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  • #250464
    Henry Wright

    This can be done by modifying your theme. BuddyPress uses a Template Hierarchy. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask them here 🙂


    In reply to: Widget memberbox



    I don’t use the admin bar on my sites. It actually took me a while to discover that’s where all the BP functionality was.

    The best option right now is to do it with some templating:
    That guy’s CSS isn’t the best, I’d suggest working on that.


    Create a template overload of this file:

    Add a conditional that checks user level at the top.

    Or use the do_action hook ( read 2nd answer ) at the top of that file:
    do_action( 'bp_before_create_group_page' );
    and write a function in your theme/functions.php

    Herman Aus

    Ay, thanks for that link. It certainly asnwers some of my questions!

    Earlier I tried taking the selected value and storing it using but I couldn’t figure out how to get a working URL and even if I did, how would the groups list get refreshed?

    I figured that BuddyPress has something that already does this. I looked into bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/ajax.php and saw how the bp_ajax_querystring filter is updated there with information from the browser cookies. And I assume that the directory template is reloaded using this function in the same file : bp_dtheme_object_template_loader()

    It’s possible that the value from the select form is already stored but the reason why the template isn’t updating is because this line in ajax.php :

    // Locate the object template
    locate_template( array( "$object/$object-loop.php" ), true );

    can’t locate my custom groups template?


    In reply to: Xenforo Integration?


    Hey wonky1,

    I’m looking to do something similar. I’m currently on VB and want to move to something else. Xenforo looks like a likely candidate, but we want to be able to utilize BuddyPress.

    May I ask how you’re running user management, registration and access? Is all of that managed by Xenforo, and WP is just pulling/syncing the data? Or the other way around? Waht are you doing for member profile pages? Combine the buddypress and Xenforo pages, or running two separate ones>

    And maybe you can share some details on what you’re using for your bridge.

    Lots of questions, but answers would be a big help.




    In reply to: Error Posting Comments


    Issue is whenever user post a comment

    Just so we’re clear, when you say “post a comment”, do you mean post a comment in the comment form of a blog post? If so, that could be an issue with a theme which needs to be updated to be compatible with the latest WP and BP versions.

    What theme are you using? Have you tried changing to the Twenty Fifteen theme and check if issue is resolved?

    I can give access to my site to one of the moderators or developer if it helps.

    We will ask for a throw-away (not admin) account should the need arise. But at this stage, it’s looking to be a theme issue, not a BuddyPress bug. So your problem is not resolved by changing the theme, do provide answers to all the questions in the link I gave you so we can see the overall structure of your installation.


    @hnla Hi Hugo, thanks for your feedback.

    I’ve updated the Stack Exchange question to better reflect what I’m looking to do. I also updated the answer with a second link to the Buddypress codex for those looking to do less specific Buddypress theming. Additionally, I added a disclaimer saying it is not the recommended method. Without any specific mistakes pointed out that’s about the best I can do for now.

    As for removing it, I’m sure it will be put on hold soon enough, seems they don’t like Buddypress (third party plugin) questions over there.

    Until then the answer solves my question and I can see it being useful for people looking to heavily customize things, I myself have been referring to it constantly. I would have been ecstatic to have found something like it 3 weeks ago when I began working on a buddypress theme.

    Of course, my being a noob means that answer will not be perfect. I will however keep it updated as I learn more and if there’s someone willing to better answer it I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only appreciative one.

    Apologies for hijacking this thread, wasn’t sure where better to reply.

    Hugo Ashmore

    While it is genuinely appreciated that you are trying to help people, some of what you are describing as template files is a little confused and will mislead people into thinking they have to use the advanced taxonomy template hierarchy which isn’t necessarily the case.

    I’d urge you check our codex pages again to best understand how overloading files works.

    The stackoverflow page would be better removed or at least edited to better reflect how the BP template hierarchy works.


    I don’t know which theme you’re using so I can only offer some basic, general css advice.

