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Search Results for 'Hide Admin'

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  • #261341

    In reply to: BP Issues


    For points 1 and 2 you need to ask at the BuddyDev forums as they are not BP issues.

    For point 3 you can edit BuddyPress emails in Dashboard>>Emails.

    For point 4 there’s some plugins that will hide the admin bar for certain user types, I’ve not tried them but try searching the WordPress plugin repository one I saw that might do the trick is


    I’ve installed Buddypress, Buddyblog and the latest version of BP Simple Front End Post:

    1. When a user begins to create a post, they do not have an option to upload a featured image. How do I fix this? A featured image should be required – See Screenshot:
    2. The style of the page is too long. How do we make the Category and Tags split the page 1/2 & 1/2 with contained list? This will shorten the page greatly – See screenshot:
    3. One of our users tried to register and got the confirmation email in their spam folder. So can we edit the email copy to: “BTW: Be sure to add B.O.W. to your contacts in order not to get these emails to your spam folder or in any other dark corner of your inbox.”
    How do I do this for the BuddyPress email confirmation?
    4. How do I hide/remove ONLY the top left parts of the Admin from users? User should not be able to see the dashboard. Only the Admin. Screenshot:

    Thanks in Advance.


    Hello I had a question in continuation of the topic below ref removing the delete-group from group admins using the code provided below :

    function turker_remove_group_admin_tab() {
    	if ( ! bp_is_group() || ! ( bp_is_current_action( 'admin' ) && bp_action_variable( 0 ) ) || is_super_admin() ) {
    	// Add the admin subnav slug you want to hide in the
    	// following array
    	$hide_tabs = array(
    		'group-avatar' => 1,
    		'delete-group' => 1,
    	$parent_nav_slug = bp_get_current_group_slug() . '_manage';
    	// Remove the nav items
    	foreach ( array_keys( $hide_tabs ) as $tab ) {
    		bp_core_remove_subnav_item( $parent_nav_slug, $tab );
    	// You may want to be sure the user can't access
    	if ( ! empty( $hide_tabs[ bp_action_variable( 0 ) ] ) ) {
    		bp_core_add_message( 'Sorry buddy, but this part is restricted to super admins!', 'error' );
    		bp_core_redirect( bp_get_group_permalink( groups_get_current_group() ) );

    Dan writes:

    Get Ready! 2.4.0 will introduce important changes in Groups homes

    “The function is still working, but not completely (tabs aren’t hidden). You probably need to complete it with $component (read above document)”

    This code was written circa 2.2. Im not sure where/how to add the $component to get the code to work. Any assistance is appreciated thank you.


    I have:

    a.- Updated to BP 2.7.2. <– Still same problems but warnings hidden by my code.

    b.- Removed the buddypress folder in my theme with edited files and checked. <– Still same problems: Warnings (as my code did not hide them), “Moderators” tag and “no mods” string.

    c.- Downloaded and activated Twenty Sixteen theme. <– Same as in previous step.

    And I get the same warning explained in the first entry in this post so it’s not about my modified files and it’s not about a theme problem.

    There are still two problems:

    1.- The warning points to get_group_moderator_ids( $group_id ) in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-groups/classes/class-bp-groups-member.php

    I don’t have (or have had) moderators in any group so, “Creating default object from empty value” <– What default object from what empty value?

    2.- The problem is somewhere else: In line 33 of the group-header.php file (in groups/single/ ) we find this line:

    if ( bp_group_has_moderators() ) :

    where “bp_group_has_moderators()” is giving a false “true” value as I don’t have moderators in any group so it should not execute in the first place. And after the Moderators tag it says “no mods”, so it on a later step recognizes there are no moderators!!!

    Has the bp_group_has_moderators() function or get_group_moderator_ids( $group_id ) function been altered? Or the data about mods and/or admins in the groups?

