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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #271043
    David Cavins

    There is an issue with hotmail/outlook rejecting activation emails (See the fix here:

    Otherwise, the best way to customize your emails is explained here:


    I’m using OceanWP(updated) theme and newest versions of WP and BP.
    I’ve searched this site and google for a way to use a custom HTML email for user activation. I follow a few suggestions on how to do this and emails aren’t being sent. I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to accomplish this?


    Hello, So I have just started a new forum and everything was working well but over 24 hours ago activation emails are not sending out to new users so they cannot sign up but test emails are sending? Anyone have any idea on how to fix this or if they have seen this happen before.


    David Cavins

    Hi, it looks like there is a potential issue with the unsubscribe header (at least causing unexpected behavior from ):

    BuddyPress New User Activation Emails & Resends not working

    Sounds like your address should be https, and there are ways to improve your server’s setup to handle mail:

    8 Best Practices To Improve Your Email Deliverability

    David Cavins

    Hi, it looks like the issue is unexpected behavior from

    BuddyPress New User Activation Emails & Resends not working

    Ending up in spam is not surprising. Email is complicated, and you can check the web for guides about improving email deliverability from your server. Here’s one:

    8 Best Practices To Improve Your Email Deliverability


    I’m new to buddypress. I am testing adding a new user. The new user doesn’t receive an activation email. After several hours. Still no email. None in junk or spam folder. Nothing. I heard I might have to set up WP Mail SMTP. Is that required?


    Hello, I’ve been trying to register a test user on my website but the activation email doesn’t send. I’ve installed WP Mail SMTP and found that it will send to the junk folder of some email applications (Gmail) but will not send at all to others (Outlook 365). Do you have any idea what could be causing this?

    Buddypress 2.9.3
    Wordpress 4.9.4



    hi Buddy press, thanks for a wonderful service you provide to us all;

    We recently bought SocialPlay theme by Themeforest;
    The theme is a video syncing theme from youtbe/vimeoh, you can upload your own video too..
    We are running the 4.85 WordPress because 4.9 causing SMTP issue activation emails not being received;

    here is our issue
    – We installed the Global Search Plugin by Buddypress;
    – After install our theme and do a search for a register user, called user 1 –> No videos of his will show in the search results, we get a template search page as per snap here:

    – After de-install the Global Search Plugin by buddypress, the search results page shows white blank webpage, so the site is broken;
    –> When trying to remove the plugin from FTP, same occurs;
    —-> When install an other plugin other than Global Search by buddypress, same occurs
    ——->> Subsequently we now enable to do any searches, unless we use the Global Search plugin by Buddypress, but subsequently users can not see the results of videos posted through the template

    The theme support has been very good and we did some customisation with them also, they explained this is a plugin issue and not a theme issue, although both are probably tied together;

    We need help to:
    a. Either help fix the White Page break and resent things to working condition so we can try test by installing other Search PPlugins to show us the video results when type “user 1” or “video 1”;
    b. Or help us show the results we need whilst using the Global Search plugin by Buddypress…as it makes no sense to only show a video when typing its exact title name…if I search for “smiling cats” then I should not see only one video called “smiling cats” I should see any other video with the keywords “smiling” and “cats” showing of course relevant ones first…and if I search for “user 1” then I should see all the videos posted by “user 1″…

    The plugin videos hook is wpnukes_videos



    Same problem here. Commented out the If statement and presto the activation emails arrive at Microsoft email services. Hopefully this will be fixed asap.
    Thank you jcrr!


    Can anyone Tell the method without any plugin . i have the same problem it was working fine on my first domain having 6000+ active suers on but i transferred my all content and redirected the old domain to new domain . now no one can register on
    When a person registers on my website using registration form a message appears saying that an activation link has been sent to the email address you provided, but user receives no email.

    Please tell me to solve this.
    is there any problem in wp_mail or do I need to config something in my hosting file manager?



