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Search Results for 'activation email'

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  • benedictbani

    @prashantvatsh thanks, the email ACTIVATION Stopped but how can i change this message [You have successfully created your account! To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.] to this one message [ Your membership account is awaiting approval by the site administrator ] so my members wont be confused

    Prashant Singh
    add_filter( 'bp_core_signup_send_activation_key', 'ps_disable_activation_email' );
    function ps_disable_activation_email() {
    	return false;

    Please try this code.

    Anonymous User 16484011

    Hi !

    Is buddy press use forgot password key like sign up key !

    Let me explain you…

    what can I do with my site’s registration process. First I remove any link from signup mail template which redirect my users to blabla page for first time activating their new account. Instead of this I sent my new users to mail only key to their email when they use at the time of signup and after signup I redirect new users to the activate page which ask key from users which my system sent to their mail earlier on their mail. User must have to copy that key from their mail and paste it to activation page.

    My above system is working very fine as per my need.

    But I want to do the same with my forgot password process. I want when user click on forgot password link and enter their username or email than I want one of below option to do if possible or any plugin do ….

    1) User got an email same as per my above already worked registration process where my system sent and mail with the key and user must have to put that key on the page and they change their password.


    2) User got an email where my system automatically generate a password and sent on their email address. After that user wish to change their password they do the same after logging in with that password from their account


    3) In your mind have any idea Please let me know…

    The main purpose of that I don’t want to let you know the users about my site’s url. I know you think about Security and also think that if they have little knowledge than they have so many ways to know my site’s url. But trust me my all users don’t have that type of knowledge or if one of they have than I don’t care. I just want to do that because I want to do.

    If anyone have an idea or any of the plugin that they do the same than please let me know.



    I have zero BuddyPress experience, and very little WordPress experience; I think it’s important to open with that.

    For some reason, my activation emails are not sending. All of the other email types seem to work just fine. I have attempted a few things to correct this after searching for solutions, to include creating a new activation email, and what is listed here:

    I just set up the site today, so I am using the latest version of both WP and BP. I am using the Kleo theme, if that is of any use. I am also using GoDaddy’s managed WP hosting, if that is of any use. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time.


    Sorry for the late reply. I have contacted them and run every email test together with no issue. The plugin successful you recommended send the test email, but BuddyPress is not still sending the activation email. I am beginning to give up on buddy press.

    Prashant Singh


    BuddyPress does not send any password. It always sends an activation email and after activating your account by clicking on the link sent in the mail you have to log in with your entered password.

    There must be any third party plugin or any custom code that is sending the password in the mail.


    Prashant Singh


    Please contact your hosting providers once regarding the issue.

    Also please try this plugin once and send a test mail to check if mail is working fine, then try registering on the site and check if received activation mail or not.



    Initially, the activation email is sent to users after registration with no issues. It stopped working two days ago and I have read different online source for a solution, but none solve the problem. My website URL is I will appreciate any solution to this problem as many of my users are complaining or any other recommendations. Thank You.


    In reply to: Wrong count shows

    Prashant Singh

    Everytime I need to go back to admin section, tools -> buddypress.

    Let me explain, as you are using Memberpress registration so you are not following BuddyPress user activation process which is ‘User registers on your site and then they get an activation mail where they get a link and by clicking that they activate their account and as soon as they log in the count gets updated.’

    So here one can disable activation email and then can go to the Users screen and there can activate them manually and as soon as they log in there on the site they will be listed there.

    Normally if people are not deactivating BuddyPress activation mail then I suggest them this plugin so that their users get logged-in automatically as soon as they activate their account and in this way, BuddyPress will receive it’s active members data and count will be fine there.

    Right now it seems like you are having issues there due to Memberpress registration. I will suggest you auto-login them on registration and redirect them to their BuddyPress profile and in this way, you do not have to go and do that count fix again and again hopefully.



    We also have this problem with Version 3.2.0 on Just as described by the OP: emails contain a link that contains the activation code, but leads to a page whith an empty activation code form field, which requires manual copy and pasting of the code inside. Many of our users have reported this as a bug and requested help.

