    If the plugin is activated, then the registration to buddypress is not possible. 404 error on registration activation page.

    i’m unable to duplicate that… this slug => /register/ works for me with various subplugins activated. anymore details to help out?

    (also the /activate/ page works fine too)


    If the plugin is activated, then the registration to buddypress is not possible. 404 error on registration activation page.


    I would rather have full control over the data, and not have a third party site involved at all. I will instead wait patiently for Manoj’s plug-in to be updated.

    However, as of now, I can’t even use it, as upon activation and going to the Album link, it gives me a 404 error and tells me to put a widget in the column :-/ It was working before I reinstalled MU/BP, so no idea why it’s not anymore.


    Getting the same 404 error on the login link after account activation.

    Anyone have a solution to this?

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