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  • #157132

    i know BP, no need to give me a test user access: that have no effect on your code.

    You removed many things in the toolbar i guess. So i would recommand you reload a fress bp-default folder, with untouched css at least.

    Apply the code and don’t touch the css! and come back with questions.

    Hugo Ashmore

    Sorry but flashing back to @mercim comment , are you running BP? If not then asking the questions you are on this support site is inappropriate,  and as suggested they should be addressed to the theme author or to the general WP forums.

    Hugo Ashmore

    Have either of you actually directed these questions/issues to the appropriate places?

    or the WP forum for the plugin.


    I would also be seeking to get an understanding of whether this plugin is to be supported going forward as there seems to be some differings views I’ve seen and knowing one of the authors they are extremely busy with other projects.


    Be very careful about building sites based on third party plugins, you have to have a fair idea they will be supported or learn the necessary skills to keep them running.



    By ‘article types’ you mean custom post type ?

    Google this: ‘buddypress add custom post type to activity stream’

    Check this:


    About images…

    I figured it out 🙂


    Thanks, Chouf1. That makes things much easier.

    That will be nice about BP 1.7. I actually found the WP theme easier to figure out in some ways.

    Now to make those changes in my style.css for the colors and see if I can figure out the header


    hi @p2ab,

    on BP 1.6.x,  a child theme contains at first only one file: style.css

    The only thing to add in are comment tags.

    * Theme Name:  what you want
    * Description: what you want
    * Version: what you want
    * Author: what you want
    * Template: bp-default (this is very important: it’s the name of the parenttheme)
    * Tags: blue, buddypress, two-columns, white….  (what you want)

    default.css is the buddypress main css file and you don’t have to copy it to your child theme.

    Also, you have nothing to import ! This is optionnal and not necessary.

    Just use the same ID and class names of the parts you want to customize and do your css modifications.

    Remeber also that in a few weeks, BP 1.7 will be avaible and will let you use any existing WP theme with the opportunity to spare some long tweaking to recreate the wheel. Perhaps.





    OK, so I have to import. If I am editing what is in the default.css, do I:
    1 – make a copy of the default.css, edit it and put in the main child theme folder?
    2 – make my edits in the style.css using the sections copied from the default.css and put a link to the default.css?

    For 1 my import would look like this: @import url(“..default.css”); correct?

    For 2 I’m not sure @import url(“..bp_default/_inc/css/default.css”); correct?

    My child theme is going to be in bp-themes/p2ab


    I didn’t add anything like that.

    In fact, looking at my child style.css it doesn’t look like it is being loaded at all. So I did something wrong.

    All that is in there is the theme info (name, URL, etc) and a couple of entries for div#item-header h2 span.highlight span and div.item-list-tabs ul li a span, neither of the colors listed in there are showing up.


    IF you added

    in your child themes CSS then you may need to add !important to overide the import css.
    #some-style {
    text-align: center !important;


    Thanks, bphelp.

    I found the color in the bp-default default.css. I made a copy of the file, edited it, uploaded it to my child theme directory and nothing. I even made directories to make it match the default theme structure and nothing.

    As a test, I renamed the bp-default’s default.css and uploaded my edited version, and that worked. I even tried activating the default theme, renamed the default.css, then switched back my child and I have the original colors back.

    So it seems that it is ignoring my default.css. Should I copy what is in the default css into my child theme’s style.css?

    I’m doing something wrong but I’m not sure what.


    @p2ab There was no BP 1.3.4 version, do you mean BP 1.6.4? Use firefox extension firebug or chromes developers tools to target the elements you wanna change because there is many links, font shouldn’t be hard to target, and the header on here is a gradient so you will need a tool like colorpic to inspect the color range and add it to your CSS


    Curious if I’m phrasing my questions wrong? I’m new to this forum and I notice my first three posts have received zero replies.

    Is it because I”m Australian? 🙂


    @bphelp Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for capitalism 🙂
    Coming from a marketing perspective, I would put myself in the prospective buyer’s shoes with questions like:
    – who is selling the product, what has he/she done before and where
    – how long with this product be maintained
    – how will I get support, how fast is response time
    – what are my courses of action if the product is not supported as promised or doesn’t work in my installation, etc.

    Just bringing this up because of what you posted in another topic about another developer who decided to make his plugins premium. That developer has already established street cred. There’s nothing I’ve posted above to discourage you at all. There are some guerilla marketers who’ve outsold some corporate-planned marketing campaigns before so hey. here’s wishing you good luck.


