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  • #250535

    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for responding.

    To answer your questions:

    * How were you customising your activation emails?
    -I was changing lines in the .pot file in PoEdit and generated a new .mo file in order to personalise the activation mail a bit more. (No core files were adjusted or changed)
    -I made a change in the buddypress.min.css file

    * Is your site sending other emails correctly, or are all emails broken? Can you test to be sure?
    I have only sent out activation emails up to this point. To test your question, I have manually added myself as a user and activated the account. Then, I send a confirmation email which it DID send, only the sender was WordPress instead of my site name.

    * Are you running WordPress multisite, or regular WordPress?
    Regular WP. No multisite

    * Do you run any plugins that change wp_mail or affect how emails are delivered? For example, any plugins that send email via Mailchimp, etc?
    Not to my knowledge. I am currently running these plugins:

    – BuddyPress
    – Child Theme Configurator
    – Jquery Updater
    – Members
    – Page Excerpt Widget
    – Rating Widget
    – User Submitted Posts

    All of them were running as well yesterday when it still worked.

    Let me know if you need any more info.


    Henry Wright

    Hi @shaughnessy119

    You should ask this same question over at bbPress. Those guys handle forum-related questions 🙂

    Henry Wright

    This can be done by modifying your theme. BuddyPress uses a Template Hierarchy. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask them here 🙂


    In reply to: Widget memberbox



    I don’t use the admin bar on my sites. It actually took me a while to discover that’s where all the BP functionality was.

    The best option right now is to do it with some templating:
    That guy’s CSS isn’t the best, I’d suggest working on that.


    Create a template overload of this file:

    Add a conditional that checks user level at the top.

    Or use the do_action hook ( read 2nd answer ) at the top of that file:
    do_action( 'bp_before_create_group_page' );
    and write a function in your theme/functions.php

    Herman Aus

    Ay, thanks for that link. It certainly asnwers some of my questions!

    Earlier I tried taking the selected value and storing it using but I couldn’t figure out how to get a working URL and even if I did, how would the groups list get refreshed?

    I figured that BuddyPress has something that already does this. I looked into bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/ajax.php and saw how the bp_ajax_querystring filter is updated there with information from the browser cookies. And I assume that the directory template is reloaded using this function in the same file : bp_dtheme_object_template_loader()

    It’s possible that the value from the select form is already stored but the reason why the template isn’t updating is because this line in ajax.php :

    // Locate the object template
    locate_template( array( "$object/$object-loop.php" ), true );

    can’t locate my custom groups template?


    In reply to: Xenforo Integration?


    Hey wonky1,

    I’m looking to do something similar. I’m currently on VB and want to move to something else. Xenforo looks like a likely candidate, but we want to be able to utilize BuddyPress.

    May I ask how you’re running user management, registration and access? Is all of that managed by Xenforo, and WP is just pulling/syncing the data? Or the other way around? Waht are you doing for member profile pages? Combine the buddypress and Xenforo pages, or running two separate ones>

    And maybe you can share some details on what you’re using for your bridge.

    Lots of questions, but answers would be a big help.




    In reply to: Error Posting Comments


    Issue is whenever user post a comment

    Just so we’re clear, when you say “post a comment”, do you mean post a comment in the comment form of a blog post? If so, that could be an issue with a theme which needs to be updated to be compatible with the latest WP and BP versions.

    What theme are you using? Have you tried changing to the Twenty Fifteen theme and check if issue is resolved?

    I can give access to my site to one of the moderators or developer if it helps.

    We will ask for a throw-away (not admin) account should the need arise. But at this stage, it’s looking to be a theme issue, not a BuddyPress bug. So your problem is not resolved by changing the theme, do provide answers to all the questions in the link I gave you so we can see the overall structure of your installation.


    @hnla Hi Hugo, thanks for your feedback.

    I’ve updated the Stack Exchange question to better reflect what I’m looking to do. I also updated the answer with a second link to the Buddypress codex for those looking to do less specific Buddypress theming. Additionally, I added a disclaimer saying it is not the recommended method. Without any specific mistakes pointed out that’s about the best I can do for now.

    As for removing it, I’m sure it will be put on hold soon enough, seems they don’t like Buddypress (third party plugin) questions over there.

    Until then the answer solves my question and I can see it being useful for people looking to heavily customize things, I myself have been referring to it constantly. I would have been ecstatic to have found something like it 3 weeks ago when I began working on a buddypress theme.

