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Search Results for 'questions'

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  • shanebp

    This isn’t a BuddyPress question, but…

    WPEngine is a very accomplished hosting company.

    I can’t imagine that they haven’t had customers that migrated from a godaddy WP installation.

    Have you posed this question to WPEngine?

    Hope your migration goes fairly smoothly.
    When you get BuddyPress installed, we await any questions you may have.


    Hello @multimartin,

    2 nd question:
    in the private blog settings, general > reading > search engine visibility, check disallow box. This will hide any of the private blog activities to appear on site activity and user feeds, except for those who are members of this blog.

    If it is not enough, considerer this plugin

    1 st question:
    read here


    OK !
    maybe this can help you go further….


    have you salt keys in your wp-content.php ?

    and use the given script to check the db.

    aside, @r-a-y responded on the ticket. Unsurprisingly, like me, he couldn’t replicate the issue


    Hi @hcthomas,

    if you already can’t edit your htaccess, how would handle an htpasswd file ?

    Please indicate hostname and hostplan.
    Can use FTP on your site or are you obligated to manage exclusively your site throught your host’s cPanel ?

    Also ask on the bbPress forum, which is better indicated to answer forum related questions.


    Hi @laxmanvel,

    see here if this can help you a little.


    My Questions:
    1. Has anyone experienced a similar issue?
    > probably, with 2,208,785 downloads !

    2. Does it appear to be a bug or am I mis-interpreting a functionality?
    > probably 2 nd option

    3. Any workarounds?
    > next tree 3 steps back, enter the forest and run 500 yards and check under the oak.

    When a group is setup, you choose to make it public, private or hidden. Depending on this status, the activity will be shown or not. Details of this are explained on the group creation page.

    • For a public group, all activities are public. Group is listed on group directory.
    • For a private group, all activities are private and only be visible to members of the group. Group is listed on group directory.
    • For a hidden group, any thing is masked except for the group members. Group is not listed on group directory.

    If you create a private group the 3 of may 2014, his activities are registered to the bp-activities tab from this date with a status of “private”.

    The 17 august 2014 you decide to modify the group status from private to public.
    From now on, the group is considered as public and any activity generated in the group after this date will be considered as public.

    In a few words, private activities are/and stay always private and public activities are always public, independantly of the group status.
    And the activity feeds don’t look back in the past.

    Hope to be clear. šŸ˜‰


    In reply to: Daily to do list

    Martin Black

    Yes Paul. I do have payed for plugins from various places and have payed people before to fine tune them. But before I even consider paying for something I want to test it and make sure my money isn’t being wasted. So as always the first thing to do is ask questions, does the ability to do what I require exist, if so what plugins, Hence why I am asking the questions. Perhaps someone who designs plugins and sells then may come in and say, yes I have something that may help. Then I will check out what they have, if it takes me so far the discuss with them what help I could get in making it work for me If bought it from them. The article you posted a link to misses out so much..And you I feel just jumped to a conclusion.

    On This matter I have been testing out all the to do list and task manager plugins out there. I hit a brick wall so thought I would ask those who know what they would suggest.

    Perhaps hold back next time Paul before posting such a link, you may just not have all the facts šŸ™‚
    And always remember, wordpress and buddypress are free. Some time in the past someone, somewhere probably said on a forum “I would like a website script that is great for blogging but doesn’t mean I have to pay a developer thousands for” some one took notice, didn’t ask for thousands but got together with other interested people and built wordpress and buddypress. If you have pointed then to your link when they asked the question, perhaps we wouldn’t have wordpress or buddypress now ?


    Hi @thetinus,

    first of, two advice:

    To your question a) & b)
    yes you can code a custom (user) profile page. And yes you can use a player on it.
    But all depends of the number of videos attributed to each user, how many user will use this, the config of your server and of course your personnal knowledge about templating BP and php coding.

    Also, embeding hosted videos on profiles from official WP providers is very very easy – and powerfull. Doing the same from your own server is a bit more delicate to handle.

    Codex is your friend.

    BuddyPress Theme Development

    BuddyPress Plugin Development

    If you have questions, please ask only one by topic and try to be very specific and detailed.
    what you want to do
    what you already did – give example or pastebin your code
    and what you think should work and doesn’t.

    thank you !

    Hugo Ashmore

    If you already have a child theme in use then that’s great you do not need to repeat that step, you will use your child theme to hold copies of various buddypress files so that you may modify them safely.

    Please always check the documentation that is available as we have some guides on tackling this aspect of overloading BP files to child themes, these guides will explain how to proceed.

    Theme Compatibility

    If/when you have further questions do post back to this thread.


    Hi @arpit2011,

    read here:

    Register and Activation Pages

    and please, don’t jump in a post marked as resolved. Open your own if you have questions.


