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  • #79424

    In reply to: Quick questions



    To change the base profile field group name, go to your WP Dashboard. Under BuddyPress > General settings, you’ll see the first entry allows you to change this.

    To set the Activity Stream as your home page, go to your WP Dashboard again. Scroll down to the bottom and, under Settings > Reading, you’ll see the first entry allows you to choose what to display on the front page. Click “A Static Page”, then from the dropdown, select “Activity Stream”. Note that you’ll have to create a page for your Posts Page.

    To “lock people out” of certain content areas, you could customize your child-theme templates to display what you want to logged-in/non-logged-in users like here: Or you could try the s2member plugin:

    Hope this helps! :-)


    Yes I am using wp 3.0 beta. Actually I have the post_types just about finished, a few more hours on templating a few more types and that will be done.

    example: — multi-relational page with type ‘sermons’ related to types ‘podcasts, preachers, and locations’.

    Now I am at the point of wanting to include the post_types into the bp activity stream. That’s where I find a complete lack of any documentation. Appreciate the response though.



    I ‘kind of’ agree with you when you say post_types are for individual pieces of content, but also disagree. Post types allows me to create a new object where I can assign multiple attributes to that object type ‘metadata, taxonomies’. You are also able to easily group individual object types of the post type together much easier than with pages. The real power comes into play when you create multiple post types and link them together. Then I have a ‘pods’ type of system with multi-relational datasets to a given object. There is just 100x more that I can do with a post type than with a page.

    For instance, I am building a complete custom forum system using a post type. You could never do that with pages. Well I suppose you could but it would be much more work and not nearly as elegant. basically my goal is to completely dump the bbpress as it’s so far behind that it has no business in my sites. By using post types, I have all the inherent wp tools right at my fingertips for forum posts. Want to add images/video/tags/ to a post.. done… no work needed.

    The advantage is then I could easily add that new post type to the activity stream, complete with all its attributes, ‘metadata’ for the individual object. Something else you can’t really do with pages.

    Here is a really generic example of 3.0 multi relational post types in action. (It’s only a start, so please don’t complain about layout, have not even started that part yet, this is more concept than anything else)

    What you see here is much more than meets the eye
    1. This is a custom post type sermons which is related to post types podcasts, preachers, locations.
    2. The sermon title, description, and video are part of the sermon post type
    3. When on the ‘add sermon’ admin page, you are also able to link it to a pre-existing post type to grab the preacher, podcast, and location. If they do not exist then you can add those attributes within the sermons post type without having to leave. Meaning you don’t have to go to post type podcast to add the audio file to a sermon. Same goes for preachers, locations.
    4. sermons and podcast post types also have related taxonomies, ‘series, topics’. which you can directly link within the sermons page.

    The easiest way to see how it’s linked is to notice the ‘locations’ link on the sidebar. It goes to: which is the post type ‘locations’.

    Keep in mind I did not have to manually type in the location when I added the sermon, although I could have, because it already existed. I simply chose it from a drop down of existing locations and they were linked together.

    The power of this is simple.
    1. I create a location one time
    2. I can now add the individual location attribute to any new post type I create so long as I link the post types together, create a relationship in my themes functions file. This means that a user never has to input data more than 1x, it can be used over and over again in any post type.

    To wrap up:
    You said ‘a way in the front end of bp for users to add a movie’. I am already doing everything but the adding via the front end for the sermon example above. Adding the ability to the bp front end, will take me a bit of work, but it’s possible. I just have not yet had the time to read the bp code close enough. Hence my argument for post types in bp instead of pages. why add a movie page, when I can add a post type movie with all the attributes into the stream. Much much more power that way.

    will be interesting to see the direction they take. If they don’t worry about backwards compat well then the doors are wide open.


    OK I still need a little help here:

    I am creating custom pages on my site the following way:
    in bp-custom.php I am adding:

    define(‘BP_MYPAGE_SLUG’, ‘mypage’);

    function mypage_page_setup_root_component()
    global $bp;
    bp_core_add_root_component( BP_MYPAGE_SLUG );
    add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, ‘mypage_page_setup_root_component’, 2 );

    function bp_show_mypage_page() {
    global $bp, $current_blog, $wpdb;

    if ( $bp->current_component == BP_MYPAGE_SLUG && $bp->current_action == ” ) {
    // The first variable here must match the name of your template file below
    bp_core_load_template( ‘mypage’, true );
    add_action( ‘wp’, ‘bp_show_mypage_page’, 2 );

    I am also creating a file called mypage.php inside my theme. this works great and already many custom pages like that.
    What I want is to add the content of a widget (for example activity widget) into this page.

    here is what i did: i created a new sidebar in functions.php lets assume its called mysidebar:

    register_sidebars( 1,
    ‘name’ => ‘mysidebar’,
    ‘before_widget’ => ‘

    ‘after_widget’ => ‘

    ‘before_title’ => ‘

    ‘after_title’ => ‘


    then within my newly created file called mypage.php i have the following code:
    <?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')
    || !dynamic_sidebar(‘mysidebar’) ) : ?>

    <a href="/wp-admin/widgets.php?s=&show=&sidebar=mysidebar”>

    then i added the site activity widget in the admin to the mysidebar that I created.

