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  • #140151

    I don’t cheat. I only asking questions for trying to help you. J’me casse. Tchao.


    Yo, i understand your frustration, but debuging by the “common way” is the first thing to do.
    If your install worked before upgrading and no more after, it’s logical to think that there is somewhere a conflict or a missing piece of code.
    Custom themes and plugins are mostly the culprit. JS sliders, plugs with text editors are also common sources of problems.

    There is no universal answer. Each site is different, each problem too.
    I recently get a blank page because of a missing > in one of my template loop !
    I updated to 1.6.1 and all my pages disapeared and i had to recreate them one by one.
    After 4 years of BP usage, it’s just an incident. But i understand, especially it it’s the first time you run such a trouble, how this can be annoying, for sure ! :D

    On this topic, you claim all “it’s no more working.” but no one said what he did, what theme he use and what type of install he manage. All these details are missing in this topic. And so far i know, nobody here is a soothsayer. I’m not.

    Other common forum user behavior: no or less feedback when a solution is found. So coming here and saying “it’s not the problem” after an answer, is not fair. If it’s not the problem, why do you ask for help ? And if it’s the problem, why don’t you explain it ?
    Pages are gone is not the probleme description, it’s the problem RESULT description. ;-)

    A clearly explained problem brings to a clearly solution.
    I don’t know what happens for you. I only try to help you with common questions intented to guide your debug search.

    Let me suggest you that if you want to know what 1.6.1 did, go to the trac and compare the version changes. It’s very easy to find this information on the Trac. But you have to read the code.

    If “it’s not the problem” with common guidance as read above, may i suggest you to activate the debug mode in wp-config file. Perhaps some warnings or server information will help you further.

    Sorry it’s also a common help answer. ;-) And as i’m french, sorry for my poor english.



    I completely understand why this was originally inserted into the footer. Originally this bar was just a feature for admins. Now that BP and others have turned it into a site feature this load last logic no longer applies. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter how “lite” you make your theme. If you have media embeds, images, like buttons, etc. in your page content you will see a noticeable delay, that depending on theme could make it appear broken. If it is going to be used as a site element it should be treated as such.

    Moreover, there seems to be a growing attitude at WP that making themes idiot proof is more important than developer control. Don’t get me started on Post Formats. This goes as far as ignoring customization questions that may conflict with any pseudo coding philosophy they cling to. There is nothing wrong with breaking the rules as long as you know what they are.

    Sorry wasn’t trying to turn this into a rant, I just have strong feelings about that stuff.


    @papaitirtha ,

    please post questions one by one.
    For the question about template, it seems there is something wrong from within it. As you know also, you paid a $60 licence to use the Huddle themeforest theme. This price includes support and you have to ask them first for disfunction and updates, not here.
    FYI, the last update of the theme is 21 August 12. Did you use this update ?
    Same question to @travcentralen

    For the second question about retrieving profile fields automatic links, i don’t know, but please search a bit on this forum. I saw a similar one in the past 3 days….


    There is a IE 8 bug (IE 7 & 9 not effected) that effects items with max-width and max-height. If you set max-width or max-height without setting the width or height the box will collapse.

    Try setting that element to…


    Tammie Lister

    If I could just ask a few questions to narrow this down please.

    Do you have a link to see on your site what is going on? Are you using a mobile plugin to switch the design to something when you are using Mobile? What theme are you using?


    That is pretty lame. I’m surprised they haven’t found it. Its very hard to find my questions on here. But thanks for the tip


    Hi @PaulGibbs — any thoughts or insights based on the answers I provided to your questions?


    OMG @neononcon please tell me how I could be forgiven for my silly delay? Chaos ‘s reigned in my world for a couple of months and I forgot about Buddypress until it turns to wonderful 1.6.
    – Yeah, Theme paid.
    – Too bad I did not notice about the confused users when both Sidewide and Group’s forums are enabled and now I do not know how to do. But I wonder why Buddypress team does not make this better blending the use of them.
    – No spam! Wangward, Akismet and WordPress Hashcash have destroyed them while I was having coffee.

