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Search Results for 'spam'

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  • #253939

    I am running the lest version of Buddypress and WordPress on a VPS server NOT running multisite. Tiny framework is the theme I am using. However the first thing I did to trouble shoot was try to replicate problem without any plugin and using 2012 theme (which tiny frame is based on) and 2016 theme. The issues remained the same with but those thems and th social me theme.

    I will try to check the MYSQL question as I am familiar with that having done MYSQL database programming. However I have narrowed done the problem to something related to the extended profile fields component. Through trial and error and some research I surfaced the correlation which one other person seems to have referred as well. If extended profile fields are turned OFF the registration is completed and the activation email sent. If it is on the registration process is not completed. I tested this extensively turning on and off and it followed that pattern. I currently have the component turned off and users are able to register. When I turned on again I was unable to complete a registration.

    It may be unrelated but no registration spam protection plugins will work now either I have tried several with recaptcha and without and in every case the registration process short circuits.

    Thanks for any help in advance. I would like to get the extended field working again.



    I have Buddypress installed for the WPLMS theme (WordPress learning management system)

    Right now, when I send a message or notification to multiple recipients, when someone replies, it is sent to the entire group.

    Is it possible to make the reply private between the Admin (me) and the replying user?

    Why would I want to do this?

    Let’s say I want to send the same message to every student taking a course on my site asking them for their feedback, then when someone replies to that message, everyone will see that reply. I don’t want that. It’s spammy and will annoy people.

    The alternative is to hand deliver each message to each user, but at times I want to compose the same message to everyone, and composing the same message a hundred times isn’t practical.

    Is there a workaround for this?



    WordPress version 4.5.2
    Buddypress version 2.5.3

    ColorMag Theme

    When I installed bp and turned extended profiles, if I go to the toolbar in the upper right and choose Profile-Edit it goes to something like this:


    And it’s a 404 page.

    Also, if I click on any of the users in the backend including me the Admin, it says they’re marked as spam but yet the active/spam toggle is set to active not spam.

    In addition, the register page doesn’t work and just loops back to home page.

    Am I supposed to do some kind of setup other than checking the button the button that I want extended profiles in order to make this work? The documentation on this site for this just says it’s pending.

    I’ve turned it off so I can at least use regular profile management but would love to access the extended profiles capabilities.


    hi @danbp
    Thanks for your reply,
    i have tried the with


    but this filter will return the where conditions used like

    array(3) {
      string(416) "a.user_id IN ( 451,378,213,431,429,414,415,456,452,473,460,458,283,471,383,468,387,454,441,6,384,475,427 ) AND a.component IN ( 'groups' ) AND a.type IN ( 'activity_update' ) AND a.item_id IN ( 1 )"
      string(13) "a.is_spam = 0"
      string(34) "a.type NOT IN ('activity_comment')"

    it will not contain the ‘ORDER BY’ portion of the query, i hope we will get the total query with the


    filter in ~L, 664, so when we get the entire query we can replace the ‘ORDER BY’ section using string replace, i have tried by using this but i can’t get the query inside the function, do you have any idea how to use this filter ?


    Hi Julia,

    it’s a bbPress bug, patched a while ago, but still in. Maybe a day it will be repaired definetly.

    For the moment, you can repair yourself. Open activity.php in wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/

    Replace following code block at line 277/279:

    $existing = bp_activity_get_specific( array( 'activity_ids' => $activity_id, 'show_hidden' => true, 'spam' => 'all', ) );
    if ( empty( $existing['total'] ) || ( 1 !== (int) $existing['total'] ) )
    return null;


    $existing = new BP_Activity_Activity( $activity_id );
    if ( empty( $existing->component ) ) {
    return null;

    Save and reload to to your site by FTP and you’re done.

    Night Hawk

    Hi is any way we can limit the private message to friends only?

    I had my first spam message today!


    Hey Henry,

    I checked my spam box also, but nothing found. Anything else that we can do to fix it from our end?


    After installing Buddypress plugin, visual editor does not works correctly.

    Wordpress 4.5.2
    BuddyPress latest version

    Plugins installed
    BAW Login/Logout menu 1.3.3.
    Contact Form 7 4.4.2
    Contact Form DB 2.10.9
    Cryout Serious Theme Settings 0.5.6
    Huge IT Slider 3.1.82
    Limit Login Attempts 1.7.1
    Link Library
    LinkedIn Auto Publish 1.3.2
    mathtex latex equation editor 1.1.5
    New User Approve 1.7.3
    Peter’s Login Redirect 2.9.0
    Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails 4.9.2
    SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
    Simple Share Buttons Adder 6.1.5
    TablePress 1.7
    Testimonials Widget 3.3.0
    Tooltips 3.5.9
    Twitter Follow Button 1.0.2
    Ultimate Tables 1.6.3
    User Access Manager
    WP Content Copy Protection Premium (YOOPlugins) 1.8.32
    WP Statistics 10.1
    WP Support Plus Pro 7.0.1
    WP Twitter Feeds 1.4.8
    WP-Polls 2.73
    WP-Pro-Quiz 0.37
    WP-SpamShield 1.9.8

    Henry Wright

    Whilst waiting for a response from your host, try checking your spam folder to be sure nothing is dropping in that.


    wanguard to stop more spam


    so our site is pretty much unusable right not and we found out that it is getting dozens of spam groups a minute created on Im trying to figure out how to stop this. They have created tens of thousands of spam groups and not sure how to stop it or who is doing it to delete them


    I have just installed BP and discovered that all users, admins included, are marked as spammers. As a result, extended profile settings are not accessible. Instead it says “Admin has been marked as a spammer. All BuddyPress data associated with the user has been removed” where “Admin” is a user name.
    Currently the site runs Academica theme. I tried several other themes, same result.
    I tried to create a new used after installing BP, same result.
    When accessing another user page, I can see that status is “Active”. I tried to change it to spammer and back to active, same result.

