Search Results for 'Hide Admin'
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June 16, 2009 at 8:04 pm #47609
In reply to: What is the correct way to alter the admin-bar.css
ParticipantAs mentioned above the solution is working for me. I also figured out a way to remove the original admin-bar.css out of the header. I’m not at work at the moment, so i can’t look it up and write it down here, but i will do so tomorrow!
One problem remains for me. In the admin-bar.css and also in my-admin-bar.css there is a padding-top width the height of the buddybar applied to the body of the page.
If i don’t use my-admin-bar.css and check the “hide adminbar for users that aren’t logged in” in the settings of the dashboard the padding-top isn’t applied to the body. However if i use my-admin-bar.css it gets loaded all the time and not only if a user is logged in. This implies that i always have an extra gap, because the padding si applied all the time!?
Any hints for this problem?
May 21, 2009 at 6:22 pm #45815In reply to: Showing members of private groups to non-members
ParticipantIs there anyway I can hide the “group creation” option from the users? Basically, only admin can create the “groups”.
May 8, 2009 at 8:01 pm #44834In reply to: BuddyPress and Multi-Site issues
Marcin Biegun
ParticipantUpdated bp_adminbar_authors_menu to hide authors on additional main sites
remove_action( 'bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_authors_menu', 12 );
add_action( 'bp_adminbar_menus', 'my_bp_adminbar_authors_menu', 12 );
// **** "Blog Authors" Menu (visible when not logged in) ********
function my_bp_adminbar_authors_menu() {
global $current_blog,$wpdb;
$site_id = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_site WHERE id=".$current_blog->blog_id);
//$numrows = $wpdb->num_rows($site_id);
if ( $site_id!'1' ) {
$authors = get_users_of_blog();
if ( is_array( $authors ) ) {
/* This is a blog, render a menu with links to all authors */
echo '<li id="bp-adminbar-authors-menu" class="'.$site_id.'"><a href="/">';
_e('Blog Authors', 'buddypress');
echo '</a>';
echo '<ul class="author-list">';
foreach( $authors as $author ) {
$author = new BP_Core_User( $author->user_id );
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="' . $author->user_url . '">';
echo $author->avatar_mini;
echo ' ' . $author->fullname;
echo '<span class="activity">' . $author->last_active . '</span>';
echo '</a>';
echo '<div class="admin-bar-clear"></div>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '</li>';
}May 7, 2009 at 2:01 pm #44708In reply to: Questions about groups.
Participant1.) yes, the group admin can add other admin/moderator and ban users
2.) they need to join your group, then under group memebrs you can add them as an admin/moderator
3.) this is possible yes, I accomplished this by adding <?PHP if is admin ?> into the bp-core to hide the create group button from non-admins (your community will want the ability to add groups though)
4.) you can create “private groups” that are visible to everyone, but you can only join if you’re accepted…
why don’t you create a couple different types of groups, then you’ll see all the features/abilities they have
May 2, 2009 at 6:37 pm #44161In reply to: Antispam plugin
Paul Wong-Gibbs
KeymasterPossible user error.
@Arturo – check this from the readme. You might have missed it to.To install in WordPress MU (Forced Activation/Site-Wide):
1. Upload the
folder to the/wp-content/mu-plugins
directory1. **Move** the
file out of thewp-recaptcha
folder so that it is in/wp-content/mu-plugins
1. Now you should have
1. Go to the administrator menu and then go to **Site Admin > reCAPTCHA**
1. Get the reCAPTCHA keys [here]( \”reCAPTCHA API keys\”) and/or the MailHide keys [here]( \”MailHide keys\”)
April 30, 2009 at 10:03 pm #43935In reply to: Hide Admin
John James Jacoby
KeymasterThere’s something like this in the works, but it won’t be available for a few months yet.
April 30, 2009 at 6:57 pm #43920In reply to: Hide Admin
Cyndy Otty
ParticipantBumping this because I’m curious about the same thing DJPaul mentioned. The need to create a random account for bbPress is fine, but it’s pointless having it listed with the BuddyPress members when it’s not really one.
Any suggestions?