    PS: For anyone who wants to ask me questions, mention me, otherwise I may miss you.


    all three questions (a) – (c) simply related to the same issue @mercime.

    I got a warning so do I really need to update the forums anyway? So what if I don’t? My question about being concerned was not to get feedback from my Sys Admin (which I am the S.A. for the site and server). WP warned me — so do I need to be concerned? The warning was cryptic with respect to WordPress/BuddyPress, not the server.

    An my manual update question was this — if the automated WP routine can’t update the forums, is there a manual workaround.

    Hugo Ashmore

    If you don’t want threads locked do not! insult people or get tetchy it does you no favours. No one is obliged to help and one takes what help one does receive with good grace even if not quite what what one was after, also do bear in mind tech help forums are not services, members are not obliged to write code snippets for people.

    As for giving free time be careful using that as reasoning; many of us give a huge amount of our time, seldom spare, and is not something insignificant, for instance a few of us are just bringing a community theme to fruition which has taken a lot of our time little of which could really be said to be ‘spare’ time and when this is how you make your living, especially in a freelance capacity that is best not overlooked as something insignificant.

    I’m closing this thread as it does not ask any questions that can be answered.

    Arrogance is Bliss

    There are a few different social networking platforms out there and someone coming up with a safe way to integrate one or more of them with WordPress (or visa-verse) would be a welcomed development, in my opinion. However, a ‘plugin’ like GRA4 that takes unsuspecting members from WordPress sites and opens the WordPress site owner(s) up to potentially (MAJOR) security and privacy issues (as well as hosting and server violation issues) is not a plugin. It is a dangerous interface that WordPress webmasters would be well advised to stay away from.

    One thing to consider when allowing a ‘plugin’ to use a remote server is, you can not know the intentions of the people on the remote server. Once that avenue is opened, a site can be vulnerable to many things unseen and unimagined.. That is Dangerous.. Unfortunately, a lot of people using WordPress do not look at code. Even if they did, they don’t know how to spot potential dangers. As website developers, webmasters, and the like, we do have a responsibility to those who use our websites, to be careful of providing something that could violate the rights and privacy of our users as well as open our own servers and/or hosting, to unsavory and malicious intruders.

    It pays to ask questions, @lunchgirl thanks for doing so. I wasn’t aware of gra4 until I saw this thread and @mercime pointing out that it isn’t available in the Repository anymore caused me to want to know what it did. So, I looked it up and found that they are attempting to infiltrate several different and independent platforms. If anyone uses those other platforms or knows someone who does, I would let them know about that plugin (or in the case of some, it’s a drop-in). It is still available in those other platforms and shouldn’t be. Please spread the word..

    Arrogance is Bliss

    Interesting ‘plugin’ that GRA4.. it is a connection to their website. A little more than phoning home. Your members get included into their website. Wherever their ‘plugin’ is activated, all the members show up on all the other websites. They have a plugin for oscommerce, phpbb and wordpress and they are working on a plugin for drupal. All members are gathered to their website and you have NO admin privileges. You have NO control over the content on the website and I don’t know for sure, but I think there could be some major security (and privacy) concerns for all of your website members.

    They don’t tell you straight out that you aren’t adding functionality to your WordPress website, they are providing a portal to their website, which shows up on your website making it appear like it’s your website. Quite crafty. – A FACADE-

    They are using ‘elgg’ social software on their server. They authenticate using cookies and they secretly provide your website with a ‘secret key’ and their coding changes the .htaccess rewrites for your website to redirect your members to their website. The page they tell you to add, is the same name as the directory of their plugin and the rewrite for permalinks makes it appear that your members are looking at a page, but they are looking at another website. The shortcode they tell you to put on the page you create for their plugin calls the function that imports the data from their website to display on that page. So, basically.. it’s an interface with their website Their website shows up on an ip address in the United States, but they are Russian (no prejudice, just an observation), to share the information. Part of their coding calls a another website (which shows up as ‘GRA4SetConfigValue(‘GRA4_remote_url’… in one of the files. That website also shows up on an ip in the USA, but the page title is in Russian and the favicon is a red star. (looking at that last domain name I can see ‘virtual russia’).

