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  • #45261


    I was advised by someone ON the forum to do it! I was making changes and asking questions, and was told by a moderator to be sure and “create a new theme” by “changing the theme name,” so that’s what I did!

    And I did change the name back to the original, and as I noted in the last post, nothing happened. Still blank!

    This isn’t an absolute disaster, though, since what I changed was on a test version of the site I’m developing, but if someone could outline the proper procedure for making a theme name change (I have only made minor modifications of the CSS files in my BuddyPress home theme), that would be great. Or point me to where I can find that information. Thanks!

    Jeff Sayre


    Thanks for the detailed response!

    A few more questions:

    1. Did you copy over to WPMU’s root the .htaccess file that comes with the download?

    2. Did you select the BuddyPress member theme in WPMU’s backend via “BuddyPress > General Settings > Select theme to use for BuddyPress generated pages”?


    In reply to: Error creating groups

    Jeff Sayre

    We don’t have sufficient information to provide any assistance. Please answer these questions:

    1. Which version of WPMU are you running?
    2. Did you upgraded from a previous version of WPMU, and if so, from which version and how?
    3. Did you have WPMU functioning properly before installing and upgrading BuddyPress?
    4. Which version of BuddyPress are you running?
    5. Did you log in as site admin in WPMU’s backend and activate BuddyPress?
    6. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated?
    7. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or custom themes?
    8. Are there are errors in your server’s log files, and if so, what are they?


    Response to your questions are as follows:

    1. I am positive I am running wordpressMU, under my admin dashboard it states You are using WordPress MU 2.7.1.

    2. This is a fresh install of WordPressMU and Buddypress. I had never heard of either of these until a week ago so I installed WordPressMU 2.7.1 first and then downloaded BuddyPress1.0 and installed via installation instructions listed here

    3. I believe WordPressMU was functioning, but I had never used it before so I can’t state that confidently. Just from playing around with it previously and me still being able to use the dashboard without issue, I would say it was functioning.

    4. I am using BuddyPress1.0

    5. Yes I logged in as site admin on WPMU’s backend, activated buddypress under the plugins section, and am currently utilizing the BuddyPress Default Home Theme 1.0

    6. The only plugin I have listed is BuddyPress and I’ve never installed any other plugins

    7. I believe I am using the standard buddypress theme that was automatically installed with BuddyPress, I myself did not install any custom themes

    8. I do not see any error messages that are catching my eye in my /var/log/messages

    Just a little additional info. I’m running WordPress/BuddyPress on my own webserver. I am running a linux box using CentOS 5.3 and apache to host my current website utilizing drupal and all works fine. I wanted to utilize the BuddyPress social networking feel for my site so I’d like to move to BuddyPress. I started from scratch with installing WordPressMU and BuddyPress. I made the correct databases and users using MySQL. If you have any other questions please let me know. Thanks

    Jeff Sayre

    Okay, before we can assist further, we need more information. Please answer these questions:

    1. You’re positive that you’re running WordPress Mu and not single-version WP?
    2. Assuming the answer to number 1 is yes, then did you upgraded from a previous version of WPMU, and if so, from which version and how?
    3. Did you have WPMU functioning properly before installing and upgrading BuddyPress?
    4. Which version of BuddyPress are you running?
    5. Did you log in as site admin in WPMU’s backend and activate BuddyPress?
    6. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated?
    7. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or custom themes?
    8. Are there are errors in your server’s log files, and if so, what are they?


    In reply to: SQl Question

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Please search forum before asking questions; it’s in the FAQ sticky –

    “How to hide selected profile fields”



    I just came across the customizing labels tutorial and have some questions (newbie alert!). 1) How do I run the command to make the mo file? Currently I access the server through FileZilla.

    2) Is the bp-custom.php file something that I download or create?

    3) The walkthrough says ‘This example uses mysite as the sample language definition; you’ll need to replace it with your own custom definition.’ What would be my custom definition? I am running BP 1.0 with default everything (hardly any changes yet). Do I need to worry about this or just use ‘mysite’?

    I basically want to change the main blog ‘blog’ to news including the slugs and maybe the ‘blogs’ to ‘member blogs’




    In reply to: black avatars

    Jeff Sayre


    We have no idea what setup you’re running? Which version of WPMU, of BuddyPress? How did you install them? Did you upgrade WPMU? If so, from which version and how?

    Also, please first visit and read the link I provided in the second post. If the suggestions there do not solve your problem, then answer my additional questions in the fourth post.

    Jeff Sayre

    Okay, I’ve reread this thread for the second time. You state that:

    The problem must be with the data; since a fresh install works perfectly and after the data gets imported, I get the nasty 404 bug.

    Andy’s answer is:

    This is normal with WPMU, you are not going to be able to transfer over blog tables as there are all sorts of URL settings in the DB.

    I have a few questions based on this interchange:

    1. Which version of MySQL are you (is your host) running?
    2. Have you tried repairing the DB tables before reimport?
    3. Are you moving your data between different domains?

    Since WPMU 2.7.1 + BuddyPress 1.0 + standard themes work fine with a new, empty MySQL DB, the issue is, as you state, with the data. Either you have data corruption, indices that need reindexing, or hardcoded links within the tables that are causing the 404s.

    If the domain mapping is not identical to the hardcoded links in your WPMU tables, you will have issues.

