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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • Henry Wright

    Check the activation emails aren’t going into user’s spam folders.


    Thanks @modemlooper. This is doable but will the account remain deactivated as usual? The user might justchoose to ignore the second email with activation link since they can already login. What do you say? I’d like to sort of force a user to fill the second form and I don’t want them logging in if they haven’t filled the second form.


    hook into the filter bp_core_signup_send_activation_key and send a different email message linking them to the form you want them to fill out. On your form submission you can then do the activation link

    		 * Filters if BuddyPress should send an activation key for a new signup.
    		 * @since BuddyPress (1.2.3)
    		 * @param bool   $value          Whether or not to send the activation key.
    		 * @param int    $user_id        User ID to send activation key to.
    		 * @param string $user_email     User email to send activation key to.
    		 * @param string $activation_key Activation key to be sent.
    		 * @param array  $usermeta       Miscellaneous metadata about the user (blog-specific
    		 *                               signup data, xprofile data, etc).
    		if ( apply_filters( 'bp_core_signup_send_activation_key', true, $user_id, $user_email, $activation_key, $usermeta ) ) {
    			bp_core_signup_send_validation_email( $user_id, $user_email, $activation_key );
    Henry Wright

    That information never arrived at the email.

    Just a thought, check your spam folder as sometimes activation emails end up there.

    I attempted another registration with different credentials and email and this time nothing happened.

    This might be a problem with your theme. Try activating TwentyFifteen and complete the registration form again. Also deactivate any plugins you’ve installed, just to be sure none of those are causing the problem.


    Cool, awesome, wicked.
    As with everything BuddyPress over the last four months I figured it out myself.

    If anybody cares or is intrigued, I pulled out the “signup_id” from the wp_signups table and created a link with that, of the form:

    	//== Setup variable for use in the activation email body.
    	$user = get_userdata( $user_id );
    	//== Get the signup_id for a user
    	global $wpdb;
    	$signup_id = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT signup_id FROM wp_signups WHERE user_login = '" . $user->user_login . "' LIMIT 1" );
    	$user_path = "users.php?page=bp-signups&signup_id=" . $signup_id . "&action=activate";
    	$activate_user = admin_url( $user_path );

    This link is a part of the filter for the activation email body, whilst the email itself was also filtered to be sent to the site admin instead of the user.

    If anybody is interested I’m happy to share the full solution which involved filtering the activation email recipient, email subject and email body, whilst giving the admin a link to activate the user and then sending a confirmation email to the user once they’ve been authorised.


    In reply to: Activation Key

    Henry Wright

    The activation key is emailed to each new member in the form on a link after they register on your site. Does that help?


    first test with default 2014 or 2015 theme – and all other plugins disabled except bp – does it work then? If not…

    previous forum posts maybe helpful –
    (let us know what you find works!)

    With a new bp setup I usually check these things first if email are not seeming to send or go through -> (From a recent similar thread)

    Better to check the basics before digging into whether it’s a email header config on the server, php settings limiting functionality – need for wp to send as smtp plugin – something just with gmail blackhole filtering –

    so many different things can affect wp sending, bp sending, your web serving sending email as php, or an email service accepting something that was sent, much less put in the actual inbox instead of junk mail / promotions box or whatever…

    =-=- also from danbp about 8 months ago:
    When encountering a registration problem, first thing to do is to test your install without any plugins and one of WP’s Twenty default theme. Ensure that your site send correctly emails. Before activating any plugin, your base WP install must work.

    Once WP is OK – you can install BuddyPress and check your permalinks. Pretty permalinks must be activated to get the plugin working correctly.

    This point is important, especially if you have redirection issues after BP is activated.

    Second point to check is your theme installation.

    Proceeding like this will help you to isolate easely the culprit. If:
    – WP install: OK
    – BP install: OK
    – theme activation: problem

    So you know here the problem comes from.

    While testing your install, you can activate wp_debug (set to TRUE) in the wp-config file. This can give you a lot of information about conflict and/or errors.

    Just keep in mind that these information have 2 levels of importance: notice and warning.
    While notice are generally harmless, warnings should be taken seriously in account and solved.

    If WP is the problem, see first the wordPress support
    If it’s BuddyPress, see the BP support
    If it’s the theme, see the theme support
    If it’s any other plugin, see first the plugin support.