    In conclusion, from my perspective, it’s a scam. You do NOT get your own social network with their ‘plugin’, you get to include your members into their website, without your members knowing it.. I don’t think that would be consistent with the spirit of WordPress or BuddyPress. I would stick with BuddyPress or one of the other true WordPress plugins that provide social networking within WordPress, unless you want to find yourself answering questions you have no answer for sometime in the future.. Let alone the risk of your own website and hosting information somehow being hacked. The concern I have is, if they are being honest, why hide all of this from WordPress users of their plugin? With their obvious ability to rewrite and redirect, who knows (really) where your website and member information is going?

    If they do get back into the WordPress Repository, I would really be careful of these people. Always check to see if a plugin requires a connection with remote servers before you consider using a plugin.


    Yes, there does seem to be a few issues.
    While buddypress is claiming that there isn’t a need to network activate, making it work on a subsite doesn’t seem to be as easy as one might expect. I haven’t figured out how to get past the permissions thing on subsite, but network activating in the base site also doesn’t seem to connect to the subsites. They don’t seem to know buddypress is activated. Kind of frustrating, but when someone shares the secrets with the rest of us, it will be quite a nice install, I presume..

    Also, with themes that are compatible with v1.56, are they still compatible with 1.6? Or do the new files need to be moved to the theme directory to make everything work right? I ask these questions because of the problem I seem to be having with not being able to find buddypress profile from the subsites.. I am being directed to the WordPress profile, not buddypress, from the subsites.


    Recommend that you post questions specific to sitewide forums/bbPress plugin at


    I got it figured out Ray :) Thanks again for your help with this.


    Thanks again R-a-y. I have it setup now and I appreciate your help. However, I still can’t figure out how to have “Community” show up as one of my Pages, so that it will appear in the top header, along with my other Pages.

    How do I point my readers to the Forum?



    BuddyPress is a plugin. Did you activate it?

    If so, did you setup BuddyPress afterwards?


    r-a-y, thank you! OK I now have the Genesis Connect plugin installed. So now, how do I get BuddyPress to show up on my website’s main page.

    I thought I would see BuddyPress on my Widget page, but it is not there. How do I get it to show?

    Thanks so much for your help!


    If you’re using Genesis, you’ll also need the Genesis theme compatibility plugin called Genesis Connect:

    If you don’t want to use that paid version, you can try using the free BP Template Pack plugin:

    Although, it should be stated that Genesis Connect is probably better suited as it should integrate with your Genesis theme seamlessly, while BP Template Pack will give you a generic look that might not gel with your theme and might require some CSS and template tinkering to get it just the way you want.


    @rogercoathup FYI I had the notice in codex page for BP 1.5 forums to disable discussion forums in BP > Components since it only mentioned group forums in description. I had not done so in the new (currently being updated) page for BP 1.6 forums because I hadn’t tested whether deactivating discussion forums in current version would go awry since there was a revision which now mentioned it in re BOTH group and sitewide forums. However, since core dev has mentioned that it works above, I have now added this info for Installing Sitewide Forums only in codex for 1.6.

    Delete bb-config.php in root of WP install

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Thread closed. I know it’s not easy to let the moderators know you’ve found duplicate threads, but feel free to reach out or mention one of our names so we can come in and sort it out.

    @raminjan Stop creating duplicate threads. It does not help you to get people to respond to your questions more quickly.

    The 1.57 was flawed. The new 1.6 has reeked chaos. I don’t wish to be negative but there are real problems with this add on. Admittedly you have to work through upgrade difficulties but our own site died and could not be repaired. Fortunately we did have a back up but have to start asking the hard questions about is this the right path to take.


    @bmk0220 – mrjarbenne was incorrect; bp-custom.php belongs in /wp-content/plugins/. You need to wrap the code with opening and closing PHP tags. Read the corresponding article here:

    Sorry guys, I meant to close this thread to prevent replies and that’s what I’m going to do now. Please create new topics for your support questions. Thanks everyone!

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