    Of course, my being a noob means that answer will not be perfect. I will however keep it updated as I learn more and if there’s someone willing to better answer it I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only appreciative one.

    Apologies for hijacking this thread, wasn’t sure where better to reply.

    Hugo Ashmore

    While it is genuinely appreciated that you are trying to help people, some of what you are describing as template files is a little confused and will mislead people into thinking they have to use the advanced taxonomy template hierarchy which isn’t necessarily the case.

    I’d urge you check our codex pages again to best understand how overloading files works.

    The stackoverflow page would be better removed or at least edited to better reflect how the BP template hierarchy works.


    I don’t know which theme you’re using so I can only offer some basic, general css advice.

    The numbers are in a table column, each number is in a table cell. In the html the table cell is written as <td>

    I’m not sure if you can or will want to remove the numbers column entirely, there may be some buddypress inserted code in there (#id’s, etc) that helps identify each row <tr> for a buddypress function.

    What you can do is make that column narrower or possibly hide it from displaying on screen while keeping the (possibly) important code in place.

    With Firefox or Chrome right click on a cell and choose ‘inspect element’.

    This will show you the html code in that area.

    You want to find the cell <td> that wraps around the numbers then identify its class. There may be a couple of different classes in each <td> that buddypress inserts.

    To help find which class you want to work with add a background-color: red; to different classes til you find the right one that applies to all cells in the column.

    (if you cant find a class that applies to only the numbers column you will need to get into a little more complex css using nth and similar methods)

    Once you find the right one open your themes style.css file and place on the bottom of it the class with your new styles.

    Try something like ..

    .className {visibility: hidden;} to hide it


    .className {width: 10%;} to adjust it’s width relative to the overall width. (would want to adjust the other columns cell widths to compensate. may also be some other elements within the cell with their own widths set.)

    There are numerous ways to target those cells for styling and different things that may prevent the above ideas from working but I’d better leave it at that for now.


    @rlfstars So did you build the website yourself? If you did you should sort of be able to retrace some of the steps you took before Buddypress suddenly quit as you have described, can you explain what you mean a little better about Buddypress suddenly quiting? do you mean certain parts of Buddypress stopped working or didn’t work as it was before? or do you mean Buddypress somehow got deactivated? there must of been something that triggered what you are describing for it to happen in the first place, I am just finding it very strange the way you are describing Buddypress as suddenly quiting.

    First off, try to ask yourself a few of these questions below and think back:

    Did you install any new plugins after you had set Buddypress up and had it working?
    Did you by any chance have Buddypress working with your current theme and plugin configuration or was it all working correctly when it was on another theme?
    How much memory does your wordpress install have allocated to it?
    Did you do a WordPress version update recently? the newer versions of WordPress since 4.0 are known to have broke quite a few older plugins that are outdated or don’t have much support. maybe this could be causing a clash…I dunno?

    I know your site is live and you don’t want to mess things up and maybe you are worried about deactivating some of your plugins, but have you yet tried deactivating plugins one at a time and then with each deactivation tried to reactivate Buddypress?

    In future it may be better for you to also have some form of testing environment too (preferably a local install), this will allow you to test as many different plugins/theme combinations and tweak things such as combining scripts etc before doing the changes to your live website. (This will ensure everything works how it should and nothing is broken). Also please note, I would not recommend you diving into the combining of JS and CSS files etc on a live site as you can often break things and it can be trial and error to get right depending on what plugins/features you are using (this is also a different issue than what you have, I only mentioned it to give you an heads up on the shear amount that your website loads on a per page basis whilst I was looking at your source).

    Other than the above steps it really is hard to help out any more from this end without being able to check it out pal. Like shane said maybe you need to hire someone in to take a look at it all.


    You are asking LearnDash questions on a BP support forum.
    Please ask LearnDash.


    Thank you for the reply. Just so you know, I am an experienced PHP coder, but I’m quite unfamiliar with the WP and Buddypress plugin API, which is why I was adding the challenge question manually right in the PHP files before. So I’m not sure where I would put the bp_signup_validate code you linked. Some specific file?

    I copied my edited register.php (with the challenge question) to the following folder of the theme we’re using:


    There was no file named register.php in this directory previously.

    After clearing any caching plugins, the signup form still only displays the default questions. You can see it here:

    There should be an additional field under the “Confirm Password” field. Before Buddypress 2.4.x just editing the files I mentioned in the OP caused instant changes to this page. Now the registration form seems to be drawing its code from somewhere completely different.