    The numbers are in a table column, each number is in a table cell. In the html the table cell is written as <td>

    I’m not sure if you can or will want to remove the numbers column entirely, there may be some buddypress inserted code in there (#id’s, etc) that helps identify each row <tr> for a buddypress function.

    What you can do is make that column narrower or possibly hide it from displaying on screen while keeping the (possibly) important code in place.

    With Firefox or Chrome right click on a cell and choose ‘inspect element’.

    This will show you the html code in that area.

    You want to find the cell <td> that wraps around the numbers then identify its class. There may be a couple of different classes in each <td> that buddypress inserts.

    To help find which class you want to work with add a background-color: red; to different classes til you find the right one that applies to all cells in the column.

    (if you cant find a class that applies to only the numbers column you will need to get into a little more complex css using nth and similar methods)

    Once you find the right one open your themes style.css file and place on the bottom of it the class with your new styles.

    Try something like ..

    .className {visibility: hidden;} to hide it


    .className {width: 10%;} to adjust it’s width relative to the overall width. (would want to adjust the other columns cell widths to compensate. may also be some other elements within the cell with their own widths set.)

    There are numerous ways to target those cells for styling and different things that may prevent the above ideas from working but I’d better leave it at that for now.


    @rlfstars So did you build the website yourself? If you did you should sort of be able to retrace some of the steps you took before Buddypress suddenly quit as you have described, can you explain what you mean a little better about Buddypress suddenly quiting? do you mean certain parts of Buddypress stopped working or didn’t work as it was before? or do you mean Buddypress somehow got deactivated? there must of been something that triggered what you are describing for it to happen in the first place, I am just finding it very strange the way you are describing Buddypress as suddenly quiting.

    First off, try to ask yourself a few of these questions below and think back:

    Did you install any new plugins after you had set Buddypress up and had it working?
    Did you by any chance have Buddypress working with your current theme and plugin configuration or was it all working correctly when it was on another theme?
    How much memory does your wordpress install have allocated to it?
    Did you do a WordPress version update recently? the newer versions of WordPress since 4.0 are known to have broke quite a few older plugins that are outdated or don’t have much support. maybe this could be causing a clash…I dunno?

    I know your site is live and you don’t want to mess things up and maybe you are worried about deactivating some of your plugins, but have you yet tried deactivating plugins one at a time and then with each deactivation tried to reactivate Buddypress?

    In future it may be better for you to also have some form of testing environment too (preferably a local install), this will allow you to test as many different plugins/theme combinations and tweak things such as combining scripts etc before doing the changes to your live website. (This will ensure everything works how it should and nothing is broken). Also please note, I would not recommend you diving into the combining of JS and CSS files etc on a live site as you can often break things and it can be trial and error to get right depending on what plugins/features you are using (this is also a different issue than what you have, I only mentioned it to give you an heads up on the shear amount that your website loads on a per page basis whilst I was looking at your source).

    Other than the above steps it really is hard to help out any more from this end without being able to check it out pal. Like shane said maybe you need to hire someone in to take a look at it all.


    You are asking LearnDash questions on a BP support forum.
    Please ask LearnDash.


    Thank you for the reply. Just so you know, I am an experienced PHP coder, but I’m quite unfamiliar with the WP and Buddypress plugin API, which is why I was adding the challenge question manually right in the PHP files before. So I’m not sure where I would put the bp_signup_validate code you linked. Some specific file?

    I copied my edited register.php (with the challenge question) to the following folder of the theme we’re using:


    There was no file named register.php in this directory previously.

    After clearing any caching plugins, the signup form still only displays the default questions. You can see it here:

    There should be an additional field under the “Confirm Password” field. Before Buddypress 2.4.x just editing the files I mentioned in the OP caused instant changes to this page. Now the registration form seems to be drawing its code from somewhere completely different.

    Am I going wrong somewhere?

    Joshua Blevins

    Okay. Revisiting that page kind of game me some direction. I think I just stumbled into a state of pure confusion. I’ll post back if I have any questions.