April 29, 2009 at 7:25 pm #43846In reply to: Replace Buddypress logo top left with text ‘Home’
Participantdepends if you want to hack the bp-core/bp-core-adminbar.php
you can hide the logo from there, and just hand code a \\\”home\\\” link
you would also want to give it the same class=\\\”\\\” as the other non-dropdown links
like this:
<li class="no-arrow">< a href="/groups">Search Groups</ a>
April 20, 2009 at 12:54 am #43015In reply to: Member pages all the same widgets
ParticipantI was wondering if this is what you guys were looking for:
The plugin gives you control of what menus are turned on site-wide for each member. Well, it’s kind of a “global” thing right now, but it seems to take care of disabling back-end menus.
Here’s the description of the plugin:
“….If, like me, you need to hide the Themes or Import Menu, or don’t want anyone messing with their Permalinks menu, or are frightened by the Delete Blog menu, this plugin will help.
Toggles the following in WPMU 2.7
‘Site Administrator Gets Limited Menus?’,
‘Posts Add New’,
‘Posts Edit’,
‘Posts Tags’,
‘Posts Categories’,
‘Links Add New’,
‘Links Edit’,
‘Links Link Categories’,
‘Pages Add New’,
‘Pages Edit’,
‘Media Add New’,
‘Media Library’,
‘Appearance Themes’,
‘Users Authors and Users’,
‘Users Add New’,
‘Users Your Profile’,
‘Tools Import’,
‘Tools Export’,
‘Tools Turbo’,
‘Settings General’,
‘Settings Writing’,
‘Settings Reading’,
‘Settings Discussion’,
‘Settings Privacy’,
‘Settings Permalinks’,
‘Settings Media’,
‘Settings Miscellaneous’,
‘Settings Delete Blog’,
‘WPMU Media Buttons’,
‘WP Media Buttons’,
If you use other plugins to add/disable/hide admin menus, there will be collisions/errors. Happy testing!
Plugins adding menu pages to WPMU 2.7 Adminbar may not be hidden in all browsers.
Favorites menu items toggle as well….”
April 14, 2009 at 6:55 pm #42656In reply to: Member pages all the same widgets
John James Jacoby
KeymasterBy backend menus for WP, do you mean you want to totally remove access to the wp-admin area?
This has been a common request by others as well, especially if you have blogs turned off and are trying to hide it completely for subscribers.
If you’re saying that each member still has a blog, but you want them to be able to create new blog posts and manage their blogs through the buddypress interface, that still is not a possibility, and would require an additional plugin (in my opinion) that does not yet (and may never) exist with BP…
It is possible to setup default widgets for blogs, it’s a little tricky though. Also, in order to setup a default member blog, I’ve found the best way to do that is to only give them one option and only have one theme turned on the Site-Admin->Themes area. There may be a way to force a default theme, but I’ve never attempted it yet.
April 14, 2009 at 5:20 pm #42644In reply to: Xprofile: Just show first Letter of last name
Participantthank you for your efforts Burt,
(im gonna keep messin with it… and post it back here once/if i get i working)
I wish it was that simple…. the first and last name are required for other features on the site…. (portal site with social-network skin)
we’ve hidden the last name altogether, but it looks empty only having first name under “general information”
field_1 First Name -visible
field_2 Last Name -hidden
field_3 Referred by -hidden / change disabled
hidden in phpmyadmin by changing the is_public 1 to 0
disable changes by adding filter to bp_xprofile_classes.php
(if field_3 and on edit profile screen, hide)
any other ideas?
thank you
April 8, 2009 at 1:33 pm #42084In reply to: How to change links in wp-admin
Lance Willett
ParticipantHi Tutsie,
This type of change would typically be done with a plugin. Keep in mind that this isn’t a BuddyPress customization as much as it is a WordPress MU one.
I did a quick Google search for “change wordpress admin profile link” and found a few places you could start.
In this WordPress forum topic is some code that would change the behavior of the profile link (albeit for a different reason); this method of changing the admin behavior isn’t recommended, however, since it requires hacking a core file. A plugin would be much better since it doesn’t require changing the core file (and having to stress about updating your WordPress MU code later).
Depending on how much you want to work on this, you could download these two plugins: WP Hide Dashboard and Admin Menu Management, open them up in a text editor, and look at how they change the menus in the WordPress admin area.