    Following the installation of Buddypress, many users do not receive the activation email, although their account seems to create on the site … Moreover, it seems that this problem concerns those who register with their mobile phone activation key is requested…What is going on? Thanking you in advance for your precious help because we do not understand the mistake…

    Wordpress 4.9.3
    bbPress 2.5.14-6684



    In reply to: Problem with hotmail


    It works now for me.

    I have just registered a Hotmail account and a Gmail account. Both works.

    There some things you can try:

    – Go to dashboard -> settings -> buddypress -> pages and change the activation page associated to buddypress, now it’s “Activar” (I think you are Spanish, I’m from Málaga), You can create another page called “Nuevo usuario” and then associate this new page to BuddyPress.

    – Restore the emails (Dashboard -> tools -> BuddyPress)

    It should work now for you too once you are not adding the Unsubscribe header anymore.


    In reply to: Problem with hotmail


    Thank you very much for your response, I have deleted that code as you said and then I have sent the activation email to a hotmail account, but the result remains the same, the mail does not arrive.

    I have WP Mail SMTP installed, the email is authenticated.



    In reply to: Problem with hotmail

    Participant are blocking the emails because of this:

    if ( ! empty( $tokens['unsubscribe'] ) && $tokens['unsubscribe'] !== site_url( 'wp-login.php' ) ) {
    	$user = get_user_by( 'email', $tokens[''] );
    	$headers['List-Unsubscribe'] = sprintf(
    		esc_url_raw( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( array(
    			'user_id'           => $user->ID,
    			'notification_type' => $email->get( 'type' ),
    		) ) )

    If yoy remove this if statement activation mails are sent. This code is located at buddypress/bp-core/bp-core.filters

    It’s a new commit, that’s why it worked in previous versions.

    To sum up, if you are using BuddyPress 2.9.3, users with Microsoft accounts will not receive the activation email.


    First sorry for my spelling in the above messages. are blocking the emails because of this:

    if ( ! empty( $tokens['unsubscribe'] ) && $tokens['unsubscribe'] !== site_url( 'wp-login.php' ) ) {
    	$user = get_user_by( 'email', $tokens[''] );
    	$headers['List-Unsubscribe'] = sprintf(
    		esc_url_raw( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( array(
    			'user_id'           => $user->ID,
    			'notification_type' => $email->get( 'type' ),
    		) ) )

    If yoy remove this if statement mails activation mails are sent. This code ir located ad buddypress/bp-core/bp-core.filters

    It’s a new commit, that’s why it worked in previous versions.

    To sum up, if you are using BuddyPress 2.9.3, users with Microsoft accounts will not receive the activation email.

    I hope this get fixed in the next version.


    Still not working, only when sending from BuddyPress to Hotmail, it DO works when sending from WordPress:

    1) Contacted Microsoft support, IP not blocked and everything is correct.
    2) Changed activation e-amil template: removed activation related words. I have sent emails with “test” subject and body and only are delivered to gmail, yahoo, etc NOT Hotmail accounts
    3) Sent from another IP, same issue.
    4) Changed “from” using the “bp_email” action.
    5) Done all the steps above again from a clean WP installation with only BuddyPress activated.

    It must be a BuddyPress issue. There are a few topics related, something is happening when sending to and no one seems to support.


    They get the activation email before the admin has activated their account, they can actviate but then they will get the message that they need to wait for approval.


    The users get this message when they have yet to activate their account, it’s a basic feature of BuddyPress – each new user gets sent an activation email.

    If you got to your wp-content/plugins/buddypress directory you will find the US translation of BuddyPress – buddypress-en_US,po, make a local copy of this and load it into PoEdit, you can then create your own translation, changing the words how you link, just search for the phrase you want to change.


    Same here and I have tried everything. Users are nor receiving the activation email, I can’t resend them, they can only register if I activate manually.

    Latest versions of WP and BuddyPress, restored emails, no plugins conflicts, not sending via SMTP either…

    There are a lot of people with this issue, not only Shawn and me. This used to work, suddenly failed and no idea what to do to solve it.

