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  • #60945

    I’d like to know this as well. You could probably put this on activate.php somehow.

    Also the standard WPMU welcome email is sent on first login. That works via a function in wpmu-functions.php:

    function wpmu_welcome_user_notification($user_id, $password, $meta = '') {
    global $current_site;

    wp_mail($user->user_email, $subject, $message, $message_headers);
    return true;

    I don’t see a hook in that function. It’s called/triggered from function wpmu_activate_signup in the same php file.

    wpmu_activate_signup is called from function bp_core_screen_activation in bp-core-activation.php.

    Perhaps you could add a redirect there to the mandatory extra fields? There are already some if statements there, one with this:

    bp_core_redirect( $bp->root_domain . '/' . BP_ACTIVATION_SLUG );

    You could add your own? Just guessing, wouldn’t know what it would look like…


    In reply to: Wire Posts in bp 1.2


    Because if I would mention your name somewhere for no important reason you would get annoyed by all the notifications you’d receive.. For example if I wrote a heavilly discussed blogpost on my site and people are talking about it around my network I would go crazy with the amount of notifications I would receive ;)

    you need a character for this to make it work and @ is the best one ;) By the way I certainly like this feature and I don’t think it’s that confusing for a user (apart from the displayname/username issue). But I do think it would be good if site admins could enable or disable this feature from the admin panel, just for those we don’t like it.


    The welcome email is generated by this function in wpmu-functions.php:

    function wpmu_welcome_user_notification($user_id, $password, $meta = '') {
    global $current_site;

    if( !apply_filters('wpmu_welcome_user_notification', $user_id, $password, $meta) )
    return false;

    $welcome_email = get_site_option( 'welcome_user_email' );

    $user = new WP_User($user_id);

    $fullname = $meta[field_1];

    $welcome_email = apply_filters( "update_welcome_user_email", $welcome_email, $user_id, $password, $meta);
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "FULLNAME", $fullname, $welcome_email );
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "SITE_NAME", $current_site->site_name, $welcome_email );
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "USERNAME", $user->user_login, $welcome_email );
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "PASSWORD", $password, $welcome_email );
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "LOGINLINK", wp_login_url(), $welcome_email );

    I’ve added the FULLNAME lines. It works if used in the welcome email text in the wp-admin options.

    But haven’t figured out how to get the right password…

    Is there a way to put this customized function in bp-custom.php? And let the system use that one instead of the original in wpmu-functions.php? Forgot how that worked.


    In reply to: Double passwords


    The password in the welcome email, if you restore it…, is generated by this file in wpmu-functions.php:

    function wpmu_welcome_user_notification($user_id, $password, $meta = '') {
    global $current_site;

    if( !apply_filters('wpmu_welcome_user_notification', $user_id, $password, $meta) )
    return false;

    $welcome_email = get_site_option( 'welcome_user_email' );

    $user = new WP_User($user_id);

    $welcome_email = apply_filters( "update_welcome_user_email", $welcome_email, $user_id, $password, $meta);
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "SITE_NAME", $current_site->site_name, $welcome_email );
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "USERNAME", $user->user_login, $welcome_email );
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "PASSWORD", $password, $welcome_email );
    $welcome_email = str_replace( "LOGINLINK", wp_login_url(), $welcome_email );

    So I guess you should replace $password with something else from BP? Or maybe add $bp as global (whatever the hell that is…)?

    EDIT: Adding $bp does nothing. :(

    BTW, the wrong password in the welcome email is the same number of chars as the password that was entered, so I assume it’s an encryption issue. Unfortunately the ‘forget password’ function resets the password, it does not send the stored one. That’s probably more secure, but I don’t see where else I could find code that retrieves the stored password.


    In reply to: Wire Posts in bp 1.2

    Mike Pratt

    Excellent point. Not all is lost but I will take this opportunity to provide some feedback to @jjj and @apeatling re 1.2 in it’s current state

    1. I get the use of the Twitter @ metaphor and adding “mentions” to the filters. Cool. BUT, it introduces a potential UI snag for users. Throughout 1.2 you make nice use of Display Name which users will become accustomed to and identify with. Now, you are identifying users by their user name as well (mixing metaphors, so to speak) as in ->

    John Doe



    Given people’s tendencies to use whacky usernames, thee is a big risk of confusion when both start popping up around the site. Not sure what the solution is but I think it’s not a trivial point, imho.

