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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #257668
    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    if you are a non coder would suggest you look at this paid plugin

    BuddyPress User Blog

    does what u need


    In reply to: Front-End Publishing


    I have used buddyblog which requires BP simple front end post from the same developer and I have also used User Blog They have different interfaces but function similarly.


    @Buddycore — not entirely familiar with that process so I can’t speak to it, thanks for your continued suggestions though.

    — good idea except for the fact that I use theme from BuddyBoss that has an infinite scroll activity stream, so my goal was to make it work with that as opposed to the way around and having to set a paginated activity. Thanks for the ingestion though — I may use that plugin for other parts of the site.


    Thank you for your help. Problem solved. It was a theme issue. I use buddyboss theme “Sensei”. Just applied the theme update and the problem solved.


    Hi, I’m getting these errors for BP Remove Profile Links plugin and would like to know how to address, thanks

    [Sat Aug 06 11:09:33.881878 2016] [:error] [pid 8371] [client] PHP Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method bphelp_remove_profile_links::remove_xprofile_links() should not be called statically in /nas/content/live/sitename/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 525
    [Sat Aug 06 11:09:36.259489 2016] [:error] [pid 19510] [client] PHP Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method bphelp_remove_profile_links::remove_xprofile_links() should not be called statically in /nas/content/live/sitename/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 525, referer:

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running?

    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?
    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?
    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?
    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.
    6. Which version of BP are you running?
    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?
    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?
    Version | By LearningTimes | View details

    BadgeOS Community Add-On
    Version 1.2.3 | By Credly | View details

    Version 2.5.10 | By The bbPress Community | View details

    Boss for Sensei
    Version 1.0.9 | By BuddyBoss | Visit plugin site

    BP Remove Profile Links
    Version 1.2 | By @bphelp | Visit plugin site

    BuddyBoss One Click Installer
    Version 1.0.3 | By BuddyBoss | Visit plugin site

    Version 2.6.2 | By The BuddyPress Community | View details

    BuddyPress for Sensei
    Version 1.1.1 | By BuddyBoss | View details

    BuddyPress Global Search
    Version 1.1.4 | By BuddyBoss | View details

    PHP Compatibility Checker
    Version 1.1.2 | By WP Engine | View details

    Version 1.9.6 | By WooThemes | View details

    Sensei Course Participants
    Version 1.1.3 | By WooThemes | View details

    Sensei Media Attachments
    Version 1.0.0 | By WooThemes | View details

    Version 1.1.11 | By WPBakery | Visit plugin site

    Version 2.6.4 | By WooThemes | View details | Docs | API Docs | Premium Support

    WooCommerce Helper
    Version 1.7.0 | By WooCommerce | Visit plugin site

    WPBakery Visual Composer
    Version 4.12 | By Michael M – | Visit plugin site

    9. Are you using the standard WordPress theme or customized theme?
    Boss.Version: 2.2.2

    10. Have you modified the core files in any way?

    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?

    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?
    Version 2.5.10

    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.
    [Sat Aug 06 11:09:33.881878 2016] [:error] [pid 8371] [client] PHP Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method bphelp_remove_profile_links::remove_xprofile_links() should not be called statically in /nas/content/live/sitename/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 525
    [Sat Aug 06 11:09:36.259489 2016] [:error] [pid 19510] [client] PHP Strict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method bphelp_remove_profile_links::remove_xprofile_links() should not be called statically in /nas/content/live/sitename/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 525, referer:

    14. Which company provides your hosting?



    I am new to wordpress and launced a buddypress site recently.

    I want to customize the registration confirmation text and the text on the top of registration page “Registering for this site is easy. Just fill in the fields below, and we’ll get a new account set up for you in no time.”.

    I changed and saved both text in the register.php file but no effect. Register page still shows the old Text. I tried deactivating BuddyPress and re-activating again. even that did not help.

    I am using BuddyPress 2.5.3 with BuddyBoss theme version 2.1.3

    Appreciate your help to solve this. Thanks in Advance.



    i think buddyboss people would help u more on this as its their theme


    check this @daragott …. danbp has given live examples

    2.2 Member Types – Setting user member types during registration (xProfile)

    this is a paid plugin

    BuddyPress Member Types

    this is a free plugin by brajesh

    BuddyPress Xprofile Member Type Field

    just google “buddypress member types” this would be in top 10 results


    I use buddyboss media plugin


    There are now BuddyPress links for WordPress menus:

    How do I display the user avatar photo, though? BuddyPress forum itself does it, but I think it’s a slighly different approach as its the WP admin bar:

    View post on

    But that’s the effect I’m going for, for my main header menu.

    The BuddyBoss theme exhibits this nicely with their user profile dropdown menu:

    View post on

    How do I display the photo alongside the profile menu link?


