Search Results for 'activation email'
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I do not know if this problem has been solved but here is the problem I have been experiencing for months.
All the people who register on my website with an email address “hotmail” do not receive the confirmation email for registration. Why ? I contacted my webhost and they assured me that he had not blocked the email domain “hotmail” … So the problem comes from WPLMS. At first, it worked fine when I installed your theme and doing updates the problem occurred. The issue started around august 2017.
Thanks for your help
WordPress Version : 4.9.4
BuddyPress Version : 2.9.3i have installed WP Mail STMP plug in and configure it with Gmail and its working correctly (I receive the test email)
The problem that whenever a user register they don’t receive the activation email , but at the same time i tried reset password and i received the email for reseting the password..
– I have tried the repair tool but still not working
can anyone help me please as i need to solve this issue as soon as possible
I’m using OceanWP(updated) theme and newest versions of WP and BP.
I’ve searched this site and google for a way to use a custom HTML email for user activation. I follow a few suggestions on how to do this and emails aren’t being sent. I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to accomplish this?Hello, So I have just started a new forum and everything was working well but over 24 hours ago activation emails are not sending out to new users so they cannot sign up but test emails are sending? Anyone have any idea on how to fix this or if they have seen this happen before.
I’m new to buddypress. I am testing adding a new user. The new user doesn’t receive an activation email. After several hours. Still no email. None in junk or spam folder. Nothing. I heard I might have to set up WP Mail SMTP. Is that required?
Hello, I’ve been trying to register a test user on my website but the activation email doesn’t send. I’ve installed WP Mail SMTP and found that it will send to the junk folder of some email applications (Gmail) but will not send at all to others (Outlook 365). Do you have any idea what could be causing this?
Buddypress 2.9.3
Wordpress 4.9.4hi Buddy press, thanks for a wonderful service you provide to us all;
We recently bought SocialPlay theme by Themeforest;
The theme is a video syncing theme from youtbe/vimeoh, you can upload your own video too..
We are running the 4.85 WordPress because 4.9 causing SMTP issue activation emails not being received;here is our issue
– We installed the Global Search Plugin by Buddypress;
– After install our theme and do a search for a register user, called user 1 –> No videos of his will show in the search results, we get a template search page as per snap here:– After de-install the Global Search Plugin by buddypress, the search results page shows white blank webpage, so the site is broken;
–> When trying to remove the plugin from FTP, same occurs;
—-> When install an other plugin other than Global Search by buddypress, same occurs
——->> Subsequently we now enable to do any searches, unless we use the Global Search plugin by Buddypress, but subsequently users can not see the results of videos posted through the templateThe theme support has been very good and we did some customisation with them also, they explained this is a plugin issue and not a theme issue, although both are probably tied together;
We need help to:
a. Either help fix the White Page break and resent things to working condition so we can try test by installing other Search PPlugins to show us the video results when type “user 1” or “video 1”;
b. Or help us show the results we need whilst using the Global Search plugin by Buddypress…as it makes no sense to only show a video when typing its exact title name…if I search for “smiling cats” then I should not see only one video called “smiling cats” I should see any other video with the keywords “smiling” and “cats” showing of course relevant ones first…and if I search for “user 1” then I should see all the videos posted by “user 1″…The plugin videos hook is wpnukes_videos
BCHey everyone i created a forum for college students named Being Topper .my first domain having 6000+ active users on but i transferred my all content and redirected the old domain to new domain .
now no one can register on as its exam time and internship time for students we can gain maximum input through registration kindly help us in solving the issue-
When a person registers on my website using registration form a message appears saying that an activation link has been sent to the email address you provided, but user receives no email.
Please tell me to solve this.
is there any problem in wp_mail or do I need to config something in my hosting file manager?word press version 4.9.4,
buddy press Version 2.9.3
PHP version 7.1Problem is in all activation emails, login, lost password, register, registration
other php server Settings Are :
Resource Limits max_execution_time Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds 30
Resource Limits max_input_time Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data 60
Resource Limits memory_limit Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (32MB) 256MFile Uploads upload_max_filesize Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. 32M
Topic: Mail activation Budypress
Following the installation of Buddypress, many users do not receive the activation email, although their account seems to create on the site … Moreover, it seems that this problem concerns those who register with their mobile phone activation key is requested…What is going on? Thanking you in advance for your precious help because we do not understand the mistake…
Wordpress 4.9.3
bbPress 2.5.14-6684Sandra
I have an issue I need help solving.
New User BuddyPress activation emails (and resends) are being blocked by all Microsoft email services (Live, Hotmail, MSN, etc)
However, no other emails are being blocked, and activation emails and resends make it to other services like GMail.
Is anyone else seeing the same issue?
My system is using the latest version or WordPress 4.9.2 and BuddyPress 2.9.2
How I tested my WordPress site (not a multisite:)
1 – Disabled all plugins on my site.
2 – Registered for my site with standard WordPress interface using a email account and received registration email from WordPress nearly instantly in my hotmail inbox.
3 – Activated Buddypress
4 – Registered with another Hotmail account and never (8 hours and counting) received activation email.
5 – Registered with Live, MSN, Outlook, Gmail, and other email accounts. Registration email makes it to ALL email services EXCEPT Microsoft.
6 – Wondering if it’s just BuddyPress registration emails, so I reset the password on existing accounts that use Live, MSN, and Hotmail wile BuddyPress is active. Password reset emails arrive no issue.
7 – Tried re-sending registration emails. They arrive at all email services except Microsoft.
8 – Disable Buddypress and try registering with email. Like step 2 I get email immediately.
9 – Enable Buddypress and try registering with another email. Registration email never arrives.
10 – Send email directly to Microsoft accounts using same email address that wordpress does, and they arrive no issue.
11 – Forward registration email from Gmail to Hotmail, and forward arrives without issue
12 – Create a new email address for my website to use to send email with, and go through above steps with same results.Does anyone have an idea why only BuddyPress Activation emails could/would be block by only Microsoft? ALL other site emails sent to the same Microsoft email addresses go through including:
– WordPress registration emails (when BP is disabled)
– Password Reset emails
– Emails sent directly using an email clientI have also tried an SMTP mail plug-in with the same results.
I have tried the Tools – BuddyPress – Reinstall emails with same results.Is anyone else seeing this issue?
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Shawn Tierney