    2. Now that the wire has disappeared and along comes the concept of “Send Public Message” (I get it) let’s look at what vehicle we’re making use of and what it may mean to users. As it currently stands in 1.2, to “Send Public Message” you click that button on someone’s profile and you are taken to your own Status Update field with an @username filled in.

    a. the cursor is highlighted just before the @username not after (don’t forget to include a space) – this will only cause people to write the pubic message and push the @username to the end of the message. clunky

    b. You’ll probably need to include a @mentions on each person’s profile page otherwise, you’ll never be able to easily see the public message to @username you just wrote. The key point being, you want this to show up on THEIR profile.

    c. Probably worth considering including a notification to @username of said public message via email (make optional)

    d. Q: Will these @’s be co-mingled in your own status updates and, thus create confusion. Maybe that doesn’t matter and i am overthinking it.On the activity stream, it says John Doe posted an update, when he really sent @username a public message. In Twitter when @ leads a message as 1st character, it has different context than everywhere else in the Tweet. Perhaps -> John Doe sent @username a public message ? or something.

    I know I am getting fine grained here but theses (excellent) feature adds need to be over the top intuitive when introduced or they will breed unintended usages.


    In reply to: Moderate members


    Seems that only fixed the admin panel problem.

    However it’s throwing up errors on the front end now.

    To be honest I think this plugin is maybe outdated.

    I’ll list here my site’s configuration, and what errors I’m getting in-case anyone fancies making this plugin work as it should.

    OK.. Groups and Blogs are disabled site-wide (Except for the main site blog).

    The setting “Allow new registrations” is set to “Only user account can be created.”

    And “Registration notification” set to “Yes”

    1st problem (As previously mentioned in this thread)… When I go to the admin panel and try to edit the options for the plugin, and hit save, it throws up the errors that I posted here:

    I managed to get rid of those errors by doing as mentioned here:

    However… it turns out that was not a fix for the plugin, so I reverted the file back to original state.

    OK, I couldn’t edit the emails that would be sent out due to those errors, but I could of worked around that (editing within the file itself)… so I continued to the next step, which was to try and create a new account, to see if the plugin actually done what it’s supposed to.

    After entering all my required fields, and hitting the submit button, I was taken to the upload avatar page. I was also shown the “Check your email address for your activation email” notice. Also, at the top of the page these errors appeared:

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home2/puezq/public_html/ on line 639

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home2/puezq/public_html/ on line 642

    Since I know only very little php, I had a look to see what those lines were in the plugin php file, but done nothing with them. Here are those lines:

    639 $bp_groups_str = implode(",", $bp_groups);

    642 $bp_blogs_str = implode(",", $bp_blogs);

    So I’m guessing these errors are showing because I have blogs and groups disabled on the site?

    However the plugin php file is full of terms relating to blogs and groups, so I saw no point just removing those lines from the file as other errors would appear from somewhere… surely?

    Anyway, to see what happened next- I then uploaded an avatar, successfully. The errors at the top of the page disappeared when it was uploaded.

    I then clicked on the activation link in the email I received, and logged into the site. I was able to EDIT my profile and browse the site pages normally, but not able to view member profiles, my own public profile, or even view the members search page.

    I then received an email saying there was a new member registration (to my admin email)… and the notice also appears in the admin panel saying there’s a user awaiting moderation.

    And that’s where Im at.

    Come to think of it, and after having read through this post several times now- It seems that the plugin’s actually working… with the exception of those errors that are flagging up in the admin panel (when editing the emails that will be sent out), and at the top of the front end page. Hopefully one of you guys can tell me how to get rid of those errors… or at least the ones on the front end. :-)

    This truly does sound like a fantastic plugin, but with non-existent support at the forum link in the README.txt file, I think it can only carry on living if one of you geniuses are willing to fix the bugs.

    Unless anyone knows of another plugin that will allow new member moderation? (I have searched, but couldnt find anything).