    Am I going wrong somewhere?

    Joshua Blevins

    Okay. Revisiting that page kind of game me some direction. I think I just stumbled into a state of pure confusion. I’ll post back if I have any questions.

    Hugo Ashmore

    @jblevins1991 Please check through the BP codex documentation we provide a few guides there that set out how BP templating is structured and how to overload the files to a theme or child theme, this is your first port of call for information thereafter if you still have questions not covered in our guides do ask back here.


    Support questions for 3rd party plugins should be directed at the creator of those plugins – in this case

    Your posting above of code from one of their premium plugins is probably in violation of the terms of purchase.

    Buzztwitter Creator

    Oh and before you think of going for the new peepso platform its exactly the same I had it today and configured it and thought right here we go the button and hey presto exactly the same thing with their new version of a plugin that is meant to be able to share uploaded media straight to facebook…. I saw the networking site for the first time today and just the way the woman who created it delivered her speech was a dead give away, she knows she selling something that is not as functional as she is making out, lost a lot of respect for wordpress over this. You think they are there to help but they are just out to make money, and wont answer questions like yours, just dont care… and thats why they dont like people diving in on others topics because they dont want people getting on the same wave length… if i get this plug in sorted though am a happy man


    Thanks for the quick reply!

    Ohhhh, I think I know why it’s not working. It’s because order.php is in de Learnpress plugin, and trying to get data from Buddypress. I’m not using your code inside Buddypress only…

    So: order.php in the Learnpress plugin needs to pull the data from the Buddypress plugin. When I change

    Opleiding: <?php
    do_action ( 'user_opleiding_field' ); 

    in order.php to your new suggestion it doesn’t work either. Should your new suggestion work with a secondairy plugin (Learnpress?).

    Sorry if I’m asking dumb questions. I’m do have some PHP knowledge, but not enough to figure this kind of stuff out myself. I hope you can help us out!



    Thanks for the reply.

    I have created cpt’s because I want to add custom activity types that have different fields and meta data.

    Here is what I’m actually doing (the book was just an example):

    I am creating a community where users can

    • Post status updates
    • Ask questions
    • Post tips

    I have registered questions and tips as ‘buddypress-activity’ so that they show up in the activity stream, for example

    Adam posted an update 2 mins ago
    Sebastian asked a question 6 mins ago
    Shanebp posted a tip 10 mins ago
    Adam posted an update 14 mins ago

    The normal, built in, status updates links work fine but the custom ones link to

    instead of

    thus using the single.php template instead of the activity template that I want to use.


    In reply to: Delted Accounts


    Yes, to both questions.

    Henry Wright

    Hey @alessandrat

    Welcome to the BuddyPress forum!

    1. Have two separate front ends for different user types (with differently configured profiles), appearances, and accesses.

    Yes. This can be done with either a plugin (try searching the Plugin Directory) or coded through the Member Types feature introduced in version 2.2.

    2. Have a place where shortcode could be put in so that users can take a questionnaire containing likert questions on their profile and/or while creating their profile.

    Either a post, page or perhaps even an activity update all spring to mind as possible places to add it.

    3. One but not both kinds of users can create their own group (public, semiprivate or private) or forum and browse/ join existing ones

    The ability for all members to create new groups comes as standard.

    4. One kind of user but not the other needs to be able to set up ways for the other type of user to purchase products (I assume I can use another plugin but will need a place to put the shortcode)

    This will need to be either custom coded, or you may find a plugin with the functionality you need.

    Hope this info helps!


    In reply to: Activate = Errors


    Please use the code button when posting code.
    Never include the full path to your installation in code you post publicly.

    All the ‘errors’ are related to the BuddyBlog plugin.
    You should submit your questions to the developer of that plugin:


    In reply to: Fatal Error HELP!


    I custom edited my BP

    Since nobody knows what you did, how can anyone answer your questions?
    In order to maybe get answers, you will need to provide access to your installation.


    wow thanks so much for offering all of this information and insight. I need time to really digest and understand everything you explained but for the most part it really helps a lot!

    I knew for sure that my project would require a lot of customizing and extra plugins to achieve what i’m after but the biggest help that you have offered so far is that I need to start from the payment system. I didn’t think of that before and I see how it makes perfect sense.

    I do want to ask, if I start at the payment system, is it still a good idea to include buddypress as well right from the start of my project?

    I might have some other questions for you later on when I actually start working on this project, right now I’m still researching all of my possible options and solutions as well as working out all of the logic from what you said.


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