Plugins do two things: (1) they provide a new functionality and (2) they hijack the normal WordPress behavior and perform the functionality described in the plugin instead.
Hope that helps…
February 16, 2009 at 6:07 am #38049John James Jacoby
KeymasterI would maybe think a good utility would be to hook into the visibility of the forum in buddypress, and simply hide the forum on disable, and show it on enable. Then again, since that is a core BP function, it wouldn’t really know how to do that without your plugin. Hmm…
About the ‘original admin user,’ when you first install wpmu, the user with the name ‘admin’ is created. Then when you integrate bbPress into it, you typically use that same ‘admin’ as your key master user.
Is there an easy way to follow the path that creating a group forum topic takes? For some reason right now they’re not communicating because even if I create a topic in bbPress, BuddyPress doesn’t load it.
February 16, 2009 at 5:25 am #38043John James Jacoby
KeymasterYes, it is certainly not working correctly for me then. Crud. Yeah even when I try to post in the group forum through buddy press, it doesn’t work… Hmms… I’m going to need to retrace my steps this evening and see what is amiss…
I understand what you’re saying about non-group forums, and that makes perfect sense. I may eventually migrate all of my forums to be group forums, but we’ll see how things go…
Question. If I edit the group and disable the forum all together, what should happen? Currently, it seems to do nothing. It doesn’t delete the forum, and it doesn’t hide it from the view of bbPress. It just hides it from the BP group forum area.
This may be a silly question to ask at this point in the game but in the bbPress forums area of the site admin where it says “The username for the user (with admin rights) that you created for BuddyPress integration” is it safe to assume that this is the original admin user?
February 8, 2009 at 12:34 pm #37466In reply to: Hide Admin
Paul Wong-Gibbs
KeymasterI’ve renamed my admin account to get around this. However, i’d like to get a way of hiding the bbpress forum user account for the user listing on the home page. Andy could we get a filter added in for this?
January 31, 2009 at 3:25 pm #37025In reply to: Cannot access Account Settings under Users
same problem here, on wp mu 2.7,
plus after having ‘runned’ that file twice with same alert.wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-xprofile/admin-mods/bp-xprofile-account-tab.php
(just to see what happen)homepage (on ‘root’+ BuddyPress Home Theme) did appear without most of the previously selected widgets (only the center/middle coloum did ‘survive’).
funnily, so to speak, on the widgets board them appear deactivated,
the “self-deactivated” widgets (after the double run of ‘ bp-xprofile-account-tab.php ‘ or incidentally at the same time but for other unknown reasons)
are:- Welcome
- Members
- Who’s Online
- Site Wide Activity
- Recent Blog Posts
- Groups
so all dinamic related plugs
Unafected widgets,in the Homepage, as this matter did possibily trigger homepage only (apparently)
- pages
- Recent post
- Calendar
- Search
- Archives
I’ve reactivated the ‘rebels’ widgets on their original position, content and setting
were not affected by this incidentI will hide (//) that string, even if I’m quite sure that function was working up to this morning, when I had All in One SEO , Google XML Sitemaps , and Post to SimpleMachines Forum SMF plugin already working
I did a back up before to install:Add to Any: Share/Save/Bookmark Button- AJAX Comment Preview -OpenID – and SEO Smart Links,so I’m going to deactivate theese latests plug
and see what happen backing up of 4-5 hors.please read this post as feedback.
cheers 🙂December 22, 2008 at 8:09 pm #34843In reply to: News as Widget
ParticipantThanks for the input. I chose burtadsit’s suggestion and it works fine, but I realize now that I need the News page as a widget or some other solution. Here’s my situation:
1. I don’t want to have member blogs, only users posting to the main blog, so that means not installing bp-blogs in order to hide it across the site.
2. I do need the recent blog posts to arrive on the buddypress-home theme, but without bp-blogs installed the widget isn’t available. So I’m thinking if I could get the News widgetized it would pull posts to the home page instead.
3. I could install bp-blogs to simpley get the widget (what I have right now), but that means removing all instances of ‘blog’ throughout the site including buddypress member areas and that seems like a bad route to go.
4. I have the Prologue post-form installed on the buddypress-home theme just above the three columns of widgets, thus eliminating any need for users to ever see the wpmu admin panel. This should allow me to keep all users as members vs. blog owners.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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