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After a user submits the registration form on the Buddypress site I’m building, the form disappears and the page content refreshes (url remains the same) to a page with the heading “Check Your Email To Activate Your Account!” that says: “You have successfully created your account! To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.”
However, I want new registrants to be manually approved by an admin. Thus, I’ve edited the email new registrants receive and removed the activation link from it, plus I installed a plugin that sets the status of new accounts to pending and requires an admin to approve their account before the registrant can log in. The only thing left I need to do is edit the text of the completed registration page (as described above) to notify users that their account is awaiting approval instead of stating that they’ve received an activation email. How should I go about this?
trecksWP Version: 2.6.1
BP Version: 2.6.2My site is hosted by an external server, owned by WealthyAffiliates. All plugins, versions, etc., are stored on their databases.
Issue persists with the bundled themes, too.
Issue: After account creation and activation, the site rejects all attempts to allow login. I don’t know why this is happening. I talked to my provider, and they claim that their CDN doesn’t block users that go through the wp-login.php, so that’s not an issue.
The new user clicks “register” on my sidebar, and is taken to a registration page. The page sends them through without issue, and sends the verification email.
After the email is received, the account is verified and it says they’re free to login.
Once they return to the homepage and try to sign in, however, it rejects access at the /wp-login.php page, citing an Error 401. Does anyone know a way around this?
What I’ve tried:
Disabling everything but BP
Reinstalling BP
Swapping to Twenty Fourteen
Disabling WP synchronization with BP
Hello everybody, I have been working on a website for the past 3 weeks.
When I first installed buddy-press into it I was able to create a few accounts and the activation emails were being automatically sent.
Now after upgrading the theme I’m using emails are not being sent automatically or manually.
Any ideas?hi
I’ve set-up buddypress on my website
it doesn’t send any confirmation code only sn email with that link
“Thanks for registering!To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link:
”when the user click on this link he gets an error_404 page
how can I solve this problem and get the confirmation codethanks
IsraelI’m running WP 4.6 and BP 2.6.2 the nisarg child theme. I noticed that new account activation emails arrived as I wanted to change that and read all you have to do is insert code into the functions.php file in the child theme.
<?php function custom_wp_mail_from( $email ) { $handle = ‘accounts’; $find = 'http://'; $replace = ''; $link = get_bloginfo( 'url' ); $domain = str_replace( $find, $replace, $link ); return $handle . '@' . $domain ; } add_filter( 'wp_mail_from', 'custom_wp_mail_from' ); ?>
I did this and sure enough, the emails came from and that was great, until the link to activate was actually clicked. Then it took me to a website of just raw letters/numbers. So clearly something went wrong.
Could someone help me with what I should do? Thanks!
I am getting notifications email like new friendship, comments, etc.. but can’t get new registration activation email.
I’ve install facebook-login plugin and seems like it blocked buddypress registration mail I think. However, when I deleted this plugin I still couldn’t get activation email.
I tried to repair buddypress from Tools->Buddypress and still have this problem
Also I am using WP-Mail-SMTP for this email actions.
My budyypress version is
After updating my site does not send email with activation link. I debug the new code and the function bp_get_email returns this error:
WP_Error Object
[errors] => Array
[missing_email] => Array
[0] => bp_get_email
[error_data] => Array
[missing_email] => Array
[0] => core-user-registration
[1] => Array
[no_found_rows] => 1
[numberposts] => 1
[post_status] => publish
[post_type] => bp-email
[suppress_filters] =>
[tax_query] => Array
[0] => Array
[field] => slug
[taxonomy] => bp-email-type
[terms] => core-user-registration
In admin panel I can see only buddypress email but I cannot see any terms for it
Please help me to resolve this problem
Thank you, Tiana
Topic: Activation email
When a new user registers with BuddyPress, they’re not receiving an activate email. I have to manually activate them from my dashboard. With over 3,000 people to get registered, this is not convenient.