    Hugo Ashmore

    @jblevins1991 Please check through the BP codex documentation we provide a few guides there that set out how BP templating is structured and how to overload the files to a theme or child theme, this is your first port of call for information thereafter if you still have questions not covered in our guides do ask back here.


    Support questions for 3rd party plugins should be directed at the creator of those plugins – in this case

    Your posting above of code from one of their premium plugins is probably in violation of the terms of purchase.

    Buzztwitter Creator

    Oh and before you think of going for the new peepso platform its exactly the same I had it today and configured it and thought right here we go the button and hey presto exactly the same thing with their new version of a plugin that is meant to be able to share uploaded media straight to facebook…. I saw the networking site for the first time today and just the way the woman who created it delivered her speech was a dead give away, she knows she selling something that is not as functional as she is making out, lost a lot of respect for wordpress over this. You think they are there to help but they are just out to make money, and wont answer questions like yours, just dont care… and thats why they dont like people diving in on others topics because they dont want people getting on the same wave length… if i get this plug in sorted though am a happy man


    Thanks for the quick reply!

    Ohhhh, I think I know why it’s not working. It’s because order.php is in de Learnpress plugin, and trying to get data from Buddypress. I’m not using your code inside Buddypress only…

    So: order.php in the Learnpress plugin needs to pull the data from the Buddypress plugin. When I change

    Opleiding: <?php
    do_action ( 'user_opleiding_field' ); 

    in order.php to your new suggestion it doesn’t work either. Should your new suggestion work with a secondairy plugin (Learnpress?).

    Sorry if I’m asking dumb questions. I’m do have some PHP knowledge, but not enough to figure this kind of stuff out myself. I hope you can help us out!



    Thanks for the reply.

    I have created cpt’s because I want to add custom activity types that have different fields and meta data.

    Here is what I’m actually doing (the book was just an example):

    I am creating a community where users can

    • Post status updates
    • Ask questions
    • Post tips

    I have registered questions and tips as ‘buddypress-activity’ so that they show up in the activity stream, for example

    Adam posted an update 2 mins ago
    Sebastian asked a question 6 mins ago
    Shanebp posted a tip 10 mins ago
    Adam posted an update 14 mins ago

    The normal, built in, status updates links work fine but the custom ones link to

    instead of

    thus using the single.php template instead of the activity template that I want to use.


    In reply to: Delted Accounts


    Yes, to both questions.

    Henry Wright

    Hey @alessandrat

    Welcome to the BuddyPress forum!

    1. Have two separate front ends for different user types (with differently configured profiles), appearances, and accesses.

    Yes. This can be done with either a plugin (try searching the Plugin Directory) or coded through the Member Types feature introduced in version 2.2.

    2. Have a place where shortcode could be put in so that users can take a questionnaire containing likert questions on their profile and/or while creating their profile.

    Either a post, page or perhaps even an activity update all spring to mind as possible places to add it.

    3. One but not both kinds of users can create their own group (public, semiprivate or private) or forum and browse/ join existing ones

    The ability for all members to create new groups comes as standard.

    4. One kind of user but not the other needs to be able to set up ways for the other type of user to purchase products (I assume I can use another plugin but will need a place to put the shortcode)

    This will need to be either custom coded, or you may find a plugin with the functionality you need.

    Hope this info helps!


    In reply to: Activate = Errors


    Please use the code button when posting code.
    Never include the full path to your installation in code you post publicly.

    All the ‘errors’ are related to the BuddyBlog plugin.
    You should submit your questions to the developer of that plugin:


    In reply to: Fatal Error HELP!


    I custom edited my BP

    Since nobody knows what you did, how can anyone answer your questions?
    In order to maybe get answers, you will need to provide access to your installation.


    wow thanks so much for offering all of this information and insight. I need time to really digest and understand everything you explained but for the most part it really helps a lot!

    I knew for sure that my project would require a lot of customizing and extra plugins to achieve what i’m after but the biggest help that you have offered so far is that I need to start from the payment system. I didn’t think of that before and I see how it makes perfect sense.