    Because one of them creates two warnings (one before listing the admins and one before listing the mods) that were not there before and also shows a “Moderators” tag that did not appear as the if ( bp_group_has_moderators() ) returned the FALSE value my no-mods groups “deserve” (which it later recognizes when adding the “no mods” string) that now returns this “buggy” TRUE value and shows the tag.


    i am using latest versions of both wordpress and buddypress.and working on a food website.
    in this website , i wanted to allow only authors to post activity updates .
    (because it will be much easier for users to track their favorite chef recipes in the activity page.)
    so i’ve hide the ” personal ” submenu of activity tab : Activity > Personal (where people can post updates)
    with the help of following code in bp-custom.php :

    function bpfr_hide_tabs() {
    global $bp;
    if ( bp_is_user() && ( !current_user_can(author) || !current_user_can(administrator) ) ) {		
     bp_core_remove_subnav_item($bp->activity->slug, 'just-me');	}
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'bpfr_hide_tabs', 15 );

    but now when i go to my profile (as a subscriber)
    i will see a 404 page.
    i’ve searched a lot and i noticed that , now that i’ve removed the default activity stream tab , i have to point it to another tab. so when a user profile is loading (or if a user clicks on activity tab),
    instead of default activity> personal . it load activity > mentions / OR / favorites / OR / … (some other submenu than personal )

    so my question is:

    how can i change the default activity stream tab
    Activity > Personal
    Activity > Mentions – Or to – Activity > Favorites – …

    thanks a lot for any help.


    Hi, I’m using the plugin BuddyPress Admin Only Profile Fields to hide certain xprofile fields, I have quite a few, when viewing the admin EDIT (front view) page, it shows a blank white screen. I cannot figure out whats wrong with the site, if anyone can help I’d greatly appreciate it.


    Hi, I have previously been asked to set my site up so that buddyprerss members’ profiles can not be found by search engines. They want theme to only be accessible by visiting the site. I have put a robots file on my site (see below) but am still getting profiles appearing in searches – please can you tell me if there is anything I need to add to the file. Thanks, Matt.

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: */activity/p/*
    Disallow: /docs/
    Disallow: *send-invites*
    Disallow: */groups/*members*
    Disallow: */groups/*media*
    Disallow: *widget-title*
    Disallow: *members/*activity*
    Disallow: *members/*notifications*
    Disallow: *members/*friends*
    Disallow: *members/*groups*
    Disallow: *members/*docs*
    Disallow: *members/*media*
    Disallow: *acpage*
    Disallow: *messages*
    Disallow: *friends*
    Disallow: *settings*
    Disallow: /*/comment-page*
    Disallow: *register*
    Disallow: *login*
    Disallow: *profile*
    Disallow: *admin*
    Disallow: *includes*
    Disallow: *content*



    I’d like to be able to hide the header, footer and sidebar that appears in a member’s profile.

    I’ve had a read and have found how to do it using a child theme, but I am just using the plugin, not the theme.

    I’ve tried using the bp-custom.php file.

    Firstly with the following which I have inserted as Custom CSS (via my OptimizePress theme’s inbuilt option) on posts where I want the same things hidden.

    .in-page-ad {display: none}
    .op-author-info {display: none}
    .footer-content {display: none}
    .wpadminbar {display: none}

    It didn’t like this and the other things I tried here didn’t seem to do anything.

    Any help with what I can do would be greatly appreciated 🙂




    hi @masoud1111,

    all i found was how to hide that button, or remove it.
    but not show it only on some profiles

    You just need to add some conditionnals.

    Try this (in bp-custom.php) and give feed back if it works.

    function bpex_private_message_button( $button ) {
    $user = bp_loggedin_user_id();
        if ( is_super_admin() ) { 
    		return $button;
    	if ( !empty( $user->roles ) && is_array( $user->roles ) ) {
    		if ( $role == 'subscriber' || $role == 'contributor' || $role == 'author' || $role == 'editor' )  {
    			// hide button for these roles
    			$button = '';
    	// allow the button to appear on admin's profile only
    	if ( bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) && bp_is_user() )  {	
    		$user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();	
    		// assuming admin's ID is 1
    		if ( $user_id == 1 ) {
    			return $button;
    add_filter( 'bp_get_send_message_button', 'bpex_private_message_button', 1 , 1 );

    Nothing to do!


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘function’ (T_FUNCTION) in /home/mondolap/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php on line 3

    This is the bp-custom code:

    <? php

    function buddydev_hide_members_directory_from_all_except_admin() {

    if ( bp_is_members_directory() && ! is_super_admin() ) {
    //should we add a message too?
    //bp_core_add_message( ‘Private page.’, ‘error’ );
    bp_core_redirect( site_url(‘/’) );
    add_action( ‘bp_template_redirect’, ‘buddydev_hide_members_directory_from_all_except_admin’ );


    The function is working correctly on my install.

    Perhaps you have an issue with quotes, ie after copy/pasting the snippet from a topic where the code whas inserted without using the code button.
    Which software do you use to publish bp-custom ?

