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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #255141

    i experienced exactly same issue with writer.
    only activation mail not work, others do. password change, etc…

    try to this
    admin panel – setup – buddypress
    setup is including permal link menu. i dont know exactly what it in english.

    and click restore email setup. and i solved.
    good luck!


    Hi Guys

    I have been having this problem for a week now. I even posted the problem on this forum but never got a single response. I also checked the other posts but those old 2015 solutions are not working for me.

    My problem is I have a site with latest wordpress and buddypress, when new users register they are not receiving the activation emails. Nothing in the inbox and nothing in the spam/junk folders. I actually have to activate in my user admin panel/list manually. Within the users list I can see a reflection which shows that the activation mail has been sent.

    All hell broke loose last week but before that the site has been sending activation email with without any issues. I have tried wp-mail-smtp, mail smtp but nothing works. I can send test mails successfully with all these plugins.

    I have tried the hosting company but they are saying the mail hosting server is fine. They are saying there is a problem with either wordpress or buddypress. The email log is below. Please help

    2016-06-20 18:57:46 1bF2WA-000MOp-3X <= ( []:48386 I=[]:587 P=esmtpsa X=TLSv1:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:256 CV=no S=739 T=”[WinGrow] New User Registration” from for
    2016-06-20 18:57:46 1bF2WA-000MOp-3X => admin R=virtual_user T=virtual_userdelivery S=856


    Hello there,
    I wanted to make my users able to register through their phone number without having to type their email too, after long thinking I had this idea.
    I changed the email input type to text and tested if the typed in text is an email so the user is registering through email, else if it is phone number then add to it, I also got the activation key from datbase and sent it to users by sms.
    my problem is that the sent activation key is too long to be typed, I tried to alter the activation key in database when user is registering but when the user enters the updated activation key, the activation page is just refreshed and the code field is emptied.
    any ideas? I want to make the activation key just 6 characters long


    In reply to: email activation.


    Okey, so i have disabled the plugin that stopped the automatic activation emails, installed and activated the plugin you suggested. Now what? I seriously can’t find a setting for the activation email. I know i found it easily before disabling it.


    In reply to: email activation.


    Where do i find the option to change activation email sender?

    Thanks, 🙂 Will try that.


    Topic: email activation.

    in forum Showcase

    I disabled the email activation for new members, because I couldn’t get it to work. Now my site is running smoothly but I have a problem with people creating fake account to spam forums.

    I can’t seem to find how to re-activate the email activation (newbie). How may I solve this problem?


    Hi guys

    This has been posted before but the solutions within those posts are not working for me. For the past week all was well until yesterday. I have tried these plugins, wp better emails, smtp mailer, mail smtp but nothing works, the test emails are going through though.

    Please help, starting to lose hope.


    I am new to BP I have version BP 2.5.3 and WP 4.5.2. I love PB registration form that is simple and redirect new member to the email for activation. simple and efficient. I have a question regarding the registration form
    How can I move the ” complete signup” button to the left (under confirme Paswword). I have members saying it is hard to see way to the right on large screens.(or making it with an orange background?)
    I am not a programmer so I do not know PHP (but I know how to copy paste !!!!! 🙂
    If you can also mention the path for the file and also how to may be place it in my child subtheme’s folder so it does not get erased at the next update….(new to wordpress too, even at 72 there is still some learning todo!> Thanks!


    I’m having trouble with getting emails to send when BuddyPress is enabled. If I disable the plugin I get registration emails, but when it is enabled I get a message on the screen saying the message was successfully sent, but the email never goes through.

    I have tried installing Postman SMTP as described in this post:

    Even with Postman STMP installed, registration messages still don’t come through. They also don’t show up in the Postman logs. However, my test messages in Postman are delivered with no trouble, and password resets, etc, show up in Postman logs and are delivered successfully.

