Search Results for 'activation email'
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I want to Send user email with their name/username ( first Letter Capital eg. Nimesh)
In current situation it is small.Welcome to nimeshdev (this is username, how to make first letter capital?) ,
Thank you for your registration!
To finish activating your account, go to the next link: ( this link redirect me to page page with code, how could i just click the link and get the message you have succesfully activated)
currently i am redirected to page with activation code.
Please help to achieve these two features.
I want to Send user email with their name/username ( first Letter Capital eg. Nimesh)
Welcome to nimeshdev (this is username, how to make first letter capital?) ,
Thank you for your registration!
To finish activating your account, go to the next link: ( this link redirect me to page page with code, how could i just click the link and get the message you have succesfully activated)
currently i am redirected to page with activation code.
Please help to achieve these two features.
Users register on my website are not getting activation email.
Can someone please help me? My site has been broken for months. I’ve tirelessly searched all over the internet. I’m begging.
Site is
Here’s what happens:
1) People try to register, they get the activation email. They click the link, and it tells them to provide a valid activation key.
2) Then they ask me why they can’t register. I have to tell them to go to “Lost Password?” on the login screen. Once they follow those instructions, they’re in.
3) They don’t show up in the backend under “Users > All”… but they show up if I search under “Participant.”
So this is a two-part question. 1-activation links don’t work. 2-“all users” doesn’t show all the users.
Please help. Please please please.
Bonsoir a tous
J’ai un pb sur mon site web et ca me bloque car les utilisateurs nâarrivent pas Ă crĂ©er leur compte
En effet je suis entrain de monter un site dating :
â wordpress 4.9.6,
-thĂšme: sweetdate
lien du site:
Le plugin utilisé pour la confirmation des adresses émail est buddypress 3.1.0
Le pb câest que lorsquâun user crĂ©Ă© un compte il ne reçoit pas le mail de confirmation, et la son compte ne peut etre actif
J’ai dĂ©jĂ regardĂ© dans bcp de forum et mĂȘme que le site web de buddypress sans trouver de solution Ă mon problĂšme.
j’ai dĂ©jĂ utilisĂ© WP Mail SMTP, il envoi bien les messages de test.
Les messages de contact form7 et ceux de rĂ©initialisation du mot de passe partent bien, mais pour les mails de confirmation d’enregistrement çà ne passe pas.
J’ai dĂ©sinstallĂ© buddypress et j’ai essayĂ© nativement avec wordpress ça passe sans problĂšme donc je ne sais pas si le problĂšme c’est avec buddypress, car j’ai mĂȘme eu Ă dĂ©sinstaller tous les plugins mais jusqu’Ă la rien.
Merci de mâaider car câest vraiment urgent,
Sonny MBAHey guys,
so i got this problem which i cannot solve.
On my website i got wpForo installed as a forum software.
Then i decided to go for Buddypress because that got some very neat features.However i then tried to create a test account and it didnt work cause i never got the activation email.
I then disabled buddypress and tried creating an account and the email was sent.
I got wp SmtP installed and any emails do actually send, exept for the activation email of Buddypress
I want to send the registered password in the activation email after registration.Topic: Activation email issue
Hi there,
I am currently testing my website and there is an issue with Buddypress. When I try to register using the Buddypress registration form, no activation email is sent to the user (I checked the Spam folder too). I then installed the “Check email” plugin to check if the activation email is actually sent to the user after registering, and no email is sent to the user…
I then setup the standard WordPress registration form in my wordpress theme, and after registering, the activation email is sent properly. The issue therefore seems to be with the buddypress registration form but I am unable to locate it…
Do you know by any chance what is the issue with the buddypress registration form and how I can fix it?
Thank you for your help.
Topic: Email Template missing
Admin -> Emails has only 14 instead of 16 email templates and is missing the User has registered “Situation” entry and as such emails are not being sent from BuddyPress to the newly registered user for activation
Topic: Activation Email
Started a website, When a new user registers, the activation email never gets to their email. It says it’s sent it, but the activation email is never received.
I have latest buddy press and latest WordPress versions.
This issue seems to occur no matter which theme I use, though I’m currently running the “customify” theme from WordPress.
I’ve read a bunch of different support threads here and tried different things, but nothing is working. Help? I have no idea what to do.
Hi! When user register on the site they get email with activation link. When open this link, activation key field doesn’t autofill key. I tested registration process on test version of website and there’s no problem with account activation. Aby suggestion how to make it works?
Wordpress 4.9.6
Buddypress 3.0.0