    Copy/paste following and give a try:

    function buddydev_hide_members_directory_from_all_except_admin() {
    if ( bp_is_members_directory() && ! is_super_admin() ) {
    //should we add a message too?
    //bp_core_add_message( 'Private page.', 'error' );
    bp_core_redirect( site_url('/') );
    add_action( 'bp_template_redirect', 'buddydev_hide_members_directory_from_all_except_admin' );

    Thanks! I did it with your suggest, so the file is

    <? php
    function buddydev_hide_members_directory_from_all_except_admin() {
        if ( bp_is_members_directory() && ! is_super_admin() ) {
            //should we add a message too?
            //bp_core_add_message( 'Private page.', 'error' );
            bp_core_redirect( site_url('/') );
    add_action( 'bp_template_redirect', 'buddydev_hide_members_directory_from_all_except_admin' );

    But every page of the website is now again a blank page with this error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘function’ (T_FUNCTION) in /home/mondolap/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php on line 2



    Hello and thanks for the support, I tried the solution suggested, but after I created and then uploaded the file bp-custom in the plugins folder I got an error in every page of the website:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘function’ (T_FUNCTION) in /home/mondolap/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php on line 2

    This is my file bp-custom:

    <? php
    function buddydev_hide_members_directory_from_all_except_admin() {
        if ( bp_is_members_directory() && ! is_super_admin() ) {
            //should we add a message too?
            //bp_core_add_message( 'Private page.', 'error' );
            bp_core_redirect( site_url('/') );
    add_action( 'bp_template_redirect', 'buddydev_hide_members_directory_from_all_except_admin' );

    It relate to this filter bp_get_profile_field_data

    This example will hide tabs and fields to all except admin

    function bpfr_hide_profile_field_group( $retval ) {
    	if ( bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) ) :	
    	// hide profile group/field to all except admin	
    	if ( !is_super_admin() ) {		
    		//exlude fields, separated by comma
    		$retval['exclude_fields'] = '1';  
    		//exlude groups, separated by comma
    		$retval['exclude_groups'] = '3'; 			
    	return $retval;		
    add_filter( 'bp_after_has_profile_parse_args', 'bpfr_hide_profile_field_group' );

    These tricks hide the tab content, not the tab itself. (it seems that it doesn’t work for groups at the moment…i asked devs for information) Use CSS display:none to hide the tab or consider this plugin.



    Thanks again.

    I’d missed the second example, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t solve the issue.

    If not enough, you use CSS display:none; for the BASE markup on profile edit tab.

    I attempted to do this but I’m unable to target the BASE group without also affecting the USER INFO group

    I noticed, too, that the “hide fields or field group to members, but not to site admin” code was preventing user registrations from going through, for some reason. It was quickly redirecting users to the home page, rather than a success or failure message page, when they clicked on the “complete sign up” button.

    I think what I’ll have to do is put all fields in the BASE group & go with what @shanebp suggested in the thread I linked in my first post. & hope that potential subscribers aren’t put off by the registration form.


    I know that Buddypress is a good growing project, but, needs very Important Native (by Default) features.

    1) Buddypress Block User (allow users to block other users –– really allow to hide your info, activities, etc. for a specific @user-1 e.g, auto-unfriend, no more messages from the blocked. This feature integrated with rtMedia too).
    OR FOR NOW: Buddypress Report User (with Custom Motives, p. ej. “@user-1 is sending me hateful messages”, “@user-2 published an annoying activity”). So, Admin can to impose a Sanction for @user-1, e. eg. 7 days without Post, 15 days without Sending Messages… or Community Expulsion -–> Block, Delete, Banned Email). Admin can too, to Sent a Message (previously edited for auto ms saying: @user-1 you are banned for…. 30 days. Sincerely the Admins).

    * Buddypress CONFIRM Account immediately after Sign Up.

    A Social or Community without this Function is Nothing. PLEASE!!

    2) Buddypress Chat (too, Message Template, to read Messages in a specific page).

    3) Buddypress Message with Attachments.

    4) Buddypress Global Search.

    5) Buddypress Custom Menu with Account Alerts (e. g. ). Yes. I know, if you go to WP Menus, you can add to your Navbar or Menu – Profile, Activity, Notifications, etc. BUT WITHOUT Bubbles or Account Alerts… That is very very Impractical.

    6) Buddypress Media (yes I know, we have rtMedia, but its add-ons are very expensive. The complete pack = US$500 more or less).

