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  • #177604

    Could someone from BP please answer these questions as I too would love an answer.



    In reply to: page layout


    @mercime I posted that questions, but I really need this theme to work.
    As it is already up and running, and I can’t change the layout.
    I have to tweak the theme and make it work.

    Do you have any other suggestions?

    Hugo Ashmore

    These are probably questions better asked on bbPress forum – remember although bbPress integrates with buddyPress it is a standalone plugin.

    I doubt however you need to overload all the files as above.

    Hugo Ashmore

    I would strongly urge you to first have a good read through what articles we currently have in the codex to familiarise yourself with basic setup & operation:

    Getting Started

    Then if you have further questions post back with a full outline of your setup – check the forum stickies which tell you what information to provide in order to gain help here.


    In reply to: Page Not Found

    Henry Wright


    I can’t figure out how to get this working. It’s actually been on my ‘todo’ list for weeks but I can’t seem to crack it. I even opened a bounty on the problem on Stack Overflow 4 days ago 🙂

    Any hints on what I should be doing to make the crop preview image fluid? 🙂


    I understand that answering all those questions on the forum might be overwhelming but if you know how, anyone, please help, the launch of my site depends on that. I wont publish a site where the activity page is full of unuseful info and long comments page.


    @ubernaut thanks for the reply! Sorry but my internet has been down and life a little too busy to log back in here.

    I finally got a reply from the theme developer, but his answer didn’t help. He did at least confirm that it was a problem with the theme and then told me to just upgrade to the new theme they were developing (which is still in beta and has massive problems), so not useful at all. I hacked in some custom CSS I’d found for someone else havign as similar problem with a different plugin to trick it into displaying correctly while I look for another theme.

    I believe it is somehow related to the fact that buddypress sidebars are not the same as site sidebars, it just doesn’t see that there are any sidebars at all. I went through the codex and the pages and tried to see where I could fix it myself since the developer has essentially abandoned the theme but it’s just a little beyond my coding skills at present. I think my ultimate solution will be to find a theme by a developer with better support. Hopefully as I learn more problems like this will be less of an issue.

    On another note:

    I realize that this is an open source, free product but I have to say that the attitude from the developers here in the threads I’ve read is incredibly off putting. Rolling your eyes at people who’ve installed a plugin but do know how to code and find your codex incomprehensible is extremely unhelpful.

    Wordpress was designed just so that people who didn’t know how to code could build custom blogs and websites. Whipping out a hipster sneer and telling them that they should be grateful is both rude and mean. You are the ones who chose to develop a plugin for a different user base than the core product. Don’t slap them across the face for assuming your plugin might work for them (since it’s apparently the #1 plugin on and then having questions when it doesn’t.

    I will say that having read the forums here first, I almost didn’t install BuddyPress at all because I don’t really want to interact with devs who treat their users so poorly solely based on the excuse that it’s free so you should be able to talk at us however you like, or simply ignore us if our questions are “too stupid”. If I didn’t have even at least a little experience with programming and web development I would’ve passed over it completely. I won’t be able to recommend it to any of my clients because I wouldn’t ask them to have to deal with this themselves.

    You are lucky that you have users here helping one another, because for the most part they are the only one I see providing any support.


    hi all

    The BP-Default theme is critical to my site. I am running wordpress and bbpress along with buddypress 1.9

    A couple questions:

    1- Does this mean if I update to buddypress 1.9.1, my bp-default theme will disappear?

    2- Regarding the solution you posted, of adding the code, what exactly does that do? Does it activate the BP-Default theme should you install BP 1.9 or latter?

    3- Will/Is my current installed BP-Default theme in risk of not working in the future?



    So you’re creating an additional Members page ?

    If not, you don’t need an override.

    If you are, you need to change this hook in that override
    do_action( 'bp_before_directory_members' )
    And call the new hook in the example below.

    You need to know the id of the xprofile field that stores gender.
    You need to know the value that is stored for Males.

    Then you can tweak this code and put it in your theme functions.php or bp-custom.php


    In reply to: Paid Themes


    @shanebp is right. If you want to buy a theme, buy a good wordpress theme. You don’t need a buddypress theme since they should all work work with buddypress out of the box.

    The point is that the creator of a premium theme stands behind their work and will answer support questions. These questions may be specific to the theme and how it works so they are the best person to ask.

    If you have a generic question, you’re welcome to ask here.


    In reply to: Paid Themes


    You can ask questions here, but you may not get answers.
    If you’re paying for a theme, then the theme sellers should offer support.

