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  • #67633

    I was unsuccessful with that.

    But the bigger question is: why do the activation emails stop when BP is activated?

    I’m thinking that there’s some foul-up over the various upgrades since I installed this back in September 09, as when I do a fresh manual install on the same server/domain in a test directory, everything works fine.

    I’m wondering if backing up wp-content folder then deleting everything and re-installing a fresh WPMU/BP to existing database then re-installing avatars, images and various plugins etc. will do the trick.

    Ann Christine

    Unfortunately I have the same problem as the two of you. I am running fresh installations – newest WPMU and BP.

    It was running all fine.

    Now I (admin) get no email notifications at all – users do not receive any either. The activation emails are not being sent. The WPMU ones are not sent out either.

    I am using a catch-all email on my email host to be able to sign up with different emails on the same domain.

    First thing I was thinking was whether BP or WP was thinking all this signup from the same email domain was SPAM and therefore closing down signups from my IP or whatever.

    I have searched for answers and found this:

    Apparently some hosts do not allow automated emails to be sent out.

    (However, if my host do not allow this, how come it worked fine for two weeks?)

    Only plugin I have installed is the cets-blog-defaults. I have tried to deactivate it, but it does not help.

    This is really frustrating :(


    ok, here’s the results:

    1. created a full mirror of my live site in a test directory, including a separate copy of the database.

    2. de-activated all plugins, including buddypress

    3. chose a non-buddypress theme in admin

    4. ftp’d a fresh copy of wpmu to the directory – surprisingly, this didn’t break anything.

    5. Before re-activating any plugins, I successfully registered, all activation / notification emails worked fine.

    6. re-activated BuddyPress

    7. tried to register a new member, and now I have nothing – no activation / notification emails.

    Am I wrong to conclude this is a BuddyPress issue?


    in all my test installs of 1.2 on wp and wpmu I’ve never had an activation email for new user signups – I just assumed the feature was removed…it’s still there?


    thanks etiviti,

    just realised using BuddyPress 1.2.1 and WP (single) 2.9.2 there is no activation email sent, the account is activated automatically & the user can log in straight away.

    I am presuming this is the issue as the user doesn’t have to click an activation link?

    Mike Pratt

    @wowfood3 but activation emails are actually sent out. Why isn’t your install sending them?


    If I just go to the activate screen

    it asks for a key. But if I click from the email, i get white screen


    anyone knows any simple plugins to use for email activation on new registration?


    on wpmu it sends the activation email and on single wp it doesn’t. There might be a workaround for this and maybe a plugin.


    I have the same question on this particular issue too.

    How to setup email activation for new user on single WP + buddypress, exactly like registrating with


    What does the link in the activation email look like? What’s the “.php” bit of the URL, specifically? (is this in WPMU?)


    Found a huge problem with this (or though it seems)

    Whenever you create an account, the link to activate your account in the activation email won’t let you it through because of the redirects. Anyone else having this problem?

    Thanks for the help and the great plugin. A small but mighty one!


    In reply to: Activation Mails

    The Badger

    I’m confused by the lack activation emails too… surely it should be setup by default!?


    In reply to: Tried HipHop ?


    Wow, that’s a really impressive setup you got going at Thank you for posting this ~ I wouldn’t know where to start with hiphop yet, but I registered and noticed that the activation email is missing a backslash. I had read this statement from @rasmus and figured it’s performance gains and high scaleability would also depend on a series of other configurations like memcached and sql optimization. But something like this could prove to be as Rasmus puts it, escape from ‘framework soup’. Although seems to be running top notch on top of Nginx, but I’m sure they got all kinds of hardware and configuration tweaks going on.. ;) // all the same thanks for for the experimenting and good luck with it.

    Hugo Ashmore

    I’m somewhat at a loss as to why people debate this issue or try and state it’s a WP issue as logically that doesn’t make sense?

    As jfigura posts this is an inherent problem, I have it on a production install and it must be hugely confusing for users, and yes the only approach so far has been to modify the text and remove the WP password from the confirmation emails.

    Further testing points to the initial blog registration as being possibly the issue:

    Clean install of WP MU 2.9.1 & BuddyPress 1.2 no significant further plugins activated.

    Test Condition 1:

    WP MU with BuddyPress disabled – admin options -> Allow New Registrations ->’Only user account can be created’

    Register new user

    Receive confirmation email of new registration along with Activation key

    Activate registration

    Receive second email with account username and pass

    All as expected!

    Test Condition 2:

    WP MU with Buddypress activated – admin options for registration still set as ‘User Account only’

    Register new user

    Receive confirmation and activation key

    Activate registration – screen message stating ‘you can now login with user name and password you set’

    No further emails sent!

    Test Condition 3:

    WP MU BuddyPress still activated – admin options -> Allow New Registrations -> ‘Enabled. Blogs and user accounts can be created.’

    Register new user as well as a blog!

