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Search Results for 'how to hide pages'

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  • #148940

    Just thought I’d add another suggestion – there’s a plugin called Member Access ( which controls access to pages based on whether a visitor is logged in or not. I’m using it successfully on a BuddyPress site. I think you’d have to disable access to the “Member Directory” page as well for it to work ‘out of the box’, but with some php tweaking  you may be able to have the directory page show but restrict access to more detailed profile information.


    @Chouf1 thanks. works like a charm.
    Since i didn’t want anything (even the avatar image) to be displayed to non-logged in users, i added the code in home.php instead (and plugins.php, since i have 2-3 custom pages added to users profile).

    Many thanks.



    I’m new to buddypress. I can’t find an intro to basic “FAQ before you Ask” section and can’t find any way to search the forums. Could someone point me in the right direction?

    The question I want to ask is “How do I hide/remove certain pages from the header menu? I just installed Buddypress and pages that had no tabs on my previous theme because they were hidden all suddenly showed up. You can check it out at to see what I mean.”

    Thank you for a start in this!


    Hi guys. I’m building a Multisite/BuddyPress website and I want to put it in “maintenance mode” so the public can’t see it but I can still collect email addresses. I’ve tried a couple of plugins. The plugins seem to be good for hiding non-BuddyPress areas of the site (e.g., Blog) but they don’t hide BuddyPress areas of the site (e.g., Activity, Forums, Groups, or Members).

    Any suggestions?


    Another simpler approach would be to created a bp-custom.php and place it in the plugins directory and add the following code
    function bp_guest_redirect() {
    global $bp;
    if ( bp_is_activity_component() || bp_is_groups_component() /*|| bbp_is_single_forum()*/ || bp_is_forums_component() || bp_is_blogs_component() || bp_is_page( BP_MEMBERS_SLUG ) ) {
    // enter the slug or component conditional here
    if(!is_user_logged_in()) { // not logged in user
    wp_redirect( get_option(‘siteurl’) . ‘/register’ );
    } // user will be redirect to any link to want
    This code will work to hide buddypress pages and group forums as is, if your using sitewide forums in line 4 remove the comments around:
    || bbp_is_single_forum()
    Save and refresh. Works in current versions.


    Hey @candeed, thanks for the compliment! I’ve worked hard to integrate BP into my theme as naturally as possible and to keep pages lightweight. However, I would definitely benefit from the advice and collaboration of someone who has more development experience. I hide it pretty well through constant research and lots of hard work, but I’m actually still a huge noob when it comes to this stuff. If you have any friends who are experienced developers and interested in ESO I would definitely like to get a chance to talk to them.


    Hi everyone,

    I’m running WordPress version 3.4 (haven’t upgraded to 3.4.2, yet.)
    WordPress is installed in the root of my domain
    BuddyPress version 1.6.1
    bbPress version 2.1.2
    My theme is a child of BP-Default

    First, I should start by letting you know that I’m definitely a newbie! What I’m trying to do should be relatively simple, I think. I’ve searched and searched, but haven’t been able to find an answer to my question.

    I have a WordPress/BuddyPress site that is mostly private. I’m using Role Scoper to limit access to certain portions of the site, and that’s working out okay. I’m also using BuddyPress Registration Options to “hide” the BuddyPress pages from non-registered users. Unfortunately, I’m unable to hide the link to “Forums” (which links to my bbPress installation) from non-logged users in my navigation. The actual forum topics are restricted, so clicking on forums when not logged in takes you a page that says, “Oh bother! No forums were found here!”, which is fine for an instance where someone actually types the URL. However, I’d like “Forums” to be hidden from the navigation until the user is logged in. My only requirement for accessing the forums is level of Subscriber. Subscriber should be able to fully use the forums, I just don’t want users who aren’t logged in to be able to see the “Forum” link in my navigation.

    Can this be done in bp-custom.php?

    I apologize if my question isn’t clear. If it is not, please let me know so that I can rephrase it. Remember that I’m a complete newbie! ;-)

    Thank you so much! Any and all help is very much appreciated!