    Remember that almost any WP theme will work with BuddyPress 1.8 and up.
    So if you’re going to spend $55, you have a lot of choices.
    You don’t need a BP specific theme.

    Marj Wyatt

    Thanks. That worked!

    So I’m clear on what fixed it … the “999” at the end prioritizes the addition of the action? I’ve looked high and low for an explanation of this number. Since I put bp-custom.php in mu-plugins, it probably was executing prior to crating the nav items.

    As long as I have your attention, have you got a link to a tutorial on how to make the dropdown item labels on the wp-admin bar match those in the profile page?

    Thanks again for the fix and thanks, in advance for answering the subsequent questions.



    >Will this plugin show every single back end field and allow it to be modified etc?


    >do you have a free/cut down/trial version of the plugin


    If you have more questions, please contact us directly at PhiloPress.


    In reply to: No Activation email



    Thank you for the support questions.

    I use the newest versions of both (WP 3.7.1 and BP 1.8.1)

    I am hosted at Hostgator, domain through GoDaddy.

    I have checked, if I deactivate BuddyPress all email work fine.


    @pjbursnall yeah that code replicates the notification element only (the only part that is somewhat confusing to replicate) you place the code in the plugins directory in bp-custom.php you may have to create the file yourself. – shows you how to create a drop down menu, get the current users info so you can create links to their profile pages, etc.

    Just a note, to add the notifcations to your custom bar your code will look something like <li><?php bp_notification_badge(); ?></li>


    i think i’ve tracked it down. there seems to be a conflict between buddypress and ‘Take Control Of The WordPress Toolbar’ plugin.

    i’ve posted a support question but it doesnt look like the author is answering support questions any more. if anyone has any idea of how i might be able to fix this it would be brilliant as i am reluctant to delete the plugin, although i expect that will be the only option in the end.


    In reply to: Small issue


    @clanvision use the default buddypress theme and see if the error still exists, my site doesn’t have this error.

    Also, I’ve used shared hosting for a Buddypress site before, it’s fine for getting a site online and tested but beyond that it will be useless. Your site takes 4 seconds to load <!– Generated in 4.036 seconds. (294 q) –> and that’s without many concurrent users.

    This laggy slider of yours would be the last of my concerns, you need to optimize your site quite badly. (btw Buddypress is free, and so is the support if no one answers your questions, it’s because they don’t have an answer. If that’s the case it’s YOU who should do the research to fix the problem, not complain about the lack of free support)


    @mercime I should have added more info

    It is default behaviour when the WP static front page is set to “Register”. I actually came up with a way of doing what I needed with the help from folks over at Stack Overflow:

    My final code after some minor tweaks to the accepted answer is:

    function bp_custom_front_page() {
    	if ( ! is_admin() ) {
    		if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
        		$page = get_page_by_title( 'Contact' );
        		update_option( 'page_on_front', $page->ID );
        		update_option( 'show_on_front', 'page' );
    		} else {
       			$page = get_page_by_title( 'About' );
        		update_option( 'page_on_front', $page->ID );
        		update_option( 'show_on_front', 'page' );
    add_action( 'init', 'bp_custom_front_page' );

    After taking a look at how BP does it my questions 1 and 2 have been answered. Now facing a new but related problem:

    When I redirect the user back to the edit profile page to display the “Too many characaters have been entered” message – any new text the user may have entered into the input fields is lost.

    For example – the max characater limit for location is 10

    1. Location value is currently: London
    2. The user updates the location field to: London, United Kingdom
    3. The field validation kicks in – the page is refreshed with error message displayed “Too many characters”
    4. Location value reads: London

    So, you can see the illegal value the user has entered “London, United Kingdom” has been lost. My aim is to redisplay the illegal value so the user can modify it under 10 characters.

    Perhaps location isn’t the best example. Imagine if the user has written an about me paragraph which is over the character limit – on clicking submit the page refreshes and they are told they’ve entered too many characters. Their old about me text is displayed and all their new hard work has been lost.


    In reply to: Confirmation Message

    Hugo Ashmore

    Cheers for the vote of thanks to all those that plough hours of their time into providing you with free software to use, it’s most generous of you. As to the question learn a little about the software you’re using as you’ll find you won’t need to waste time asking questions on how to remove a simple piece of hardcoded markup.


    I hate to break the bad news but spammers already know about it. The problem is no one here seems to care.

    Others have also reported this:

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