    Activity stream updates support oEmbed for popular sites you can see supported sites here

    If you want direct uploading on the activity stream there are a few plugin choices that exist. I think one is called RTMedia and there is also one from BuddyBoss.

    With regard to activity posts going to the top on older items. I can’t help you with that at the moment, maybe someone else will come along.


    I just bought the Buddyboss marketplace solution. What I am about to build is a marketplace for physical products. The products will be delivered by hand, not posted.

    As what I can tell the Buddyboss marketplace solution gives us the opportunity to offer transactions and shipping. Although, what I am looking for is simply a catalog of products where buyers can browse through and contact the vendors to schedule a meet-up (they will solve the payment on their own). With this I would instead want the ability to charge the vendors for every product that is uploaded.

    Is there any way of solving this? I was recommended a plugin for disabling Woocommerce.
    Woocommerce Catalog Visibility Options
    It could work, though I still need a way to charge vendors to upload products.

    Please leave a comment if you have any idea how to solve this. Thanks!



    @strothi – I’ve split your post into a new topic.

    Regarding your error, I’m guessing it is a problem with the BuddyBoss Reorder Tabs plugin.

    Can you confirm? If not, can you list all your BuddyPress plugins?

    Slava Abakumov

    You can use BuddyPress Member Types Generator plugin to create members types.

    Or use BuddyPress Member Types plugin, they have a bit different functionality. The 2nd one seems to have more features.

    Different “Types of feeds” is not easily achievable, only with custom coding.

    Custom login and registration pages – lots of solutions for custom login. Custom registration page is limited to BuddyPress, there is no plugin, that can do anything with it. You will need to dive into templating and custom styles.


    Upon further reading, my issue was occurring with the BuddyBoss Reorder Tabs plugin.

    I have contacted the developer. My apologies for bothering you @r-a-y


    Hi all,

    I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the following error after updating to BP 2.6.0 on WP 4.5.3?

    PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function get_primary() on a non-object in /dom16030/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/classes/class-bp-core-bp-nav-backcompat.php on line 220

    The error seems to be triggered when I am in the admin. It occurred there on Sunday morning while refreshing a page in the admin panel. I restored from the previous day’s backup and signed in as a different user which was working as usual on the front end. It wasn’t until I signed in as an admin again and went through a refresh in the admin panel that it triggered the same error. The result of the error, locks me out of the site (white screen of death.)

    I am using the OneSocial theme by BuddyBoss and have contacted them as well. I should also note that my installation of BP is on a MultiSite Network hosted with Pagely and the rest of the sites (13 total) on the network without BP installations are running fine (front end and admin.)

    The specific site is (I have since deactivated BP.)

    Perhaps you might be willing to have a look @r-a-y if this isn’t too pesty. Otherwise, I’ll be patient, but any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.


    I’m getting a blank page for all groups, and some topics (I can’t see a pattern yet to which topics are blank). It’s so blank that there is nothing in “view source” at all (usually when it’s a theme problem I get something there, like basic body/html tags – just not enough to build a page).

    I’m getting ready to test for theme issues. But I definitely determined that a rollback to the previous version fixes the problem.

    EDIT: I should mention that it happens in TWO themes: BuddyBoss and Zerif Pro. So I suspect it’s a BP or plugin problem, not theme.

    I realize, however, that this could be a different problem than you have reported, so I will just watch this thread, and start a separate one if my problem persists.



    Website is
    WP Version is 4.5.2
    BuddyPress is 2.5.3

    SO the theme I’m using (BuddyBoss) actually allows for tagging to occur in blog posts. (or in this case a custom post type)

    Is there a way to trigger a notification based on that? Replies I think trigger but it would be nice to have a notification that says “user tagged you in a comment”


    I would like them to be able to Register as well as Log in using their Facebook account

    use plugin wordpress social like a charm

    I want users to register for blogging

    you want your users to blog from the bp frontend? if yes you need to use the following paid plugin

    BuddyPress User Blog


    In reply to: Theme suggestion


    on buddyboss @djpaul they were excellent when they came up with the buddyboss theme…now they got multiple themes and plugins..and if you would check their support forums you would see the user feedback on their new themes now including the boss theme as well


    I’m running into this same error when trying to delete the cover photo. Any luck with this?

    I’m pretty sure this worked before — not sure if an update was done on a plugin that may have changed this. Or the BuddyBoss theme?


    In reply to: Theme suggestion


    I have Boss from buddyboss and it is just great (I also have the wall + photos plugins).
    Very much recommended.


    In reply to: Theme suggestion

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    My favourites are at buddyboss; they look great and are coded really well –


    buddyblog is a paid plugin…you need to ask buddyboss guys…raise a ticket with them

Viewing 25 results - 451 through 475 (of 681 total)
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