    Sigh, I can’t get member-access to work, and can’t believe there isn’t an easier way to restrict pages to members/non-members. In my case I’d like to restrict the member listing page to members only. Was hoping to find some non-hacks here. I’ll keep looking but this appears to require code changes…


    @mairaj know that if user disables styles in browser, they will see the search form. But should you still want to proceed with your method, these two lines should do it via CSS

    `/* Hide search form in ALL pages */
    #search-form { display: none; }

    /* Then show search form on this page only (change page ID to your installation’s page ID) */ #search-form { display: block; }`
    You might have to add some width or float after display block depending on how you’ve styled the child theme.


    @formbi,The simplest way without code edit or plugin is to use css to hide it. look for the page ID and write something like: .page-item-78{ display: none ! important;} where 78 is your page ID you can hide as may pages as you want by adding a coma


    I took a different approach to this that worked… I was looking to hide content from people who are not friends… In any pages that friends are not connected I did this..

    ?php if ( bp_is_friend() != ‘is_friend’ ) {
    if (bp_current_user_id() != bp_loggedin_user_id()):
    locate_template( array( ‘members/single/not-friends.php’), true )
    php if (bp_current_user_id() == bp_loggedin_user_id() || ( bp_is_friend() == ‘is_friend’ ) ): ?>
    // add page content for friends
    ?php endif; ?>

    for groups you can do the similar with bp_group_is_member()

    naturally you would need to create;

    but this way you take away the permissions settings from your users and control them yourself with your theme…. With a little bit of configuring you can do the same with users who are not logged in.

    Hope this helps…




    mercime ( @mercime) kindly posted the following function that hides the nav items for Buddypress pages when users are logged out:

    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'mme_loggedin_only_links' );
    function mme_loggedin_only_links($items) {
    if (!is_user_logged_in())
    return $items;
    $ouractivity = '<li><a href="' . home_url('/') . 'activity' . '">' . __('Activity', 'buddypress' ) . '</a></li>';
    $ourmembers = '<li><a href="' . home_url('/') . 'members' . '">' . __('Members', 'buddypress' ) . '</a></li>';
    $ourgroups = '<li><a href="' . home_url('/') . 'groups' . '">' . __('Groups', 'buddypress' ) . '</a></li>';
    $ourgroupforums = '<li><a href="' . home_url('/') . 'forums' . '">' . __('Forums', 'buddypress' ) . '</a></li>';
    $items = $items . $ouractivity;
    $items = $items . $ourmembers;
    $items = $items  . $ourgroups;
    $items = $items . $ourgroupforums;
    return $items;

    I would now like to extend this function so that classes that are added to the nav items in the standard WordPress menu are also added to the BuddyPress nav items. For instance, the classes added to my home navigation tab are “menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page current-menu-item page_item page-item-18 current_page_item” when the page is active. I am particularly keen to have a class for current-menu-item added to each of the four BuddyPress pages when they are active.

    Could someone help adapt the function above so that such a class is added?




    Okay, at least you can “hide” or remove the sidebar with some CSS:

    /*Hide sidebar*/
    #sidebar { display:none !important; }
    /*Full-width posts and pages*/
    #custom, #container, #post-entry {width:100% !important;}
    /*Full-width BP components*/
    #custom #container #content {width:100% !important;}
    #custom #container .padder, #custom .directory #container .padder {width: 96% !important; padding:0 2%;}




    Hi, I have a need to setup a network of wp sites, what I need is a main blog that is a news style theme wordpress blog and a number of child sites that are all buddypress social networks, is this possible with networked wp?


    Main site = (wordpress news theme)
    Child Site = (buddypress theme/network)
    Child Site = (buddypress theme/network)
    Child Site = (buddypress theme/network)

    I have tried to push ahead and test the install on a test site, I followed these steps:

    1. Installed WordPress on main site –
    2. Installed and setup WP Multi Network
    3. Created my child sites –,, etc – all works fine
    4. Installed Buddypress on (network install, couldn’t install on child sites which was expected but a shame)

    At this stage I noticed the had buddy press (I figure I can hide the bits on this site if I don’t want to have social networking on the main site) .. but I also noticed the sub sites have buddypress but just linking back to the mainsite, they are not social networks in there own right, each separate, which is what I need…. so

    5. I installed BP Multi Network – to have separate networks

    This didn’t do what I expected, the sites still all appear to link from the main site, the sub sites do not have pages for:

    I could create these but they will all go back to the main site, they need to be site specific, separate for each site…. which is what I expected BP Multisite to do..?

    Any ideas? thanks

    I can put up with buddypress on the main site, although I hoped not to have so I could have a good newspaper/magazine theme on the main site, but if thats the only way to have all the user databases connected I can hide what I need to.