    So, here’s what I’d suggest:

    1. Backup your data again
    2. Then, repair/reindex
    3. Then, if your domain mapping is not identical, follow these instructions keeping in mind that these articles are for WP and not WPMU. You’ll have to adjust accordingly:


    feature requests thread =>

    post requests there


    1. The right answer will be – no! Because in 1.0 version I cannot delegate the administrator to other member of group. Or appoint many admins.

    3. Thank you, with diggings in source-code this is possible.

    4. The right answer will be – no!

    Forgive if I am too importunate. But these possibilities are necessary for use BP with mine community, which now work on phpbb3 engine.

    And where it is possible to leave the demand for implementation of these possibilities in the nearest versions? It seems to me that they are very important things.


    1.) adding someone as a moderator is the same as admin pretty much

    3.) BP is not currently setup to do this, one way to accomplish this though, instead of doing <?PHP if is admin?> to create groups, do <?PHP if user is level X ?> then you can manually select users and make them authors or contributors… then they would have the power to create groups. this would also give them power to create blog posts on the main blog, so you may not want them to have that power.

    hopefully in the future, BP will have more control over giving users authority levels and what not…

    4.) bp is not setup to do this either yet. you would need to modify the core to allow that content to be displayed to non-members

    everything you want IS possible, but would require some modifications to the core of buddypress. and this is not suggested


    1. Where I can do this? I go to Some Group->Admin->Manage Members. I see only ” Promote to Moderator” and “Demote to Member” options. Moderator != Administrator.

    3. But I want allow group creation for some power users, how?

    4. But for private groups – “Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.” I don’t want this.

    I want “Group content and activity will be visible to any site member.”+”Only users who request membership and are accepted can join the group.”

    Can I do this?


    1.) yes, the group admin can add other admin/moderator and ban users

    2.) they need to join your group, then under group memebrs you can add them as an admin/moderator

    3.) this is possible yes, I accomplished this by adding <?PHP if is admin ?> into the bp-core to hide the create group button from non-admins (your community will want the ability to add groups though)

    4.) you can create “private groups” that are visible to everyone, but you can only join if you’re accepted…

    why don’t you create a couple different types of groups, then you’ll see all the features/abilities they have


    In reply to: black avatars

    Jeff Sayre


    Okay, a few questions then:

    1. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed? If so, have you tried deactivating them?
    2. Which version of PHP are you running?
    3. Which version of the GD module?
    4. Are there any errors in your error log? If so, what are they?

    Jeff Sayre


    Okay,a few more questions, just to be thorough:

    1. Which version of PHP are you running?
    2. Have you made any changes to the .htaccess file?
    3. Did you even copy over the .htaccess file from the new WPMU package to your WPMU root?
    4. Questions about upgrading WPMU:

      • Where you running WPMU 2.7.1-beta1 before upgrading?
      • If so, how did you upgrade to the public version of WPMU 2.7.1?
      • Did you add the one additional define line to WPMU’s wp-config.php file? If not, compare the 2.7.1 config file to your old one. This line is new:

        define('SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);

      • To complete your WPMU upgrade, did you go to “Site Admin > Upgrade” and finished the process?

    5. Are you running any plugins other than BuddyPress? If so, have you tried deactivating them?

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    1) posting this in another thread is not going to get anyone to answer your questions any sooner: in fact, the opposite is more likely.

    2) some web developers, myself included, consider IE6 an unsupported browser due to its poor standards support. Consider upgrading to IE7 or 8, if you don’t want to switch to firefox.

    3) IF this is a problem with the default themes, then once you resolve the issue please consider creating a patch and submitting it on trac.

    Jeff Sayre

    Amyuk and Dworldon-

    A few initial questions:

    1. Are you logging into WPMU\’s backend as the site administrator, and not just as a user with administrator privileges?
    2. Did you go to \”BuddyPress > General Settings\”, re-select the member theme, and then hit save? Do this even if the theme is already selected.
    3. Are there any errors in your log files? If so, what are they?


    In reply to: subdomain help


    You’ve posted this on another thread as well. wpmu forum is where you should ask these kind of questions.


    Sorry for my late reply in this thread!

    Jeff, thanks for giving me some helping hints to my questions.!

    Actually, I knew about the bp-core-templatetags.php and the bp_excerpt function, but as far as I can see this one only give me the opportunity to specify the lengt of the excerpt in words, and not charachters. The bad thing about this is that some words are some kind of loooooooong, and that is just… bad… :( So if there is anything I can do to actually specify the lenght in number of characters that would be perfect.. ? :)

    I am afraid I can’t find any solution to my Q nr 2, but it’s really not a big deal. I’ll manage just fine by having the main blog post’s in the widget.

    Jeff Sayre


    Okay a few additional questions:

    1. Are you logging into WPMU’s backend as the site administrator, and not just as a user with administrator privileges?
    2. You’ve mentioned 404 erros in your other thread. Are there any errors in your log files? If so, what are they?
    3. Did you go to “BuddyPress > General Settings”, re-select the member theme, and then hit save? Do this even if the theme is already selected.

    Will White

    To answer both questions the setup/directory listing for buddypress is

    members/ contains all of WMU – its not in the root directory.

    Burt Adsit

    No questions will be answered without bp and wpmu versions being mentioned.

    Jeff Sayre

    A few questions:

    1. Are you using the public release of BuddyPress–version 1.0?
    2. Are you using a custom theme?
    3. Did you read the section entitled “Upgrading the Theme files” in this BuddyPress Codex link?


    In reply to: GD library

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    good job

    To clarify for future questions around this area: did you have GD disabled, then you enabled it, and then you also had to re-upload the pics?

    Or did you just re-upload the pics without making *any* changes?

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