    Thanks. That clears things up. The only other problem I’ve encountered is after I deactivate the BuddyPress plugin and re-activate it, I’ll get the follow db errors:

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name ‘useritem’]

    ALTER TABLE wp_bp_notifications ADD KEY useritem (user_id, is_new)

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp_bp_activity’ already exists]

    RENAME TABLE wp_bp_activity_user_activity_cached TO wp_bp_activity

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key 1]

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_xprofile_groups VALUES ( 1, ‘Base’, ”, 0 );

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key 1]

    INSERT INTO wp_bp_xprofile_fields ( id, group_id, parent_id, type, name, is_required, can_delete ) VALUES ( 1, 1, 0, ‘textbox’, ‘Name’, 1, 0 );

    David Carson

    Erich73, The notifications tab alerts users to more than the latest private messages. But it’s up to you whether you want to remove it or not.

    FYI – I just checked the Inbox Widget plugin into the repository –

    Screenshot –

    This is not a stable version and it will only work on sites running the latest trunk version of BP (2243+) with the bp-default theme enabled. It’s just something to build on and I’m hoping to add improvements soon.


    Found this in bp_core_activation.php:

    * bp_core_disable_welcome_email()
    * Since the user now chooses their password, sending it over clear-text to an
    * email address is no longer necessary. It's also a terrible idea security wise.
    * This will only disable the email if a custom registration template is being used.
    function bp_core_disable_welcome_email() {
    if ( '' == locate_template( array( 'registration/register.php' ), false ) && '' == locate_template( array( 'register.php' ), false ) )
    return true;

    return false;
    add_filter( 'wpmu_welcome_user_notification', 'bp_core_disable_welcome_email' );

    So I guess I could just remove this function?

    Is sending that password really such a “terrible idea security wise”? Are criminal gangs intercepting these emails to break into WordPress accounts?

    EDIT: Yes, removing that function works. A regular WPMU welcome email is sent.

    But the password in the email is eight numbers instead of the eight letters password I’d entered. Why?! Does Buddypress do its own encryption on the password? Does it use other tags or “placeholders” or whatever they’re called to call the password?

    Going to sit in a corner and cry…


    Does anyone know how to get a welcome email in BP 1.1.3 without resorting to the Welcome Pack plugin?

    There are some clues here, but I have no idea what to do with them and if this would even apply to Buddypress registration process.

    Should I just stick this in a template files somewhere? Where?

    <?php wpmu_welcome_user_notification($user_id, $password, $meta); ?>

    Would it take the text from the Options in the admin area?

    Or does BP have its own function for this?


    I’d ultimately love to see things go in that direction, and have been sifting through code the past few days thinking of how to get more red in the trac than green.

    However, if this was the case, and activity had a component scope and a serialized array of return values, then you could replace private messaging with a threaded activity stream that only the users involved in that thread can view. You could send activity to multiple groups at a time, or only 1, or all of your groups, or the entire site, or any other registered components serialized set of values that mean whatever they mean.

    You can almost replace the notifications class all together too, because if you take a count of the number of activities a user has directed at them and store it in usermeta, when the user returns if that number is higher, there’s your total notifications. Filter those new activities and now you can see how many of each. Actually, the code already exists within both WP and BP to do this.

    In that regard, the activity stream does start to replace core communication components like forums, private messages, status updates, notifications, and the wire. At that same time, BuddyPress becomes less about separate components with their own API’s and classes and subsets of functions, but more about creating new methods for users to interact with each other in specific scopes of communication.

    You could take things like twitter lists and make them work both ways, where you could send a message/comment/update/picture to only specific users instead of only viewing tweets from users. You could create an endless array of ways and names for collaborative tools to develop the platform from within the platform. It’s basically the blog post_types concept attached to people’s activity instead of re-categorizing blog posts.

    The way to further develop groups would need a whole new topic, but I’ve got some ideas for that too. :)

    @mrmaz, what you propose is the fundamentals of how I’ve approached my development before finding WP; start with small basic classes and work my up in functionality. There very easily could be a basic “bp_component” class where every new component just extends off of that, and sets the needed vars and assigns the needed functions accordingly.