    @nicolerbencomo its located in:

    Make sure in dashboard/settings/general/membership that the box is checked beside “Anyone can register”


    I am also a newbie and would like to know how to set up a registration page. I see the registration by BuddyPress installed in my .php core files but I don’t see a page template.

    Hugo Ashmore


    there should be more efforts like “CBOX”


    You really need to explain a remark like that. What are you wanting provided for you? CBOX is a theme development project based on the Infinity framework. It has entailed a huge number of hours, is backed by a number of developers, and also as far as I’m aware funded, so the fact it’s then returned as openly available for anyone to use is a bonus, but  do not expect that to be the norm it’s an exception.

    Your bullet points are understandable but not necessarily possible to do. Define work well? who writes those review and tests the plugins?

    Better forum responses? how do we achieve this then? Bear in mind a forum such as this  and many others are a volunteer effort, those of us that do answer questions do so at the expense of our free time even though for most developers there is  in reality no such animal as free time, again helping out on the forum is one way to help improve it as is contributing to the Codex as I mentioned before.

    – So yes no one would question things can always be improved and it’s fine to suggest so  but the real answer is get involved  help make that improvement – it’s a community driven effort.

    And on that note the thread does start to repeat itself so lets draw a line under things!


    First.. let me say.. I highly appreciate everyones efforts..

    — A paid plugin doesnt guarantee non-breakage…

    putting aside the conversation of “hey its free stop complaining” — there should be more efforts like “CBOX” and/or a better ranking system that addresses:

    1) Does this plugin work well
    2) What are the best plugins that work to do xyz..
    3) A better response to forum questions/inquiry..

    again.. I highly respect everyone here.. @modemlooper is a kick ass developer and wish i can afford his services…

    — But I do think theres gotta be a recognition that… BP & the BP Plugin forums support can use improvement..

    Hugo Ashmore

    its obvious that theres a lack of clarity if the questions been asked over and over again, because one can only assume that a satisfactory answer has not been achieved


    Why is it obvious there’s a lack of clarity? The question of media keeps getting dragged up because people want that elusive magical full on solution available right now for free – or so it seems?

    There are  three available media offerings, and media capability to any great degree is in the hands of plugins it’s not a core issue. There are far more fundamental things the small core dev team need to focus on and it’s not things like this.


    Take questions about media directly to the plugin authors, hassle bp-media ask why it’s still not near beta.

    And as for wiki , FAQ etc contribute, give back write the darned best practise ?blog 🙂 you say you’ve been using BP for years? well BP is community driven – get driving please.



    So what if this question has been done to death.. its obvious that theres a lack of clarity if the questions been asked over and over again, because one can only assume that a satisfactory answer has not been achieved. I suppose this question and a ton of similar questions can be solved or addressed by having a “wiki” or easily searchable FAQ or Best Practice Blog or.. whatever.. — Ive been using BP for several years (on many of my sites) now as non-technical administrator and Im constantly frustrated.. but anyhoo.. just my 2cents..


    @bphelp Google shows some snippets here, here and here.


    I’m definitely not a spammer. I ask questions and answer questions on here….lol


    Thanks @bphelp. Would have been nice to have it on the back end but that will work for now.

    I did notice that members that logged in prior to the installation of BP Force Plugin don’t have fields for First Name, Last name, and date of birth which is odd. Those fields were on the registration form and were “required” through bp. It appears that BP Force is the only way to make them be actually “required”.

    I now have to get the fields back on the users that don’t have them. I have so many questions and issues with buddypress… I’ll keep plugging away…


    hi @adchix,

    Do know for answers, but… i have questions 😉

    There is a error on the activity page
    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘infobartext’ in x/x/x/x/ProudConservative/wp-content/themes/Tersus/lib/adm/inc/meta_config.php on line 29

    Check this function and ask about it on the themeforest forum perhaps.

    have you set your permalinks, as recommanded, to something other as default path ?
    Have you old pages in the trash with identical names as the online pages ? If yes delete them definely ?
    Are all pages appering on the BP settings page tab ?
    Each BP option you use should have is own page. (xprofile, forums, etc) Is this the case ?


    Hugo Ashmore

    This is a WP factor not a Buddypress one. Look into the use of the ‘more tag’ used to split posts where you wish within the post body. The WP codex is your friend for questions like this.

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