    So far it all works great. my problem is that when the widget gets added to my custom page mpage.php it pretty much goes all over the page and messes up things like the left hand side navigation menu, options-bar etc.
    even placing it within html table doesnt help as it seems that it is trying to conform to the 3 widget areas I have on other sections of my site (like home page etc).
    How do I control the location of the widget’s content on a custom page like that?

    Help is much appreciated!



    1. Which version of WP/MU are you running?
    2. Did you install WP/MU as a directory or subdomain install?
    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?
    4. Did you upgraded from a previous version of WP/MU? If so, from which version?
    5. Was WP/MU functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.
    6. Which version of BP are you running?
    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?
    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated?
    commentluv, smartlinks, akismet, blogroll page, blogroll widget with RSS feed, buddypress album+, group activity subscription, import from ning, tdlc birthdays,
    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?
    10. Have you modified the core files in any way?
    added a frame for blockquotes
    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?
    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?
    don’t know
    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.
    14. Which company provides your hosting?

    Would someone please help me. More and more people are having issues either with registration in the first place or with changing profiles. I’m debating whether buddypress was the right way to go at all. I would really love some help here.


    I finally sat down and read through the whole discussion. Some great points. I don’t know how possible it would be to do this, but what about multiple streams? @Sadr made a great point that the activity stream should have elements that users could subscribe to or not subscribe to. Right now there is one stream that either has too much information or doesn’t have the right kind of information. With multiple streams, each of which could be put on a different page or within a different area on a main page, the information flow could be tailored by each site designer and user to serve their needs and the needs of their communities.

    Another point that was brought up was navigation, now I know that this is partially the theme setup, but in a default install even if a user is redirected to their groups, it is still another click away to a the groups wiki, blog, forum or documents or whatever your groups are based around. It needs to be easier to place the sub areas of a Buddypress site where you want them. Maybe the new menus in WP 3.0 address this (I haven’t had a chance to play with them much) but navigation needs to have small blocks that can be quickly and easily rearranged in order to design navigation paths that fit your community. And navigation is all about menus; activity streams are a form of navigation if they send you quickly to the information you are interested in. Couldn’t the profile, for example, be more widget ready so that either admins or users could pick and choose the pieces they want (think iGoogle).

    @Peterverkooijen made a good point about members profile / privacy. It is possible to do it now to a certain extent, but this needs to be easier and more comprehensive.

    As many people said the users are who are important and poor UI will drive people away, but Buddypress is used in such a wide variety of situations, that it needs to be easy to customize for each communities needs. To use an analogy I don’t want Buddypress to be like Moodle, for example; if you’ve seen one Moodle site you’ve seen 98% of all Moodle sites. The strength of WordPress is the ease with which one can customize not just the functionality but the looks and UI of the site, let’s not lose that.


    @jaxster, I figured out how to make a page that shows every photo ever uploaded

    Basically you use the BuddyPress Activity Loop (found here

    And then where it says this `php if ( bp_has_activities( ) ) : bp_the_activity() `

    Change to:

    `php if ( bp_has_activities( ‘action=bp_album_picture’) ) : bp_the_activity() `

    You can filter by any activity that way.

    Add the activity Stream code to a custom page php file

    Hope that helps


    I’m quite sure you can’t tack on just any component in the bp_is_active() function.

    It should be like this:
    if ( bp_is_active('profile') || bp_is_active('activity') || ... etc ) {

    The easiest thing would be to list what you want publically available.

    Here’s a function to build on:

    Mike Pratt

    Possible bug?: When on a displayed user’s profile page the “personal” tab shows all mentions of the user NOT just that user’s activity, this can be verified by clicking @username mentions a few links to the right.

    bp-default does not duplicate this issue so I am guessing it found its way in via customization

    Hugo Ashmore

    @Mike Pratt yes there is really a distinction to be made between blogs and forums, but deciding on which to use? If one disables forums in groups one is simply left with ‘updates’ there is no blog functionality per se (I’m ignoring plugins in the context of this thread) and I’m thinking that the nature of ‘Updates’ is tending to be confusing to users?

