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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • mvandemar

    So following the steps in this post:

    change the email ‘from’ name (BuddyPress email templates)

    I used this code:

    add_action( 'bp_email', function( $email_type, $email_obj ) {
    	$email_obj->set_reply_to( "", "My Site" );
    }, 10, 2 );
    add_action( 'bp_email', function( $email_type, $email_obj ) {
    	$email_obj->set_from( "", "My Site" );
    }, 10, 2 );

    This partially worked. The signup emails going to the registrant now have the correct From address, but the notifications going to the admin have the WordPress administrator email listed as the From. I believe this is an issue because both the to and from are now a Gmail address, ie. To: and From:, and Gmail is kicking them back as untrusted. How do I get it to change the From email in all cases? Note that I am using the Buddyboss theme, if that makes a difference. Since the above code isn’t checking for the value of $email_type I would have thought it would just work on all of the emails, but the code is also 3 years old so guessing some things may have changed.

    Edit: Also, will Buddypress play well with plugins that allow you to send authenticated emails via SMTP or IMAP, such as WP Mail SMTP by WPForms? I feel that might alleviate the issues we are having but it would be good to know if there’s anything special we need to do before going down that road, thanks.



    Topic: Restrict Message

    in forum Showcase


    I use wordpress with learndash and buddyboss’ theme. I should like know if is possible between users restrict message, user could send message teacher’s lesson only. Can you help me please?


    Howdy, BuddyPress friends!

    I have been working on a project for fun and have been enjoying the laying out of items and adding plugin functionality a bit much here lately. So much so, in fact, that I put the testing phase on the back shelf for a bit.

    When I was attempting to request membership from a test account to a private group that my admin account was the creator of, I ran into an issue: I can get to the request page (/groups/test-group/request-membership/?_wpnonce=47febc75fe) by clicking the link to do so and then am presented with a textarea for request comments, however when I submit the form (with or without comments) I am taken back to the group’s main page (/groups/test-group/) and am presented with “There was an error sending your group membership request. Please try again.” The request does not come through (not in BP’s notifications, e-mail, pending requests, etc.) at all.

    At first this was a minor irritation because I could go to the group as the admin and invite the test account to join the group. There I am presented with a checkbox for my test account’s name, as well as a submit button; however when clicking on the checkbox, the form instantly submits without ever sending an invite. I even attempted to modify the live source to set the field to checked, attempted to submit, and received a success message stating my invite was sent, but of course it never was.

    I have checked the list of plugins I have on my site, disabled a few I didn’t necessarily need, and have checked each of the remaining to see if there’s any sort of conflict between plugins affecting groups, but to no avail. This functionality is key to the use of groups for my project, so I would sincerely appreciate any advice from more knowledgeable members of the BP community.

    Some support information, including a list of active plugins, can be found below. Please note that any plugin with ** beside it came bundled with the theme.

