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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #166953

    In reply to: Members not showing up


    @kathytarochione make sure they’ve activated their account. If a user registers an account they show up in the WordPress admin area. Only once they’ve activated their account by clicking on the activation link in the email they get sent do they appear in the BuddyPress members area.


    Is there any perfect solution for it? please…..


    Again problem with WP-Better-Emails. I just wanted to customize few things like small logo, contact email for request and then it stop responding again. no activation email or mail to admin. Reinstalled plugin but no luck. what’s wrong!..


    Jay Collier
    You have rescued me from a big…. problem. Thanks. WP-Better-Emails works great and activation link receiving problem is solved.

    Another think from my site, when new user click activate link, eventually it is activated. But still the page says “Activate your Account” and under this, “Invalid activation key” highlighted with red button and says bellow “Please provide a valid activation key.” Although the user can access his/her profile perfectly. Can anyone help

    Site Address:


    Jay Collier

    We are using WP-Better-Emails. Works great. Still have to suggest people check their spam folders.


    Hi Mike
    about your 3. and the SMTP options, i think that i need to fill in the fields with my host parameters?
    Do you confirm?


    @gentlemanhog – If it works, then it doesn’t matter where it is. 🙂

    The conventional wisdom is to keep things out of functions.php unless they are theme-specific. In your case, I would say this function belongs someplace other than the theme’s functions.php file.



    I did this, after some digging into the $bp object after the registration form is posted. Not tested properly in the wild yet, so you might want to double check before using this. Done via WordPress 3.5.1 and BuddyPress 1.7.2.

    add_filter('bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message', 'custom_bp_change_activation_email_message');
    function custom_bp_change_activation_email_message($message) {
    	//	Get some globals
    	global $bp, $wpdb;
    	//	Get the slug of the activation page
    	$slug = $bp->pages->{"activate"}->slug;
    	//	Get username from the signup form just posted
    	$username = $bp->signup->username;
    	//	SQL query to get activation key for that username
    	$sql = 'select meta_value from wp_usermeta where meta_key="activation_key" and user_id in (select ID from wp_users where user_login="' . $username . '" and user_status=2)';
    	//	Getting the activation key from the database
    	$activation_key = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
    	//	Make activation URL
    	$url = sprintf("%s/%s/?key=%s", WP_HOME, $slug, $activation_key);
    	//	Custom message with activation key
    	$message = "Yayy! Thanks for signing up! Please confirm your account!\n\n$url";
    	return $message;

    I’ve got this in a theme’s functions.php file, but not sure if that’s the right place for it. Would it be better in bp_custom.php?



    In reply to: Registration


    So sorry. Stop working of receiving activation email. Again new users also admin are not receiving activation email. help please.



    In reply to: Registration


    Sounds like a defect in BuddyPress. So your saying after you click activation link in email and try to login using sidebar login form it says activation key is invalid?


    Exactly the same problem.

    Emails have been sent most end up in spam boxes of new registrants. Clicking on link goes to site and produces “invalid activation key” .

    If new registrants had then gone to home page to log in they can access their accounts but all stop at “invalid activation key” ,very frustrating!

    Any answers?


    I have a theme that is buddypress ready, however when users go to register they are emailed an activation key. When clicked on OR imputed into the Activation spot on our website, it says Invalid and requests for the user to enter in their email to reset password.

    Once the user does, a new password is emailed. When the user then goes to login, it claims there is no such user.

    Can anyone offer a solution to this? Our website is I also have ANYONE Can register checked in the settings.


    @thecrow72 basically, BuddyPress uses the WP email functions for its registration process. Deactivate BuddyPress, bbPress and other plugins then check your WP registration/activation emails, etc. If it’s not working, then please resolve your issue at

    Before activating BuddyPress, read

    Good luck!


    Great 🙂 Many thanks @_dorsvenabili and @bukrie to share a way to do it but it doesn’t work for me, with WP 3.5.1, BP 1.7.2, TwentyTwelve 🙁 then do you know if now something is new about this, thank in advance

    at wp-login.php page, there is the following “ERROR: Your account has not been activated. Check your email for the activation link.”


    This is something that is happening to my activation emails also… This post seems to help but I have yet to follow the steps to confirm it.

    It’s on my list of things to do, I’ll let you know if it works


    In reply to: Activation page?


    The activation page is used to activate a member’s account manually (as an alternative to automatic activation after clicking the link sent in the activation email).

    Both the member and site admin are able to enter the activation key manually. Useful if the member is having problems receiving the activation email.

    Hope this helps


    In reply to: email Issue


    I’m certainly not an expert but this sounds like server side issues.
    I came here hoping to find the answer to my install not sending activation emails. I get other wordpress emails but BP activation emails seem not to be working at all.

    Regarding the error establishing DB connection, I was getting that on an underpowered server and had to set up a swap file to help the server cope.


    WP 3.5.1
    BP 1.7.2

    Theme: Custom Community Pro


    AA’s Digg Digg Alternative
    All In One SEO Pack
    BP Auto Login on Activation
    BuddyPress Automatic Friends
    BuddyPress Group Calendar
    BuddyPress Like
    BuddyPress Media
    Buddypress Sitewide activity widget
    Contact Form 7
    CubePoints Buddypress Integration
    Email Users
    Facebook Friends Inviter
    Go Daddy Quick Setup
    Google Analytics for WordPress
    Hyper Cache
    Participants Database
    Peter’s Login Redirect
    Regenerate Thumbnails
    Spam Free WordPress
    Yet Another Related Posts Plugin


    I’ve upgraded to BuddyPress 1.7.2 in my staging area and the update went smooth. Most functions seem to work fine. However, when I tried registering a new user the above filter didn’t work. BuddyPress sent the standard activation e-mail to the new user’s e-mail instead of the admin e-mail (please read the first post in this thread to review the new member process I have).

    The function bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_to is in bp-members/bp-members-functions.php on line 1361 and I’ve verified that it’s unchanged since BuddyPress 1.6.4 which is what I’m running now. Does anyone know if there’s been any other change affecting this? Thanks!


    Hi there

    One more issue (it’s killing me). Despite having the registration disabled, emails for registration and the whole activation process stayed from buddypress. So I use WP registration template but get buddypress emails and activation – which is even NOT WORKING!

    Can you help me disable whole f*ckin BuddyPress registration&activation process so I can use only WP registration + its emails and everything?

    I appreciate your help.
    Thank you!


    @asnakea3 No trolling. If you need help, ask for it and we’ll try to help. As I mentioned in your topic, there are plenty of happy BuddyPress campers. Closing this topic.


    buddy press never worked, and will never work. do you think facebook is going to seet around let you create social network all over the web. it is not happning and this people work for facebook and they just looking how stupid we are trying to make our own social network while there is facebook out there.
    so let just give up, buddypress never work


    As I wrote, the problem is that it says my user is not activated.
    I already changed my password, that worked out fine.

    Trying to login came out with
    ERROR: Your account has not been activated. Check your email for the activation link.


    I have the same problem
    I have deactivated bb and I receive the classic mail (user and admin)
    With bb I don’t receive any mail or notification.

    I add that the new user exist is created but if I try to login in with it the message is
    ERROR: Your account has not been activated. Check your email for the activation link.


    Deactivate BuddyPress and BP plugins then check if users can receive activation email.

Viewing 25 results - 651 through 675 (of 1,427 total)
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