    “BP tends to be better at constructing grown up environments that focus on quality content contributions” I would agree but not sure why. Quality content contributions are what I perceive as the core of a community or social network as designed using apps such as BP or Ning whereas I tend to view FB as somewhat ephemeral nonsense :) (sorry not one of those that consider FB or Twitter as hugely vital) My biggest issue is that as things stand I’m struggling to see my way to a custom configuration based around default BP that does actually facilitate the quality content – this isn’t necessarily a BP ‘fault’ but there are issues that I feel need highlighting such as the confusion that tends to arise around the sitewide activity stream

    @lph2005 This is the sort of feedback that I felt would play a crucial part in this thread, so it would be interesting if you could explore this further and update the thread. As regards the static front page I’m guessing that this static page did not include the hubbub that is the Site Wide Activity Stream?


    Slowly I am beginning to realize that Buddy press is not a straight-out-of-the-box solution. It is not like wordpress. In order to create a proper Buddypress community you really have to *develop* your community.

    The negative with this is that the default install is confusing. Comments/updates in the activity stream, forum posts, comments on forum posts, comments on blog posts. Not only do you have different types of comments but you also have meta comments. No wonder things are confusing!

    I am tempted to use an analogy of Linux vs Apple. You can do a lot with linux, but all the choices may lead to confusion and an unproductive environment. Apple on the other hand knows the importance of keeping things simple. The iPad is an example of this. It has less features than regular computers, and this makes it easier to use and less confusing. It does fewer things but it does them well.

    So what has Apple and Linux got to do with Buddypress? I believe that Buddypress should have several options. (as it has today), but it should be easier to customize Buddypress in order to suit every individual communities` needs. You develop the site to suit you needs. Use what your community needs and remove everything else. Less noise and less confusion and more Apple like :P

    As it is right now, in order to really customize the default install, you have to know PHP etc. This is good if you are a programmer, but unfortunately not all of us are. It seems to me like a lot of the BPusers are non-programmers who just want to add a social layer to their WP site. If Automattic wants to cater to these people, it will be necessary to make it easy to customize BP without having to dive into the code.

    I suggest expanding on the options (toggles) in the Admin panel in order to customize the BP install more. That way you can really streamline your community experience.

    – disable commenting for ALL activity-items at the homepage, or choose which one you want to disable. (forum/blogs etc)
    – disable activity streams on groups (if admin wants to use forums instead.)
    -Choose what is displayed in the activity feed. (Friend connections, blog posts etc)

    What is apparent, just by reading the previous posts are that we all have different needs:

    “Built-in forums are increasingly clashing with commenting on blogs and wires and the social networking structure. There is no reason to have old-fashioned forums in a next generation social network.”


    “I think it’s best to strip out sitewide activity stream as well as the groups activity stream. Force users to post content in forums and use their own profile activity stream to post a message to a specific user.”

    People want different things, so why not let them have a choice. The new is proof that all these different features are useful. They all have their advantages.(although it could use some more improvements to streamline the experience)

    I agree with RAYs view:
    “For groups, you can either go one way – embrace the activity stream or embrace the forums. It’s not the best thing to try and have it both ways. But this is a decision the BP admin should make (which it is right now). At the end of the day, BP gives you free reign to customize your community all you want.”

    SUMMARY: My thoughts are that Buddypress needs an easier and more complete way of designing the community through the admin panel.


    @Modemlooper @apeatling what if this forums activity situation could be fixed by not allowing one to post to their activity unless it is to only update there status profile only if that feature is enabled on the site. In this situation the activity stream could show everything i does not but would not confuse someone in thinking they are making a blog post or even a forum post. Each activity entry that is plugin enabled could have it’sown preset links to go to the group page for viewing or posting. I really like the idea of groups having all the options that buddypress has but I agree that it is confusing using groups with forums with the activity stream. Though this solution would alow the activity stream to be a real time site update page for all plugins/pages with in the wp/buddyress site that would also show data for all subsites with in mu or 3.0

    I am one of the developers for and I have been following buddypress for sometime now as I would like to use it for our main site. When we started back in 04 we used phpbb2, then when to DragonflyCMS after we suffered a magor data loss due to an outage, and now we currently use phpbb3. We know we have limitations with phpbb3 and after I have been using WP along with buddpress I can really see the potential our site can have with our community. Though most of our community is accustom to forums rather than cms or now all that including a social networking layer….. I have peronally been able to weed though the nuances with the way buddypress deals with forums, blogs, and activity, though I feel if one would not be able to add content to the activity stream directly from the page it would ease the understanding on where one should be posting information. I personally see the activity stream being just that showing what is going on through out the whole site. If one wants to post they do it from the forums, if one wants to update a status they do it from thier profile and or group page they are an admin or mod too. and then anything that happens with in the site and update to profile, group, blog, and or any plugin should show in the activity stream for real time(with refreshes) viewing.