    == Server Environment ==
    	Operating System: Linux
    	Software: Apache/2.4.6
    	MySQL version: MariaDB Server v5.5.61-MariaDB-38.13
    	PHP Version: 7.2.24
    	PHP Max Input Vars: 2500
    	PHP Max Post Size: 64M
    	GD Installed: Yes
    	ZIP Installed: Yes
    	Write Permissions: All right
    	Elementor Library: Connected
    == WordPress Environment ==
    	Version: 5.3.2
    	WP Multisite: No
    	Max Upload Size: 64 MB
    	Memory limit: 512M
    	Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
    	Language: en-US
    	Timezone: America/New_York
    	Debug Mode: Inactive
    == Theme ==
    	Name: Gwangi
    	Version: 2.1.1
    	Author: Themosaurus
    	Child Theme: No
    == User ==
    	Role: administrator
    	WP Profile lang: en_US
    	User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36
    == Active Plugins ==
    	(BuddyDev) BP Auto Login on Activation
    		Version: 1.0.3
    		Author: Brajesh Singh
    	Author Avatars List**
    		Version: 1.18
    		Author: Paul Bearne
    	Awesome Weather Widget
    		Version: 3.0.2
    		Author: Hal Gatewood
    		Version: 2.6.3
    		Author: The bbPress Contributors
    	BP Messages Tool
    		Version: 2.1
    		Author: PhiloPress
    	BP Profile Search
    		Version: 5.2.4
    		Author: Andrea Tarantini
    		Version: 5.1.2
    		Author: The BuddyPress Community
    	BuddyPress Default Cover Photo
    		Version: 1.6.0
    		Author: SeventhQueen
    	BuddyPress Extended Friendship Request
    		Version: 1.2.0
    		Author: BuddyDev Team
    	BuddyPress Reorder Tabs
    		Version: 2.0.1
    		Author: BuddyBoss
    	BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types
    		Version: 1.1.3
    		Author: BuddyDev
    	Classic Editor
    		Version: 1.5
    		Author: WordPress Contributors
    	Classic Editor Addon
    		Version: 2.6.0
    		Author: Pieter Bos, Greg Schoppe
    	Dashboard Notepad
    		Version: 1.42
    		Author: Stephanie Leary
    	Easy Custom Sidebars**
    		Version: 1.0.10
    		Author: Titanium Themes
    		Version: 2.8.3
    	Envato Market
    		Version: 2.0.3
    		Author: Envato
    	Essential Addons for Elementor
    		Version: 3.7.1
    		Author: WPDeveloper
    		Version: 1.2.5
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock Animate**
    		Version: 1.1.0
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for Author Avatars List**
    		Version: 1.0.4
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for bbPress**
    		Version: 1.0.3
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for BuddyPress**
    		Version: 1.1.4
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for Elementor**
    		Version: 1.0.1
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for Jetpack**
    		Version: 1.0.4
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for Testimonials by WooThemes**
    		Version: 1.1.0
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock for The Events Calendar**
    		Version: 1.1.2
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock Hero**
    		Version: 1.0.7
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock Isotope**
    		Version: 1.0.7
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Grimlock Login**
    		Version: 1.0.10
    		Author: Themosaurus
    	Hide Admin Bar
    		Author: Shelby DeNike
    	If Menu - Visibility control for menu items
    		Version: 0.15
    		Author: Layered
    	Kirki Customizer Framework**
    		Version: 3.0.45
    		Author: Ari Stathopoulos
    		Version: 1.4.6
    		Author: BuddyDev
    	Menu Image**
    		Version: 2.9.5
    		Author: Rui Guerreiro
    	Simple Buddypress Profile Privacy
    		Version: 0.7.9
    		Author: Justin Hansen
    	Social Articles
    		Version: 2.9.5
    		Author: Broobe
    	The Events Calendar
    		Version: 4.9.14
    		Author: Modern Tribe, Inc.
    	UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore
    		Version: 1.16.21
    		Author: UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson
    	Verified Member for BuddyPress**
    		Version: 1.1.1
    		Author: Themosaurus
    == Must-Use Plugins ==
    	Gateway Relay
    		Version: 1.0
    		Author: Arnold Bailey (Incsub)
    	WPMU Assist
    		Version: 1.0.2
    		Author: Arnold Bailey (Incsub)
    == Elements Usage ==
    	wp-page : 12
    		eael-adv-tabs : 1
    		google_maps : 1
    		image-carousel : 1
    		shortcode : 1
    		text-editor : 1
    		wp-widget-grimlock_author_avatars_section_widget : 1
    		wp-widget-grimlock_posts_section_widget : 1
    		wp-widget-grimlock_query_section_widget : 1
    		wp-widget-grimlock_section_widget : 3
    		wp-widget-grimlock_the_events_calendar_tribe_events_section_widget : 1
    == Log ==
    PHP: showing 1 of 1PHP: 2020-01-02 10:43:38 [error X 1][/home/*****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/elementor.php::97] Cannot redeclare elementor_fail_wp_version() (previously declared in /home/*****/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/elementor.php:97) [array (
      'trace' => '
    #0: Elementor\Core\Logger\Manager -> shutdown()
    JS: showing 1 of 1JS: 2020-01-11 16:50:05 [error X 1][https://*****/wp-content/plugins/grimlock/assets/js/navigation-stick-to-top.js?ver=1.2.5:27:45] Cannot read property \'top\' of undefined