    Hi DJ Paul.

    as far as I can see, nobody is complaining that the sky is falling, that would be a quite silly thing to do. Well I guess technically it is, but at least the earth is stopping it from doing so ;-)

    Just pointing out an inaccuracy in thinking, I am sure that this is allowed without immediately posting PHP to fix it?

    Back on topic; the question should also be: how could this spammer get access to all the usernames automatically? Of course everybody is listed, but somehow the were harvested and added to the pm list.

    – Anyway, I think a very good start is that you can only message your friends. Thought that this would be already ths case, that is why I wondered how we could get spammed?

    – Additionally: a maximum of PM’s per user per x amount of time (seems that 1/minute should be enough, + 50 per day. of course this should be optional and configurable with error notification (site options or plugin?)

    – Maybe a maximum mailbox size, which included sent messages. So that at least spammers have to clean out their sent box before being able to send new messages.

    – Also a maximum of adressees per PM, else the other 2 are useless

    – maybe a minimum age of user (meaning time since registration), before he can send out PM at all?

    Of course, any of these can be worked around, but at least it might slow spam down, at least from strangers..

    Cheers, Harry

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Welcome Pack did originally auto-accept Friend invites but someone made the suggestion that letting users respond to the notification also taught them how to use the site. I changed it a few versions back.

    Devil’s advocate: if you friend everyone with everyone automatically, what’s the point? You haven’t got any not-friends to be not-friends with ;)

    Oliver Wrede


    I do have spam user registrations even with registration option set to:

    [*] Only logged in users can create new blogs.

    I understand this option to say that new user registrations are DISABLED but registered users may create blogs. Unfortunatly the “Register”-Button appears in the welcome widget with that setting — even though clicking it will redirect back to the homepage.

    To disable the above option also disables the blog creation — which I do NOT want.

    For an unkown reason I do see spam registrations (a couple per week) but it seems those users are not able to login and create blogs (or comment). I also do NOT get the usual notification mails for new user registrations.

    It seems like a bug to me.


    Here is one way to do it I believe. Put this filter and function inside a plugin or your custom.php.

    add_filter('bp_blogs_activity_new_post', 'my_process', 2, 3 );

    function my_process($activity_content, $post, $post_permalink){

    $activity_content = sprintf( __( '%s wrote a new blog post: %s', 'buddypress' ), bp_core_get_userlink( (int)$post->post_author ), '<a href="' . $post_permalink . '">' . $post->post_title . '</a>' );
    $activity_content .= "<blockquote>" . bp_create_excerpt( $post->post_content, 25 ) . "</blockquote>";

    return $activity_content;

    I think this is the most efficient way of doing this. Basically, this code snippet overrides the content of the activity notification for a new blog entry. It is unfortunate that you have to write all the other crap again, but as you can see the thing you want to change (bp_create_excerpt) doesn’t have its own filter.

    The good news is, unlike some approaches to this problem, this solution doesn’t require that you alter the core.

    Try it and see if it works. Sorry ’bout the layout overflow :(


    OK, created a trac enhancement request per Jeff’s suggestion. Hope I did it right ;-).


    By the way, I wasn’t thinking that this would be implemented as something required or anything like that, or even that it would be used for quoting excerpts of what people have said. But when people did use it (and once they noticed the functionality, further use would presumably just emerge) without really thinking about it, as they already do, it would be kinda delightful to have it provide notification functionality (which could be turned off, too, I guess).

    Just a simple link to the posted item, wherever it might appear, that has @myusername in it as notifications in my buddybar and maybe a stream in my messages inbox area somewhere. But those would be implementation details, if the general idea is deemed a good one.


    I am not sure if this is the proper way to do this, but to fix this problem, I changed the code in the bp-core-adminbar.php on the following lines from:

    echo '<li id="bp-adminbar-notifications-menu"><a href="' . $bp->loggedin_user->domain . '/">';


    echo '<li id="bp-adminbar-notifications-menu"><a href="' . $bp->loggedin_user->domain . 'messages/">';

    Hope this works for others who might have had this problem




    Hi again!

    This is a picture of how it looks in my page right now:

    [Ändra profile] [Byt bild] [Allmänna inställningar] [Epost-notiser]


    [Change profile] [Change avatar] [General settings] [Email notifications]

    You can set any name and skinning of course.