    Prashant Singh

    Members directory is from BuddyPress. Buddypress always send an activation email when a new user registers from it’s register page. If you are not following that process then certainly you are using memberpress process and have to repair the count always or else let them login and when they will access Buddypress pages they will be listed automatically.




    Can you let me know,
    1. For which I need to disable email, memberpress or something else?
    2. how I disable activation email?
    3. how I activate them manually?



    I need help please: when I update to php 7.1 the registration activation is no longer working, the registration works, but instead of the activation page a blank page shows up and the activation email is not sent. Nevertheless a new member in the wordpress database is created. With php 7.0 everything works fine. I hope someone can help me out.


    I added your code. When I register I still get this message after registering :-

    You have successfully created your account! To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.

    The expected displayed message was the above plugin instead. Also the email is not received. Probably more needs to be done.

    I tried disabling above code. Then I received the activation email. But the content of email is confusing. Just above the Activation key is written “Please prove a valid activation key” This confuses members and they try to wonder if the key mentioned in the activation key textbox is valid or not.


    Thank you very much. I tried this plugin but still the activation email contains the activation code that we have to click which opens activation page and i need to click activate. The only change I noticed is this activation page now contains additional message of this plugin


    Thank you very much. I tried this plugin but still the activation email is sent. Is the email activation unavoidable with this plugin too?


    I have noticed and received many complaints from members that the activation page takes too long to load. It sometimes takes such long time that the browser times out. Is there any solution to load this page quickly? Are there any alternative safe methods for user activation in addition to activation through email?


    — CASE: —
    as the title says…
    here’s basically what a new user have to do after registration until accessing their profile page:
    1. click activation link from email
    2. directed to /activate/blabla_somesortofcode_blabla
    3. click ‘activate’
    4. login per usual + some navigation until…
    5. arrived at profile page at /active/username

    — PROBLEM: —
    I’m hoping to skip step 3 and 4.
    So by doing some backstage abracadabra during step 2, people could magically arrive at their profile page (step 5).

    Any idea how to do it?

    I’m currently using this ‘Bp Auto Login On Activation’ plugin which basically automate step 4. But I’m still hoping I could skip step 3 too, I mean… it’s basically just clicking a button, right?

    Thank you.

    Prashant Singh

    For the activation and welcome messages you can find them in Email menu in dashboard. Find the one that you want to edit and add your text there and then test.

    If wants to do it with code then please check this

    Same for the translation. You can change the content there in the Email menu.

    Please see:



    In reply to: Activation Email

    Prashant Singh

    I think now we have to just debug using these resources:


    In reply to: Activation Email


    So I have WP Mail SMTP setup already and the emails do send, the problem is that the activation email sends in a day or so, I need that email to be sent to them right away ya know?


    Hello, I would like to manually approve our BuddyPress site registration requests. To do this, I have disabled the “activate your account” email message, and instead, approve registration requests in the “pending” area on the dashboard. However, when a person registers they see text on the Register page suggesting they will receive an email, and will be able to activate their own account. How can I change this text to avoid confusion? How can I make sure those who register are unable to activate their own accounts?

    [I tried the Eonet Manual User Approval Plug-in but this added even more contradictory text to the registration confirmation webpage, plus there appeared to be a glitch when using with BuddyPress even though the two plug-ins seem to be compatible otherwise.]
    Thanks in advance…


    In reply to: Activation Email

    Prashant Singh


    Please try these plugins : and to check if the mail sending is allowed there. After setting up the plugin please try to send a test mail first and if it works then try with activation email.

    Hopefully, it will help you.



    Hi there, I cant get the activation email to send to people who register. I have the latest version of buddypress (3.2.0) and I have also installed SMTP but nothing seems to be working.. The email test works but the activation emails wont send.

    Im using Salient as the theme
    Wordpress Version: 4.9.8
    Website Link:

    Prashant Singh


    Please put this code in child theme’s functions.php to disable BuddyPress emails
    add_filter( 'bp_email_use_wp_mail', '__return_true' );

    To mark users auto approve please use this plugin

    Hopefully, this will help.


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