    I’ve started these adjustments by first creating new profile fields for the headline and user location by going to BuddyBoss > Profiles > add new field, making a note of their id’s in the url. I then found a relevant tutorial on the Buddypress codex “Displaying Extended Profile Fields on Member Profiles” but it seems to be based on and older version of Buddypress. I found out some current hooks in the user profile header are bp_before_member_header_meta below the main display name and bp_before_member_in_header_meta below that. So I added the headline and user location, as well as the nickname/handle with this code based on the linked tutorial in my child themes functions.php file:

    add_action( 'bp_before_member_header_meta', 'display_user_nickname' );
    function display_user_nickname() {
    	$args = array(
    	'field' => 3,
    $user_nickname = bp_get_profile_field_data ( $args );
    if( $user_nickname ) {
    	echo '<span class="mention-name">@' . $user_nickname . '</span>';
    add_action( 'bp_before_member_in_header_meta', 'display_user_headline' );
    function display_user_headline() {
    	$args = array(
    		'field' => 12,
    	$user_headline_copy = bp_get_profile_field_data ( $args );
    	if( $user_headline_copy ) {
    		echo $user_headline_copy;
    add_action( 'bp_before_member_in_header_meta', 'display_user_location' );
    function display_user_location() {
    	$args = array(
    		'field' => 16,
    	$user_location = bp_get_profile_field_data ( $args );
    	if( $user_location ) {
    		echo '<br />' . $user_location;

    With that, the headline and user location were added (I used a line-break to separate them the way I wanted it), but it left me with two instances of the nickname/handle: the pre-existing one and the new one that I just added. I tried to remove the pre-existing one using:
    remove_action( 'bp_before_member_in_header_meta', 'bp_displayed_user_mentionname' );

    That is exactly the function used to output the mentionname of a displayed user according to the documentation, but it didn’t work and I still would’ve had to figure out how to remove the span class and @ symbol that’s there too anyways. So I copied the file, \buddyboss-theme\buddypress\members\single\member-header.php, into my child theme and deleted lines 44-50:

    <?php if ( bp_is_active( ‘activity' ) && bp_activity_do_mentions() ) : ?>
        <span class=”mention-name”>@<?php bp_displayed_user_mentionname(); ?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ( bp_is_active( ‘activity' ) && bp_activity_do_mentions() && bp_nouveau_member_has_meta() ) : ?>
        <span class=”separator”>•</span>
    <?php endif; ?>

    But to my eternal consternation, that did not work either! (yes I duplicated the same path)

    That’s where I’m currently standing:

    • I need to figure out if there is a hook to the right of the display name or just create one.
    • I need to figure out a way to remove unwanted meta that are currently there in the header – I’m a little suspicious that these are being generated in some kind of loop that remove_action doesn’t have any effect on (bp_nouveau_member_meta?). If so, I need to figure out how to add/remove meta from that loop instead of using add_ remove_ action hooks.
    • Once I do all of that I need to figure out if there’s a hook just below the user profile image and use that to move the “connect,” “follow,” and “message” buttons.
    • I will then need to locate the code that’s generating the cog icon for the user settings and copy/paste that into the hook to the right of the display name, floating right to place it in the upper right hand corner of the user profile header.

    It appears as though I’m really putting tech support over at BuddyBoss to the test with these requests, so I would really appreciate any suggestions if anyone has any to offer over here!



    BuddyBoss User Profile Header Adjustments


    A newbie here chiming in,

    Buddyboss looks promising. I bought a license for the boss theme to use with their fork of the platform. Some observational points:

    The boss theme is nice, but is missing some very basic functions on the mobile version (search being one). Support would not say when it would be implemented, just that it is “on the todo list”

    There is no dedicated support forum for buddyboss (at least that I can find). As a paying user, you do get access to the support ticketing system. But a forum for (even paying) users would be nice.

    Their feature “roadmap” is “coming soon” and has been for at least a month

    Their ‘Get Support’ is also “coming soon”

    Their “Contribute’ is also coming soon

    At this time they are giving a hard sell on their product licenses. Including a “lifetime deal” for $1000.

    Don’t get me wrong, as a developer I am happy to pay for features that will serve my customers, but without the above items (especially the feature roadmap), I am very reluctant to shell out more cash for something that “might (never) be”.