I have installed wp-email-smtp plugin and configured it successfully with no errors and was able to send test messages, but activation emails still would not send.
Has this issue actually been resolved?
Buddy press Version
After I click the Register button on the registration page, the text about “Check Your Email to Activate Your Account” does not display. It is hidden with an element style “display:none;”. I can’t figure out why that is there or how to remove/change it. The activation email is sent so the registration is working. It’s just that the text is hidden. I did change the slug for the register page via WP admin, but according to the codex that’s the way to do it. Any ideas for how to get the text back? Here’s the source code, along with some around it:
<div id="main" class="clearfix " style=""> <div class="fusion-row" style=""> <div id="content" class="" style="float: left;"> <div id="post-0" class="bp_register type-bp_register post-0 page type-page status-publish hentry"> <span class="entry-title" style="display: none;">Check Your Email To Activate Your Account!</span> <span class="vcard" style="display: none;"> <span class="fn"></span> </span> <span class="updated" style="display:none;">2016-06-21T19:03:57+00:00</span> <h3 class="entry-title">Check Your Email To Activate Your Account!</h3> <div class="post-content"> <div id="buddypress"> <div class="page" id="register-page">
Topic: Change User Verification Key
Is there a way to add a filter to the function bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification located in bp-core-filters.php?
I would like to change out the verification key it generates to the default WordPress key because the Buddypress key is in conflict
with the cimy user extra field plugin. I would like a function for bp-customs or functions.php to replace the key giving me the ability
to keep the new Buddypress user email features.I have gone through a lot of troubleshooting and narrowed down the issue as a buddypress issue. When users register on my site, they do not receive the activation email.
I have attempted “work-arounds” like using WP email smtp and that does not fix the issue.
All other emails are being sent through wordpress except buddypress activation emails.
I disabled buddypress and used the default wp register and it sent the email
i used the wp-email-smtp plugin and configured it successfully with no errors and was able to send test messages, but activation emails still would not send.has this issue actually been resolved?
I had setup my custom activation emails using {{}} as a greeting at the top of the email body and in the email’s subject line, and I then added the {{recipient.username}} further in the email body to confirm the user’s username.
Suddenly the emails are displaying the {{recipient.username}} in all outbound mail for both instances despite {{}} being used in both the html and plain text versions of the email. This is pretty annoying as it decreases the personalisation of the email and repeats the same username – which can often be quite random or goofy names.
Does anyone know any fixes for this?
Topic: Confirmation Email
I’m using Cymi User Extra Field, when you enable email confirmation the user gets the Buddypress email template
with the confirmation link. when the user clicks the link it takes them to the confirmation page of the site prompting them
to login with username and password. Problem is the user name and password doesnt work. The user gets created because they
are visible in the users list. How can I fix this problem.
I’ve disabled the Buddypress sign up for the default WordPress using: BP CUSTOMfunction my_disable_bp_registration() { remove_action( 'bp_init', 'bp_core_wpsignup_redirect' ); remove_action( 'bp_screens', 'bp_core_screen_signup' ); } add_action( 'bp_loaded', 'my_disable_bp_registration' ); add_filter( 'bp_get_signup_page', "firmasite_redirect_bp_signup_page"); function firmasite_redirect_bp_signup_page($page ){ return bp_get_root_domain() . '/wp-login.php?action=register'; }
and I found this code in a Buddpress Forum:
// Change the text on the signup page
add_filter( 'bp_registration_needs_activation', '__return_false' ); function my_disable_activation( $user, $user_email, $key, $meta = '' ) { // Activate the user bp_core_activate_signup( $key ); // Return false so no email sent return false; } add_filter( 'wpmu_signup_user_notification', 'my_disable_activation', 10, 4 );
I tried it with the hope that the key would be disabled and the key fired by WordPress would take over but it still didnt work.
I really don’t care who fires the key I just want the user to be able to login after click the key in their email.