    This is running on Windows Server 2012 using XAMPP
    Wordpress: 4.5.2
    BuddyPress: 2.5.3
    Theme: Alliance

    Any help is much appreciated.


    In reply to: Membership Codes



    it’s possible. I suppose you need a unique code for some later user specific actions. But that code exist nowhere when a user register. What can we do ?

    1) generate a 6 digit code and show it on the register page
    2) asign that code to the user
    3) show the code on his profile

    1 – we use php mt_rand to generate the code and one of the available action hook on the register page for his output. Add this snippet to bp-custom.php

    function bpfr_digit_generator() {
    $num = mt_rand ( 0, 0xffffff ); 
    $output = sprintf ( "%06x" , $num );
    	echo '<strong>Your personnal code: '. $output .'</strong>';
    add_action( 'bp_after_account_details_fields', 'bpfr_digit_generator' );

    2) create a new xprofile field, call it Personnal Code or whatever. Make it mandatory and asign it the visibility level you want. In field description, ask the user to copy/paste in the code.

    3) as the user entered the code in a xprofile field, you get automagically this field on his profile.

    I’m a bit unsure how to insert this field value in the activation email, or if it’s even possible. Perhaps somebody else can help you. See email on codex.

    A bit raw, but at least you have a start point how to do that.

    Here also another method, you may use if you don’t want the user to copy/paste the code.


    Hi guys thank you for such a great plugin.

    Is it possible for this plugin to assign unique 4-10 digit codes to users upon registration? I want each and every new registered user to automatically receive a unique code within the registration activation email. This code should also appear in their profile.



    I am running the lest version of Buddypress and WordPress on a VPS server NOT running multisite. Tiny framework is the theme I am using. However the first thing I did to trouble shoot was try to replicate problem without any plugin and using 2012 theme (which tiny frame is based on) and 2016 theme. The issues remained the same with but those thems and th social me theme.

    I will try to check the MYSQL question as I am familiar with that having done MYSQL database programming. However I have narrowed done the problem to something related to the extended profile fields component. Through trial and error and some research I surfaced the correlation which one other person seems to have referred as well. If extended profile fields are turned OFF the registration is completed and the activation email sent. If it is on the registration process is not completed. I tested this extensively turning on and off and it followed that pattern. I currently have the component turned off and users are able to register. When I turned on again I was unable to complete a registration.

    It may be unrelated but no registration spam protection plugins will work now either I have tried several with recaptcha and without and in every case the registration process short circuits.

    Thanks for any help in advance. I would like to get the extended field working again.


    Hey all,

    Been digging for a solution but can’t seem to find one. My site has 2 registration forms (Form A and Form B) on separate pages that are working great. When users signup to Form B a hidden field called subscriber_type is populated. Otherwise Form A and B are identical. Once the forms are submitted a user should only be auto-activated and logged-in if this subscriber_type field is populated.

    So far users filling out Form B are activated (and don’t get the activation email) and are logged in. But users filling out Form A aren’t getting their activation emails either even though they should. Looks like no users are getting any activation emails, regardless of the form they fill.

    Is there any way to make sending of the activation emails conditional?

    What I’ve tried so far:

    // Auto-activate users from Form B (This works)
    function auto_activate_user( $user_id ) {
        $subscriber_type = $_POST['subscriber_type'];
        if ($subscriber_type || $subscriber_type === 'current_subscriber'){
            global $wpdb;
            //Hook if you want to do something before the activation
            $activation_key = get_user_meta($user_id, 'activation_key', true);
            $activate = apply_filters('bp_core_activate_account', bp_core_activate_signup($activation_key));
            $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_status = 0 WHERE ID = %d", $user_id ) );
            //Add note on Activity Stream
            if ( function_exists( 'bp_activity_add' ) ) {
                $userlink = bp_core_get_userlink( $user_id );
                bp_activity_add( array(
                    'user_id' => $user_id,
                    'action' => apply_filters( 'bp_core_activity_registered_member', sprintf( __( '%s became a registered member', 'buddypress' ), $userlink ), $user_id ),
                    'component' => 'profile',
                    'type' => 'new_member'
                ) );
            //Send email to admin
            wp_new_user_notification( $user_id );
            // Remove the activation key meta
            delete_user_meta( $user_id, 'activation_key' );
            // Delete the total member cache
            wp_cache_delete( 'bp_total_member_count', 'bp' );
            //Hook if you want to do something before the login
            //Automatically log the user in	.
            $user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
            do_action('wp_signon', $user_info->user_login);
            //Hook if you want to do something after the login
    // Fix validation on Form B (This works)
    function fix_signup_form_validation_text() {
        $subscriber_type = $_POST['subscriber_type'];
        if ($subscriber_type || $subscriber_type === 'current_subscriber'){
            return false;
    // Disable autivation email only for Form B (This doesn't work)
    function disable_activation_email() {
        $subscriber_type = $_POST['subscriber_type'];
        if ($subscriber_type || $subscriber_type === 'current_subscriber'){
            return false;
    add_action( 'bp_core_signup_user', 'auto_activate_user');
    add_filter( 'bp_registration_needs_activation', 'fix_signup_form_validation_text');
    add_filter( 'bp_core_signup_send_activation_key', 'disable_activation_email');
    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Did anything else update at the same time? Anything?

    2.5.3 contained changes to email implementation, and a security fix regarding user activation. The latter is most likely cause.

    What theme are you using? Do you have a custom registration template (did you make one)? What other plugins do you have running? Are you on multisite or regular WordPress?

    Can you think of any other useful information regarding any customisations around user or site registration?


    i have a problem with the activation emails:
    the sender is and i have tried to change it with: WP Change Default Email, WP Change Default From Email and WP Simple Mail Sender (as you suggested in other topics), but nothing changed…
    Other automatic emails are working fine, the issue seems to be affecting only the activation email…


    WordPress 4.5.2
    BuddyPress 2.5.2


    I have moved my website from one Godaddy hosting account to other, it always worked fine before the move. No BuddyPress activation emails are being sent now.

    What have I tried so far? I have tried –

    1 – switching to Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen, Twenty Fourteen etc themes
    2 – with Other plugins deactivated
    3 – SMTP (Gmail), when mail() did not work
    4 – MailGun. I am on MailGun now, configured to my domain name
    5 – with BP Email to WP Mail From Bridge plugin on and off. In all above conditions.

    I can send contact form7 messages without a problem, which makes me think that WordPress mails are working fine. I have not been able to send a single BP activation email after the move.

    Kindly help
    Thank you


    Hey Guys,
    I know that a lot of you guys have asked this question before but I still can’t find a solution to this problem anywhere.

    Whenever I try to set up new user, I never get the activation email. I hhave the WP SMTP plugin installed with the “from” email set to and all correct SMTP localhost and port settings. That being said, I get all the other emails , that is from the contact forms I have and I also get the BuddyPress notification emails such as the user addition, friend request. It is just that I am not getting any activation link at all. I have tested all the plugins (disabling and enabling them together and separately), but that doesn’t work out either. This is the only site left before I hand it over to the client, so any help would be appreciated.


    I keep getting this error in my logs, and I”m not even sure where to start with it; can someone help?? I’m using BuddyPress Version 2.5.2 and WordPress 4.4.2. It’s been happening for a while though.

    Example: [Mon May 02 18:39:22.312647 2016] [:error] [pid 7181] [client] KILLED QUERY (18582 characters long generated in .../wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/classes/class-bp-user-query.php:567): SELECT wp_users.ID,wp_users.user_login,wp_users.user_pass,wp_users.user_nicename,wp_users.user_email,wp_users.user_url,wp_users.user_registered,wp_users.user_activation_key,wp_users.user_status,wp_users.display_name FROM wp_users WHERE 1=1 AND wp_users.ID IN (741,3212,2935,805,777,429,672,44,2223,2318,3602,3363, etc



    While setting up a new BuddyPress website few days ago; I discovered that no activation emails were being sent to the registrants.