    So for now it is a waiting game with a periodic pinging of their website to see when and if anything changes.


    Thanks for your input Cool Hunt. Can you direct me to any BuddyBoss or BuddyPress site which I could join as a user? Is there perhaps a directory of such sites somewhere?


    @nukeban buddyboss is running I am/was a customer

    You should give there boss theme a try. It’s very turnkey. They also have a theme called one social that works really well. Both out of the box works fantastic


    Here’s 2 cents of input from a new comer…

    It’s great that BuddyPress is free, that’s certainly an important part of the market to serve, and I applaud members for doing so. Truly.

    However, there’s a downside to free too, nobody is obligated to the user, as is the case with paid software. So for example, if I were to succeed in my goals I’d have a social site full of serious professional people, who aren’t going to be easy for me to attract as they are already quite busy. I can’t afford to invest tons of time in winning them over, and then have some software let me down.

    So I’m looking for some situation such as I have with a paid account, where if something technical goes wrong they jump on it immediately and fix it, and I can stay focused on content, marketing, networking etc. The WordPress support team says they would help me with BuddyPress if they could, but it’s not their software so there’s only so much help I can expect, which seems entirely reasonable to me.

    I could come here for assistance, but I would have paid the BuddyPress team nothing, so it wouldn’t be reasonable for me to expect help unless somebody just happens to feel like it on that particular day.

    So as seen from here, BuddyBoss is not really competing with BuddyPress, but providing a different kind of service, a commercial service. The downside with BuddyBoss, best I can tell, is that BuddyBoss isn’t really up and running yet. You know, they’ve been unable to point me to a single one of their client’s sites, a limitation they explained to me quite promptly and politely. has a theme which offers some level of social site features, but so far I’ve been unable to make any sense of it. If it’s confusing to me, it will likely also be to any new users I am able to attract.

    So my first impression is that BuddyPress appears to be interesting hobby software generously provided for free, but if I want a more serious setup I’ll have to start looking beyond the WordPress environment.

    Buddy Quaid

    I have an update for adding situations… since nobody from BuddyPress helps or seems to get on this site anymore, I guess I’ll post this for anyone who needs this.

    (Maybe that’s why BuddyBoss came out?)

    Anyway, I got the situations to show up by going changing to:

    plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-taxonomy.php and changing line #39 ‘show_in_menu’ to true instead of false.

    This makes it show up and you can change everything and add new ones.


    @buddyboss Hey Michael!

    I totally understand what you mean. I feel the same way about WordPress. Even simple whitespace changes there become endless discussions that result in no changes and no agreement, and worse… no fun.

    My own personal concern here, comes from everyone involved in BuddyPress purposely trying to create an inviting, open, fun, rewarding experience to contribute to the project, and seeing talented folks like yourselves choose to compete instead of collaborate is the opposite of the target we are shooting for as a project.

    What more could BuddyPress have done? What could the team have done differently? I’ve never really seen much in the way of upstream improvements or recommendations or requests in Trac or the forums from your team. Not that it’s necessary. Not that it’s expected. But there isn’t a history of anyone saying no or shutting y’all down.

    I applaud the independence. I wish all y’all nothing but the best. And I hope BuddyPress is inspired from the creativity and inventiveness that BuddyBoss is known for.


    I’m totally new to the BuddyPress universe. So far I’ve been unable to find any site which uses either BuddyPress or BuddyBoss. I’m sure they exist, just can’t find them. Posted that question on this forum, no reply yet. Emailed BuddyBoss, and they politely informed me they have no way of connecting me with any of their client sites so that I can try their system.
    Gotta say, so far my first impression is that none of this is ready for prime time.

    FYI, while I’m ignorant of all things BuddyPress, I have been working online since 1995 and have coded my own blog and forum software from scratch.

    Anyway, I’m hoping to be able to join anybody’s BuddySomething site so I can experience this software as a user. Activism sites would be ideal, but any site will do. Thanks for any advice.


    Hi Christian Wach, thank you. Shortly after I found buddyboss and I’m testing if it works for what I need it



    Thank you for clarifying. I was a bit confused how the new buddyboss system worked. For sure – choosing between Ultimate Member vs Buddyboss – I’d definitely choose Buddyboss because of its pedigree in the BP community.

