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  • #236654

    This topic is going over this forum scope. Keep in mind whe’re handling BuddyPress related question first.
    For MAMP specific questions, please use the appropriate MAMP support.

    Than you.


    In reply to: importing from phpBB


    Hi and welcome,

    but unfortunatly you’re on the buddyPress forum here.

    For bbPress related questions, go here.


    This might help you, dont know myself but looks like it is adjustable to do what you need.

    Xprofile search


    I already test on new wp + bp install.
    These code not work! πŸ™

    $bp->bp_options_nav['groups']['home']['name'] = 'Group Activity'; //NOT WORK
    $bp->bp_nav['groups']['home']['name'] = 'Member Activity 2'; //NOT WORK
    bp_core_remove_subnav_item($bp->groups->slug, 'send-invites');

    taken from: >> It’s not work anymore in latest BP 2.2.1

    I’m using latest WordPress 4.1.1 and latest Buddypress 2.2.1
    So.. how to exactly modified Group Tabs in single group page?

    anybody? Please help. stuck in 3 days for this.
    Thank you.


    Hi @statusselect Thanks. cost $240 – Is EasySocial operable without the Blog and comments ? Please keep in mind that we, users of WP + BP, need both good blogging and commenting.

    Is there Blog like WP MS/MU blogs integrated there ? I could not find in the demo.
    By blog integration I mean each site member can have her own blog with own theme and widgets etc, nicely customizable as in WordPress Multisite. Blog posts can also be commented and “liked” from both the stream and the blog post itself. [ BP lacks both-way Liking]
    In their demo site, I found “Blog” is an App which the user has to load, and for me it did not load actually but took time and more time with the loading icon going on for ever.
    If the Multiuser Blog experience is more or less similar to WP, then yes, it is worth exploring EasySocial.

    Other questions :
    – Can Friends be stacked into various “workmate” “batchmate” etc like Elgg ?
    – Can an user Block another user ?
    – How does the script handle excerpts of blogs in stream, how does it handle toooo loooong names or words ? How does it handle Unicode?
    – How easy is the theme to customize for a non-dev? Language can be changed easily?

    I did not find any pre-sales forum there or any github repo. Which would be great. They also do not have a test-downloadable version like SocialEngine.

    Thanks for your answers.

    PS : BP devs have their own logic, priority, speed etc. Its more than six years I guess BP lacks 2 way favoriting and a standard status/whats new box. The moment you say “standard” you may hear what is standard to one is not standard to other. That way, EasySocial has very well understood the needs of “standard”. I can only wish if they integrated EasySocial with WP Multisite it would have been an unbeatablle product. Ideas have a very few or no pickers at all. Unless we can code for ourselves or have enough money to pay Devs to bring changes the way we want, posting in forum is really not going to change the evolution of BP. IMHO. Thanks.


    Good questions. First of all let me correct you, the price is $89 or $90 for single site users. $200 is for 5 sites. Also, there is no option that is $250. That said, price aside, I would pay $250 for EasySocial any day. It is fantastic.

    To answer your questions, Feature wise, it is incredibly feature rich, and they work very hard to push more features all the time. It is a young project, and it already has all the features you really need for a Social Network. All in one package. It is on a whole other level.

    There is way more backend control, user control, profile control, performance tweaking control etc.

    In terms of performance, it is way ahead of BuddyPress and JomSocial. In tests BuddyPress and JomSocial load significantly slower on a highly populated site than on EasySocial. Especially when hosted on a LEMP Stack running Nginx, Php5-fpm, MariaDB and ngx_pagespeed on Debian.

    I could answer any specific question about my experiences using EasySocial and JomSocial over the years. But I do recommend that developers take the time to get inspired by EasySocial.

    I do understand that the business model is different, but I have seen many incredible open source projects over the years, and that is no excuse. That said, maybe BuddyPress should consider a much more complete version for premium subscription or something.


    This seems to be a continuous problem for buddypress users and its a problem that crops up ALOT on these forums maybe there should be a sticky thread about this css button issue people are having with various themes and installs? It might stop this same question being asked over and over again by new users? I know it does not happen to everyone but it does happen on quite alot of themes and alot of people are confused how to initially fix this issue.

    can i ask you a question? do you live on these forums? hehe. I thought i spent enough time knocking around here haha.

    after a brief search for you i came across this i aint sure if this can help about the resize issue you have


    Hi @sjjenkins

    This should not be very difficult. Some small change in the template file but since they have no downloadable version its difficult to say.
    This may contain some clue –

    Showing some profile fields in member’s profile header not working after update

    Just curious, how does the Whats New box looks like when you use
    buddypress-activity-privacy, buddypress-activity-plus and any Media plugin like rtmedia ?
    Whats your site (if its not private) url ?



    Hi @shanebp
    First of all, thank’s a lot for your fast answer. Now I have understood a lot of thinghs, but I have only two little questions more:
    1. The solution using ACTIVITY.PHP, listing in the following topic , let administrator introduce comment from ADMINISTRATION PAGE (DASHBOARD)? Or neither user and administrator will can to do comments in the groups?
    2. If I create a CHILD THEME, where I must introduce the file ACTIVITY.PHP ?
    Maybe, I need create the followings folders GROUPS/SINGLE into the folder ENFOLD-CHILD? And introduce there ACTIVITY.PHP file into SINGLE folder? Is it so?
    I am not informatic and I don’t undestand very well what I need to do.
    Thank’s very very much for your answer.


