Search Results for 'notification user id'
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Topic: Notifications Dilemma
I have a strange scenario that I’m not sure how to tackle. I created hundreds of users that represent certain fictional characters. I used fake emails (character-name@my-domain) during each user set up.
The first problem is whenever I made changes to these accounts, it would naturally generate a lot of bounce back emails since the email addresses don’t actually exist. I can set all notifications to “no” in their profiles, but then I’m never notified when real members friend request or message these characters.
I don’t want to set up a catch-all email as it would just become a honey pot for spammers. I asked my web host if it’s possible to have a white-listed type catch-all for only email addresses I specify, but unfortunately that isn’t possible from them.
Anyone have any other ideas? Or know of plugins that might enable an admin to view all notification activity for certain users?
Our members are experiencing issues with our ‘Groups’ on our website. I’m not an expert on BuddyPress or WordPress, so I’m not sure where this issue is stemming from. The top of our ‘Ticket Exchange Group’ shows the following error. Also, new users can not even get access to the group, even though they are supposed to be added automatically. It will not allow us to add any members manually, either. Along with this, the members that can actually enter the group cannot get past the first page of postings, and are not receiving email notifications. Please help!
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function ‘bp_group_new_topic_button’ not found or invalid function name in /nfs/c09/h02/mnt/128956/domains/ on line 286
Hi there,
since a few days I do not get the notification by email, when a new buddy user signs up.
Is there a way to activate that mail or to activat that again?
Any ideas?I’m building a notification dropdown outside of the logged-in users profile on a sidebar.
I’m using this line of code to get the count
<?php echo bp_notifications_get_unread_notification_count( bp_loggedin_user_id() ); ?>
The notification count does appear, and for the correct user, but does not go away once the count is 0.
How can I get the count to display:none when the count is 0?
This is my first ever support post on any platform, so please take it easy on me if I didn’t include all the proper information. Thanks!
Ive tried multiple times with different usernames and emails but the registration page is not working;
1. Which version of WordPress are you running?
WordPress 5.2.2
2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?
no, on the root
3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?
4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?
5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.
6. Which version of BP are you running?
Version 4.4.0
7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?
8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?
Akismet Anti-Spam
Activate | Delete
Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from spam. It keeps your site protected even while you sleep. To get started: activate the Akismet plugin and then go to your Akismet Settings page to set up your API key.Version 4.1.2 | By Automattic | View details
Select bbPress
Deactivate | Settings | About
bbPress is forum software with a twist from the creators of WordPress.Version 2.5.14 | By The bbPress Community | View details
Select BuddyPress
Deactivate | Settings | Hello, BuddyPress!
BuddyPress adds community features to WordPress. Member Profiles, Activity Streams, Direct Messaging, Notifications, and more!Version 4.4.0 | By The BuddyPress Community | View details
Select Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7
Settings | Deactivate
Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.Version 5.1.4 | By Takayuki Miyoshi | View details
Select Envato Market
Envato Market
WordPress Theme & Plugin management for the Envato Market.Version 2.0.1 | By Envato | Visit plugin site
Select Featured Image from URL
Featured Image from URL
Activate | Delete
Use an external image as Featured Image of your post/page/custom post type (WooCommerce). Includes Auto Set (External Post), Product Gallery, Social Tags and more.Version 2.6.0 | By Marcel Jacques Machado | View details
Select Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft
Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft
Settings | Deactivate
Protect WordPress website forms from spam entries with Google Captcha (reCaptcha).Version 1.51 | By BestWebSoft | View details | Settings | FAQ | Support
Select Hello Dolly
Hello Dolly
Activate | Delete
This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from Hello, Dolly in the upper right of your admin screen on every page.Version 1.7.2 | By Matt Mullenweg | View details
Select Leadpages Connector
Leadpages Connector
Connect your Leadpages account to your WordPress site to import Leadpages and LeadboxesVersion | By Leadpages | Visit plugin site
Select OptimizePress
OptimizePress is the essential plugin for marketers. Create squeeze pages, sales letters and much more with ease.Version 2.5.21 | By OptimizePress | Visit plugin site
Select Post Views Counter
Post Views Counter
Settings | Deactivate
Post Views Counter allows you to display how many times a post, page or custom post type had been viewed in a simple, fast and reliable way.Version 1.3.1 | By Digital Factory | View details | Support
Select Socialize Plugin
Socialize Plugin
A required plugin for Socialize theme you purchased from ThemeForest. It includes a number of features that you can still use if you switch to another theme.Version 3.10 | By GhostPool
Select The Events Calendar
The Events Calendar
Deactivate | Settings | Calendar
The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events. Beautiful. Solid. Awesome.Version 4.9.7 | By Modern Tribe, Inc. | View details | Support | View All Add-Ons
Select Theia Sticky Sidebar
Theia Sticky Sidebar