    Thanks for great software and keep up the fire!



    Somehow my last comment got deleted so posting again. This is Michael here.

    I really appreciate the nice things you posted here about BuddyBoss. I’ve also enjoyed hanging out with you at many WordCamps, going years back. Our issues with BuddyPress are not that it is coded poorly or anything like that, I think the developers have done a tremendous job with what is there, and appreciate everything you have contributed to the project personally. Our main issue is just that it has evolved really slowly over the past 5 years, and the market has gotten way more competitive in that timeframe. This has hurt our ability to grow as a company. Customers are leaving BuddyPress and switching to more feature complete SaaS solutions. But then at the same time, they want to be able to customize everything like you can do in WordPress, and then they are stuck. There really is no solution available that has all the features people want, and is also available to customize and extend. So we are trying to address that for our customers. At the end of the day, BuddyPress is free to copy anything we do and merge or adapt it into BuddyPress; open source works both ways. Hopefully there are not too many hard feelings, we’re all working toward the same goal, but as you said, in different directions.


    @hochingj Replying to your comment:

    With as much as @buddyboss depends on buddypress and with how much they charge, I sure hope they are doing the ethical thing and donating to the buddypress group that they are profiting off of.

    I think there is some misunderstandings here. First it is important to know that the BuddyBoss Platform is 100% free and open source. We do not charge for it, you can download it and develop on it for free right now. We are providing a feature rich and actively maintained plugin and we are funding all of the development and documentation for it out of pocket, and not charging anything for it. We did this because our business previously did depend on BuddyPress and our customers didn’t like what BuddyPress was offering, and we believed we could provide a better solution that met our customer’s needs, and so that is exactly what we did.

    Our solution is open source just like BuddyPress, and we will open it up to contributors on Github shortly. If you want to contribute to our platform we will welcome you with open arms. Our only goal is to provide a great service to our customers, and our features are driven entirely by customer feedback.

    We are profiting only on our theme, whose code is not pulling from anything created by the BuddyPress community. We no longer depend on BuddyPress to any extent for our new products so there is nothing for us to contribute to. We are contributing to the actual users of BuddyPress, by giving away a free version of BuddyPress that is more feature rich and developed at a faster pace, and is backwards compatible to BuddyPress, but not dependent on BuddyPress for its current and future development.

    If you fast forward to a year from now our plugin will be very different from BuddyPress, even more so than it already is. The differences are big enough that it would have made little sense to try to do this through BuddyPress. We cannot depend on others to do what our customer base is asking us for. We need to move really fast, and BuddyPress moves really slow, and is actively adverse to growing its feature set too large. But our customers do not want a streamlined plugin, they do not want to depend on other plugins. They want all of the community features out of the box and integrated with each other, and as much as possible, they want that right now. We need the ability to take common requests and build solutions to those requests, without having to ask permission to someone else first. This is what our customers want from us and our obligation is to our customers above all else.


    Hello all – I’d like to agree with the quote below from @johnjamesjacoby

    I believe BuddyPress is, still to this day, the single most important piece of software on the open web. It empowers anyone to foster free and open dialogue with the privacy and freedom of having their own website on their own hardware, while also being powerful enough to scale up and grow as a community of people garners momentum. And it empowers people like the folks at BuddyBoss to grow even beyond BuddyPress itself.

    – Any cool improvements that can be ported back to buddypress would be appreciated I’m sure (^_^)

    – yes there are issues I agree, its not been easy and I refer you to the quote above from @johnjamesjacoby | lol @ below, funee and looks like we are in the same boat together!

    Does anyone have a good simple beautiful free theme that just works for BP.
    Im using 2020 on a project and its horrible…
    please please help obiwan save us

    – BuddyDev website is very nice, good work.

    No-on active in the IRC channel? Some other communities I follow have nice integrations with IRC and Slack.