    Hi guys, I’m having the same problems. When I do not add the $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true; line to the bb-config file it works, but just for the admin. After adding it, bbpress keeps coming up with the famous ‘There was an error posting that topic.’ notification. Since it’s dificult to debug a message like that I just can’t find out what can be wrong…I just updated the BBPress installation to 1.0.2, but I still have the same problem.

    I hope somebody can help me out, thanks :).

    David Lewis

    I think it’s a great feature and should be available to everyone… but perhaps should have more messaging around it and/or made an option that an admin can disable. Personally… in my case… this feature would be invaluable and it would need to be available to everyone. It all depends on the nature of the group. For a giant group… maybe you don’t want it. But let’s say you form a group that is a small collection of committee members using the wire to talk about ideas or what have you… in that case… the mass notify is great. Also… users who get annoyed with these kinds of notifications always have the option to turn them off!

    Mike Pratt

    @Boone – Cool. Brent and I have decided to go with your version for our interim rollout tonight. Yours just implements users options much better. However, we are going to redo the user sent email on notification as we don’t think it steers novice users well to action 9from experience) Not a big deal and I hope you aren’t offended. It involves a few extra variables and copy tweaks. I’ll post you when it’s done.


    Boone Gorges

    Wow, Westpointer, we had the same idea at the same time.

    My version allows a bit more user control (opting out of specific discussions or entire groups) by using bbPress’s native Favorites function. I wonder if there’s some way you and I can combine forces :)

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    I literally have to go to work after this post but:

    To fix your site, rename your plugins directory to anything else i.e. ‘aardvark’. Load admin again, it should load up OK. Rename ‘aardvark’ back to plugins. You’ll have to re-activate any existing plugins. Once those have been done, try activating BP site-wide again.

    BP v1.0.3 tables are:

    wp_bp_activity_sitewide,wp_bp_activity_user_activity,wp_bp_activity_user_activity_cached,wp_bp_friends, wp_bp_groups,wp_bp_groups_groupmeta,wp_bp_groups_members,wp_bp_groups_wire,wp_bp_messages_messages,wp_bp_messages_noticeswp_bp_messages_recipients,wp_bp_messages_threads,wp_bp_notifications,wp_bp_user_blogs,wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta, wp_bp_user_blogs_comments,wp_bp_user_blogs_posts,wp_bp_xprofile_data,wp_bp_xprofile_fields,wp_bp_xprofile_groups,wp_bp_xprofile_wire,

    Safe to delete as you haven’t used BP yet. Also these records in wp_sitemeta:

    Any “meta_key” beginning with “bp-” i.e. bp-core-db-version, bp-friends-db-version.

    If you don’t remove those meta_key records, then BP will think it’s already installed and won’t install itself again.

    Before you activate BP again, open up your web server error log in a window and see if you get any specific messages when you try to run.

    Also, versions of WPMU and BP you are you trying to install here will help us help you.


    this is what I got so far…

    <a href="<?php echo get_option('home') ?>/members/<?php $user_info = get_userdata($user_ID);echo $user_info->user_login; ?>/messages"><?php if ( bp_message_thread_has_unread() ) : ?>You Have New Messages<?php else: ?>Mailbox<?php endif; ?></a>

    It keeps coming out as “Mailbox” when I know I have a new message. Am I doing it right? What am I missing?

    Jeff Sayre


    There are a number of new hooks and an array object that need to be available for the privacy component to function. Although the alpha versions may work with v1.1, the full-blown version is really targeted for v1.2 and will require that as a minimum.

    Concerning your wire post, for some reason, I believe that I never received that email. Strange, since I do have all my email notifications set to “Yes”.

    But, to answer that specific question, your direct calls to xprofile fields should still function properly. Since you are pulling your data directly from the table and not from a templatetag function, you should be fine. Now, if you want your direct calls to be subjected to privacy control, then that is a different matter. You would then need to pull your data after the fields array has been filtered.

    There is a separate table that gets installed that handles all privacy object settings. The privacy component filters the fields array that populates the profile page, removing any field-level elements that a given user chooses to hide from a given viewer category.

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