    Randy Hicks

    Found it. This action fires when the user clicks the activate link from the activation-email.

    do_action( 'bp_core_activated_user', $user_id, $key, $user );
    Randy Hicks

    Further investigation shows that the following added to functions.php will run if the “activate” button is clicked from the wp-admin by an existing admin. It will not run from the activate link in the user activation-email.

    I must be looking for a different action.

    The goal is to login the user and redirect them after they have clicked the activate link from the activation-email.

    add_action( 'bp_core_signup_after_activate', 'bp_autologin_on_activation', 1 );
    function bp_autologin_on_activation( $signup_ids ) {
    	print_r($signup_ids); die('bp_autologin_on_activation');

    Hi danbp, thanks for your reply.
    But this is not exactly the same problem that I am having.
    I did read both topics but they are not really helpful for me, I still don’t know what to do now to fix this problem.

    I get the activation email but when I click on that link, nothing really happens. It redirects me to my homepage. So I dont even get a message if the activation failed or succeeded.

    Can someone please help me with a clear explanation what I need to do to fix this.


    Still happening. It’s adding a second iteration of sending activation email before it finally works at login. Different message too when you do it a second time.

    YES!!! Only yesterday after ages of research I found a plugin: Unconfirmed.
    Gives you access to Pending users:

    Unconfirmed creates a Dashboard panel under the Users menu (Network Admin > Users on Multisite) that shows a list of unactivated user registrations. For each registration, you have the option of resending the original activation email, or manually activating the user.



    Cross posting !

    There is no problem with sending emails, the problem is around the activation key or perhaps a wrong message output due to language file…

    Forgot to tell you to revert site language to english while testing.
    Make a register test in english, if ok, change the language and re-test.


    I see you have registered.

    Some info from the “signups” table for your account.

    “Registered” column: 2015-05-24 08:30:56
    “Activated” column: 2015-05-24 08:30:59
    “Active” column: 1
    “Activation_Key” column: –The activation key–

    And you can now login despite the “Invalid Activation Key” you saw when you clicked the email link.

    This is excactly whats happening with all emails I’ve tried so far except two.

    If I register with, before I click the email link then the “signups” table is as:

    “Registered” column: 2015-05-23 21:17:24
    “Activated” column: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
    “Active” column: 0
    “Activation_Key” column: –The activation key–

    and is only activated after I click on the email link, which is what we want.

    Could there be a problem with my email setup on the server level? Should I talk to my hosting company?


    In reply to: Double entries


    I was getting a lot of those entries before I got email registration activation working. turns out there was a conflict with another plugin and that’s why I was getting the invalid activation key error. Since I got that working I have not gotten any more spam signups but I’ll keep an eye out. I only have the live site – no local install.

    I have another question about formatting profile pages – Mine look terrible. Maybe I did something along the way to break them. I have been working feverishly at this for days but I will start another thread for that new topic 🙂


    Hey danbp,

    Ok, I’ve tested with removing a period and reloaded the page and I saw an error message show up saying something wrong with the line 112 or something and I corrected it and saved again to see an error message but I didn’t see any errors..

    – Sorry, i don’t use MAMP so i can’t give you any advice how to use it. – I think everything is functioning properly and setup properly.. unless there someone here who has tips on Mamp =)

    – If you can register a user from the dashboard, i guess the registration is working. Can you also change a password from there ? Tought the problem is elswhere. – Yes, I can change the user’s password in the dashboard.

    Is mod_rewrite enabled on the server ? See your htaccess and httpd.conf in apache. Just in case of. – Yes, mod_rewrite is enabled in httpd.conf but I don’t see any .htaccess in apache nor my root folder for the website.. should I make one?

    Now the unknown part: when you register a new user and enter a password and save, you say the page refresh and password is not showing. OK. But do you have a message telling about a missing data ? – I’ve pressed the sign up button without inputting any password but it doesn’t give me any errors.. maybe this is a clue!?!? fingers crossed!

    GO to DB and check the wp_user table. Look about this new user and see if a hashed password is in the table. See also wp_signup table. – The user I made in the dashboard, yes, it has the password field filled in and has the activation key filled too. I only see admin (original me) and this test user nobody else here. Also, when I go into wp_signup table, it’s empty.

    Also, do you use a single or a multisite install ? – It’s single.

    Last but not least, did you allowed user registering ? (wp-admin/options-general.php – checkbox just after the site admin email) – Yes, everyone can register is checked in the settings.