    In reply to: Sidebar Widgets

    Michael McCleve

    I asked a very similar question related to putting widgets in the sidebar with the Activity stream as the home page, rather than the blog as the home page. I got a very helpful answer from @pcwriter. You can read my question and the answer at this post:

    Not sure if that answers your question specfically, but maybe it will help.



    Great site! I’m glad the template’s working for you. I would however recommend a slight mod to the css of

    The “Unsubscribe” buttons overlap into the right sidebar. To correct, add this to your theme’s custom.css file:, {

    You’ll find the original in bp-default (default.css) on line 940 where the column width is set to a minimum of 130px.

    Michael McCleve

    That was a GREAT lead for me, @pcwriter! Modemlooper has actually created 2 widget-supported themes and I’ve been playing around with both of them. I like the 3-column theme for what I want to show up on the site. It’s working well.

    If you’d like to take a look, see:

    Michael McCleve

    Thanks for the heads up, @pcwriter! I’ll take a look at that.



    Try Modemlooper’s widgetized theme as a child theme of bp-default. It might be just what you’re looking for.


    @r-a-y Got it working! The instructions you gave are correct. I didn’t realize that both “Front page” AND “Posts page” under Settings > Reading had to be altered. I originally only altered the Front page.

    Working solution:
    Front page set to “Activity Stream”
    Posts page set to “Blog”

    Thanks @r-a-y!


    @r-a-y So close… I followed the instructions:
    1) Login to the WP backend, navigate to “Pages > Add New”. Create an empty, new page called “News” or “Blog” or whatever you want. This page will contain the blog updates.
    2) Under “Settings > Reading”, set front page to “Activity Stream” and your posts page to the new page that you just created.

    Using: Default BP Theme
    Front page shows “Activity Sream” but the new “Blog” page I created shows a normal page similar in format to the About page, not the blog’s latest posts.

    Page attributes:
    Parent > Main Page (no parent)
    Template > Default Template
    Order > 0



    I don’t have a file named config.php in the plugin that has the lines you posted above.

    The next release (which I’ve been teasing for awhile now) will allow you to customize the size in the activity stream, and hopefully the activity permalink page.


    In reply to: Custom register.php


    Actually, I’m trying to get BP features to work with the Thesis Theme. I need to use the registration/activation feature, and several other features like Members and Activity.

    What I tried to do is create a custom template with the register.php code, and assigned it to a page called Register.

    Anyway, I’ve looked for days on topics to integrate Thesis and BuddyPress. So I decided I wanted to try and get these plugins to work. I’ve gone down the Thesis road pretty far.


    *bump* – Would anyone go to the lengths of reproducing this issue?

    Oh, just to comply with the When asking for support rules:

    1. Which version of WP/MU are you running?

    WP 3.0-beta1

    2. Did you install WP/MU as a directory or subdomain install?

    Subdomain install

    4. Did you upgraded from a previous version of WP/MU? If so, from which version?

    Nope. Fresh from scratch.

    6. Which version of BP are you running?


    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?

    Nope. Out of the box install.

    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated?


    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?


    10. Have you modified the core files in any way?

    Nope. Learned not to do that while BP was in early 0.8 :p

    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?


    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?

    The built-in one.

    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.

    None thrown.

    14. Which company provides your hosting?

    Self-hosted V-Server.


    In reply to: Group-Rights Plugin


    Hmm, RSS… that is a little complicated. Also another implication I did not think of is the activity stream. If the idea is to restrict access to content, then both the RSS, the activity stream (and the activity stream RSS) have to be considered.

    Before we go down the route of considering another plugin, have you already tried this one?

    BuddyPress Groupblog

    Description Installation Screenshots Other Notes Changelog Stats

    Author: Rodney Blevins & Marius Ooms

    The BuddyPress Groupblog plugin extends the group functionality by enabling each group to have a single blog associated with it. Group members are automatically added to the blog and will have blog roles as set by the groupblog admin settings.


    Full blog theme integration. The included bp-groupblog theme mimics the group pages.

    WP Admin option to set default blog for groups plus bonus options.

    Automated blog registration at group creation stage.

    Bypass default blog validation to allow dashes, underscores, numeral only and minimum character count.

    Blog privacy settings are initially inherited from group privacy settings.

