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  • #175960

    In reply to: Translation BP


    Can somebody help me by telling me which line I need in order to change the language, Ive looked over all the files with notepad++ but still haven’t made any progress.

    Translation issue

    Stefan S

    Its solved. I had a plug-in that did overide the translation that I did in the core function php file in buddypress.

    The plugin. Now deleted. 😀

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    Hi. Which theme are you using, what versions of WordPress and BuddyPress are you using, and where did you download the translation file from? Thanks.


    Nothing happen after deleting some group codex in function.php.

    something’s getting lost in translation. Let’s start with: WP/BP versions? What theme are you using? Why are you removing the group codes from your theme’s functions.php file? Did you do as modemlooper mentioned above?

    Rename wp-content/plugins to plugins-off and then try to access your admin.
    This will disable all plugins and let you back into site. Once back into site, rename folder back to plugins. If you deleted anything from the BuddyPress folder, go to plugins page in admin and delete and reinstall BuddyPress.
    Never remove or delete anything out of the BuddyPress plugin folder.


    @alealealeo this only applies to activity stream items. Think of it as a snapshot of what happened at that point in time – text strings are written to the database. When querying the database, that info isn’t going to change – regardless of any filters or translations you’ve set up.


    the easiest way would be to create a folder called “languages” in your wp-content folder and put a copy of buddypress.pot from wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-languages.

    – Rename the new buddypress.pot from “languages” to “buddypress-en_US.pot”
    – Download Poedit – – and install it
    – Open “buddypress-en_US.pot” with Poedit
    – Press Ctrl + F and search for “Registering for this site”. The string should appear.
    – In Translation field put any text you want. It will simply replace the original text.

    This is pretty much the best way to use your own words in your BP installation rather then modifying the core files. It might sound complicated but it’s actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it.



    I have the same question as Ben.

    I know we shouldn’t modify core files. I know there are .po and .mo files for translations. But creating an entire .mo file for only one ( 1 ) more translation is overkill ( since poedit doesn’t let you just “add” an entry to an existing .po file ). ( )

    I have a third-party theme, and I’ve copied the buddypress folder in it. In members/ there is an “activate.php” file where I changed some text.

    But the “Check Your Email To Activate Your Account!” is not in activate.php, nor register.php, nor anywhere else.

    So, the question is simple: where is located the string “Check Your Email To Activate Your Account!” ?

    ( Let me guess something else: there is no translation in the official translation files for this specific string, maybe, because it just isn’t in the registration php files ? )

    I think that’s what Ben wanted too.



    to verify if gettext is enabled localy, you probably have to read your MAMP or WAMP user manual. 😉

    Did you made your translation correctly ? I mean by usig poEdit (or similar software) to generate the compiled mo file ?

    Once correctly compiled, the translation file must be in the language themes folder.




    You have nothing to add to bp-custom.php
    If you’re on a local install, verify that the gettext php module is activated.
    If you are on a network install, you have to set your language in WP’s settings
    The translation file path is wp-content/languages/


    @shanebp good point about using the bp_send_private_message_link approach. Although you would avoid double buttons by using a translation file.


    Can’t hurt though, right?!

    Thanks for the tip, I’ll play around with it and if I encounter any issues I’ll revert to creating a translation file…


    In this instance I want to change the text for some of the buttons generated, e.g. the ‘Add Friend’ button etc.

    I know that one way to do it is to use a translation file, but that sort of seemed like overkill to just change a few small instances of text.

    But is that the recommended solution? I don’t mind dropping a function into my functions.php, although I may need a few pointers on how if it’s possible.

    Thanks for your feedback.


    In reply to: Translation problem

    Hugo Ashmore

    Forum, bbPress? Is this site running BuddyPress?

    bbPress translation issues will be better asked on their forum support as bbPress is a standalone plugin.


    @doollard something’s getting lost in translation.

    – By “database wp11”, do you mean your database prefix is wp11?
    – WP/BP versions? bb-config.php is old school BP internal forums. Are you trying upgrade to latest WP/BP versions?
    – Confused with “buddypress install the database bp77” and with a few lines after “but buddypress in the database wp11”, please explain what you mean


    @carlavanloon either something’s getting lost in translation or you’re asking for custom plugin which functions as you mentioned above. There’s no plugin that I know of which provides what you want.


    Hi Henry,
    Thanks for the fast reply.
    I’ve tried to move the po/mo files as the translations page guided but it still didn’t work.

    I did not find this:

    “Also, make sure you have enabled the same language on the WordPress “Settings > General” admin page.”

    In my Setting – General

    I’ve also downloaded the translated Hebrew files (87%) from the link in this page and uploaded it to the /wp-content/languages/ on my server. And still did not work.
    Is there another way or a different place to place it on my server in order for it to work?


    The language translation page has info that might be useful:

    Also see this page for translating WordPress:


    Something is getting lost in the translation here. I know there is a BuddyPress plugin hence we are in the BuddyPress support forums but you keep mentioning a “BuddyPress Forum Plugin.” If you want forums then you will need to install bbpress and use the links I supplied. You can get bbpress here:
    BuddyPress just adds the social networking side of things like activity stream, members directories, extended profiles, adding friends, private messaging etc. If you need to have a forum you will need bbpress. Please do not take this offensively but you need to have a clear understanding of what BuddyPress is and what bbpress is because as stated before as of BuuddyPress 1.7 you will need to install bbpress which is a seperate plugin if forums is a requirement for your project. Have a look in the codex documentation to get a better understanding. Do a google search for BuddyPress and another for bbpress.



    Thanks for your reply on this post. But actually I didn’t do anything else but to upgrade the version from 1.7 to 1.7.2. Any suggestion on what I should try? I tried to find something to downgrade the version but no success on that.

    Thanks for the support

    Paul Wong-Gibbs

    We didn’t change anything with regards to loading translations in BP 1.7-1.7.2, so something else on your site must have changed.

    Pedro Maia

    @joelteixeira The files are no more available. I can fix the .po file myself, but I didn’t understand what’s wrong with it. The translation seems to be correct. But I still get the error.

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