    What do I do now? 🙂


    When I activate some members they are not added to the members list.

    BP considers activated users when they login to the website. else it doesnt.

    activation emails dont go or goes to spam folder? check this plugin and use it as per your requirements

    Also if your email domain is on lets say google apps and you are using the email domain to send mail from your site hosted on a different server you need to add email srv records


    @djpaul Does BuddyPress use the same email-address for sending like WordPress? If not, that might be the problem: Some webhosters (like Hosteurope) restrict the usage of email addresses in scripts like WordPress to prevent spam.

    For example I usually have to choose one email-address on my webhoster´s config platform. After that I can use it in WordPress. Any other email address won´t work for sending with WordPress, if I don´t use a plugin like


    Thanks @djpaul !

    Evil people do suck! But I think I see where you’re coming from: The unsubscribe fixture is more of an anti-spamming measure?

    I did try navigating the Trac system to further the discussion but came into a few hangups relating to a “TICKET_CREATE privileges are required…” error. But I’ll keep on this topic because I think it’s an important one, especially with the quantity of emails BP outputs and dependency we have on them for notifications.

    With the release of 2.6, will the Unsubscribe link automatically disable all BP notifications when clicked or just the notification related to that email (i.e. All Activity, Messages, Friends Notifications or just the single related notification) or something different (i.e. option landing page)?


    I see this was about a week ago, but I’m having the same problem. I’ve tried many of the plugins mentioned in other threads, but haven’t had any luck with any of them. I’m on Media Temple’s Grid service (not their WP hosting) and I’ve checked the mail settings, spam folders, with no luck.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    If one type of email is getting sent and the others aren’t, it might be some part of the content triggering some kind of spam filter on the remote server. It could be some kind of throttling issue, and it’s only by coincidence one type of email is being sent. I don’t know. There’s all sorts of weird possibilities.

    We have 2 further email delivery fixes that have been identified, which I imagine we will implement and release within the next 2 weeks. I don’t see how either would directly affect your site since you have SOME BP HTML emails being delivered, but not all — but maybe they will. This is certainly pretty weird.


    @djpaul you’re right that there’s no point sending emails to spammers, and I’m not concerned about them.

    I use this feature as a tool to manage non-splogger members of the community. For that purpose, I also have another suggestion:

    a) If a member can be sent an email X number of days after registration (one-time or periodically). Or,

    b) If an email can be sent only after a member has been inactive for X number of days.

    These steps can also be used to honor/reward the active/regular members of the community.

    I wonder if such cases/instances can be tracked and any email situations be created for them.


    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    I think this situation normally occurs when a spammer’s account has been deleted, and that kind of person probably is using a fake email address, so there is not much point sending an email.

    How are you using deleted account emails to help your site?


    Check to see if the members with problems have been marked as spammers.
    And whether they have a different WP role than members without problems.



    I want to move my multi-blog site from a custom website to buddypress/multipress, and it seems to do everything I want except for the users dashboard.

    I don’t trust my users at all, and I want to remove some of the permissions they have by default.

    What I would like to do are things like

    – prevent the user from customising the themes, (actually I am happy with some customising, I just worried that the users will make breaking changes to the theme/site itself).
    – prevent the user from changing the permalinks
    – Limit the number of sites they can create.
    – Limit who creates groups and how many they create.
    – Better spam control in general, (prevent spam posts and so forth).
    – Limit/control the number of pages they can create.

    In general, I just want to have more control on what they can/cannot do,

    Is there already a plugin to do that kind of monitoring?

    How safe is buddypress/wordpress network from ‘rogue’ users?




    Thanks for response Shane. I did see that post, but even with button removed it still allows a user to compose a message and send to someone who isn’t a friend, hence why i was still searching.

    I have already introduced a text limit on the compose field to discourage spamming, but it is only Javascript. So with Javascript turned off it is still possible to send big messages. Looking for the PHP validation database solution.

    Guess I’ll weigh up the value of PM’s on my site (not live atm) against the possible annoyance of spam to users. Better to introduce PMs at a later date rather than have it initially, find a problem with spam annoying people in the community and then having to remove the feature.


    Read a number of posts on this topic. Just wondered if there are any plans in BuddyPress development to include the option of making private messaging between friends only and prevent users PM’ing anybody and everybody. Reasons being: 1. To reduce spamming, therefore not annoying users who will then enjoy using the site more & 2. reduced requests on servers and possibly getting blacklisted.

    Are plugins the only route to accomplish this at the moment? If so any recommendations?

    Many thanks


    Also, I’m trying to change my profile email but it is giving me this error:

    That email address is already taken.
    No changes were made to your account.

    I think I may have multiple accounts here. Could I merge the two and update the email on this account? I’m not getting the responses in my current email account which is gmail. The hotmail account is mostly a spam account now.

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