    Please help, if someone finds out what’s happening please let us know!

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Hi Shawn. Short of debugging the outgoing mailbox on your server to verify that the email is actually sent, and then monitoring that inbox for any bounce notifications, no, I don’t have any answers. I think I recall seeing Microsoft’s email services blocking the user registration email because it thinks it’s spam (or a bad link).

    You could try, as a test, totally replacing all the words and links (using the BP email editor) in the registration email, and seeing if that gets delivered. I suspect it’s being blocked because of the activation link.


    I have an issue I need help solving.

    New User BuddyPress activation emails (and resends) are being blocked by all Microsoft email services (Live, Hotmail, MSN, etc)

    However, no other emails are being blocked, and activation emails and resends make it to other services like GMail.

    Is anyone else seeing the same issue?

    My system is using the latest version or WordPress 4.9.2 and BuddyPress 2.9.2

    How I tested my WordPress site (not a multisite:)

    1 – Disabled all plugins on my site.
    2 – Registered for my site with standard WordPress interface using a email account and received registration email from WordPress nearly instantly in my hotmail inbox.
    3 – Activated Buddypress
    4 – Registered with another Hotmail account and never (8 hours and counting) received activation email.
    5 – Registered with Live, MSN, Outlook, Gmail, and other email accounts. Registration email makes it to ALL email services EXCEPT Microsoft.
    6 – Wondering if it’s just BuddyPress registration emails, so I reset the password on existing accounts that use Live, MSN, and Hotmail wile BuddyPress is active. Password reset emails arrive no issue.
    7 – Tried re-sending registration emails. They arrive at all email services except Microsoft.
    8 – Disable Buddypress and try registering with email. Like step 2 I get email immediately.
    9 – Enable Buddypress and try registering with another email. Registration email never arrives.
    10 – Send email directly to Microsoft accounts using same email address that wordpress does, and they arrive no issue.
    11 – Forward registration email from Gmail to Hotmail, and forward arrives without issue
    12 – Create a new email address for my website to use to send email with, and go through above steps with same results.

    Does anyone have an idea why only BuddyPress Activation emails could/would be block by only Microsoft? ALL other site emails sent to the same Microsoft email addresses go through including:
    – WordPress registration emails (when BP is disabled)
    – Password Reset emails
    – Emails sent directly using an email client

    I have also tried an SMTP mail plug-in with the same results.
    I have tried the Tools – BuddyPress – Reinstall emails with same results.

    Is anyone else seeing this issue?

    Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    Shawn Tierney


    Hi guys! I have this problem and i spent all the morning read online but nothing seems work so i wish someone around here with a nice heart would help me to find a solution for this. I am building a forum using Buddypress and BBpress everything seems work smooth but when it comes to register a new user of the forum the activation mail it’s not sent. I tried to send again from Users->All Users and then send again the activation link but it dosen’t work. I also tried to send a test mail with WP Mail SMTP choosing PHP Default caption and the mail it’s sent and in general all the other mail about wordpress like update and comments to my posts(before i don’t have a forum) are always sent. I also tried Tools->Buddypress->Reinstall email(delete and restore defaults) but nothing changed. Seems it’s a problem only with Buddypress… anyone had this problem and found a solution?
    Wordpress verions 4.9.2
    Buddypress version 2.9.2
    Theme Sydney


    So just like title says. Forums are created, everything works. I can register too, but after registration you recieve an email with activation link. And that link doesn’t work. I tried it on multiple mail accounts with no luck.


    Hello guys,

    i just love buddypress, but right now i have problem.

    When a user register he gets a aktivation email. In that is a link to my site which says like “click here and activate your account”.

    If the user clicks on it the link has the problem that it says “https//www.mydomain…”.

    So the problem is that the “:” in the “https://www.mydomain..” is missing. What can i do?
    Can i just change the code somewhere in the ftp? Please help me guys 🙂

    Thank You!

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