    I do want to ask, if I start at the payment system, is it still a good idea to include buddypress as well right from the start of my project?

    I might have some other questions for you later on when I actually start working on this project, right now I’m still researching all of my possible options and solutions as well as working out all of the logic from what you said.



    @niranjanchouhan – given that sweetdate is a premium theme, you will need to contact those theme developers for support with issues like that.

    In 99% of cases around here (at buddypress dot org) you will find no help with premium themes and plugins. There are many reasons for that. People posting questions about premium accounts and premium themes just waste space here and get people kind of.. not happy.

    I have been looking at some options to restrict private messaging to certain groups of users, and there was a recent form post here about limited certain groups of users to a certain amount of private messaging. Which I think are great topics.. however the only options I have seen with details on doing that are premium / paid options.

    If you find a free plugin or code that gets into these kinds of restrictions I’d love to see that conversation here at the BP forums.. however if you only have experience with that one theme, then I’ll pass. I’m looking for something like that that will work with multiple themes.


    in short everything you have asked can be done.

    But I’m a little bias as I honestly believe regarding technology there is nothing that can’t be achieved it just comes down to how much time and budget you have to invest… 🙂

    Below is a bit of a ramble…. But might provide insight. after you organize your coffee and come back.

    I have nearly completed a project that sounds similar in nature (few weeks from launch in final beta testing), however it was a highly customised solution (private membership site) .
    With nearly 70 plugins, 100’s hours coding integration code (lots of trial and error) between the plugins and also compatibility tests with multiples of plugins to ensure no issues, because of slow load times the project requires deploying from CDN,fast servers and customised caching solutions.
    most of work load appeasr to be bbpress – so an near out of the box solution, you prob don’t need to go that far.

    But not to scare you. Here are some pointers that might answer your questions, based on my understanding of the OP.

    In my case I spent many months researching solutions with many platforms (open source / paid / managed premium) – buddy press was selected simply because is built on WordPress that’s already has the core abilities you need, you just need to “hook in to’em” and take advantage of this concept – you can keep working on bettering and adding separate components / features as time goes by, great for client, works out a bit cheaper in the startup phase and great for developer – land ya self a permanent support / ongoing development contract……

    Is it possible to update profile content/meta? : In general yes, buddy press allows this out of the box

    Either the user or the admin can update, you can have admin only fields (the user doesn’t access them – but the admin can)
    if you use a membership plugin eg, s2member – you can extend this idea much further eg, only require email on signup, then all other fields are accessible from profile and can set fields on a per membership level,

    In your case, you might have different profile fields for students, teachers, Parents and only require a couple of basic fields to be completed on signup and all other fields can still be “required” when they reach their profile page.
    For profile field management I recommend the s2membership pro plugin (free version available)

    My project has a “todo list” for each and every member – however I’m still to this day unable to find a plugin that interacts with a completed wp/bbp/buddypress site. So I had to code one. The todo list was designed / engineered in a way that interacts with “wordpress” in general, by storing a completely unique data feed much like the activity feed with time stamps and can be programmed to be linked to any site link, media download, page view, forum post, reply any activity on the site can be logged and applied to the feed which the to-do-list interacts with and auto completing (crossing of the item) each item also has dependencies, so you rattle off a list of activities before the task is crossed off and each to-do-list also has dependencies so it is not seen by a user until certain tasks are completed, eg, purchase a course from the store, or complete a previous to-do-list.

    In short: Yes it can be done, however I’m not aware of any 3rd party plugin that does this successfully.

    In my case I have the to-do-list shown in the sidebar so as a member goes through the tasks the list is also available to them no matter what page they are on. But possible to publish it in the profile page if required.

    Regarding email notices, I recommend looking into the woo commerce sensei plugin for your courses that way you have management of email notices, in fact prob most of the things you require will be available via sensei – note this is a premium paid plugin with yearly ongoing licence costs.
    Without a free trial version to try before you buy.