    In reply to: Activation Issue


    What is the sample email activation link that your users are receiving?


    @henrywright Thank you for your answer.

    I tried to test what I had on 1&1 and registration works. It confirmed that MAMP is the one causing the problem.

    I think I found where the problem is : it’s all about emails. The email that should be sent for activation can’t be sent so nothing happens and the registration fails.

    MAMP (and other web hosts) doesn’t support sending email. I tried to find a solution to it with no luck until now :
    – first, by getting MAMP Pro free trial, where you’re supposed to be able to configure PostFix to be able to send emails but I couldn’t figure out how to set it up properly and couldn’t find anything useful on the internet to do so. This did NOT help. If anyone knows how to make that work I’d love to see how.
    – Then I tried that, and I do receive the test email, but it doesn’t fix my BuddyPress problem.

    I am not sure how to work on BuddyPress without being able to register a user.
    An example of what I’m working on : I want to add a long form in a tab in people’s profile page, which then generates a graphic element, a map (that will be part of their profile).

    I could either :
    – bypass the code that is used to send the email for activation and activate the users manually as an admin.
    – go to the database and enter the new user manually.
    I’ll try to bypass the sending of the email first.

    Please let me know if there is an easier way to work on what I intend to program.

    Also, if anyone knows how to set up MAMP to support sending emails, I’m interested !


    Hi @russadams,

    on any WordPress site, once a new user registers, the user is created in
    the database. That’s why site admin can see him in the control panel. This is normal.

    Here default WordPress registration process:

    1. User registers.
    2. User is shown message to check email.
    3. Login credentials are sent to new user in an email.
    4. User logs in to site using login credentials.
    5. Admin is notified of new user sign up via email.

    This doesn’t change when BP is installed, as BP doesn’t handle registration.

    Guess your issue is due to browser session. Make the following test.

    Create a new user from frontend.
    Close the browser or clear cookie and nav history.
    Don’t use activation key yet.
    Reopen the browser, and see if the user can login. Normaly he can’t as he hasn’t use the activation key.


    I would assume they are listed as pending because they did not get click an activation in email yes.

    Now does that mean that your server sent an email correctly and they actually recieved the email? Who knows.. sometimes my bp emails get auto-blackholed for some email services and users will never get an email from my bp site if they have say “gmail” or yahoo or something… (there are different methods for sending email via wordpress, some are less “flagged-as-spam-automatically” than others.. sometimes users do get the emails but they end up in a junk folder..

    sometimes it’s spammers trying to setup a fake account and they never will click on activate…

    if you start to get a lot of these, you might want to look into how your wp install is sending emails, what the headers look like, and see if you can adjust with something like a “wp mail via smtp” plugin or something.. and if you need to manage a bunch of pending users you might want to see if is working with current bp version..

    random thoughts, hope they help.


    @jessiewordpress in a way yes. Either because the activation email got caught in their spam folder, or they have not clicked on the activation link, or they did click on the activation link but did not log in yet.


    If that plugin doesn’t work, does Buddypress allow us to change this notice you receive after clicking on the activation email link:

    You’re almost there! Simply enter your activation code below and we’ll take care of the rest.

    (there was no activation code needed, so I’d like to edit this content out)


    Thank you for that plugin! I’ll use that for now 🙂

    What would be great is a plugin that helps with that AND editing the activation email AND changing the register/login page to not look like WordPress.

    For instance, this is a wordpress website and has this register/login page:

    Any suggestions for a workable plugin that accomplishes all of this?


    I mean the “activation” email.

    Also, is there a way to change the notice you receive after clicking on the activation email link:

    You’re almost there! Simply enter your activation code below and we’ll take care of the rest.

    (there was no activation code needed, so I’d like to edit this content out)


    I guess something is not translated, but in this case, the email text should come in english.

    If yo use an “old” translation from a previous version, it is possible that something is missing in your translation.

    After checking both portugese version on GlotPress, (pt_PT and pt_BR) it appears that pt_PT is not translated for 2.1.x and to 38% for pt_PT in the dev version – the one actualy used by BP 2.1.1

    If you use an email plugin, ensure it is matching with WP’s mail action. Or if your theme has is own mail function, check that he uses the same wording as BP (and particulary the $s var) who fires the link.

    Code in 2.1.1 looks like this

    Thanks for registering! To complete the activation of your account and blog, please click the following link:\n
    After you activate, you can visit your blog here:\n
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