    Group members are automatically added to the blog.

    Blog roles match group roles as set by the group admin.

    Solid error checking that the blog follows validation.

    Group admin tab to access the group-blog settings.

    Recent posts are displayed on the group home page, much like the forum topics.

    A menu tab is added to display the latest blog activity and blog page links.

    Blog themes will have the ability to pull in group info and create a theme that could resemble the group exactly.

    Leaving the group will downgrade the member role to ‘subscriber’.

    Allow the group admin to select one of his/her existing blogs.

    Known Issues: * Group blog post do currently not show up in the group activity stream. Therefore as a short term solution we are including a custom activity loop on the blog page. This should be fixed in the future.


    Allow the admin to let group admins choose the blog name, instead of following the group name.

    Frontend posting from the blog home page.

    Redirect options to integrate deeper with the blog.

    Include an RSS icon for easy access to the Blog’s RSS feed.


    @Dimensionmedia Nice and valuable list of tips, thanks.

    I’m glad that my topic have generated such interesting discussions.

    The community website I build up is for Cure fans (you know The Cure, right?), and since they all are already active on Facebook, MySpace and other existing (traditional) forums, it is quiet a bit of a challenge to bring them over to my site and actually use it.

    The motivation that made me wanna do Cureuphoria ( is that I felt that althought many places already exist for Cure fans to interact, there isn’t a real Social Network with features “à la Facebook/MySpace” that is specifically built with that particular community in mind.

    I feel that the major value of using BuddyPress, and the main difference with the above mentioned social networks is that you can offer basicly the same feautures, BUT in an environement created and adapted around a specific community, which is the strongest point to my opinion.

    From look and feel, to functionalities, you can build something up that is indeed unique to a given community.

    Something that a rather impersonal environement such as Facebook, is not able to offer.

    For example, I used custom profile fields to build a Cure-oriented member profiles, because it is about The Cure, right?

    You can check an example here:, which is my profile, but you can go and see others too.

    Also, because I believe the register page is a key page of the site, I designed a very simple, basic form with a prominent call to action button, and argued some benefits about registering and using the site, that would accompany the registration form.

    And, because during the intial lunch phase you don’t see many members profile avatars active, I decides to design a visual graphic with different avatars in order to give the potential subscriber a feeling of community. To do so, I asked permissions to Facebook users (within the Cure fans community) to use their avatars, and they all agreed. That gave me already the possibility to communicate the existence of the new site to some.

    By the way, this is the register page:

    At the moment I did get quiet a few registrations in a week time period, but unfortunately, users don’t turn out to be as active as I expect them to be. So, beside the first point of bringing people in and register, the following point would be, how to make them use the website and be active? Maybe it takes time to achive that.

    Maybe their passivity is due to the fact of being troubled by the slight diffrences with (again) Facebook, or other traditional forums structure.

    I mean, the majority of other Cure forums out are built with calssical bulletin board systems, such as phpBB or vBulletin and are (sorry, but I need to say it) quiet ugly. Still they are widely populated with topics.

    My users, I feel, are probably troubled by the Groups/Forums relation. Some posted on the Group homepage activity, thinking that it was answearing to a topic in the forum for that Group.

    I mean, I do think that the Group/Forum as a value and I totally understand the principle behind it. But do my users?

    In order to push them to post Topics that are not necessarily associated with a Group, I did create a Group called Open Topics, that would act as a general topic forum.

    And, I wrote a sticky topic on “How to use Cureuphoria”, which you can find here, even if not finished yet at the moment of this writing:

    I would like to have them create their own groups, write topics, invite their friends over and all that, instead of coming to the site, putting up a video form YouTube, add a friend and then leave to just check if something more exciting is happening after a day, and since it’s not the case, leave again.

    Anyway, I don’t think there is a magic formula to make your BuddyPress site have the success you expect, but it is probably a lot of little things that need to be manged toghether, from design, to functionalities, to constant marketing (social public relationship). Or… something I am just missing.

    I want to thank all of you who contributed to the topic. Keep it going: advices, ideas and thoughts about this are never enough.


    got this thanks to Boones Gorges..

    insert this in your bp-custom.php to get the total count of activity posts of a user:

    function get_activity_count_by_user( $user_id ) {

    $args = array(

    ‘per_page’ => 10000,

    ‘show_hidden’ => true,

    ‘user_id’ => $user_id


    if ( bp_has_activities( $args ) ) {

    global $activities_template;

    $count = $activities_template->total_activity_count;

    } else {

    $count = 0;


    return $count;


    then use this template tag in your theme <?php echo get_activity_count_by_user( $user_id ) ?>

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