    Receive confirmation and activation for account and new blog

    Activate registration – screen message ‘you can now login with password you set etc etc’

    Receive further email from WP! (copied below)

    Dear User,

    Your new ********* Blogs blog has been successfully set up at:


    You can log in to the administrator account with the following information:

    Username: eggbert

    Password: 5f112917

    Login Here: http://eggs.**********

    We hope you enjoy your new blog.


    –The Team @ ******** Blogs – Sent via Site Admin options email

    So having new accounts and new blogs enabled at initial registration triggers the sending of the ‘Welcome Email’ noted above.

    clearly this is confusing as it contains the WP generated password.

    Why is it that BP registration doesn’t disable / override the WP registration completely? To my mind this IS a BP issue, but I may very well be wrong on that score as I don’t profess to have a deep understanding of the core coding involved here.

    On a sidenote:

    Testing this and the slightly odd behavior of ‘Allow New Registrations’ where option for ‘only logged in users can take a blog’ actually seems to prevent all registrations. It occurred to me that on a social community ,and from our experience, blogs are not necessarily what users register for and that I would prefer the option to have a blog be only available for registered users from their account options. what actually happens is that registration is disabled completely! Not the effect I desired. I realise this IS a WP MU issue but is simply daft behavior and that set of options needs to be re-worded to be a lot clearer as to what it really does.

    It would be great to be able to restrict blog signup to users already with account set up and remove, completely, the option to take a blog on initial signup, I have done this by simply scripting out the option / section for registering a new blog in BP register page but feel it’s not the best approach?

    There are two ways for this email to still get sent:

    1.) Your active theme does not have either /register.php or /registration/register.php in it.

    2.) You are an admin that has just added a user to your site.

    If either of those things are true, the email will get sent out.

    If you are hard pressed to make this issue go away, try adding this to your functions.php or bp-custom.php.

    /* Unhook BuddyPress wpmu email blocker */
    remove_filter( 'wpmu_welcome_user_notification', 'bp_core_disable_welcome_email' );

    function block_wpmu_email() {
    if ( is_admin() && $_GET['e'] )
    return true;

    return false;
    /* Rehook custom function */
    add_filter( 'wpmu_welcome_user_notification', 'block_wpmu_email' );

    The above routine doesn’t help us test this issue any, but it does stop the email from going through unless you add a user yourself.

    Mike Pratt

    keep in mind, it’s not “broken”. We are debating the merits of one way versus the other. There is not an email as you suggest in BP/WPMU just Activation. most sites that I join these days do not send their passowrds on signup, usually activation emails. You could always write a plugin that sends the password.


    Yes, I am running BP 1.2 beta with single-user WP, not WPMU, and it’s a fresh install of both. It’s not a huge issue, I just think philosophically that after a user signs up for a service, they should receive a confirmation email that includes a link to the site, along with their username and password, even if they chose them themselves. This, after all, is what happens with BP in WPMU, although the latter does include the activation link which I assume has been deemed to be unnecessary in the single-user WP version.

    I know from experience that users forget their logins over time, and while they can use the “forgot” link on the site, I think having an initial registration acknowledgment saved in email would be beneficial for some users. Also, it gives the site publisher an opportunity to send a greeting message to each new subscriber.

    So…any thoughts on how to make this work for me, or whether it will be fixed in the next version of BP? Thanks.

    Mike Pratt

    @snark didn’t realize you are single user WP so no activation email

    Mike Pratt

    There is not going to be an email sent with username and password (not really necessary given they just chose one) There is, in fact, an Activation email. Did you not receive that?

    (Recall the annoyed furor over site devs complaining that their users had to wait for an email with their password. Consider that addressed!)

    Mike Pratt

    @snark You forgot to mention the Activation email. Is your new user not receiving one? I just did a test registration and immediately received an email. While I agree with @Peter that plain text isn’t so bad but I also think it’s not so necessary to send the password the person literally just chose. The always have the Forgot Password link if they forgo it seconds after the fact. No real need as I see it to add a filter.


    @snark, I simply removed the function bp_core_disable_welcome_email() from bp_core_activation.php. But then the password in the welcome email is wrong, as discussed here. Haven’t been able to come up with an explanation/solution for that… :-(


    Here’s the rationale behind disabling the welcome email as quoted in bp-core-activation.php:

    * Since the user now chooses their password, sending it over clear-text to an email address is no longer necessary. It’s also a terrible idea security wise.

    I’m going to sway a little to Peter’s side and say that BP should leave this option to the site admins. I actually think there should be more options for the administrator on a fresh install.


    Still not working. I did find the filter itself in the file /plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-activation.php:

    add_filter( ‘wpmu_welcome_user_notification’, ‘bp_core_disable_welcome_email’ );

    I suppose I could just delete that line to remove the filter, but then every time BP is updated it’ll probably get overwritten and I’ll forget all about it. Not sure why your filter hook didn’t work. Any ideas?

    Thanks a million for your help — I really appreciate it.


    Which registration emails do you mean? The WPMU welcome email is disabled in BP; see function bp_core_disable_welcome_email() in bp_core_activation.php. It’s a feature…

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