    So, I tried to set up SMTP using the WP-SMTP plugin which did not work. It kept saying authentication failed (I was trying to use my Gmail dot com mail).

    I ended up installing and setting up Gmail SMTP ( and it worked well.

    The problem is, Gmail has sent me an email saying. “Your Google Account has been suspended”. Here is how that email looks –

    Gmail SMTP

    I replied to this email but have not received any update so far, my email account is still functioning and emails from my BP site are still being sent.

    Can you guys kindly suggest me the best way to set up emails for a WordPress / BuddyPress website?

    Thank you



    when a new user registres they get an activation mail so they can activate the account.

    What I want is, that new users only get an mail when they have been approved (activated) by admin.

    So the flow I want is, – user registres – admin get a notice about new user registration – admin approves – new user gets an email saying that he/she has been approved.

    How do I do this????




    Wordpress Version: 4.5
    BuddyPress Version 2.52
    X Theme

    I’m unsure what I am doing wrong. I am using the X Theme and also using Magic Members plugin. I was finally able to set up the Login and Registration Pages. I signed out and did a test on Registering for a Free account (I am setting up a membership site).

    I am able to Register okay but when I click Register it takes me to an Error Page. The same thing happens when I Login (I tried for the hell of it), I get an Error page. BUT, when I check my emails, I get a link to activate my account.

    So, it is registering the information but I’m unsure why I am not getting an Activation page and when I confirm the account, I get another Error page.

    I’m not sure if it’s my Theme, Magic members, BuddyPress (which I do not think it is), etc. If someone can at least direct me to what I may be doing wrong, I’d truly appreciate it! Thank you so much!


    When I activate some members they are not added to the members list.

    BP considers activated users when they login to the website. else it doesnt.

    activation emails dont go or goes to spam folder? check this plugin and use it as per your requirements

    Also if your email domain is on lets say google apps and you are using the email domain to send mail from your site hosted on a different server you need to add email srv records


    It doesn’t appear to be. The only emails I’m receiving are those initiated by WP or bbPress. The emails related to activation, group requests, mentions, and other BuddyPress emails are not coming through.


    Hello people,

    This is my first ever post and would be happy for a little help if possible? (please bare with me as I’m new to building websites)

    I recently changed my site into a multisite and ever since had a problem when users register. I have 3 dashboards – network admin and then one each for the sites.
    When users register they no longer receive an automated email to activate their account and admin no longer receives an email to advise a new user has registered. They show in network admin ‘users’ but don’t show in either of the sites. The only way for me to know if there is a new user is for me to check the ‘pending’ in network admin – users.
    I’m not 100% sure that this is since the multisite was added but I think it is. How can I get my site back to how members registered before (activation email/admin notification email/)

    My site is
    Using – wordpress 4.3.3
    Boss 1.1.9 theme

    Please advise if I have missed any info

    Thanks in advance


    I deleted all BP files and the plugin and did a reinstall.

    PROBLEM #1)
    I am still having trouble with the Register page. I do not know what this error refers to:

    displays an error message:
    “Profile Details
    Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas09_data01/28/2853428/html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-xprofile/classes/class-bp-xprofile-group.php on line 649”

    Line 649 is:
    $fields[ $key ]->visibility_level = $field_visibility;

    PROBLEM #2)
    Registration submission is now working, but an auto response email is being sent. Is there something in BuddyPress (or WordPress) to disable this? I’m getting an email saying:
    Hi test4,
    Thanks for registering!

    To complete the activation of your account, go to the following link:

    I’m using s2Member to allow admin approval of registrations. This email needs to be removed. Thx.

Viewing 25 results - 476 through 500 (of 1,427 total)
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