    I have a client using CBOX with latest BP & WP.
    Works fine.

    Best place to ask questions:

    Hugo Ashmore

    > and it must NOT be compulsory to join the group for the public groups. Why can’t this be done?
    Perhaps it can be, suggest it on a trac enhancement ticket if you feel that strongly, by default groups need members, BP list participants in a group or at least can track things if people are matched with a group.

    bbP forums is a standalone plugin that ties in to BP due to historical use of forums in groups, but you can create forums outside of BP groups and categorize/nest them but bbP support and documentation better explains how to setup bbPress, although we have a decent guide in our codex too just have a look through the docs πŸ˜‰ but do come back with any questions you might have to doing this if things still not clear.



    The only thing that comes top off my head is having another wp-login.php
    Rename the original wp-login.php as wp-login-backup.php using ftp or cpanel.
    Upload in its place another wp-login.php with just the following in it
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=">

    Please note this is not the recommended way, and I am no coder and have no time and energy and sufficient money to mend wp+bp’s many strange things which do not suit us, just some quick fixes which I personally need also, as I have to build and look after a site, its contents and *users* and thus cannot wait for eternity πŸ™‚

    Use this at your own risk, if it works at all for you. Thanks for pointing this. Please click my profile and have a look at the unanswered questions, if you have some time please answer. If no time and no answer, no problem at all πŸ™‚

    Henry Wright

    Hey @danbp

    Thanks for the feedback. Before I answer your question, I just want to point you to question 4 in the plugin’s FAQ

    Why is it that some members don’t have an identicon?
    An identicon is used as a member’s avatar only if a profile photo hasn’t been uploaded. After activating the plugin, all new members will be allocated an identicon. Existing members will need to log in to get their identicon.

    The reason existing users have to log in to get their identicon is simple. Imagine if a site had 100,000 existing users. At the point the website owner activated the plugin, there’s no way 100,000 fresh identicons could be created. It’d crash their server immediately. I needed a way of staggering the creation of identicons for existing users. The approach I decided on was to create existing user’s identicons on their next login.

    Now, to answer your questions πŸ˜€

    – first time i activated BI, all users showed the mystery man. And plugin works, as i see the border.

    Great! That’s expected.

    – changed profile photo of admin: custom picture appeared.
    – removed the picture: identicon appeared on the admin account.
    -tried to do same thing with a dummy user. Nothing happened.

    The reason nothing happened for the dummy user is because you’re still logged in as admin. You will need to log in as the dummy user for his/her identicon to be created.

    – create a new user from back office, with gmail address, identicon showed up

    Great, that’s a new user created. Identicons are created for all new users so that’s expected.

    – manually created a identicons folder in /uploads/

    There’s no need to manually create folders. The plugin takes care of that for you automatically πŸ™‚

    – modified all dummy user mail address. Mystery man still showing.
    – applied a custom picture to one, ok, then removed. Mystery man again.

    Again, if you’re doing this logged in as admin, then nothing will happen. The actual dummy user will need to log-in in order for their identicon to be created.

    – tried global settings to β€œempty avatar”. Nada ! Reverted to default MM setting and still no identicon.

    Global settings aren’t taken into account by design. If you want to disable identicons, simply disable the plugin. Want them back? Re-enable it πŸ™‚

    On a dev site, using this plugin would really help to avoid calling an external avatar service.
    Would also be true for a prod site, where specially gravatars are mentionned to be optimized as they slow down page speed.

    That was one of the driving factors behind creating the plugin. The beauty of it (in my opinion) is there’s no need to make requests to an external service. Everything is stored locally which should improve page load speed.

    Hope this info helps to clear up any confusion. If you need any more info then just give me a shout, and feel free to open a support ticket on the plugin’s forum if you find a bug.


    @danbp Thanks! And apologies, my questions may appear to be too basic. This is partly because I am a newbie and, I guess, partly because our documentation needs further improvement.

    I am slowly getting a hang of what happens when something goes in functions.php/bp-custom.php.

    But still I am not able to achieve something that appears to be simple. May be, I will need to ask a better question. Which I will do, in a separate thread.

    Henry Wright

    Hi @julesmaas-1

    Try asking on the bbPress support forum. They cover all questions that are forum-related.


    My questions might have been too complicated. To put it simple, that’s the kind of website I am looking for:

    – Homepage: public
    – Pages 2 to 8: public
    – Page 9 including subpages: members only

    How do you set this up with BuddyPress? Is WP Network (Multisite) necessary?


    Thanks Henry! I’ll get to work on that. I have so many questions about BuddyPress!


    In reply to: bbPress Forums

    Henry Wright

    Hi @eversatile

    In case it helps in future, there is a support forum for bbPress where you can ask forum-related questions.


    sorry but see resolved? Questions still not answered!


    Members need to log in at least once before they appear on the front end.

    If you have questions about bbPress ( forums ), please ask on their support forum.

    Mathieu Viet

    Hi @espyd,

    Sorry you are having this issue after upgrading. Just to help us understand why it’s happening, could you reply to these questions:

    WordPress version ?
    WordPress configuation ? (Multisite or not)
    If multisite: is BuddyPress activated on the main site or in a sub site ?
    In the General settings of WordPress is the registration setting on ?
    Are you using a cache plugin ?

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