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I’m new to buddypress and trying to figure out to get it working. I installed Buddypress. I guess I configured it correctly as everything shows up in my menu as intended.
But from there on out I seem to hit a rock as the buddypress pages do not show correctly. My menubar shows vertically and nothing is displayed correctly.
I can’t even find a way to edit the Buddypress pages. I can’t find them between my pages and editing the on the pages itself is not possible is either.
What am I missing?
I use
WP Version 6.4.2
Divi Version: 4.23.4 with Child Theme: Molti Version: 1.2.1
BuddyPress Version 12.0.0
Paid Memberships Pro Version 2.12.7
Paid Memberships Pro – BuddyPress & BuddyBoss Add On Version 1.4.1Hello. When I click on the name of another user in our Forum, it currently redirects us to an account restricted page and not their profile. I have been checking BP settings but I do not see any setting to unrestrict it at the moment,
I am new to WP in general but I do think that viewing other profiles should be possible. Not sure if there is a setting somewhere that will allow this function. As mentioned, the users are clickable right now but when I do click it, it redirects me to a restricted access page.
We are using Version 12.0.0
Link to our forums: are the plugins currently activated:
Avada Builder
Avada Core
Basic User Avatars
BetterDocs Pro
Classic Widgets
Google Analytics
Paid Memberships Pro
Paid Memberships Pro – bbPress Add On
Paid Memberships Pro – BuddyPress & BuddyBoss Add On
Paid Memberships Pro – Donations
Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening
User Menus
WP User Profile Avatar
WPForms LiteTopic: How are you managing forums?
Hi all,
How are folks managing forums? Are you using BBPress?
To me BBPress seems like what ultimately works best with Buddypress.
I was once a BuddyBoss user and the bloat was slowing down my site and then not playing well with a theme I transitioned to for speed.
How are you managing forums along with groups?
Many Thanks!
Hello, I’ve installed several plugins (according to internet) to do this but I can’t find anywhere how to allow members to create their store.
The profile only displays their order. No information on how to create a store with products.
How can I do this?
My plugin :
BuddyBoss Platform
BP Classic
BuddyPress Integration for WooCommerce
WC Vendors MarketplaceHello BuddyPress,
First of all thank you for your work on creating the plugin.
Second, I have a problem with a client’s website I’m currently building. We have run into an issue that when, uploading avatars by mobile, it compresses down the picture so much that it becomes blurry. It is not because of the image used. I have made sure I’ve uploaded a huge resolution photo to discard that.
Where I see the problem is, BuddyPress somehow compresses the image to make it fit the phone screen, (it maybe makes it 150×150 for what I’ve read so far in the documentation), and then gives you the option to crop the image.
The expect behaviour should be that the image retains the original “full” size, but shrinks down so it fits the mobile screen and you can crop/select whatever you desire.
I hope I am explaining myself.
I see that this bug is not new and has been around for several years, and so far, I haven’t been able to find any fix other than what is explained here, but then it stops the image from being responsive. (Anything further than 600 breaks the image hence you can’t see what you’re cropping).
Is there a way to fix this, so the image retains the full quality when uploaded? I’ve set in place filters to retain 100% of quality image so wordpress doesn’t reescale them either (But you can give me more tips regarding this as well). An alternative solution would be to just disable the cropping part when uploading avatar.
Currently I’m using the theme called Gwangi, but it doesn’t matter, because it also happens with Twenty-Twenty-One, and the forked version of buddypress Buddyboss. I’m guessing all the webpages built with buddypress have the same issue, as the ones I’ve checked so far run into the same problem. I’ve disabled CDN and everything else that could cause caching and rendering of images.
Thank you for your time.
Topic: Send email on change member
Hi @all,
I need to implement a trigger to send an e-mail message to user, on change member type by admin user.
Anyone knows how to I can do this on Buddyboss?Topic: How to hide comments
I am using BuddyBoss theme.