    7) Buddypress Follow/er Native.

    8) Buddypress Share (from activity).

    9) Buddypress Autocomplete Fields (for a specific text area, e. g. City: New York, Fruits: Apple, etc.), Range Fields (e. g. I’m searching friends from 20 to 21). Buddypress Birthdate normal, but, with an option to show only the Age! 10) Buddypress Advance Search. With this you can create an advance Form with Fields for Show on Members Page or in a Widget.

    11) Buddypress with Ads Area (inside Activity, Groups, Members and Forums). (Optional from Buddypress Option Panel)

    12) Buddypress More Customizable. >> A button over Cover Profile for Easy Photo Change (yes, like Facebook has)… The CPanel with MORE Options… MORE Options for: Profile / Settings / Profile Visibility and PRIVACY!!

    For now is all. Thanks!









    I will be your savior,
    for same rasons, wordpress decided not show admin bar like default in mobile.
    It is so,maybe, because when user log in in mobile device, a lot of menu will be showed… really I dont know why…
    But if you dont have this problem, and want show admin bar for log in an log out users, you must add in CSS the following codec:

    @media screen and (max-width:782px) {
        #wpadminbar {
        html {

    The codec where say html position absolute is for delete noise black bar located in the up side zone.
    If you want, you can also show the notification icon (I think it is named budlle notification) into the admin mar, adding the following codec in CSS zone:

    /* Show only default top level items */
    	#wp-toolbar > ul > li {
        		display: block;

    I have gone mad to find the solution, but now we have it.
    If you dont want show menu in admin bar to the suscriptors, colaborator and authors, you can use the AG CUSTOM ADMIN plugin. It hide them and help you in a clean design. (you can also hide wordpress logo, and so much things…)

    Now, I have only a litlle / big problem:
    the drop down menu, when I click in the “notification icon” in the admin bar, is not showed correctly… It is showed from the “notification icon” to the right zone, so in mobiles user can red the title of the notification.
    The solution is show the dropdown menu from the “notification icon” to the left zone. So, also in mobiles users can red the title of the notification.
    Can you help me for to make that?
    I have helped you, now I hope someone can help me 😉
    Thank for your support and have funny


    Hi Earl,
    Two things you can do:

    1. Hide admin user from members list. This post has some answers:-
    2. Change the user_nicename field in users table in database, for the admin user.

    I suggest going with the first option.

    Brajesh Singh

    Please put this code in your bp-custom.php

    function buddydev_hide_members_directory_from_all_except_admin() {
    	if ( bp_is_members_directory() && ! is_super_admin() ) {
    		//should we add a message too?
    		//bp_core_add_message( 'Private page.', 'error' );
    		bp_core_redirect( site_url('/') );
    add_action( 'bp_template_redirect', 'buddydev_hide_members_directory_from_all_except_admin' );

    That should do it. Hoe it helps.


    @fearthemoose, @rezbiz,

    Here “the best guarded secret” finally revealed !
    But it’s not a secret, is part of Codex and a multi handled topic subject on this forum.

    What we want to do: remove access possibility.
    Where: on BuddyBar navigation menu (the one below the profile header).
    Specifics: make the activity and forum tabs only visible to the logged in user.

    NOTE: The activity tab is shown by default when you visit a profile.

    As we are going to hide/remove this tab to visitors, we need to define as first another default tab. If we won’t do that, the visitor will get a Page not found error. Which is not exactly the case here, the page exist but the visitor can’t access it.

    Let’s define arbitrary Profile as the new default tab. You can of course define what ever other existing tab on your BuddyBar as default.

    Add this line to bp-custom.php
    define( 'BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT','profile' );

    Now the mega “open secret” !

    The folowing snippet contains almost any BP menu items you can have on a BuddyBar, and includes also the Forum item, in case you use bbPress.
    You can remove or comment out those you don’t want to use.
    Note also that it is only an example – you have to play with it to fit your need. But at least you have the right syntax to use.
    Note also that some profile menu items are user only, such as message or notice. In other words, these are always private.

