Hi @janeakshar
Try asking over at bbPress. They should be able to help with bbPress-related questions like this.
Ref: https://bbpress.org/forums/
I’ve installed on a staging server and have started to play around with it. I do see that the activity feed does indeed have ajax for new comments and activity. What I’m seeing is that if I comment on an article, the article is not ajaxified. Is that something that is easy to code into my theme?
Thanks for answering my dumb questions. I spent a long time searching and I can’t seem to find anything else discussing this.
Thanks, Henry.
Hello FORUM,
Had there 2 questions.
if I * activity * removed then the page can not be accessed.
Is also understandable since the visit of the Members * activity * the first thing appears.
Is it possible * activity * hide and then a message appears * for text Only for friends *?
. 2
can I change the sequence of the menus?
the agency first * profile * appear and not * activity *
thanks for your help and for my bad english,)
Okay, seems like I really have to learn more about PHP. Via google I found https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/60272/find-out-if-logged-in-user-is-not-subscriber. That gave me a rough idea, but I did not manage to change the code for a redirect.
However, I found a workaround. I placed the following code…
<?php if ( current_user_can('member') ) : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
in these files:
/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/index.php (lines 27 and 144)
/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/home.php (13 and 122)
There´s no redirection now, but the content is not visible anymore for the role “subscriber”, but visible for “member”.
Would disabling the BuddyPress registration process and falling back on WordPress one’s by creating a custom registration form help avoid the need to sync BuddyPress to WordPress profile? – as I interpreted from here – http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15379839/registration-form-in-buddypress. Thanks.
> – Official inclusion to Buddypress?
Assuming you mean the plugins discussed here a year ago, no plans.
Beyond that, your questions are best addressed to the plugin author via their website.
Here, I have several questions:
– On the main wall, I’d like to see the publications of my friends and posts they make on the groups which they adhered.
– The profile wall, do see publications only if we are friends.
– The groups see all publications.
Someone would have functions that allow me to do that?
I use the Kleo theme and child theme.
Thanks !
Hello everyone.
I have created a BuddyPress site in a Godaddy shared hosting, it has 512 MB of RAM. I expect that there will be almost 2000 registered users and 200-400 active users at a time on site.
I assume it may not be enough, I have the following questions:
1. Is that hosting enough.If not, how much do you think this hosting can handle.
2. To run properly, what hosting do you recommend.
The URL is : http://mitsconnect.in
Thank you in advance.
update2: found shane’s answer here:
…and got it to work to only show a single role, which covers about half the users I want to show. I don’t really understand array syntax, but am now neck-deep in the new “role__in” thing in 4.4
…and finally got it to work, after finding https://gist.github.com/sbrajesh/2142009 (the most recent comment is key, bringing in “role__in”
i tested and cannot confirm the described issue. The link of a name suggestion is normally
and AJAX provide autocomplete CSS and username. Your slug contains the word ‘undefined’. No idea where it cames from… perhaps a js conflict somewhere.
Have you checked with different browsers ?
That said, i have some questions:
why do you say (only friends connected) ? By default, you can send a message to any of your friends – they don’t need to be connected. Did you enabled a special setting so you can only communicate with connected members ?
The other question is the strange output of Testleher example. The name comes up with additionnal (demo) and (lehrer). Are both member types or similar you added, manually or with a third party plugin ?
If you have a local test install, i would recommand you to install bp-default-data plugin and heavily test the message component, without any other plugins at first, and to activate the other plugins one by one.
bbPress questions are better asked on bbPress support forums.
It was actually my permalinks settings.
I changed that and it works, kind of. I’m quickly learning that nothing with Buddypress is as it seems and the support forum you need to budget days to get an answer to things that seem like obvious functionality. i.e. how to limit roles displayed on Member Directory pages and how to set the default role upon setup.
If anyone has the same issue or wants to help, you can find related posts here:
How to change role displayed on Member page Buddypress 2.5
How to change default member role in Buddypress 2.5
I’m quickly losing faith in the Buddypress community. It completely seems overwhelmed and not interested in what users want, but moreover, what they want to do. I’ve seen this sentiment echoed by others as well. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the project, but at the point I’ve never gotten a reply to an issue in less than 3 days. Just seems the opposite of community when no one gets back to you on direct questions with specific functionality.