I would like to hide comments on the activiy home page and just let it enabled when someone see the activity individual page.I tried this solution there is a bug and dont load the activies. Also looks like this disable the comment feature, what is not I am looking for.
I also tried to remove the div acomment-content in the document bp-templates>bp-nouveau>buddypress>activity>comment.php, althought this removed as well from the individual activity page. I would like to do as Twitter: its possible to comment on the activy feed and it shows in the activy page how many comments the update have, but the comments are only visible in the activity page.
I find many codes and plugins that help me to avoid the activation email when members join in the site, but when I tried these options affect the invitation system of buddyboss.
For example, if I invite a user to join with a specific role “teacher” with the code the join as subscriber. I know I can change the role, but I want to know if it’s possible to automatically detect the role where I invite the user.
“”function disable_validation( $user_id ) {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( “UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_status = 0 WHERE ID = %d”, $user_id ) );
$users = $wpdb->get_results( “SELECT activation_key, user_login FROM {$wpdb->prefix}signups WHERE active = ‘0’ “); foreach ($users as $user) {
BP_Signup::validate($user->activation_key); //fix roles
$user_id = $wpdb->get_var( “SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_login = ‘$user->user_login'”); $u = new WP_User( $user_id );
$u->add_role( ‘subscriber’ );
} add_action( ‘bp_core_signup_user’, ‘disable_validation’ );
add_filter( ‘bp_registration_needs_activation’, ‘__return_false’ );
add_filter( ‘bp_core_signup_send_activation_key’, ‘__return_false’ );”
Plugin name: BuddyPress Auto Activate Auto Login and BP Disable Activation Reloaded
Thanks for the helpIm using buddyboss not buddy press but I assume solution would be the same.
I have a server with 4 cores when I go to /groups and open 8 or more tabs my cpu usage goes to 100% 8gb of ram. Php-fpm is the process that takes up resources. I have my php-fpm set to static
At this point Im not sure if I need more cores or what to do…..
Topic: Pay2Register 1.0
Our Plugin Pay2Register is fully compatible BuddyPress
Charge users registering to a website or community
This WordPress plugin allows you to charge users a fixed price to create an account at a website, or a community. In settings, you can define the currency, the amount to charge, your payment gateway API keys, the displayed text sentences. The plugin requires a Stripe account.After updating the settings, you only need to create a new WordPress page and include the shortcode [Pay2Register] to display the registering form. Compatible BuddyPress and BuddyBoss plugins.
I want to disable the notification email that is sent to the admin whenever a user changes his password, which is triggered by: wp_password_change_notification( WP_User $user ).
I have tried the solutions mentions on but none of them worked
Any idea on how to stop these emails?My WordPress version is: 6.2
BuddyBoss ThemeVersion: 2.2.4I migrated from BuddyBoss back to BuddyPress. I am using the Astra theme now. Tested other themes and get the same results. Some changes in the database or php was done that made the members and groups page full width and the size of the profile thumbnails are huge. Any shortcuts trouble shooting much appreciated.
Topic: Issue updating profile image
Hi all,
I had BuddyBoss on my site for a long time but removed it and I am trying to use the original BuddyPress and BBPress.
For some reason though when trying to upload a new profile or header image it allows me to select a file and after clicking done nothing happens.
I am currently using Buddyboss (extension of buddypress) to create a directory of users. It allows me to add a search bar. The problem is the search bar only pulls up members if you insert the entire name, i.e. “David Buddypress” would work but “David” won’t bring up anything. To note I am using Memberpress with the Memberpress + Buddypress Integration and the Buddyboss platform.
Is there a way to add more functionality to the search? Any help would be much appreciated.
Topic: Fuzzy Search
I am currently using Buddyboss (extension of buddypress) to create a directory of users. It allows me to add a search bar. The problem is the search bar only pulls up members if you insert the entire name, i.e. “David Buddypress” would work but “David” won’t bring up anything. Is there a way to add more functionality to the search? Any help would be much appreciated.