    But maybe gravity forms developer licence might be fine in your case as it has, gateway plugins, qiz and survey plugins – it would be possible to build certain simple courses on the gravity framework including delivery of custom emails – if building a form based system than certainly worth a look into – but would require a developers licence to get all the plugins you would prob require.

    In fact what I do is use gravity forms email chimp plugin to send the members email address to an email list (automation campaign) in mail chimp (paid account) that auto sends a welcome emails that I have customize to suit the activity they have completed, this way I can send pretty html + marketing emails + scheduled follow up emails and take the work load off WordPress other than a quick API connect on demand.

    Regarding: is it possible to have multiple logins or users access the same account/profile?
    In simple: Yes, but it all comes to context of the profile, will each member be able to see other members profiles or will parents be able to edit a child profile etc.

    Although my project does not require the need for 2 or more members to edit a single profile, I do have multiple levels of context (horizontal and vertical memberships) all with their own set of rules who profiles they can see and what buddypress features are available to them – some members don’t have activity feeds or messages, But I needed to ensure that members that do have access to these features can’t access the features of cross membership and so on.

    This is 100% custom code (no plugin) but while coding this up I recall thinking I’m 100% confident it is possible to add another level of check “if current user can edit displayed user” and go from there, all you would need is a profile field / meta that links multiple accounts together –
    Eg, a parent account has a profiled field “child user name” – they just enter the child username / user ID – and now we would add the profile check if a parent is viewing the child’s profile.

    Regarding paying a deposit, and payment, this is my findings.

    There was no single one membership / payment plugin that integrated perfectly into what I wished to achieve – I have tested many. please note I’m suggesting there are no plugins that do this stuff just none that achieved the outcomes I needed for my project.

    – Tips: – start the project design based on the payment systems / gateway (the complete project and direction of development is 100% dependent on this) because the simple reason every feature you implement needs to check “is a paid member and what level (cap / role) ” – including free membership with paid features “is not a paid member” but has paid for… this includes recurring and non-recurring subscriptions with consideration of what you intend to do if a subscription expires.

    Eg, a recurring subscription will either just auto subscribe and pay for the next time frame (or fail)
    A non-reoccurring subscription will auto expire after a given time frame (or X cycles)

    The difference between to the two –
    Is generally on a recurring subscription when it expires it also linked to a member account to “do something” eg downgrade membership

    A non-recurring subscription is generally used for a onetime payment you have access forever feature- eg, a course and resources, you pay once on a deposit, subscription over several weeks when the subscription expires the member still has access to the course as long as they remain at minimum a free member on the site. (anyhow that’s how I have implemented things)

    These two concepts are completely different in the way they interact with the member as well at many levels although on the surface appear to be almost the same, add in a deposit feature you are also opening another level of context to play with, mostly limiting the available options regarding the payment gateway service you will need to use or more so which services have this feature on offer.

    As mentioned – my suggestion is start with the gateway solutions first and reverse the design back to the front end. – this is the big lesson I took away with this project (4 rewrites in total) as it was always a block relating to the gateway limitations (and laws relating to online subscriptions in my country).

    My project:
    Woo commerce (free) for shopping cart system including purchase of courses, subscription to site and deposit/ subscription to courses, plus all other products, deliverable products, workshops, webinars, one on one sessions, resource downloads from pdf to videos. Anything you can think off can be sold through woo

    Woo commerce quick cart – plugin (paid)– now I can add a buy now button on any page for any product including subscriptions – the membership info page has a standard 3 column price comparison chart with nothing more than a “sign up now” button – clicking the button auto adds the subscription to cart and opens the checkout popup with one click and without leaving the page (no need to send to store)

    Sensei (paid)– for courses and fits well into woo commerce system (but requires a couple more plugins and custom integration code if implementing paid / subscription based courses )

    Groups plugin (free) to easily manage roles and caps (as I have to teach client staff how to do this and manage the site) WordPress has this capability built in if your a coding ninja (I’m not)

    Groups Woo commerce (paid plugin) to link groups to a purchase – apply a role / cap or groups of, to a user based on the purchase.