    I’d love to contribute any way that I can and have registered to show my support for “the single most important piece of software on the open web”

    Great work, thank you


    Hello Team,

    I’d greatly appreciate support fixing this issue that has plagued my site for the last year and has caused me to abandon the hopes of finally finishing my work. In essence, my admin account is flagged as a spammer by BuddyPress across my entire multi-site network! I am not sure where it started, although I have a hunch it was caused by the plugin “Join My Multisite”. Either way, I have deactivated all plugins and created new sites on my network from scratch but as soon as I install BuddyPress the admin account will be marked as a spammer! This is a huge problem because my site uses BuddyBoss theme, which is powered by BuddyPress! I am in extreme need of assistance here! Please and thank you.

    Here is another thread with a user experiencing a similar issue:


    In reply to: Extend Profiles


    I stand by what I said.

    makes great themes and products but its premium.
    — as great as the free plugin is.. –a site administrator will benefit great by implement the buddyboss premium theme.

    Dare I say that — the free plugin looses its appeal without the utilization of a premium theme.

    I personally love the “Boss.” theme ($129USD) and the “OneSocial” theme($99USD). — Though I havent used them in the past 2 years – I suspect they are still of great quality. I also havent used the “BuddyBoss Theme” (Which starts at $228USD)

    The new Buddyboss Theme looks a lot like FB and seems like a great option for someone that wants a great looking turnkey solution.


    In reply to: Extend Profiles


    The BuddyBoss Platform plugin is free.
    Their themes and support for the Platform are not free.

    Go here to get the free plugin – scroll down to
    “Download the free BuddyBoss Platform Plugin”


    In reply to: Extend Profiles


    If you want something turnkey.. i’d go with @buddyboss

    – its pretty fast to get started
    – it works out of the box
    – its literally the fastest and easiest way to get what you described (there theme even looks like FB)
    – premium (not free)

    (disclaimer: I dont work for buddyboss nor am i an affiliate)



    although BP works with any theme.. i often find myself add too much BP specific CSS tweaks in the customizer

    Im trying to keep things as simple as possible and even with twenty seventeen theme – there are some css tweaks that need to happen.

    it makes sense — simply because WP is “blog first” so most content is goofy on how it renders and presents BP pages.

    As far as I can tell buddyboss is the only game in town that does a great job of having clean design and straighforward code.

    my BP-Theme-wish list

    1) BP first *which focuses on great Activity page presentation, Members Directory Presentation & Great Member profiles.

    2) Mobile First approach would be super awesome. Most people view profiles and not necessarily doing actual “activity” post. So if someone can figure out a great way to render fast and beautiful activity/members-directory/member-profiles that is very readable on mobile it would be super awesoome.

    3) Great use of Menus/Accordions — The way BP works right now on members pages is TERRIBLE on mobile. You have scroll past the cover photo -> then pass the Avatar –> then pass 4 menu items to see any content of the users in the Members Profiles page.

    4) Great use of Member Profile Fields — I think by default as a “2 column table layout” to render the profile fields is not great.

    **I totally understand that the newest release of BP has interesting pre-built options but even with the default twenty-twenty theme it doesnt look great.

    Some thoughts..

    — The username in the profile page when too long looks weird and awkward — using CSS to ‘breakword’ is OK.
    — The Profile Field Name should be studied on how to render that well..
    — The Profile Field entries like (text fields, radial buttos, list, etc..) should have a better readable standard implementation like.. *This one is hard because you dont know the exact uses of each unique BP installs..
    — The Menus should be “slidable” on mobile so that the user doesnt have to scroll all the way down to start reading whats on that persons profile.

    *** It would be great if someone (some BP expert) post an Ultimate BP/CSS guide that shows how to target each of the BP specific elements… without doing theme surgery.. like a cut&paste into the CSS customizer –BONUS if it can include media queries 🙂

    anyway.. rant over..



    I think it would be an amazing achievement!
    *Ironically – even – though BP “works” with any theme. 🙂

    Seriously, its a bit of a holy grail to find an official WP theme from that works beautifully with CP.

    Most of the themes out there have a “blog first” approach — which isnt bad — BUT I would love to see a free theme that does the basics of BP extremely well.

    For now.. I typically tend to use Twenty Seventeen Theme.. or try to use @buddyboss if i have cash to spare..

    im deeply bummed that twenty twenty theme doesnt look great using BP

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