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Search Results for 'buddyboss'

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  • #178552

    @buddyboss my bad, when I installed 3.1.3 I did not remove the /members/single/home.php override from the BB theme. Just deleted that file and all is good.


    @cuisire_ceo It depends but found the following most useful after googling so much to only come up with garbage past dated scraped/syndicated content.

    The most important question is what the Purpose for Your BuddyPress Use/Community. The only way I have wrapped my head around it is to work backwards but with that said…

    Heres What I consider some of the Best Round Ups and Buddy Pep to Follow:

    Tammie Lister @mercime have some great talks and also have just googled for any slides from the various presentations. If not able to see video.

    Also check out her book that only seems most current:

    Boone Gorges @boonebgorges and most notable this presentation:
    or anything Boone from Youtube via WordPressNYC great example in understanding of GROUPS.

    Of course John James Jacoby jjj @johnjamesjacoby (sorry jjj: he rambles often:) but found this useful in just using a simple profile I believe this is the session maybe others can reference it “WordPress Profiles”

    So you probably thinking Wow but you have not answered anything on installing ๐Ÿ™‚ Believe me it helps so much to think big picture of your whole community than start working backwards as single page/components to map similarities to constructed it.

    This is one of the most useful tutorial of theme I had purchased which the developer went MIA but it was an AHA moment for me. Because Buddypress are Custom Post Types thats Relational Data/Fields &
    . I know what you thinking this is not my intent or not relevant. Start watching #2 at 2:16 to think in context of Simalirty.

    Finally, The only other best other video tutorial that just a setup instruction. I have found online was BuddyBoss (don’t even own the Theme)

    and Mathis on VIMEO. The biggest problem is finding the resources in a central location so I have to track down.

    I hope that helps as resources. It really would depend on how you see your community of your people and how its relational in context


    I installed BuddyBoss 3.1.3 and now I get the blank Notifications page again. I had it working in 3.1.1.
    I’m on WP 3.8.1 and BP 1.9.2.


    Hi @BuddyBoss,

    Try and play with this plugin if you really want to import user data to custom CRM applications (itโ€™s a little old and was developed for another WP plugin):

    Feel free to download that plugin, study its source, implement whatever customisations you want as per Woopra and test to see if it solves your issue.

    P.S. If you end up modifying that plugin to accommodate other important user data fields, donโ€™t forget to rename it to something else and block off ALL its internal call for updates (whenever the parent plugin is pushed for updates, otherwise ALL your changes will disappear should you mistakingly push through with the update).

    Henry Wright

    @buddyboss thanks! I did try searching but found nothing. That thread would have saved me having to dig around bp-messages-template.php to find the answer.


    @buddyboss – Thanks, it’s nothing fancy. I keep getting annoyed with the messy code I write.

    – Yeah it’s a little bit tighter but could use some work yet.

    I keep getting frustrated with the code I’m writing. It seems verbose and hurts my head. ^^

    Can any of you guys envision who would use a theme like this? Feels like i’m building for no one but myself, and that’s not too wise.


    @bilalvirgo10 I’d love for you to join in, I’ll be uploading my theme shortly. You can take a copy and look at the code to help with learning.

    thanks! I got there, it’s now on version 0.2 I tighter design, WordPress options and soon BuddyPress support. I despise BBPress theming though, it just aint that much fun.

    Thanks man, i’m not looking at it as a paid gig.


    @buddyboss I updated to 3.1.1 BuddyBoss theme and I now see the notifications page. Thank you.

    Bilal Shahid

    Thanks BuddyBoss!

    Looks like I have to use filters to modify the output. But the function itself is meant to be customized in BuddyPress 2.0 for easier modification of the output.


    In reply to: Page Not Found


    Same here, my user clicks “Request Membership” button on a private group and gets page that says “This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?”

    I’m using BuddyPress 1.9.1, BuddyBoss theme 3.04


    Hi there-

    yes the pages are def associated correctly.

    if this is the case any ideas about how to move forward?