Glues your website’s sidebars, making them permanently visible while scrolling.Version 1.8.0 | By WeCodePixels | Visit plugin site
Select Visual Sidebar Editor
Visual Sidebar Editor
An addon that allow you to use WPBakery Visual Composer or wordress editor to override sidebarsVersion 1.2.5 | By ERROPiX | Visit plugin site
Select WishList Member™ 3.0
WishList Member™ 3.0
WishList Member™ 3.0 is the most comprehensive membership plugin for WordPress users. It allows you to create multiple membership levels, protect desired content and much more. For more WordPress tools please visit the WishList Products Blog. Requires at least WordPress 4.0 and PHP 5.4Version 3.0.6282 | By WishList Products | Visit plugin site
Select WordPress Automatic Plugin
Wordpress Automatic Plugin
WordPress Automatic posts quality articles, Amazon products, Clickbank products, Youtube videos, eBay items, Flicker images, RSS feeds posts on auto-pilot and much more.Version 2.3.3 | By Miled | View details
Select WPBakery Page Builder
WPBakery Page Builder
Settings | Deactivate
Drag and drop page builder for WordPress. Take full control over your WordPress site, build any layout you can imagine – no programming knowledge required.Version 6.0.5 | By Michael M – | Visit plugin site
Select Yoast SEO
Yoast SEO
FAQ | Premium Support | Settings | Deactivate
The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.9. Are you using a standard WordPress theme or customized theme?
Socialize Child Theme
10. Which theme do you use ?
Socialize Child Theme
11. Have you modified the core files in any way?
12. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?
13. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?
built in i think
14. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.
dont think i have these – just cant get registered as a pretend user on the registration page
15. Which company provides your hosting?
16. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?
Apache i think
17. Which BP Theme are you using?
dont know
18. Have you overloaded any BuddyPress template files.
19. Any other site customisations that might have a bearing on the issue?
Topic: notifications component_name
I’m having trouble personalizing notifications for my site. I would like to display notifications only for specific “component_name” or “component_action” (in the database refer to the same notification)
I wanted to check with the “if {}” statement whether the notification:
bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user ($ user_id, ‘string’);
is equal to the “component_name” with the value “bp_wcamp” and only then display them.
I hope I have described the problem clearly.
Is there anyone who can help me?I try to get a different color for “new” notifications could somebody help please?
My actual code in my theme functions.php:
//notification alerts for posts function my_nav_menu_notif_counter($menu) { if (!is_user_logged_in()) return $menu; else $notif = '<a class="notices" href="' . bp_get_notifications_unread_permalink() . '"><span class="noticecount"><i class="noticecounttitle">Notifications</i>'. bp_notifications_get_unread_notification_count( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) .'</span></a>'; $menu = $menu . $notif; return $menu; } add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'my_nav_menu_notif_counter' ); //notification alerts for messages function my_nav_menu_msg_counter($menu) { if (!is_user_logged_in()) return $menu; else $notif = '<a class="notices" href="' . bp_loggedin_user_domain() . 'messages/' . '"><span class="noticecount2"><i class="noticecount2title">Messages</i>'. bp_get_total_unread_messages_count( bp_loggedin_user_id() ) .'</span></a>'; $menu = $menu . $notif; return $menu; }
Thank you in advance 🙂
I have created my custom component for custom notifications, but id doesn’t work. This is the code:
<?php /** * Class to serve notification Calls. * */ class MyPlugin___Notifications extends BP_Component { protected $component_name = 'MyPlugin__'; /** * Constructor. * * @since 1.0.0 * @access public * @author Wbcom Designs */ public function __construct() { $this->slug = $this->component_name; parent::start( $this->component_name, esc_html__( 'Custom', 'bp-MyPlugin-Custom' ), dirname( __FILE__ ) ); buddypress()->active_components[ $this->component_name ] = '1'; } public function setup_globals( $args = array() ) { parent::setup_globals( array( 'slug' => $this->component_name, 'has_directory' => false, 'notification_callback' => 'MyPlugin_custom_format_buddypress_notifications', ) ); } public function setup_actions() { parent::setup_actions(); } public function add_MyPlugin_notification_format($action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $user_id, $format = 'string' ){ global $wpdb; if ( bp_is_active( 'notifications' ) ) { if ( 'custom_action' === $action ) { //there is a php code return $return; } } } public function component_name() { return $this->component_name; } } function init_MyPlugin___notifications_component(){ buddypress()->MyPlugin___notifications = new MyPlugin___Notifications(); buddypress()->MyPlugin___notifications->notification_callback = 'MyPlugin_custom_format_buddypress_notifications'; } add_action( 'bp_init', 'init_MyPlugin___notifications_component', 40 ); add_filter( 'bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user', 'MyPlugin_custom_format_buddypress_notifications', 10, 5 ); function MyPlugin_custom_format_buddypress_notifications( $action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items, $format = 'string' ) { $return = buddypress()->MyPlugin___notifications->add_MyPlugin_notification_format( $action, $item_id, $secondary_item_id, $total_items, $format); }
Topic: name instead of username
I have the last version of wordpress and buddypress but our site is not visible (its private)
You can only see the home page http://www.test2.allianceschlumberger.orgI would like to replace the username by the first name and last name in the forums but also in the email can i do it ? i didnt find a valid solution
I’m struggling with putting together Custom Notifications.
