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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • #129132

    sorry for my bad english… oh i mean my bad php :) you mean i should create a favourite.php like the reply.php and put some code in it? and then another code in the functions.php in my theme folder? i checked the codex section but could not find anything. ithis is the last issue i have to solve. first i had ablank pages after installing. isolved it months ago>> thx to the community, then i had activation email issues. solved this too. third was that the sitewide forum did not work properly. i decided to use simple:press, which is also compatible with bp. but i have no idea how to php. man i want to learn php so bad. and i will, with time. can you explain me a last time how to fix this. i see the fav section but no threaded comments in bp_activity_functions but have no idea what to to. plzzz :)


    Are they in a spam or junk folder?

    Have you tried installing then use it to send a debug email? It can show where an email gets stuck and error codes that can be googled….


    Thanks Paul, yes I created it myself.

    I followed the convert your theme instructions and everything else appears to be working, expect my newly registered users arent getting the activation email.



    Thank you so much for your response. I read some of your insightful comments and thought about writing you a PM earlier today. I did not in order to respect your time.

    I’m using WP 3.1.1,Genesis 1.8 and Genesis Connect 1.1 with an AgentPress v 1.0 Child Theme. It turns out I thought it through and followed your advice on my own, though I didn’t do all the manual code deletions.
    Upon re-install, I still didn’t get the wizard to display or launch. Accordingly, I followed the outline provided by the link and completed the process manually.

    At this point, members are loading, activity stream is posting, and I have posted 10 forums in the group forum page.

    Missing are any data or forms on the register page. Activate ask for an activation key that I assume comes from an email. I don’t know how to create the log in for the register page????

    Should I update to AgentPress 2.0 as a possible solution.

    Thanks for any further help you may be kind enough to offer.



    I’m not sure why the activate page is still there as the email now has an automated link but I have figured a way to rectify this! Just install a wp redirection plugin and forward the activate page to whatever URL you would like! I also would recommend using the the login logout redirect plugin!


    I have the same issue! The plugin mentioned above works but I would rather get a confirmation via the email they provided!


    When clicking the link in their email, they are directed to

    That page asks for an activation key even though their account is already activated. It doesn’t mess up them making a profile or anything, it just confuses the person creating the account.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    So, let me understand; they click on the link in the email, it activates their account, and… then what? Are they not redirected back somewhere else?

    David Veldt

    Okay I have an idea, but I need something to let me know if its possible.

    Is it possible to NOT send users an activation email from Buddypress, and instead send them to a “Step 2” type of page when they submit? I’m thinking the user fills out “Step 1” which is the full profile. When they are finished, they click to go to “Step 2” which has the Aweber email submission. When they “finish,” they only receive the Awebber verification email.



    Sometimes emails end up filed as spam or junk….

    Some web-hosting providers might need you to install a wordpress plugin such as and/or

    wp-mail-smtp also has a useful debug feature and more settings…


    Sometimes emails end up filed as spam or junk….

    Some web-hosting providers might need you to install a wordpress plugin such as and/or

    wp-mail-smtp also has a useful debug feature and more settings…

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    If your server sends no emails, and you’ve tried one of these SMTP plugins and it doesn’t, you need to ask your host for advice.


    In reply to: Activation Key Problem

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    What does the link in the email look like?
    Are you using multisite or not?
    And is your site set up to use custom permalinks? Do all the other BuddyPress pages work properly? (e.g. groups, member profiles)


    In reply to: Activation Key Problem


    I was having similar issues with a Linux install. Now the registrant is not even getting the email.


    The latest buddypress ( with bp-default theme ) can use the default wordpress menu, which is under appearance section of admin.

    Some web hosting requires an extra plugin for email. has a useful feature that displays debugging information when sending a test email. Another plugin is suggested in


    Ok…..I’ll check those out to make sure I don’t have any other problem plugins…….but it’s still not re-directing to the activate page, although the activate page (to enter activation key) now exists…..and still no confirm email…..I thought I had this wrapped up, I was wrong…….


    hey even i am facing the same problem…
    user gets the email with the activation link but after clicking on the link, he/she gets redirected to the activation page where the user is asked to enter the activation key.

    how can i resolve this?


    I think we are talking about different things, I’m talking about notification emails for registered users not activation emails


    “First, i would like to thank the creator of his wonderful plugin that is free”
    First, let me mention that their is no ‘creator’ – buddypress is an excellent product by the entire community. But you can read about the core team over here – :)

    As for your issue, Just to clarify: Users can register but after recieving and clicking the activation email their account does not activate, correct?


    If the emails were not picked up by spam or junk mail filters, then your webhosting may need an extra plugin.

    See: BuddyPress isn’t sending out emails (eg. activation emails, email notifications) in

    and / or: (which has a useful debug feature)


    The activation email is not being sent out for my members registering. There is no resend button and members cannot be activated.


    In reply to: Bugs With BuddyPress


    I just installed WP3.3 & buddypress. Now when a new user register, he/she could receive an email activation link, but when they click, they were just directed to the “blog” page and not login.

    So I have to activate their user status manually … anything wrong?


    If they were not picked up by your spam or junk mail filter then your webhosting may need an extra plugin.

    See: BuddyPress isn’t sending out emails (eg. activation emails, email notifications) in

    and / or: (which has a useful debug feature)


    I had a similar issue weeks ago and nearly gave up on BuddyPress because of it. Today I tried a fresh [1] install of BuddyPress 1.5.2 with WordPress 3.2.1. I did have to wait about five minutes, but the email did come through.

    Are you getting any error messages?
    Try to log in with the new username and see if you get the error “you need to activate your account” (not verbatim) (Update: The error reads, “Your account has not been activated. Check your email for the activation link” in WordPress, I’m sure the BuddyPress error message is very close)

    [1] I didn’t change any settings from their default expect (“Anyone can register”). The only other plugins that are activated are AutoChimp and JetPack, which shouldn’t have anything to do with this issue.

    Hang in there! BuddyPress is a young project. If you persist, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.


    @r-a-y : after installing the email login plugin, i was able to login using my email address without activating my account. I need the activation thing.. is there a solution for it?

Viewing 25 results - 901 through 925 (of 1,430 total)
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