    THanks again


    @betson Are you also using the BuddyBoss theme like JeffE, or another theme? If so, please update to a recent version of the theme and it’ll fix it immediately. If not, contact your theme author. We had this issue by previously making edits to /members/single/home.php. BP 1.9 added a call in there for the Notifications page, and since we had previously edited that template (overrode it within our theme) it caused the Notifications page to go blank. If you’re using another theme they possibly had the same issue, so possibly it’s the same solution.

    This is the line that fixed it:

    elseif ( function_exists('bp_is_user_notifications') 
    && bp_is_user_notifications() ) :
    bp_get_template_part( 'members/single/notifications' );

    That goes with all of the other template calls in the “item-body” div.


    Hey there, I’m the author of BuddyBoss. This is not the default behavior in the theme. Have you updated to the latest version? 3.0.6 put out a patch for notifications before BuddyPress 1.9 came out, and I have a feeling you’re using a version prior to that as that could cause a blank page without the patch. If you still have issues after updating head over to our support forums and TJ will happily help you out.


    @buddyboss no inevitability there. Check out many responsive table solutions


    Same problem here, when any of my users go to their Notifications page it is blank. I’m on latest BuddyPress release with BuddyBoss theme with no customizations.

    Henry Wright

    @buddyboss if you’re not happy with the notification tables then you can remove the default and add your own. e.g:

    remove_action( 'bp_notification_settings', 'messages_screen_notification_settings', 2 );
    // remove the rest too... 
    function custom_notification_settings() {
       // your own custom stuff
    add_action( 'bp_notification_settings', 'custom_notification_settings' );
    Hugo Ashmore

    A relatively simple suggestion for 2.0 โ€“ Get rid of tables in all templates so developers can style everything for mobile without having to override templates to convert tables to lists. Notifications and Messages use tables right now and they donโ€™t have to.

    This is fundamentally a really bad notion, you do not change markup to suit devices – ever! Markup exists to accurately describe data in a semantic manner if that means that a table is the correct element then a table is what is used; if a devise can’t handle that then it’s the devices problem, if you have to try and change the markup in that instance then so be it and good luck.

    ‘Notifications’ correctly uses a table to display a columner/row relationship of data it’s not a case that it needn’t, this is correct; if you tried to put that into a list you would break the header relationship and would need to lump all of a notifications meta into one list and then have to use something like a dl list to associate date received to the metadata.

    Of course though if you wish to modify the templates for your theme then you’re quite at liberty to do so that is why they are overloadable!


    BTW BuddyBoss looks great, really has come along way.


    Would be awesome to at least have a nice iPhone ready theme available.

    BuddyBoss is an iPhone / Android compatible theme for BuddyPress.

    Henry Wright

    @buddyboss any idea how to make the crop preview image fluid?


    With BuddyBoss you can upload photos to your BP profile on a phone. Avatar uploads work too, but the native avatar cropper in BP could still use some work on mobile as it’s too big for some screens.

    Rocio Valdivia

    Thanks @henrywright-1, and that was what I did, I was the one that added the prefix:

    buddyboss_childtheme_ to my function, but the point is that if I use the word “core” inside the title of a function, the ajax stop working ๐Ÿ˜‰


    @_dorsvenabili when adding custom functions to functions.php it might be a good idea to add a prefix to all of your function names. As you can see buddyboss has done it with buddyboss_childtheme_.

    You could have used dorsvenabili_core_get_notifications_for_user or my_core_get_notifications_for_user

    Saves conflicts from happening ๐Ÿ™‚

    Rocio Valdivia

    Ok, I have found the problem and I fixed it ๐Ÿ™‚

    The conflict was the name of the function:

    buddyboss_childtheme_core_get_notifications_for_user( $type_notification )

    When I was testing the function to find the problem, I realised that even with the empty function the ajax problem was still there. So I tried changing the function’s name and done!

    The new name is:

    buddyboss_childtheme_get_notifications_for_user( $type_notification )

    I will never use again the word “core” in the title of a function in functions.php ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Hope it will be useful for someone. Cheers!



    Same here, although I don’t get a 404 but a “no pending friendship” message – disabling Extended Profiles shows me the list. Am I doing something wrong? I’m using BuddyBoss + a child theme, FWIW.

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