    This function goes preferably to bp-custom.php

    function bpfr_hide_tabs() {
    global $bp;
    	 * class_exists() & bp_is_active are recommanded to avoid problems during updates 
    	 * or when Component is deactivated
    	if( class_exists( 'bbPress' ) || bp_is_active ( 'groups' ) ) :
            /** here we fix the conditions. 
            * Are we on a profile page ? | is user site admin ? | is user logged in ?
    	if ( bp_is_user() && !is_super_admin() && !is_user_logged_in() ) {
            /* and here we remove our stuff ! */
    		bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'activity' );
    		bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'friends' );
    		bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'groups' );
    		bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'forums' );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'bpfr_hide_tabs', 15 );

    Some other hints for privacy
    if you want to allow only the profile owner to view some tabs, replace
    !is_user_logged_in by !bp_is_my_profile() – this scenario doesn’t need a check for logged in users as it is made by bp_is_my_profile.

    If you want only to make a profile private, read here.

    If you want to remove a sub-nav item (ie. View on Profile), you use something like:
    bp_core_remove_subnav_item( 'profile', 'view' );

    Many other possibilities for navigation are also available, including for groups. Several examples are given on Codex, here.

    And if not enough, RTFM and search the forum ! 🙂

    Have fun !


    i want to know to rename activity page “site-wide activity”
    to something else. can i hide activity page from everyone except the admin
    so that only admin can see the activity can i have user profile add to menu bar?


    If you are on latest version of buddypress( > 2.6 ), the following code will work:

    //hide setting nav in profile
    function w24dr_remove_settings_nav() {
        $bp = buddypress();
        $bp->members->nav->delete_nav( bp_get_settings_slug() );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'w24dr_remove_settings_nav' );
    //redirect settings to main profile page
    function w24dr_redirect_settings_nav(){
        if( bp_is_user() && bp_is_current_component( bp_get_settings_slug() ) ){
            wp_redirect( bp_displayed_user_domain() );
    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'w24dr_redirect_settings_nav' );

    But it still doesn’t remove ‘settings’ nav from adminbar. You need to work some more to remove it from there.


    Hi, i would like to know how hide the whats news text bar inside the group and activity for all the members, i need that only moderator or admin can write the news, it is possible?
    Thanks a lot


    hello danbp, thanks for your reply.

    I have tried the suggestion to use define('WP_DEBUG', true); in conjuction with define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); with a twenty theme. It works fine when buddypress is not activated. No error or logfile whatsover. Then after I tried to activate buddypress, and test again. The media library still cannot load out. I have tried to check for error log and I can’t seems to find any.

    Nevertheless I found the culprit can be my bp-custom.php in which I put it just under /wp-content/plugins/[here]

    if I remove the file and everything seems works fine again with buddypress activated.

    This is the content for my bp-custom.php

    // hacks and mods will go here
     * Make a site Private, works with/Without BuddyPress
     * @author sbrajesh
     * @global string $pagenow
    function buddydev_private_site() {
        //first exclude the wp-login.php
        global $pagenow;
        //do not restrict logged in users
        if( is_user_logged_in() ) {
            return ;
        //if we are here, the user is not logged in, so let us check for exclusion
        //we selectively exclude pages from the list
        //are we on login page?
        if( $pagenow == 'wp-login.php' ) {
            return ;
        //let us exclude the home page
        if( is_front_page() ) {
            return ;
        $exclude_pages = array( 'register', 'activate', 'excelportfolio' );//add the slugs here
        //is it one of the excluded pages, if yes, we just return and don't care
        if( is_page( $exclude_pages ) ) {
            return ;
        $redirect_url = wp_login_url( site_url('/') );//get login url,
        wp_safe_redirect( $redirect_url );
        exit( 0 );
    //add_action( 'template_redirect', 'buddydev_private_site', 0 );
    <style type="text/css">
    #wp-admin-bar-bp-login {
    	display:none; /* JOWY: hide login link for buddypress. */
    #wp-admin-bar-bp-register {
    	display:none; /* JOWY: hide register link for buddypress. */
    #adminloginform {
    	color: #ffffff; /* JOWY: text color on form. */
    #wpadminbar {
    	opacity: 0.7; /* JOWY: Opacity for wpadminbar. */

    what can possible went wrong?

    Fantacular Designs

    My brilliant husband is my coder… He figured out how to define the default component, and saved the day. I hope this helps others.

    define( 'BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT', 'profile' );
    function bpfr_hide_tabs() {
    global $bp;
    	if ( bp_is_user() && !is_super_admin() ) {
    		bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'activity');
    		bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'notifications');
    		bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'messages' );
    		bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'forums' );
    		bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'groups' );
    		bp_core_remove_nav_item( 'settings' );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'bpfr_hide_tabs', 15 );
Viewing 25 results - 176 through 200 (of 692 total)
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