I will post in the other areas when I get solutions.
Hi thanks for your answer ! I appreciate that.
I have two questions / remarks
1/ I need the name of the group to be dynamic , it won’t be always the same in the different posts- I mean : it can be a button for joining “group horses” in article 1, “group dogs” in article 2 …
that’s why I wanted to use the slug of article (and put the same slug for the group) – But if we use a shortcode (that I think is the best) , I ll just have to add the variable as you said…
2/ the Nonce is not dynamic ??!! It’s always the same for each link ?!
cause when I tried that in single PHP :
<?php echo '<a href=" '.wp_nonce_url( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . '/groupes/' . get_the_slug() '/join') .' ">join group</a>'; ?>
I had a security alert “Are you sure you want to do that ?”
Thanks again for your time.
How would this stop custom profile fields from site A showing up on site B? For example, on one site we have a field where the user puts their annual company revenue. We don’t want this to show on the other site/s. We need other questions. I’ve attached a screen shot.
The site admins have added code or a plugin that requires you to be logged in before you can view the members page. If you are not logged in, you will be sent to the home page.
You should contact the site owners with any other questions.
Wordpress version: 2.2.7
Buddypress version: 2.5.1
My Site: http://www.ymphony.com
I am currently using a plugin called WP User Frontend Pro to utilize the ability to create nice front end forms. I also liked their Registration and Login/Logout functionality. Basically, I am using their Registration and Login/Logout functionality for the whole site.
I also want to use BuddyPress’s social features.
Can somebody guide me on how to “integrate” the use of BuddyPress to be “underneath” the User Frontend Pro’s registration and login/logout feature?
In other words, I want users to be able to register, login, and logout via the User Frontend Pro plugin and also be able to register, login, and logout to use BuddyPress.
Hope the above questions make sense…Thanks!
Hey @fenixbazaar
Give the guys a shout over at bbPress. They handle forum-related questions.
please open your own topic if you have an issue. This is an annoucment topic and not intended for support questions.
thank you.
sorry for my dumb questions.
my cover imagens aren’t working 🙁 . i tried update but dont change the image.
let me explain, i’m using a wlms theme and not a buddypress theme
this is what i did, first i try tu edit the files functions and cover-image-header from this folder
not work this way.
So finally i WIN !! thanks for u ! hahaha
this is the folder u have to edit ( for future questions by another users )
i edit insite the child theme
/public_html/wp-content/themes/wplms_modern functions.php
/public_html/wp-content/themes/wplms_modern/members/single member-header.php
WP 4.4.2
BP 2.5.1
Issue location:
Profile > Change Photo Profile > Upload
Profile > Change Photo Profile > Take Photo
We have a testing installation with same plugins and theme from production.
1) The tab Take Photo does not load. We are trying to find the difference between both installations but could not find it. Any idea?
2) When we try to crop the avatar, we get the error “There was a problem cropping your profile photo.”
Cover image upload or standard Media upload works just fine, both installations.
What it makes the tab be loaded or not? Is there any relation with cropping problem?
Thanks in advance,
Have revisted this interesting query!
Consulted this similar query
and have come up with another possible solution
(so long as the main site has a different theme or child theme to the other sites.)
in functions.php of sub-sites’ themes insert
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_to_specific_page' );
function redirect_to_specific_page() {
if (is_page('Register') && ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
wp_redirect( 'http://yourmainsite.dev/register/', 301 );
would not work with slug is_page(‘register’}
Hi! I wonder if Buddypress can corrupt Anspress (question answer plugin)? For some reason the red “Ask question” button does not function. Here’s the link:
Lösenordsskyddad: Questions
Read at a forum that inactivating Buddypress can solve the problem, but I need Buddypress. Any suggestions? It’s important the user does not need to register to ask questions or see answers and questions.
You can get a profile field value like so:
$child = xprofile_get_field_data( 'child', $user_id );
if ( ! empty( $child ) )
echo $child;
Getting the $user_id
and changing the layout are both questions specific to bbPress and best asked on their forums.
Found an outside link where someone is trying to modify the same information that I am.
$field_type = bp_xprofile_create_field_type( bp_get_the_profile_field_type() );
Sounds like I might need to copy and rename the BP_XProfile_Field_Type_Textbox class and put that in my functions.php file. Hopefully I can edit that there.