    In reply to: Error on group pages


    Please be a bit more explicit ! šŸ˜‰ Many people are reading the support questions. It’s fixed sounds good (for you), but is very poor for anybody else.
    Thank you.


    $this->set_format( ‘/^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2} 00:00:00$/’, ‘replace’ ); // “Y-m-d 00:00:00”
    or for a general usage
    The date format is setable in wordpress admin for the whole site, including BP.
    Dashboard > General (/wp-admin/options-general.php)

    But you prefer perhaps to explain more precisely what YOU want to achieve instead of answering my stupid questions ? šŸ˜‰

    So, again:
    Which date do you mean on profile ? There is no date on a profile ! Only a field type called date(box) in the xprofile admin, which let’s you add a birthdate or something like this on profiles.


    Yes. Hi once again! ^_^
    … Ok … Thank You …

    About point 1, I am trying UserPro …
    I will see how it works, then I will decide …

    About point 2 …
    Ohhh … well … yes … it seems to be a serious deal … … …


    I just had a first look … and I have to understand that …

    If I need to make available PER EACH member, some PRIVATE CONTENT … What should I edit then ??? Not the page.php, because it would change all pages, right … If I need to customize JUST the “Single Member Pages”, then I could edit:
    /buddypress/members/single/index.php ā€“ If this template file is used in your theme, all member pages will use this template. BP will look to use this if the other four templates mentioned above are not found

    Mmm …
    I am not really sure I understood …
    If I add there [my shortcode], it will be seen only in the member page, correct … ???

    Would it be something like a PRIVATE PORTAL ???

    Sorry for giving so many questions!


    Hi šŸ™‚
    Does anyone has an idea for this?

    I tried to contact the theme developper but I think he does not answer questions like this one anymore, I can understand him but I don’t really know how to fix this without help…

    I don’t really know where to look, which files are concerned?
    thank you very much


    In reply to: If asking for help


    hi @tau001,

    have you ever read about BuddyPress before asking ? šŸ˜‰

    BuddyPress Components and Features

    BP is compatible with most of the (recent) WP themes. There is no need to reach a dedicated BP theme (these are mostly outdated now < BP 1.8)
    Be aware that a commercial theme will cut you off of public forums like this one. Nobody can help you, outside the theme support. And don’t buy a spectacular homepage picture with bright colors and heavy markting claims if you don’t know exactly what you need.
    Built first the skeleton and add a skin after. When building a house, you can’t begin with the wallpaper ?!!!

    For your questions:
    1) see link
    2) yes of course
    3) – yes
    – yes with an extra plugin: myCred
    – yes & easely, if you know a little about php coding



    I have checked about this issue in the forum. Many questions raised about the “Invalid Activation key” issue, but nobody reply to solve this.

    No one give best solution to solve this problem.

    Please anyone help me to fix this issue,because i have tried with last one week.

    I have another one question below

    After sending the confirmation link to email, if i “Sign In” with created user details it is not connected.It shows “ERROR: Invalid username. Lost your password?”

    So i have used my email id in Forget password field. But is shows “ERROR: There is no user registered with that email address.”

    What is the issue? Please anyone help me to solve.




    Thanks for that clarification. All of my other modifications have been done through CSS and saved to the stylesheet of my WordPress child theme.

    Anyway, the second questions still stands, when I downloaded the file the lines must be different as there are a bunch of blank lines and line 9 is <head>. Can you specify what I should be removing?


    Thans so much for your assistance. I have 2 follow up questions,
    Should the child theme be under themes or templates?
    when I downloaded the file the lines must be different as there are a bunch of blank lines and line 9 is <head>. Can you specify what I should be removing?

    Henry Wright

    BTW Iā€™m not using a theme with Buddypress support

    That’s not a problem because since BP 1.7 you can create your own very easily. Check out this article on the BP Template Hierarchy for info on how templates work. If you have any questions or come across any problems then I suggest you open a separate topic for each different issue.


    I don’t use buddypress for my user account sign up even though I use buddypress, you might want to give this a look



    Thanks. I’ll try this as time permits.

    In the meantime I can share with @josephfrio13yahoocom what I know about changing the BuddyPress subnav section:

    1. You’ve seen a working example of creating a new subnav in the code I posted earlier. Just substitute your own output function for the xprofile_screen_change_avatar function in the line:

    add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'xprofile_screen_change_avatar' );

    2. To remove a subnav item see my post here.

    3. To change the default subnav, which you will have to do if you want to delete a default subnav, see the BuddyPress codex here, which has a nice example.

    I’m sure Henry could do better, but I hope this gets you started. All of this can be done in a functions.php file. No modifications of the BP core should be necessary.

Viewing 25 results - 651 through 675 (of 2,230 total)
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