    Any help please?

    My basic requirement is to have a network of sites using the same user database, someone registers on one they can log into another, subsites are all social networking sites, main site is a news/magazine platform.

    hummm help plz


    I have tried to push ahead and test the install on a test site, I followed these steps:

    1. Installed WordPress on main site –
    2. Installed and setup WP Multi Network
    3. Created my child sites –,, etc – all works fine
    4. Installed Buddypress on (network install, couldn’t install on child sites which was expected)

    At this stage I noticed the had buddy press (I figure I can hide the bits on this site if I don’t want to have social networking on the main site) .. but I also noticed the sub sites have buddypress but just linking back to the mainsite, they are not social networks in there own right, each separate, which is what I need…. so

    5. I installed BP Multi Network – to have separate networks

    This didn’t do what I expected, the sites still all appear to link from the main site, the sub sites do not have pages for:

    I could create these but they will all go back to the main site, they need to be site specific, separate for each site…. which is what I expected BP Multisite to do..?

    Any ideas?

    I can put up with buddypress on the main site, although I hoped not to have so I could have a good newspaper/magazine theme on the main site, but if thats the only way to have all the user databases connected I can hide what I need to.

    Any help please?

    Hugo Ashmore

    which makes it look unprofessional

    Really? considering BP is developed by professional web developers that’s a sightly surprising statement to be making.

    The titles you refer to on pages such as ‘Forums’, ‘Groups’, ‘Activity’ are heading tags, h# tags are a semantic tag that defines the document outline there are six levels and you use them to assign document section headings, these tags are mandatory and it’s very unprofessional not to have them so take care in removing them and also remember that search engines look for and use these tags for index information.

    If you are removing these tags then you need to locate these sorts of lines in your index files `

    ` and simply delete them, this is basic level stuff so as an IT literate person should be within your means as it’s simple editing of text files but it is going to help you enormously to learn some absolute basics where CSS and HTML are concerned.

    Lastly you are going to need to make these changes in a child theme otherwise whenever you upgrade your changes will be overwritten, a clear step by step guide to setting up a child theme can be found in the BP codex.


    == currently all pages display the page name ==

    Just so we’re on the same page, could you go to and post URL’s of pages with titles you are referring to here?


    Theme is: BuddyPress Default

    When clicking on a tab of the menu – (not blog posts) currently all pages display the page name – which makes it look unprofessional. The contents of the page clearly indicate what the page should be – no need for a display of the page name. How does one ‘hide’ this? If deleting it is too complex for me then I’ll settle for just hiding the name.

    Thank you for the response.


    == but doesn’t hide the tabs. ==

    You mean hide the main navigation links to the BuddyPress pages?



    I would like to be able to hide all of the tabs for the pages/sections of my BuddyPress installation, i.e. Activity, Forums, Groups, Members from non-registered (i.e. non logged-in) users. I have implemented the Private BuddyPress plugin, which protects the pages, but doesn’t hide the tabs.

    Could someone let me know how I hide the tabs too?




    I am using this plugin – and it works great on member pages. However, there is no setting to say, “if the member doesn’t use the video or put anything in the field” – it shouldn’t appear at all. What happens now is that the widget area says, “the member hasn’t put anything in there.” So, is there some default code I could add to the plugin somewhere that would say – if nothing is in that field – DO NOT SHOW THE WIDGET in the sidebar at all? Thank you for your help.

    Mary Jane

    I do that on using the following plugins

    Member Access
    PC Hide Pages
    Peter’s Login Redirect
    Simple Access Control


    Yes, it finally works. Thank you so much for that! I do have more questions, but i’ll leave that for another day. Feel guilty constantly asking. But yea good advice, thanks again.


    You need to create both menus. Without it wordpress has it’s own default menu which you have been relying on

    A good guide for understanding wordpress menus is


    It’s frustrating because that’s almost it. I leave the Header navigation as blank because my buddypress/wordpress pages automatically fill in that menu. So when I am logged in all the pages I want to see are there. I only made my homepage and about page available to the nonmembers, and that works fine too. However, when a user is logged off, they can still see all the pages available to a logged in user aswell as the pages which are available to them. So instead of having one smooth menu for the non member, theres the members menu and below it a non members menu. Note this is only for logged out members everything is fine as far as signed in users are concerned.

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