I’ve been trying to use this:
Without success.I’ve been able to add the text for my new notification to \bp-activity\bp-activity-notifications.php
Which is fine as a temporary solution but obviously isn’t update proof.I’m putting together a system where a user can give a category to their activity update and then users who are in that category (as set on their profile) will get a notification about that update.
The notification is generated like this in bp-custom.php:
function seo_activity_update_reply_add_notification( $activity, $activity_id, $user_id ) { global $wpdb; $post_cat = $_POST['bpcat']; $users = $wpdb->get_results ( "SELECT user_id FROM wp_bp_xprofile_data WHERE value='$post_cat'" ); $metasjson = json_decode( json_encode($users), true); $newList = array(); foreach($metasjson as $key=>$listItem) { $newList[$key] = $listItem['user_id']; $posts = ''; } foreach ($newList as $user) { bp_notifications_add_notification( array( 'user_id' => $user, 'item_id' => $user_id, 'secondary_item_id' => $activity_id, 'component_name' => buddypress()->activity->id, 'component_action' => 'industry_post', 'date_notified' => bp_core_current_time(), 'is_new' => 1, 'meta_key' => 'category', 'meta_value' => $post_cat ) ); } } add_action( 'bp_activity_posted_update', 'seo_activity_update_reply_add_notification', 10, 3 );
Then in \bp-activity\bp-activity-notifications.php I’ve added this to the bp_activity_format_notifications function:
case 'industry_post': $action_filter = $action; $activity_id = $user_id; $title = sprintf( __( '@%s Industry Post', 'buddypress' ), bp_get_loggedin_user_username() ); $amount = 'single'; $seouser = bp_core_get_user_displayname($activity_id ); $seouserurl = bp_core_get_username($item_id ); // $link = home_url().'/members/'.$seouserurl.'/'. bp_get_activity_slug() . '/'.$user_id; $link = bp_activity_get_permalink( $item_id ) ; $text = sprintf( __( '%1$s is looking for someone in your industry', 'buddypress' ), $seouser ); break;
But I can’t seem to figure out how to get this to work as a stand alone function in bp-custom.php
user A sends a friend request to user B.
User B gets a notification (you got 1 friend request) until he accepts or refuses.
But it happens that user A meanwhile deletes his profile, even before user B did some action.
But in that case the notification will stay there at users B profile
and cannot be deleted anymore:“You have 1 friend request”
By clicking on the link, there are no requests, because the user is gone.How can I fix that?
Topic: BuddyPress Custimizations
Hi there,
I am new to buddyPress and installed it on my site. My theme doesn’t natively support buddypress so I have to set it up to my liking on my own. Here a few things I want to implement, and it’s a lot but maybe you can help me.
1.) Where can I change the layout of the profile? And make the navigation horizontal
2.) Is it possible to make profiles for users editible from the front end, so they don’t need any backend access? (And upload avatars / covers or choose from existing images)
3.) Is there a free plugin for a facebook like wall
4.) Can I change the address of the notification emails sent so it doesn’t say
5.) Is it possible to include a function that gives members the chance to give reationcs on bbpress postings?
6.) can i include member titles / ranks that are display below there image in bbpress postings and beside the username in their profiles
7.) How can users create own groups?
Thank you it’s a lot but I want to offer my users the best experience they can get
Topic: Lots of returuning E-Mails
Hi there,
I got lots of E-Mail returns of my users notifications.
That happens, when the enter a non existing email in their account.
But how can they even enter a non valid email? All Emails must be approved by link in BB.
Or is it possible that the user have deleted their mail account after having singed up ad my page?
How can I prevent that?
It is very annoying to get all those returning mails – and the user will not get his notification either.Hi. I have chosen to disable the Notifications component in hopes that users would not receive notification emails. This means, however, that there is no page where users can change their notification settings. When editing the activation and reset password emails, as well as the email sent when group details have been changed, I noticed that there is an Unsubscribe link still showing. Can you please let me know how I am able to prevent the link from showing or customize it to saying Home Page and redirecting those who click it to my home page? I appreciate any feedback which you can provide me. Have a great day.