    Then some custom code is required – to perform a check and if a user has a particular role or cap than apply the s2membership level – this check is done at the store level so if a member cancels or defaults on a payment – the membership level is auto adjusted depending on what role or cap is supplied to the user from the groups woo commerce automation. groups plugin manages non-recurring subscriptions so a expired subscription does not remove the users caps and roles (but a default on payment does)

    S2member pro – for membership level management including profile fields management and most importantly complete site access management – I can apply access to each and every competent of the site this includes , forums, topics, replies, posts, pages, media, courses, and content within pages eg, home page displays different content based on the membership level / logged in or general public. s2member pro is also used to override default bbpress / buddy visibility settings eg, hidden forums only available to certain member levels – but requires custom code to apply or traverse access levels on submitting topics / replies to ensure widgets and other snippets don’t display private areas to members that don’t have access. (it allows you to write custom queries with zero concern or consideration to access levels)

    For subscriptions (paid)– I use woo commerce Subscriptions plugin – this manages on its own site access based on paid recurring subscriptions (or in simple turns on or off user account based on payment) – pay x amount monthly to access certain site features, courses and resources, forums, pages, blog articles etc.

    However – woo commerce subscriptions does not manage deposit / time based subscriptions (non-recurring subscriptions) eg, pay a deposit for a course and gain instant access then pay off on a subscription for x amount of weeks / months –
    I was not able to find any plugin (free or paid) that does this, so I had to write a plugin currently under experimental concept stage.

    Other tips: often it’s better to find compatible, well supported and pay for premium plugins that have overlapping features and disengage these features you don’t want to achieve your goals and do as little integration code as possible, but anything you do needs to be well planned and though out as to not to touch core code in any platform, framework or plugin.
    At the end of the day you want the ability to upgrade all systems as time go by.

    Eg, s2member plugin has its build in membership system that is “required to be active” for the plugin to work. – all I did was setup a single paid (never to be used membership) on a paypal sandbox store this includes setting up all the s2membership registration pages etc – then put a simple redirect in the .htaccess on any of these pages. Now to purchase membership you must go to the store (woo commerce) and purchase a subscription via woo – s2member has now has nothing to do with membership registration / payment systems.

    And of course I have “force account creation” turned on at the store – you cannot make a purchase without signup at a minimum free site membership.
    by disengaging the buddy, bbp, Wp, and all other means of registering (by redirect) but only leaving the woo commerce customer account registration available – The pop up registration form I use for free members is just a woocommerce customer account registration form (with no products attached) with a fallback to the s2membership cut down reg form (in case ajax / jquery etc not working on client side)

    And now all purchases, subscriptions, shop account, courses etc are now available from the buddy press profile page also via a “woo to buddypress” plugin (or in my case built into the theme)

    May sound complicated but as mentioned I would really suggest starting with payment solutions and nut out this part of the project first as this will most likely force development direction,

    one of my project goals was a solution that can cater for anything…. so,

    Regarding variable deposit / costs amounts based on user input – if using similar approach as I did – you would just setup woo commerce discount codes per variable outcome / result and would just reveal the correct coupon code to the user on the checkout page. they just cut and paste this code into the discount field and click apply.

    or setup up multi products – one product per price base. – have the user input their details first and the result would be – apply a groups cap / role then only offer the courses products in the store with the associated price base based on user caps / role –

    woo discount coupons can be setup on multiple bases – eg, deposit amount / on going subscription amount or total amount or per product or per cart total etc.

    for me was plenty of research into this including concept builds of other community platforms and as above is only a bit of a sample of features used relating to the OP.
    I was under very strict key point goals and achievements requiring very specific outcomes many of these affected development direction how / why I implemented the above.

    There may be better simpler ways to suit your specific project, but thought it might be worth a mention for some direction. or at least insight into some of the plugins I use / ideas and concepts.

    my usual disclaimer – if there is something in there for you, that’s great! if not that’s fine too!


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